I have photoed an A4 paper. I didn't take the whole 4 points, only with 2 or 3 points.
If there are 3 points in the photo, I can only get the coordinates of A,B,D and line CD. I can compute the intersection of CD and BC.
photo with 3 points
But if there are 2 points in the photo, I've no idea how to compute the 3rd and 4th point.
photo with 2 point
How can I compute the coordinate of the 4th point.
If I get the 4 points I can use the 4 points to take a perspective transformation with opencv(warpperspective) and rectify the picture.
I want to reopen a similar question to one which somebody posted a while ago with some major difference.
The previous post is https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52536520/image-matching-using-intrinsic-and-extrinsic-camera-parameters]
and my question is can I do the matching if I do have the depth?
If it is possible can some describe a set of formulas which I have to solve to get the desirable matching ?
Here there is also some correspondence on slide 16/43:
Depth from Stereo Lecture
In what units all the variables here, can some one clarify please ?
Will this formula help me to calculate the desirable point to point correspondence ?
I know the Z (mm, cm, m, whatever unit it is) and the x_l (I guess this is y coordinate of the pixel, so both x_l and x_r are on the same horizontal line, correct if I'm wrong), I'm not sure if T is in mm (or cm, m, i.e distance unit) and f is in pixels/mm (distance unit) or is it something else ?
Thank you in advance.
So as it was said by #fana, the solution is indeed a projection.
For my understanding it is P(v) = K (Rv+t), where R is 3 x 3 rotation matrix (calculated for example from calibration), t is the 3 x 1 translation vector and K is the 3 x 3 intrinsics matrix.
from the following video:
It can be seen that there is translation only in one dimension (because the situation is where the images are parallel so the translation takes place only on X-axis) but in other situation, as much as I understand if the cameras are not on the same parallel line, there is also translation on Y-axis. What is the translation on the Z-axis which I get through the calibration, is it some rescale factor due to different image resolutions for example ? Did I wrote the projection formula correctly in the general case?
I also want to ask about the whole idea.
Suppose I have 3 cameras, one with large FOV which gives me color and depth for each pixel, lets call it the first (3d tensor, color stacked with depth correspondingly), and two with which I want to do stereo, lets call them second and third.
Instead of calibrating the two cameras, my idea is to use the depth from the first camera to calculate the xyz of pixel u,v of its correspondent color frame, that can be done easily and now to project it on the second and the third image using the R,t found by calibration between the first camera and the second and the third, and using the K intrinsics matrices so the projection matrix seems to be full known, am I right ?
Assume for the case that FOV of color is big enough to include all that can be seen from the second and the third cameras.
That way, by projection each x,y,z of the first camera I can know where is the corresponding pixels on the two other cameras, is that correct ?
I set up a stereo-vision system to triangulate 3D point given two 2D points from 2 views (corresponding to the same point.) I have some questions on the interpretability of the results.
So the size of my calibration squares are '25mm' a side, and after triangulating and normalizing the homogeneous coordinates (dividing the array of points by the fourth coordinate), I multiply all of them by 25mm and divide by 10 (to get in cm) to get the actual distance from the camera set up.
For eg - the final coordinates that I got were something like ([-13.29, -5.94, 68.41]) So how do I interpret this? 68.41 is the distance in the z direction, and -5.94 is the position in the y and -13.29 is the position in the x. But what is the origin here? By convention is it the left camera? Or is it the center of the epipolar baseline? I am using OpenCV for reference.
I have a parallel trinocular setup where all 3 cameras are alligned in a collinear fashion as depicted below.
The baseline (distance between cameras) between left and centre camera is the shortest and the baseline between left and right camera is the longest.
In theory I can obtain 3 sets of disparity images using different camera combinations (L-R, L-C and C-R).I can generate depth maps (3D points) for each disparity map using Triangulation. I now have 3 depth maps.
The L-C combination has higher depth accuracy (measured distance is more accurate) for objects that are near (since the baseline is short) whereas
the L-R combination has higher depth accuracy for objects that are far(since the baseline is long). Similarly the C-R combination is accurate for objects at medium distance.
In stereo setups, normally we define the left (RGB) image as the reference image. In my project, by thresholding the depth values, I obtain an ROI on the reference image. For example I find all the pixels that have a depth value between 10-20m and find their respective pixel locations. In this case, I have a relationship between 3D points and their corresponding pixel location.
Since in normal stereo setups, we can have higher depth accuracy only for one of the two regions depending upon the baseline (near and far), I plan on using 3 cameras. This helps me to generate 3D points of higher accuracy for three regions (near, medium and far).
I now want to merge the 3 depth maps to obtain a global map. My problems are as follows -
How to merge the three depth maps ?
After merging, how do I know which depth value corresponds to which pixel location in the reference (Left RGB) image ?
Your help will be much appreciated :)
1) I think that simple "merging" of depth maps (as matrices of values) is not possible, if you are thinking of a global 2D depth map as an image or a matrix of depth values. You can consider instead to merge the 3 set of 3D points with some similarity criteria like the distance (refining your point cloud). If they are too close, delete one of theme (pseudocode)
for i in range(points):
for j in range(i,points):
if distance(i,j) < treshold
or delete the 2 points and add a point that have average coordinates
2) From point one, this question became "how to connect a 3D point to the related pixel in the left image" (it is the only interpretation).
The answer simply is: use the projection equation. If you have K (intrinsic matrix), R (rotation matrix) and t (translation vector) from calibration of the left camera, join R and t in a 3x4 matrix
and then connect the M 3D point in 4-dimensional coordinates (X,Y,Z,1) as an m point (u,v,w)
m = K*[R|t]*M
divide m by its third coordinate w and you obtain
m = (u', v', 1)
u' and v' are the pixel coordinates in the left image.
I'm experimenting with 2 pairs of stereo cameras (4 pairs), and I'm wondering how to combine the 3d point clouds I get from the 2 pairs of cameras. Basically, I'm successfully getting 2 sets of 3d points from the 2 different pairs of cameras. But, I'm not sure which coordinate frame (the world coordinates) the 3d points are in relative to.
Is it relative to the left camera (the 1st set of image points when calibrating)?
My idea is, if I get the rotation and transform between the two left cameras (let's say it's L_1 and L_2, where L_1 is the left camera for this pair), and then try to transform the 3d points from the R_2 and L_2 pair to the new frame, it would work? But, I'm not sure.
Normally it refers to the left camera, indeed there are some exceptions but in most cases you use the left image as the reference image for disparity calculation. Meaning that the Point cloud is the 3D representation of the left 2D Image. In order to align the Point Clouds you could use the ICP algorithm with the knowledge that the images overlap in some areas.
Take a look here http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/iterative_closest_point.php
Hope this helps, even if its too late
I also posted this topic in the Q&A forum at opencv.org but I don't know how many experts from here are reading this forum - so forgive me that I'm also trying it here.
I'm currently learning OpenCV and my current task is to measure the distance between two balls which are lying on a plate. My next step is to compare several cameras and resolutions to get a feeling how important resolution, noise, distortion etc. is and how heavy these parameters affect the accuracy. If the community is interested in the results I'm happy to share the results when they are ready! The camera is placed above the plate using a wide-angle lens. The width and height of the plate (1500 x 700 mm) and the radius of the balls (40 mm) are known.
My steps so far:
camera calibration
undistorting the image (the distortion is high due to the wide-angle lens)
findHomography: I use the corner points of the plate as input (4 points in pixels in the undistorted image) and the corner points in millimeters (starting with 0,0 in the lower left corner, up to 1500,700 in the upper right corner)
using HoughCircles to find the balls in the undistorted image
applying perspectiveTransform on the circle center points => circle center points now exist in millimeters
calculation the distance of the two center points: d = sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2)
The results: an error of around 4 mm at a distance of 300 mm, an error of around 25 mm at a distance of 1000 mm But if I measure are rectangle which is printed on the plate the error is smaller than 0.2 mm, so I guess the calibration and undistortion is working good.
I thought about this and figured out three possible reasons:
findHomography was applied to points lying directly on the plate whereas the center points of the balls should be measured in the equatorial height => how can I change the result of findHomography to change this, i.e. to "move" the plane? The radius in mm is known.
the error increases with increasing distance of the ball to the optical center because the camera will not see the ball from the top, so the center point in the 2D projection of the image is not the same as in the 3D world - I will we projected further to the borders of the image. => are there any geometrical operations which I can apply on the found center to correct the value?
during undistortion there's probably a loss of information, because I produce a new undistorted image and go back to pixel accuracy although I have many floating point values in the distortion matrix. Shall I search for the balls in the distorted image and tranform only the center points with the distortion matrix? But I don't know what's the code for this task.
I hope someone can help me to improve this and I hope this topic is interesting for other OpenCV-starters.
Thanks and best regards!
Here are some thoughts to help you along... By no means "the answer", though.
First a simple one. If you have calibrated your image in mm at a particular plane that is distance D away, then points that are r closer will appear larger than they are. To get from measured coordinates to actual coordinates, you use
Actual = measured * (D-r)/D
So since the centers of the spheres are radius r above the plane, the above formula should answer part 1 of your question.
Regarding the second question: if you think about it, the center of the sphere that you see should be in the right place "in the plane of the center of the sphere", even though you look at it from an angle. Draw yourself a picture to convince yourself this is so.
Third question: if you find the coordinates of the spheres in the distorted image, you should be able to transform them to the corrected image using perspectiveTransform. This may improve accuracy a little bit - but I am surprised at the size of errors you see. How large is a single pixel at the largest distance (1000mm)?
You asked about elliptical projections etc. Basically, if you think of the optical center of the camera as a light source, and look at the shadow of the ball onto the plane as your "2D image", you can draw a picture of the rays that just hit the sides of the ball, and determine the different angles:
It is easy to see that P (the mid point of A and B) is not the same as C (the projection of the center of the sphere). A bit more trig will show you that the error C - (A+B)/2 increases with x and decreases with D. If you know A and B you can calculate the correct position of C (given D) from:
C = D * tan( (atan(B/D) + atan(A/D)) / 2 )
The error becomes larger as D is smaller and/or x is larger. Note D is the perpendicular (shortest) distance from the lens to the object plane.
This only works if the camera is acting like a "true lens" - in other words, there is no pincushion distortion, and a rectangle in the image plane maps into a rectangle on the sensor. The above combined with your own idea to fit in the uncorrected ('pixel') space, then transform the centers found with perspectiveTransform, ought to get you all the way there.
See what you can do with that!