OpenCV detect color Automatically - opencv

Is there a possible way to make Color Blob Detection automatically detect a specified color without pressing it ?
Ex I'll just specify what range of color is I want then it would automatically detect the color with the same range.

You probably need to use cv::inRange and define your range of colors as (r1,g1,b1) to (r2,g2,b2). E.g.:
cv::inRange(input, cv::Scalar(0,140,0), cv::Scalar(160,255, 160), output);


Different colored segmented lines imagej

I'm trying to make assign colors to individual segmented lines using ROI Manager. Every time I make a selection and change the color in properties, the line reverts to its original color as soon as I click back on my image. How can I assign colors to individual lines and get them to stick? Thanks

How to use systemColor in the opposite way

I want to use systemColor in the opposite way in iOS13 UIColor, for example, systemGray6 is (242,242,247) in LightMode and (28,28,30) in DarkMode, but I want to use (242,242,247) in DarkMode and (28,28,30) in LightMode. What should I do? Apple says:
Don't hard-code system color values in your app. The color values
provided below are intended for reference during your app design
process. The actual color values may fluctuate from release to
release, based on a variety of environmental variables. Always use the
API to apply system colors; for developer guidance, see UIColor.
so how can I use systemColor in the opposite way and avoid hard-code system color values?
Simple Answer is create new colour set
First go to your project Assets .Add new colour set.
Then change it's appearance to Any,Dark,Light. set colours what you want in light or dark.
Now you use this colour in anywhere as color
something.color = UIColor(named:"myColor")

Skip a particular color in smart invert mode of accessibility

Is there any way to skip a particular color in whole app when device is in smart invert mode of accessibility?
I don't want the blue color in my app to be inverted. I have am image which have black and blue color text in it. I want the black color text to be inverted but want to skip blue color.
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S -I am familiar with accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors. But this property can be applied on uiview or object but i need to skip a color.
do it inside the appcolor constant file :- you can check UIAccessibilityIsInvertColorsEnabled() if its true then return clear color else reurn the blue color.

Fireworks - Delete color from specific pixel color

From that picture I want to delete all instances of that specific color without having to go manually each pixel at a time.
You can use Select / Select Similar to get a selection of all of the pixels with that colour, but bear in mind that Select Similar is affected by the Tolerance setting of the Magic Wand (W) tool.
So, first select the Magic Wand and set the tolerance to zero, then select one of the pixels you want to delete (with Marquee (M) and Edge set to Hard for example), then run Select / Select Similar. You can use the Paint Bucket (G) to replace the selection with whatever colour you want.
Of course, if you do want to catch pixels which aren't exactly the same colour, you can just set the Tolerance slightly higher.

How to modify the focus-box color in TVirtualStringTree?

I need to modify the focus-box's border color of TVirtualStringTree,
just like this pic:
You can't control the color of the dotted focus rectangle. That's determined automatically by inverting the color of whatever it's drawn on. The OS provides — and the tree control uses — an API for that. (You could edit the source code and replace calls to DrawFocusRect with your own function, if you want.)
If you're talking about the color of the whole node, then first check to make sure the toUseBlendedSelection paint option is set the way you want it. It defaults off, but since it makes the selection rectangle look cool when dragging a box around items, you might have turned it on without realizing what it does to ordinary selected nodes, too.
If that's not it, then adjust one of the values in the tree control's Colors property, probably either FocusedSelectionColor or UnfocusedSelectionColor. But please don't make such a change lightly; the user has chosen the selection color through the OS options, so you probably shouldn't change it. If you do use a different color, make sure the text is still readable against whatever new color you select.
You can set treeview's option toHideFocusRectangle to true and paint your focus rectangle by yourself in one of several paint events (basically it is enough to use OnBeforeCellPaint).
