Testlink Jenkins integration- Issue in testlink installation - jenkins

I am trying to integrate testlink and jenkins for automated test report logging in testlink. I am using Ant jobs for running the test scripts in jmeter. I am facing issue in installation of testlink. Can i use xampp for installing testlink for jenkins integrations. Or anyother method i need to follow. Kindly help me to sort it out

May be the question asked here too old. But am new here
You can use xampp and keep your testlink folder in htdocs folder which is downloaded and extracted
Also, look folder name of test link is correct and matching with the link
My folder name is testlink-1.9.16


How can you deploy a bitbucket-plugin (already built as jar) to the server via terminal?

We run a Bitbucket Server on version 7.21 and have recently developed a Plugin for it. Since this plugin finally reached a stable Version we wanted to integrate it into our cd/ci pipeline (bamboo).
We can build the plugin via bamboo build plan alright, but we are facing an issue when trying to deploy it.
atlas-sdk's "atlas-install-plugin" does not work for us (afaik) because we are not in the project space, but only have the built jar itself.
Is there any way to copy the jar to a specific location on the bitbucket server and it auto-deploys or something similar?
For anyone searching, I found the solution.
You can install plugins via the rest api: https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/installing-uninstalling-upgrading-and-downgrading-marketplace-apps-on-confluence-using-rest-api-1005343959.html

Is it possible to integrate Selenium IDE tests ( saved in .side file) with jenkins?

I made a couple of auto-tests on the web application using Selenium IDE, but selenium IDE saves tests as .side file. Is it possible tests saved as .side file integrate into jenkins and do the job in jenkins to run for example once a week?Does anyone have experience with this?
You need to setup the Selenium web driver for Jenkins... Check out this tutorial
If you need more specific help with Jenkins configuration for scheduling there is a lot of documentation for that you can google for.
run .side file via selenium-side-runner command-line runner
$ selenium-side-runner /path/to/your-project.side
you might need to meet some dependencies, all well explained in the link.

Publish Robot Framework test results option is not available after successful installation of Robot Framework plugin in Jenkins

I've successfully installed Robot Framework plugin in Jenkins. I restarted the server. While configuring my project, Publish Robot Framework test results should be visible in Post-build Actions menu. But this is not the case. There is no such option exists to publish robot framework test results. Am I missing something here?
Jenkins assume that you have installed suggested plugins , before you go for Robot framework plugin .
The definition of suggested plugins is not much clear and very confusing.
I had resolved this issue by installing Subversion.
1) go to Managed Jenkins >Managed plugins >Available
2) Search Subversion
3) Install Subversion
This should be able to resolve your issue.
In case of any issue , you can refer this blog How to configure jenkins with robotframework, i have included all the steps with screenshots.

Jenkins Automation help required

I have been assigned a task to do build automation using jenkins which should perform checkout, compile & build automatically.
Existing set up - Currently we have PVCS installed in one of our AIX server where build process(checkout,compile,build) is automated using ant script.
I have installed jenkins in my windows server.
How do i get the code into my windows server from PVCS which resides in AIX server to perform build through jenkins.
Thanks in advance.
As I posted on CodeRanch where you posted the same question, you need to install the PVCS plugin for Jenkins.

Artifactory Hudson Builds not showing artifacts

I'm trying to setup Artifactory(free version) and Hudson to deploy artifacts.
The main stuff already works, i can deploy to Artifactory via Hudson. Using the Artifactory Hudson Plugin with generic deployment.
I am also able to browse the deployed stuff via the Tree & Simple Browser.
What not works correctly is the Build Browser, it does show everything except the artifacts deployed by the build. In the published modules view it should show all artifacts, but the tables are just greyed out for me.
Example how it should look:
Link to the official Jfrog Artifactory demo repository
Does anyone know if this view is maybe a pro feature, or any other tips how to resolve this problem?
The build integration feature is limited in the OSS version. You need the Pro version to get the full deal.
I've used the description setter plugin https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Description+Setter+Plugin . In my case i take the last revision and put a link to the artifact in artifactory. In this way on every build i can see a direct link to the artifact changing the path like you want.
