Firebase app invite crashing on swift ios - ios

I've added firebase app invites in my swift based iOS application. I have followed this complete instructions however, it has been crashing on line while showing invite dialog.
The error is:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException',
reason: '*** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: GINInviteResources.bundle)'.
Did anyone managed to make it work?

After digging for 2 days what I found was FirebaseInvites.framework seems to have resource dependancies for GINInviteResources.bundle and GPPACLPickerResources.bundle.
Somehow, pod was not including it in to my project.(Still could not find why) but adding this two dependencies manually in to my target worked like a charm.
PS: Adding this answer to save someone's effort.

Right, I too faced this.
Download framework SDK zip from and get those bundles from \Invites\Resources\..


I got Crash when integrating Applovin Max Ad iOS

I am trying to integrate Applovin Ad into my project. But I get a crash when trying to integrate
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSArrayM al_isValidString]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x28116aa30'
Below is my code:
ALSdk.shared()!.mediationProvider = ALMediationProviderMAX ALSdk.shared()!.initializeSdk(completionHandler: { _ in })
I tried creating new project and it works. But on my project still Crash. My project integrates admob, iron ads and applovin
I found the error at this line
ALSdk.shared()!.mediationProvider = ALMediationProviderMAX
I use Cocoapods to install
pod 'AppLovinSDK'
It creates 2 paths to that file. But when I click on it, it still only points to 1 file
See this photo to know more
That makes xcode not know which file's func to use. And generate the above error. Hope this helps everyone

iOS Wikitude SDK crash on exit/reopen app

I've developed a simply app for iOS and Augmented Reality (with WikitudeSDK).
All go fine, but when I exit and reopen the app, at times the app crashes with the following message:
Assertion failure in -[WTGCDDriver createSharedContextWithId:], /Users/emperor/Development/Tools/Jenkins/Master/Instance/jobs/architect_sdk_builder/workspace/repositories/ios_core_services/src/Rendering/Driver/
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: _context'
Have you any idea of this?
For some reason the OpenGL context is null when you reopen your app; you receive this error because we seem to have forgotten to disable assertions for a public build. So thanks for making us aware of this oversight.
With respect to the actual issue, I cannot provide an answer without having more of an insight into what exactly your app is doing and which version and configuration of the SDK you are using.
I'd therefore like you to create a thread in the Wikitude forums which provides a platform that is better suited for assisting you with this issue than Stack Overflow is.

Irritating and confusing hosted applinks issue on iOS

All my hosted facebook applinks used to parse in my app using the bolts framework fine. I go to sleep, wake up and now none of my hosted applinks parse and my app crashes when trying to parse them using the bolts framework.
I have even tested a legacy build of my app on an older device which is archived and has previously passed my test spec's and even that now crashes? Is anyone else experiencing issues parsing hosted facebook applinks on iOS via the bolts framework?
Error message:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSNull length]: unrecognized
selector sent to instance 0x37419830'
We had that same issue yesterday, but it disappeared by itself. Seems like Facebook might have pushed a fix already.
All the new links are working fine, and the ones that were broken are working after a reinstallation of the Facebook App (might have been cached by the app).

Today Extension Crashes before launching on iOS 8.1.2

I've been making a today extension that downloads articles from a feed and display the latest ones.
The whole thing worked fine on iOS 8, still worked on iOS 8.1, then came iOS 8.1.2 and we started having complaints about the today extension not working anymore.
I tried debugging on iOS 8.1.2 devices, and before the extension even launch, it crashes with this error :
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x174027280> 5AFB07AB-5DCD-46FE-8D07-44DE0F3789F2)'
I have read this post about frequent bugs happening when developing a today extension :
In his post, Tom Harrington says :
In iOS 8 (and other recent versions), enabling modules in Xcode's build settings means you don't need to explicitly list all the frameworks you want to use. They'll be found automatically.
But this isn't the case with NotificationCenter.framework, which Today extensions use. If you remove that from the build settings, you won't get any build warnings or errors. But when you try to load the extension, you'll get an exception from libextension.dylib and your extension won't load. The exception message is not enlightening:
2014-08-16 12:06:53.793 TodayTestExtension[41313:6111763] * Terminating
app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*
setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: <__NSConcreteUUID
0x7fd729422390> ED3B42F8-66CD-4CB0-BCD5-F3DBA6F34DB5)'
If you're doing a today extension, just leave that framework in the build settings. It shouldn't need to be there, but it does.
My extension does include NotificationCenter.framework in its build settings, but I suspect my problem might be similar in some way.
Anyone faced a similar problem? Any idea how to solve it?
This error also occurs if you use NSExtensionPrincipalClass inside "Info.plist" in order to define a base class (instead of using a storyboard) with the name of a ViewController which does not exist.
When using Swift, make sure to prefix the class with the module name (usually the name of the target) like "Module.MyViewController".
Eventually I tried to remove NotificationCenter.framework from my target and put it back, cleaned the project, and it's now working again. I guess the framework wasn't properly linked after all, though I could see it on my target with xcode. Also, I can't figure out why it did work, then stopped working with the arrival of 8.1.2.
I fixed this issue by adding the #objc attribute to the Swift class.
class NotificationViewController: UIViewController, UNNotificationContentExtension {
Just experienced the same issue. For me, it was "Main Interface" property in "General settings" of the Keyboard target. It was blank, and i set it to my storyboard file and now it works like a charm.

How to add momd(managed object model) into ios framework?

I am trying to convert my ios app(XYZ) into framework(XYZ.framework) so that it can be included in other ios applications. Went through below links and able to develop a framework.
But when i include my framework in other apps and try to compile for first time , xcode is throwing error "Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'executeFetchRequest:error: A fetch request must have an entity.". I followed below steps and get rid of this error.
STEP1: Added XYZ.framework in other app and compiled for first time, but xcode gave error mentioned above.
STEP2: Added XYZ.momd(by drag and drop) along with XYZ.framework in other application. Compiled it and Xcode didn't throw any error.
STEP3: Removed XYZ.momd from other application and compiled it. Xcode didn't throw any error!!!!
Should i give XYZ.momd along with XYZ.framework while distributing XYZ.framework, so that XYZ.momd can be included in other applications? I googled, but didn't get how to add momd inside framework and include it in other applications.
