How to detemine total hidden layer node and output node? - machine-learning

In this case i want to make letter recognition, the letter is scanned from a paper. the result of that process i have 5 x 5 binary matrix. so, it would use 25 input node. but i don't understand how to determine total hidden layer nodes and outputs node for that cases.i want to build the architecture of multilayer perecptron for that cases. thanks for your help!

Every NN has three types of layers: input, hidden, and output.
Creating the NN architecture therefore means coming up with values for the number of layers of each type and the number of nodes in each of these layers.
The Input Layer
Simple--every NN has exactly one of them--no exceptions that I'm aware of.
With respect to the number of neurons comprising this layer, this parameter is completely and uniquely determined once you know the shape of your training data. Specifically, the number of neurons comprising that layer is equal to the number of features (columns) in your data. Some NN configurations add one additional node for a bias term.
The Output Layer
Like the Input layer, every NN has exactly one output layer. Determining its size (number of neurons) is simple; it is completely determined by the chosen model configuration.
Is your NN going running in Machine Mode or Regression Mode (the ML convention of using a term that is also used in statistics but assigning a different meaning to it is very confusing). Machine mode: returns a class label (e.g., "Premium Account"/"Basic Account"). Regression Mode returns a value (e.g., price).
If the NN is a regressor, then the output layer has a single node.
If the NN is a classifier, then it also has a single node unless softmax is used
in which case the output layer has one node per class label in your model.
The Hidden Layers
So those few rules set the number of layers and size (neurons/layer) for both the input and output layers. That leaves the hidden layers.
How many hidden layers? Well if your data is linearly separable (which you often know by the time you begin coding a NN) then you don't need any hidden layers at all. Of course, you don't need an NN to resolve your data either, but it will still do the job.
Beyond that, as you probably know, there's a mountain of commentary on the question of hidden layer configuration in NNs (see the insanely thorough and insightful NN FAQ for an excellent summary of that commentary). One issue within this subject on which there is a consensus is the performance difference from adding additional hidden layers: the situations in which performance improves with a second (or third, etc.) hidden layer are very small. One hidden layer is sufficient for the large majority of problems.
So what about size of the hidden layer(s)--how many neurons? There are some empirically-derived rules-of-thumb, of these, the most commonly relied on is 'the optimal size of the hidden layer is usually between the size of the input and size of the output layers'. Jeff Heaton, author of Introduction to Neural Networks in Java offers a few more.
In sum, for most problems, one could probably get decent performance (even without a second optimization step) by setting the hidden layer configuration using just two rules: (i) number of hidden layers equals one; and (ii) the number of neurons in that layer is the mean of the neurons in the input and output layers.
Optimization of the Network Configuration
Pruning describes a set of techniques to trim network size (by nodes not layers) to improve computational performance and sometimes resolution performance. The gist of these techniques is removing nodes from the network during training by identifying those nodes which, if removed from the network, would not noticeably affect network performance (i.e., resolution of the data). (Even without using a formal pruning technique, you can get a rough idea of which nodes are not important by looking at your weight matrix after training; look weights very close to zero--it's the nodes on either end of those weights that are often removed during pruning.) Obviously, if you use a pruning algorithm during training then begin with a network configuration that is more likely to have excess (i.e., 'prunable') nodes--in other words, when deciding on a network architecture, err on the side of more neurons, if you add a pruning step.
Put another way, by applying a pruning algorithm to your network during training, you can approach optimal network configuration; whether you can do that in a single "up-front" (such as a genetic-algorithm-based algorithm) I don't know, though I do know that for now, this two-step optimization is more common.
One additional rule of thumb for supervised learning networks, the upperbound on the number of hidden neurons that won't result in over-fitting is:
Others recommend setting alpha to a value between 5 and 10, but I find a value of 2 will often work without overfitting. As explained by this excellent NN Design text, you want to limit the number of free parameters in your model (its degree or number of nonzero weights) to a small portion of the degrees of freedom in your data. The degrees of freedom in your data is the number samples * degrees of freedom (dimensions) in each sample or Ns∗(Ni+No) (assuming they're all independent). So alpha is a way to indicate how general you want your model to be, or how much you want to prevent overfitting.
For an automated procedure you'd start with an alpha of 2 (twice as many degrees of freedom in your training data as your model) and work your way up to 10 if the error for training data is significantly smaller than for the cross-validation data set.
Advameg (2016) Comp.Ai.Neural-nets FAQ, part 1 of 7: Introduction. Available at:
How to choose the number of hidden layers and nodes in a feedforward neural network? (2016a) Available at:
How to choose the number of hidden layers and nodes in a feedforward neural network? (2016b) Available at:
Legal, H.R. - and Info, C. (2016) Introduction to neural networks for java, 2nd edition. Available at:


why do we have multiple layers and multiple nodes per layer in a neural network?

I just started to learn about neural networks and so far my knowledge of machine learning is simply linear and logistic regression. from my understanding of the latter algorithms, is that given multiples of inputs the job of the learning algorithm is to come up with appropriate weights for each input so that eventually I have a polynomial that either describes the data which is the case of linear regression or separates it as in the case of logistic regression.
if I was to represent the same mechanism in neural network, according to my understanding, it would look something like this,
multiple nodes at the input layer and a single node in the output layer. where I can back propagate the error proportionally to each input. so that also eventually I arrive to a polynomial X1W1 + X2W2+....XnWn that describes the data. to me having multiple nodes per layer, aside from the input layer, seems to make the learning process parallel, so that I can arrive to the result faster. it's almost like running multiple learning algorithms each with different starting points to see which one converges faster. and as for the multiple layers I'm at a lose of what mechanism and advantage does it have on the learning outcome.
why do we have multiple layers and multiple nodes per layer in a neural network?
We need at least one hidden layer with a non-linear activation to be able to learn non-linear functions. Usually, one thinks of each layer as an abstraction level. For computer vision, the input layer contains the image and the output layer contains one node for each class. The first hidden layer detects edges, the second hidden layer might detect circles / rectangles, then there come more complex patterns.
There is a theoretical result which says that an MLP with only one hidden layer can fit every function of interest up to an arbitrary low error margin if this hidden layer has enough neurons. However, the number of parameters might be MUCH larger than if you add more layers.
Basically, by adding more hidden layers / more neurons per layer you add more parameters to the model. Hence you allow the model to fit more complex functions. However, up to my knowledge there is no quantitative understanding what adding a single further layer / node exactly makes.
It seems to me that you might want a general introduction into neural networks. I recommend chapter 4.3 and 4.4 of [Tho14a] (my bachelors thesis) as well as [LBH15].
M. Thoma, “On-line recognition of handwritten mathematical symbols,”
Karlsruhe, Germany, Nov. 2014. [Online]. Available:
Y. LeCun,
vol. 521,
Y. Bengio,
no. 7553,
and G. Hinton,
pp. 436–444,
“Deep learning,”
May 2015. [Online]. Available:

Can a neural network be trained while it changes in size?

Are there known methods of continuous training and graceful degradation of a neural net while it shrinks or grows in size (by number of nodes, connections, whatever)?
To the best of my memory, everything I've read about neural networks is from a static perspective. You define the net and then train it.
If there is some neural network X with N nodes (neurons, whatever), is it possible to train the network (X) so that while N increases or decreases, the network is still useful and capable of performing?
In general, changing network architecture (adding new layers, adding more neurons into existing layers) once the network was already trained makes sense and a rather common operation in Deep Learning domain. One example is the dropout - during training half of the neurons randomly get switched off completely and only remaining half participates in training during specific iteration (each iteration or 'epoch' as it often is named has different random list of switched off neurons). Another example is transfer learning - where you learn network on one set of input data, cut off part of the outcoming layers, replace them with new layers and re-learn the model on another dataset.
To better explain why it makes sense lets step back for a moment. In deep networks, where you have lots of hidden layers each layer learns some abstraction from the incoming data. Each additional layer uses abstract representations learned by previous layer and builds upon them, combining such abstraction to form a higher level of the data representation. For instance, you could be trying to classify the images with DNN. First layer will learn rather simple concepts from images - like edges or points in data. Next layer could combine this simple concepts to learn primitives - like triangles or circles of squares. Next layer could drive it further and combine this primitives to represent some objects which you could find in images, like 'a car' or 'a house'and using softmax it calculates the probabilities of the answer you are looking for (what to actually output). I need to mention that these facts and learned representations could be actually checked. You could visualize the activation of your hidden layer and see what it learned. For example this was done with google's project 'inceptionism'. With that in mind let's get back to what I mentioned earlier.
Dropout is used to improve generalization of the network. It forces each neuron to 'not be so sure' that some pieces of the information from the previous layer will be available and makes it to try to learn the representations relying on less favorable and informative pieces of abstractions from previous layer. It forces it to consider all of the representations from previous layer to make decisions instead of putting all of its weight into couple of neurons it 'likes most of all'. By doing this the network is usually better prepared to new data where the input will be different from the training set.
Q: "As far as you're aware is the quality of the stored knowledge (whatever training has done to the net) still usable following the dropout? Maybe random halves could be substituted by random 10ths with a single 10th dropping, that might result in less knowledge loss during the transition period."
A: Unfortunately I can't properly answer why precisely half of the neurons is switched off and not 10% (or any other number). Maybe there is an explanation but I haven't seen it. In general it just works and that's it.
Also I need to mention that the task of dropout is to ensure that each neuron doesn't consider just several of the neurons from previous layer and is ready to make some decision even if neurons which usually helped it to make correct decision are not available. This is used for generalization only and helps the network to better cope with the data it haven't seen previously, nothing else is achieved with a dropout.
Now let's consider Transfer Learning again. Consider that you have a network with 4 layers. You train it to recognize specific objects in pictures (cat, dog, table, car etc). Than you cut off last layer, replace it with three additional layers and now you train the resulting 6-layered network on a dataset which, for instance, wrights short sentences about what is shown on this image ('a cat is on the car', 'house with windows and tree nearby' etc). What we did with such operation? Our original 4-layer network was capable to understand if some specific object is in the image we feed it with. Its first 3 layers learned good representations of the images - first layer learned about possible edges or points or some extremely primitive geometric shapes in images. Second layer learned some more elaborate geometric figures like 'circle' or 'square'. Last layer knows how to combine them to form some higher level objects - 'car', 'cat', 'house'. Now, we could just re-use this good representation which we learned in different domain and just add several more layers. Each of them will use abstractions from last (3rd) layer of original network and learn how combine them to create meaningful descriptions of images. While you will perform learning on new dataset with images as input and sentences as output it will adjust first 3 layers which we got from original network but these adjustments will be mostly minor, while 3 new layers will be adjusted by learning significantly. What we achieve with transfer learning is:
1) We can learn a much better data representations. We could create a network which is very good at specific task and than build upon that network to perform something different.
2) We can save training time - first layers of network will already be trained well enough so that your layers which are closer to output already get a rather good data representations. So the training should finish much faster using pre-trained first layers.
So the bottom line is that pre-training some network and than re-using part or whole network in another network makes perfect sense and is not something uncommon.
This is something I have seen in the likes of this video...
There are links to further resources in the video description.
And is based on a process called NEAT. Neuro Evolution of Augmenting Topologies.
It uses a genetic algorithm and evolutionary process to design and evolve a neural net from scratch with no prior assumptions of structure or complexity of the neural net.
I believe this is what you are looking for.

How to evolve weights of a neural network in Neuroevolution?

I'm new to Artificial Neural Networks and NeuroEvolution algorithms in general. I'm trying to implement the algorithm called NEAT (NeuroEvolution of Augmented Topologies), but the description in original public paper missed the method of how to evolve the weights of a network, it says
Connection weights mutate as in any NE system, with each connection either perturbed or not at each generation
I've done some searching about how to mutate weights in NE systems, but can't find any detailed description, unfortunately.
I know that while training a neural network, usually the backpropagation algorithm is used to correct the weights, but it only works if you have a fixed topology (structure) through generations and you know the answer to the problem. In NeuroEvolution, you don't know the answer, you have only the fitness function, so it's not possible to use backpropagation here.
I have some experience with training a fixed-topology NN using a genetic algorithm (What the paper refers to as the "traditional NE approach"). There are several different mutation and reproduction operators we used for this and we selected those randomly.
Given two parents, our reproduction operators (could also call these crossover operators) included:
Swap either single weights or all weights for a given neuron in the network. So for example, given two parents selected for reproduction either choose a particular weight in the network and swap the value (for our swaps we produced two offspring and then chose the one with the best fitness to survive in the next generation of the population), or choose a particular neuron in the network and swap all the weights for that neuron to produce two offspring.
swap an entire layer's weights. So given parents A and B, choose a particular layer (the same layer in both) and swap all the weights between them to produce two offsping. This is a large move so we set it up so that this operation would be selected less often than the others. Also, this may not make sense if your network only has a few layers.
Our mutation operators operated on a single network and would select a random weight and either:
completely replace it with a new random value
change the weight by some percentage. (multiply the weight by some random number between 0 and 2 - practically speaking we would tend to constrain that a bit and multiply it by a random number between 0.5 and 1.5. This has the effect of scaling the weight so that it doesn't change as radically. You could also do this kind of operation by scaling all the weights of a particular neuron.
add or subtract a random number between 0 and 1 to/from the weight.
Change the sign of a weight.
swap weights on a single neuron.
You can certainly get creative with mutation operators, you may discover something that works better for your particular problem.
IIRC, we would choose two parents from the population based on random proportional selection, then ran mutation operations on each of them and then ran these mutated parents through the reproduction operation and ran the two offspring through the fitness function to select the fittest one to go into the next generation population.
Of course, in your case since you're also evolving the topology some of these reproduction operations above won't make much sense because two selected parents could have completely different topologies. In NEAT (as I understand it) you can have connections between non-contiguous layers of the network, so for example you can have a layer 1 neuron feed another in layer 4, instead of feeding directly to layer 2. That makes swapping operations involving all the weights of a neuron more difficult - you could try to choose two neurons in the network that have the same number of weights, or just stick to swapping single weights in the network.
I know that while training a NE, usually the backpropagation algorithm is used to correct the weights
Actually, in NE backprop isn't used. It's the mutations performed by the GA that are training the network as an alternative to backprop. In our case backprop was problematic due to some "unorthodox" additions to the network which I won't go into. However, if backprop had been possible, I would have gone with that. The genetic approach to training NNs definitely seems to proceed much more slowly than backprop probably would have. Also, when using an evolutionary method for adjusting weights of the network, you start needing to tweak various parameters of the GA like crossover and mutation rates.
In NEAT, everything is done through the genetic operators. As you already know, the topology is evolved through crossover and mutation events.
The weights are evolved through mutation events. Like in any evolutionary algorithm, there is some probability that a weight is changed randomly (you can either generate a brand new number or you can e.g. add a normally distributed random number to the original weight).
Implementing NEAT might seem an easy task but there is a lot of small details that make it fairly complicated in the end. You might want to look at existing implementations and use one of them or at least be inspired by them. Everything important can be found at the NEAT Users Page.

multi-layer perceptron (MLP) architecture: criteria for choosing number of hidden layers and size of the hidden layer? [closed]

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If we have 10 eigenvectors then we can have 10 neural nodes in input layer.If we have 5 output classes then we can have 5 nodes in output layer.But what is the criteria for choosing number of hidden layer in a MLP and how many neural nodes in 1 hidden layer?
how many hidden layers?
a model with zero hidden layers will resolve linearly separable data. So unless you already know your data isn't linearly separable, it doesn't hurt to verify this--why use a more complex model than the task requires? If it is linearly separable then a simpler technique will work, but a Perceptron will do the job as well.
Assuming your data does require separation by a non-linear technique, then always start with one hidden layer. Almost certainly that's all you will need. If your data is separable using a MLP, then that MLP probably only needs a single hidden layer. There is theoretical justification for this, but my reason is purely empirical: Many difficult classification/regression problems are solved using single-hidden-layer MLPs, yet I don't recall encountering any multiple-hidden-layer MLPs used to successfully model data--whether on ML bulletin boards, ML Textbooks, academic papers, etc. They exist, certainly, but the circumstances that justify their use is empirically quite rare.
How many nodes in the hidden layer?
From the MLP academic literature. my own experience, etc., I have gathered and often rely upon several rules of thumb (RoT), and which I have also found to be reliable guides (ie., the guidance was accurate, and even when it wasn't, it was usually clear what to do next):
RoT based on improving convergence:
When you begin the model building, err on the side of more nodes
in the hidden layer.
Why? First, a few extra nodes in the hidden layer isn't likely do any any harm--your MLP will still converge. On the other hand, too few nodes in the hidden layer can prevent convergence. Think of it this way, additional nodes provides some excess capacity--additional weights to store/release signal to the network during iteration (training, or model building). Second, if you begin with additional nodes in your hidden layer, then it's easy to prune them later (during iteration progress). This is common and there are diagnostic techniques to assist you (e.g., Hinton Diagram, which is just a visual depiction of the weight matrices, a 'heat map' of the weight values,).
RoTs based on size of input layer and size of output layer:
A rule of thumb is for the size of this [hidden] layer to be somewhere
between the input layer size ... and the output layer size....
To calculate the number of hidden nodes we use a general rule of:
(Number of inputs + outputs) x 2/3
RoT based on principal components:
Typically, we specify as many hidden nodes as dimensions [principal
components] needed to capture 70-90% of the variance of the input data
And yet the NN FAQ author calls these Rules "nonsense" (literally) because they: ignore the number of training instances, the noise in the targets (values of the response variables), and the complexity of the feature space.
In his view (and it always seemed to me that he knows what he's talking about), choose the number of neurons in the hidden layer based on whether your MLP includes some form of regularization, or early stopping.
The only valid technique for optimizing the number of neurons in the Hidden Layer:
During your model building, test obsessively; testing will reveal the signatures of "incorrect" network architecture. For instance, if you begin with an MLP having a hidden layer comprised of a small number of nodes (which you will gradually increase as needed, based on test results) your training and generalization error will both be high caused by bias and underfitting.
Then increase the number of nodes in the hidden layer, one at a time, until the generalization error begins to increase, this time due to overfitting and high variance.
In practice, I do it this way:
input layer: the size of my data vactor (the number of features in my model) + 1 for the bias node and not including the response variable, of course
output layer: soley determined by my model: regression (one node) versus classification (number of nodes equivalent to the number of classes, assuming softmax)
hidden layer: to start, one hidden layer with a number of nodes equal to the size of the input layer. The "ideal" size is more likely to be smaller (i.e, some number of nodes between the number in the input layer and the number in the output layer) rather than larger--again, this is just an empirical observation, and the bulk of this observation is my own experience. If the project justified the additional time required, then I start with a single hidden layer comprised of a small number of nodes, then (as i explained just above) I add nodes to the Hidden Layer, one at a time, while calculating the generalization error, training error, bias, and variance. When generalization error has dipped and just before it begins to increase again, the number of nodes at that point is my choice. See figure below.
To automate the selection of the best number of layers and best number of neurons for each of the layers, you can use genetic optimization.
The key pieces would be:
Chromosome: Vector that defines how many units in each hidden layer (e.g. [20,5,1,0,0] meaning 20 units in first hidden layer, 5 in second, ... , with layers 4 and 5 missing). You can set a limit on the maximum number number of layers to try, and the max number of units in each layer. You should also place restrictions of how the chromosomes are generated. E.g. [10, 0, 3, ... ] should not be generated, because any units after a missing layer (the '3,...') would be irrelevant and would waste evaluation cycles.
Fitness Function: A function that returns the reciprocal of the lowest training error in the cross-validation set of a network defined by a given chromosome. You could also include the number of total units, or computation time if you want to find the "smallest/fastest yet most accurate network".
You can also consider:
Pruning: Start with a large network, then reduce the layers and hidden units, while keeping track of cross-validation set performance.
Growing: Start with a very small network, then add units and layers, and again keep track of CV set performance.
It is very difficult to choose the number of neurons in a hidden layer, and to choose the number of hidden layers in your neural network.
Usually, for most applications, one hidden layer is enough. Also, the number of neurons in that hidden layer should be between the number of inputs (10 in your example) and the number of outputs (5 in your example).
But the best way to choose the number of neurons and hidden layers is experimentation. Train several neural networks with different numbers of hidden layers and hidden neurons, and measure the performance of those networks using cross-validation. You can stick with the number that yields the best performing network.
Recently there is theoretical work on this Assuming you use a RELU MLP, all hidden layers have the same number of nodes and your loss function and true function that you're approximating with a neural network obey some technical properties (in the paper), you can choose your depth to be of order $\log(n)$ and your width of hidden layers to be of order $n^{d/(2(\beta+d))}\log^2(n)$. Here $n$ is your sample size, $d$ is the dimension of your input vector, and $\beta$ is a smoothness parameter for your true function. Since $\beta$ is unknown, you will probably want to treat it as a hyperparameter.
Doing this you can guarantee that with probability that converges to $1$ as function of sample size your approximation error converges to $0$ as a function of sample size. They give the rate. Note that this isn't guaranteed to be the 'best' architecture, but it can at least give you a good place to start with. Further, my own experience suggests that things like dropout can still help in practice.

Estimating the number of neurons and number of layers of an artificial neural network [closed]

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I am looking for a method on how to calculate the number of layers and the number of neurons per layer. As input I only have the size of the input vector, the size of the output vector and the size of the training set.
Usually the best net is determined by trying different net topologies and selecting the one with the least error. Unfortunately I cannot do that.
This is a really hard problem.
The more internal structure a network has, the better that network will be at representing complex solutions. On the other hand, too much internal structure is slower, may cause training to diverge, or lead to overfitting -- which would prevent your network from generalizing well to new data.
People have traditionally approached this problem in several different ways:
Try different configurations, see what works best. You can divide your training set into two pieces -- one for training, one for evaluation -- and then train and evaluate different approaches. Unfortunately it sounds like in your case this experimental approach isn't available.
Use a rule of thumb. A lot of people have come up with a lot of guesses as to what works best. Concerning the number of neurons in the hidden layer, people have speculated that (for example) it should (a) be between the input and output layer size, (b) set to something near (inputs+outputs) * 2/3, or (c) never larger than twice the size of the input layer.
The problem with rules of thumb is that they don't always take into account vital pieces of information, like how "difficult" the problem is, what the size of the training and testing sets are, etc. Consequently, these rules are often used as rough starting points for the "let's-try-a-bunch-of-things-and-see-what-works-best" approach.
Use an algorithm that dynamically adjusts the network configuration. Algorithms like Cascade Correlation start with a minimal network, then add hidden nodes during training. This can make your experimental setup a bit simpler, and (in theory) can result in better performance (because you won't accidentally use an inappropriate number of hidden nodes).
There's a lot of research on this subject -- so if you're really interested, there is a lot to read. Check out the citations on this summary, in particular:
Lawrence, S., Giles, C.L., and Tsoi, A.C. (1996), "What size neural network gives optimal generalization? Convergence properties of backpropagation". Technical Report UMIACS-TR-96-22 and CS-TR-3617, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park.
Elisseeff, A., and Paugam-Moisy, H. (1997), "Size of multilayer networks for exact learning: analytic approach". Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp.162-168.
In practice, this is not difficult (based on having coded and trained dozens of MLPs).
In a textbook sense, getting the architecture "right" is hard--i.e., to tune your network architecture such that performance (resolution) cannot be improved by further optimization of the architecture is hard, i agree. But only in rare cases is that degree of optimization required.
In practice, to meet or exceed the prediction accuracy from a neural network required by your spec, you almost never need to spend a lot of time with the network architecture--three reasons why this is true:
most of the parameters required to specify the network architecture
are fixed once you have decided on your data model (number of
features in the input vector, whether the desired response variable
is numerical or categorical, and if the latter, how many unique class
labels you've chosen);
the few remaining architecture parameters that are in fact tunable,
are nearly always (100% of the time in my experience) highly constrained by those fixed architecture
parameters--i.e., the values of those parameters are tightly bounded by a max and min value; and
the optimal architecture does not have to be determined before
training begins, indeed, it is very common for neural network code to
include a small module to programmatically tune the network
architecture during training (by removing nodes whose weight values
are approaching zero--usually called "pruning.")
According to the Table above, the architecture of a neural network is completely specified by six parameters (the six cells in the interior grid). Two of those (number of layer type for the input and output layers) are always one and one--neural networks have a single input layer and a single output layer. Your NN must have at least one input layer and one output layer--no more, no less. Second, the number of nodes comprising each of those two layers is fixed--the input layer, by the size of the input vector--i.e., the number of nodes in the input layer is equal to the length of the input vector (actually one more neuron is nearly always added to the input layer as a bias node).
Similarly, the output layer size is fixed by the response variable (single node for numerical response variable, and (assuming softmax is used, if response variable is a class label, the the number of nodes in the output layer simply equals the number of unique class labels).
That leaves just two parameters for which there is any discretion at all--the number of hidden layers and the number of nodes comprising each of those layers.
The Number of Hidden Layers
if your data is linearly separable (which you often know by the time you begin coding a NN) then you don't need any hidden layers at all. (If that's in fact the case, i would not use a NN for this problem--choose a simpler linear classifier).
The first of these--the number of hidden layers--is nearly always one. There is a lot of empirical weight behind this presumption--in practice very few problems that cannot be solved with a single hidden layer become soluble by adding another hidden layer. Likewise, there is a consensus is the performance difference from adding additional hidden layers: the situations in which performance improves with a second (or third, etc.) hidden layer are very small. One hidden layer is sufficient for the large majority of problems.
In your question, you mentioned that for whatever reason, you cannot find the optimum network architecture by trial-and-error. Another way to tune your NN configuration (without using trial-and-error) is 'pruning'. The gist of this technique is removing nodes from the network during training by identifying those nodes which, if removed from the network, would not noticeably affect network performance (i.e., resolution of the data). (Even without using a formal pruning technique, you can get a rough idea of which nodes are not important by looking at your weight matrix after training; look for weights very close to zero--it's the nodes on either end of those weights that are often removed during pruning.) Obviously, if you use a pruning algorithm during training then begin with a network configuration that is more likely to have excess (i.e., 'prunable') nodes--in other words, when deciding on a network architecture, err on the side of more neurons, if you add a pruning step.
Put another way, by applying a pruning algorithm to your network during training, you can much closer to an optimized network configuration than any a priori theory is ever likely to give you.
The Number of Nodes Comprising the Hidden Layer
but what about the number of nodes comprising the hidden layer? Granted this value is more or less unconstrained--i.e., it can be smaller or larger than the size of the input layer. Beyond that, as you probably know, there's a mountain of commentary on the question of hidden layer configuration in NNs (see the famous NN FAQ for an excellent summary of that commentary). There are many empirically-derived rules-of-thumb, but of these, the most commonly relied on is the size of the hidden layer is between the input and output layers. Jeff Heaton, author of "Introduction to Neural Networks in Java" offers a few more, which are recited on the page i just linked to. Likewise, a scan of the application-oriented neural network literature, will almost certainly reveal that the hidden layer size is usually between the input and output layer sizes. But between doesn't mean in the middle; in fact, it is usually better to set the hidden layer size closer to the size of the input vector. The reason is that if the hidden layer is too small, the network might have difficultly converging. For the initial configuration, err on the larger size--a larger hidden layer gives the network more capacity which helps it converge, compared with a smaller hidden layer. Indeed, this justification is often used to recommend a hidden layer size larger than (more nodes) the input layer--ie, begin with an initial architecture that will encourage quick convergence, after which you can prune the 'excess' nodes (identify the nodes in the hidden layer with very low weight values and eliminate them from your re-factored network).
I have used an MLP for a commercial software which has only one hidden layer which has only one node. As input nodes and output nodes are fixed, I only ever got to change the number of hidden layers and play with the generalisation achieved. I never really got a great difference in what I was achieving with just one hidden layer and one node by changing the number of hidden layers. I just used one hidden layer with one node. It worked quite well and also reduced computations were very tempting in my software premise.
