Push notification not delivered if character limit exceeds 80 characters - ios

For sending push notifications, we have used Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). When I test push notification by sending characters around 80, I get push notification but when characters exceeds 80 or 85, notifications are not delivered.
We have limits of 256 bytes for payload but I don't think it may exceed that limit if I send that much of characters. At-least messages should truncated.
I have found that:
Prior to iOS 7 the alerts display limit was 107 characters. Bigger
messages were truncated and you would get a "..." at the end of the
displayed message. With iOS 7 the limit seems to be increased to 235
characters. If you go over 8 lines your message will also get
But in my case, I don't even get notification. Is it something related to Amazon SNS ? Am I missing something to check ?
I am not attaching image or anything with text message. I just send plain text message.
In iOS 8 and later, the maximum size allowed for a notification
payload is 2 kilobytes; Apple Push Notification service refuses any
notification that exceeds this limit. (Prior to iOS 8 and in OS X, the
maximum payload size is 256 bytes.)
I am having device which has iOS 9 installed. So for that device, 2000 Bytes are far more limit than 80-85 characters including payload size.
I am really desperate about what I am missing ?

You should remember that the 256 bytes limit is for the entire payload, so not only your message but also everything else - the payload is in JSON format, so keys, and all special characters also count to the limit.
This is the minimal payload required by Apple to be considered correct :
"aps" : {
"alert" : "your text"
So we already "loose" 19 bytes, to send a simple notification. If we want to have also a custom title :
"aps" : {
"alert" : {
"title" : "your title",
"body" : "your text"
This adds up to 40 "lost" bytes (about 15%). Adding custom sounds and badges will also decrease the count left for the actual message.
Now, these bytes are lost only due to the required keys, and there is not much you can do about it. I haven't used Amazon SNS, but they may be adding some custom fields for their own purposes, leaving you with less space for the message. You can inspect this in your didReceiveRemoteNotification method by inspecting the userInfo dictionary. Simple NSLog(#"userInfo -> %#", userInfo) should dump all contents to the console. This representation won't be 1:1 with the JSON in terms of extra characters, but will give you and idea of what else, if anything, apart from the required fields is sent.
Other thing worth mentioning is that non-ASCII characters will take more than one byte of space, so you can effectively use fewer characters for your message.


Call Directory Extension CallKit does't recognize numbers with more than 9 digits

I'm working with CallKit and developing an app with a Call Directory Extension. I've followed this tutorial and I'm currently test the capability of identify numbers that the user does't have in his contacts and show an ID from my app, but although is working perfectly with numbers of 1 to 9 digits, for example 123456, when I set numbers with 10 or more digits, iOs doesn't recognize the number. After a day and a half of google it, I've have found no information about that. If anyone can help me I'll appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
The method for set the phone numbers for recognize:
private func addAllIdentificationPhoneNumbers(to context: CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext) {
// Retrieve phone numbers to identify and their identification labels from data store. For optimal performance and memory usage when there are many phone numbers,
// consider only loading a subset of numbers at a given time and using autorelease pool(s) to release objects allocated during each batch of numbers which are loaded.
// Numbers must be provided in numerically ascending order.
let allPhoneNumbers: [CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber] = [ 123456789, 1_888_555_5555 ]
let labels = [ "ID test", "Local business" ]
for (phoneNumber, label) in zip(allPhoneNumbers, labels) {
context.addIdentificationEntry(withNextSequentialPhoneNumber: phoneNumber, label: label)
With this code, when I simulate a call with the number 123456789, iOS shows the tag "ID test" and that's correct, but if I add any digit, for example 0 at the end: 1234567890, iOS does't show anything when I simulate a call. I don't know if I'm missing something.
Well, after a bunch of tests I could made it work. The point was that the phone must contain the full country code and the area code. So for example 00_52_55_4567_8932 877 or +52_55_4567_8932 both will work. But 55_4567_8932 and 4567_8932 will not work. I hope this can help someone else in the future. Thank you all!

How to receive CAN data from 29 bit CAN id using TP layer in CAPL

My requirement is to receive/send more than 8 bytes from 29 bit CAN id. I'm using TP layer for this. Is there any library functions for receiving the can data which is from 29 bit id? Ex: 0x1CDA00FE is tester and
0x1CDAFE00 is server.
non CAN-FD protocol on Data Link Layer does not support payload greater than 8 bytes. Payload in TP greater than 8 bytes is handled as consecutive frames, and usually are incorporated in a packaging protocol, like UDS.
If this is a diagnostic message ID, and you have diag layer (UDS/KWP) configured on this message, there is a complete diag library in CAPL to send/receive diag requests on the configured Diag Layer.
But to do this "by hand" (I do not know what protocol uses your message IDs to send consecutive frames, like in UDS) :
message 0x1CDA00FE msgContainer; /*Create/ define an arbitrary instance of CAN message element*/
Here is how you capture the first iteration of the consecutive frames sent (all of them will be 8 bytes, but you will wait for them as individual 8 byte messages until the intended TP layer payload is completely sent to you). So you basically repeat this snippet 6 times (if your TP payload is 6*8=48bytes long), and do with the msgContainer (message with your payload) whatever you want, until the next one comes.
testwaitformessage(0x1CDA00FE,1000); //wait for the message ID to arrive in 1s
testGetWaitEventMsgData(msgContainer); /*Capture the message content from tail to toe in the msgContainer*/
write("The Byte(0) selector of the captured message for example selects the first byte of the 8 byte payload: 0x%X",msgContainer.byte(0)); // see message selectors for more options
byte qword QPayload=0x11223344x55667788; /*You can do with byte array also, I don't fancy to write fors now*/
message 0x1CDAFE00 messagetoSend;
/*Prepare another payload to send as the next consecutive frame*/

Twilio queue overflow error: how large is the queue?

Twilio's Message resource has a "status" property that indicates whether a SMS message is "queued", "sending", "failed", etc. If a Message instance failed to deliver, one possible error message is "Queue overflow". In the Twilio documentation, the description for this error case is: "You tried to send too many messages too quickly and your message queue overflowed. Try sending your message again after waiting some time."
Is the queue referenced in error code 30001 an instance of this resource? https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/queue
Or is the queue (in the case of a 30001 error code) something that Twilio maintains on their end? If Twilio does throttling behind the scenes (queueing SMS messages per sending phone number), what is the size of that queue? How much would we have to exceed the rate limit (per phone number) before the queue overflow referenced in error code 30001 occurs?
Emily, message queue is not related to the queue resource you linked to above and it is something maintained on our end.
Twilio can queue up to 4 hours of SMS. This means, we can send out 1 sms per second, if there are more than 14,400 messages in the queue, all the messages queued up after will fail with 30001 error queue overflow and will not be sent. This info is for Long Code numbers. The link above explains processing for other scenarios.
A few suggestions to avoid the error:
Keep messages to at most 160 characters if possible. But if not
possible, calculate how many SMS messages each message will be (if
you are not sure you can always send 1 test message and see how much
you are charged for that message).
Based on the assumption that your messages is 160 characters,
throttle the sending rate to 3600 messages per hour (1 messaage/sec *
60 sec/min * 60 min/hr).
Please let me know if you've got any other questions.
Each of the Twilio phone numbers(senders) has a separate queue in which 14400(4 hr x 60 min x 60 sec) message segments can be queued. 1 segment is sent in one second.
What is a message segment?
A message segment is not a complete message but a part of a message.
Normally SMS is sent in terms of message segments and all message
segments are combined on the user’s mobile to create the actual SMS.
Twillio message segment config:
1 character = 8 bits(1 byte)
GSM encoding = 7 bit per character
UCS-2 encoding = 16 bit per character
Data Header = 6 bytes per segment
Summary: Each character takes 8 bits, If GSM encoding is used, each
character will take 7 bits or if UCS-2 encoding is used, each char
will take 16 bits. In the case of multiple segments, 6 bytes per
segment will be used for data headers(responsible for combining all
segments of the same SMS on user mobile)
Character per Message Segment:
GSM encoding when single segment = (140 char bytes x 8 bits)/ 7 bits =
160 characters
UCS-2 encoding when single segment = (140 char bytes x 8 bits)/ 16
bits = 70 characters
GSM encoding when multiple segment = ((140 char bytes - 6 header
bytes) x 8 bits)/ 7 bits = 154 characters
UCS-2 encoding when multiple segment = ((140 char bytes - 6 header
bytes) x 8 bits)/ 16 bits = 67 characters
Based on what encoding is used(check via Twilio Admin) for your message, you can calculate how many SMS can be in the queue at a time.

The payload for iOS is around 2 kb, but I'm not getting some of my push notifications

I'm pretty sure I'm not getting this payload because it is too large, but I feel like it should be reasonable.
badge: 5,
sound: "default",
other: { notification_type: "post_created",
post_id: "f9602bb0-9c04-4c65-a636-2c2465e866db",
other_var: "A 50 CHARACTER LONG STRONG" }
So, the alert and other_var are not the strings above, but are what they're described as, 90 characters, and the other 50 characters.
This seems like what would be the maximum data I would send to a phone, but it isn't reaching the device. I am guessing that is too much data, but I was under the impression that iOS now allows 2KB.
Does that also include a 2 KB limit on the sandbox, or is the sandbox still tied down to 256 bytes?

websocket client packet unframe/unmask

I am trying to implement latest websocket spec. However, i am unable to get through the unmasking step post successful handshake.
I receive following web socket frame:
As per base framing protocol defined here (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-17#section-5.2) i have:
fin:1, rsv:0, opcode:1, mask:1, length:126
Masked application+payload data comes out to be:
While the 32-bit masking key is:
As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-17#section-5.2 :
j = i MOD 4
transformed-octet-i = original-octet-i XOR masking-key-octet-j
however, i doesn't seem to get my original octet sent from client side, which is basically a xml packet. Any direction, correction, suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I think you've mis-read the data framing section of the protocol spec.
Your interpretation of the first byte (129) is correct - fin + opcode 1 - final (and first) fragment of a text message.
The next byte (254) implies that the body of the message is masked and that the following 2 bytes provide its length (lengths of 126 or 127 imply longer messages whose length's can't be represented in 7 bits. 126 means that the following 2 bytes hold the length; 127 mean that its the following 4 bytes).
The following 2 bytes - 1, 120 - imply a message length of 376 bytes.
The following 4 bytes - 37,93,40,60 - are your mask.
The remaining data is your message which should be transformed as you write, giving the message
&ltbody xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind' rid='2167299354' to='jaxl.im' xml:lang='en' xmpp:version='1.0' xmlns:xmpp='urn:xmpp:xbosh' ack='1' route='xmpp:dev.jaxl.im:5222' wait='30' hold='1' content='text/xml; charset=utf-8' ver='1.1
0' newkey='a6e44d87b54461e62de3ab7874b184dae4f5d870' sitekey='jaxl-0-0' iframed='true' epoch='1324196722121' height='321' width='1366'/>
