UITableViewCell Not Sizing To UIImageView - ios

I was wondering if anyone knows hot to fix this issue. When I run the app, the image gets cut off instead of displayed. I have attached photos to show in detail.

Since you have two kind of Cells in the Table View, you have to set the height of both cells programatically inside heightForRowAtIndexPath.
Currently, you have only one cell size and I think it is default to 44.0.

May be you doesn't set imageview's constraints properly.
Set top, bottom, left, rignt constraint of imageview with tableviewcell frame properly. Give a aspect ratio size of the imageview.
And return UITableViewAutomaticDimension from heightForRowAtIndexPath and estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath delegate functions.
This will work !!


tableView cell dynamic height only works properly after some scrolling

I'm trying to set the height of my tableview cell based on the height of an image inside my cell, the cell is rendering properly if I scroll a little up and down otherwise it is not getting updated, I have set all necessary constraint the image view (leading, trailing, top, bottom).
and i'm setting the image in my cellforrowat
I have set rowHeight as UITableViewAutomaticDimension
I have tried these solution
1. aspect constraint
2. dynamic cell height scrolling issues solutions
make sure you have set top-bottom constraints in storyboard.
save the thumbnail image as data to local storage (I'm using core data)
using the thumb image, calculate the aspect of the image
customise the row height as you want in heightForRowAt method.
I have answer this here:https://stackoverflow.com/a/61768782/7514688

UITableViewCell prevents UILabel from expanding height

I have a TableViewController with a custom UITableViewCell containing a single UILabel. The label will receive variable lengths of text, and should resize in height accordingly. I want to use auto layout, iOS10++.
However, it seems that the cell is preventing the label from expanding its height.
I have constraints on the label to pin top, bottom, left and right to the cell's contentView.
The label number of lines = 0, and is set to line break mode = WordWrap.
I have set the self.tableview.rowHeight to UITableViewAutomaticDimension, and have set the estimated row height to various sizes with no success.
I have increased (and decreased) the label's content hugging priority and and the vertical compression resistance, but this has no effect.
This sounds like a duplicate of so many other questions, but none I have read has solved my problem.
Some clues I have noticed:
1) If I remove the label's bottom constraint, the label expands correctly, but (of course) the cell doesn't expand, so the label cannot be fully seen after it expands below the bottom of the cell. So I conclude that the cell is preventing the label from expanding.
2) if I rotate the tableview to landscape and back to portrait, the first cell expands correctly. So something that occurs during the rotation solves the problem at least for the first cell, and also proves that the cell and label can expand as required.
I feel something is not right, but cannot figure it out. I am very close to going back to the old version of calculating the height manually and returning it in heightForRowAtIndexPath delegate method.
I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
I finally figured it all out.
In summary, I was configuring the cell (including setting the label's text) in tableView willDisplayCellAtIndexPath...
But it seems (obvious really) that for the autoresizing to work, the cell must be configured in tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath.
Moving the configuration into cellForRowAtIndexPath and suddenly everything started working perfectly.
Hope this helps anybody who has the same problem. I struggled with it for days.

UITableViewCell sizing with optional image (Swift)

I am having a doozy of a time trying to figure this one out:
I have a UITableViewCell with a fixed sized UIImage (250 x 250) pinned to the top of the cell's View and a UILabel of variable text size underneath with its top pinned to the bottom of the UIImage and its bottom to the bottom of the cell's View.
I have a use case where an image is not always guaranteed and so the image view purposely collapses to 0 height so it does not break autolayout on the UILabel's top pinning.
I assumed that this would allow the UITableViewCell to shrink down to the size of the label but instead, it stays the default height and autolayout stretches the label's height (to maintain the pinning to the top and the bottom) with the text centered in the middle.
I used all the usual suspects, UITAbleViewAutomaticDimension and estimatedRowHeight blah blah (what you would probably suggest first!) and it was to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?
I did see something about changing the Priority for the constraints in IB to 250 instead of 1000 so they could break. And also some references to resizing the UITableViewCell manually (lame and nasty) by calling requiredHeight() on the UILabel which broke the layout, so what am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
I have a use case where an image is not always guaranteed
For this situation you can create 2 type of UITableViewCell: the first one with UIImageView and the second without it. Then, in cellForRowAtIndexPath init the cell you want.

UICollectionView Update Cellsizes after changing constraints

I am using autolayout to determine the cellsize (fixed with, variable height) and set all the necessary constraints in the storyboard. Autolayout works fine as long as I don't change the constraints.
But at Runtime I have to add buttons to some cells. I remove the bottom constraint of the last label, insert the button and add a constraint to the label above, one leading constraint to the cell and one to the bottom of the cell.
The problem is, that the cells size is not updated after this. I tried to call LayoutIfNeeded in the cell and in the collection view but that did not work. I think the constraints are set up correctly. The button appears at the right position but the cell just keeps the height for a cell without a button. How can I tell the CollectionView to update the cell sizes?
You could refer the below link probably you can get your answer with manually and automatically size of UICollectionViewCell.
How make a collectionViewCell auto size only by height?
==> You can either use the UICollectionViewFlowLayout method itemSize property to set the UICollectionViewCell size, or use the delegate method, collectionView:layout:sizeForItemAtIndexPath: if you need to dynamically set the sizes of the UICollectionViewCells.

Calculate UICollectionView contentSize in tableView's heightForRowAtIndexPath

I have a collectionView inside a UITableViewCell. The collectionView's content is dynamic, hence, its height is dynamic too and the tableView cell's height depends on the collectionView's height. The collectionView cells have different sizes. The collectionView's height is always set to fit its contentSize height.
My problem is that the tableView's function heigthForRowAtIndexPath, is called before the collectionView is created (in cellForRowAtIndexPath) so, to return the height that fits the collectionView, I need to calculate it manually (which doesn't seem like a good idea for a collectionView with cells of different sizes).
I tried to use autolayout in order to use UITableViewAutomaticDimension but it didn't work (maybe I did it in a wrong way).
What is the best aproach to make a UITableViewCell consider the height of its subview in heightForRowAtIndexPath? Can I know a collectionView's estimated size without creating it?
Use self sizing, which is available in iOS 8. There are plenty of good tutorials online, like this one: http://www.appcoda.com/self-sizing-cells/.
The idea is that you can use auto layout and a few lines of code in viewDidLoad to render a table view cell that dynamically fits the content in it.
Some more tutorials:
