How to create Universal Link to Facebook? - deep-linking

Because iOS 9.2 broke the ability use Javascript, I'm trying to do this with a method that works. I'm attempting to create a link that:
A: If the user has Facebook App, open Facebook App
B: If the user doesn't have Facebook, open
From what I can tell you can only create Universal Links for your own apps because you need to know the bundle identifier, etc. and obviously I don't know Facebook's


How to implement universal deeplinking in iOS for twiter and Facebook?

I want to implement universal linking in iOS Swift for twitter & Facebook.I tried with native way of creating universal linking file and keep it on our server. This is only working with WhatsApp, Mail and Notes but not working on Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. I found that Facebook is not allowing to open app from there but why twitter and linkedin is not allowing.
Any Idea ?
Universal Links do not work in Facebook and Twitter. You need to use Facebook App Links and Twitter App Cards. The reason is that these apps can control what URLs they open in and out of the app, so they force you to adhere to their standards to deep link out of their apps.

IOS Apps login via Linkedin authentication SDK

i'm created a IOS app in Xcode7 using swift , and now i am trying to integrate LinkedIn authentication to login into my iOS app.
So i created a account and application in LinkedIn developer site..
But my requirement is to use the same LinkedIn application account to login into my all iOS it possible?
i heard about deep linking concept.Any one know more about that?
Is it possible?
Yes it is. In your app preferences, go to Mobile > iOS preferences, then add the bundle ID of each app you want to be linked with LinkedIn.
Deep linking : Any one know more about that?
It allows you to bring users into a more specific part of your app that is not home page. For example, after opening a notification, you can bring user to a specific post into your app. That is an example of using deep links. Nevertheless, I don't think it is what you are searching for.

Open specific Facebook profile from Xamarin iOS app

I've been trying to use deep-linking to open up specific profile pages on the Facebook app, but so far it will only open my own profile. The general format should be fb://profile/<id> unfortunately every time I use this I am directed to a page that says Profile Unavailable. The specific example I am using is with my colleagues ID so from my app if I wanted to go to his page I would open the URL for fb://profile/10206768458598300. Is there a new format for finding profiles? I have found no other solution for opening a Facebook profile from within my app besides opening an actual webpage, having the user sign-in, and go to the actual profile URL of the person.
We don't currently have any officially supported way to open a profile in the Facebook app.

How to avoid "App is allready authorized" with Facebook SDK 3.1

Every time i want to login through the Facebook idk, safari will be opened and tells me that my app is allready authorized. But i dont want to show this screen everytime a user logs in with Facebook. I followed the instructions over here to implement facebook login functionality. If the auth button is clicked i simple call the openSessionWithAllowLoginMethod which then handles the rest for me. But i dont how to apply the functionality, that it wont show the authorized screen everytime, to this code ? I would really appreciate some tips or hints.
Fill out every field related to your app in the Native iOS App section of the Basic Settings in the App Dashboard. If these fields are not configured, we can't drive traffic to your app or the iOS App Store. In addition, we use the iOS Bundle ID to streamline authentication for users who already authenticated your app. Pro-tip 3: Complete all iOS App Settings

How does Facebook SSO know which app to return to?

Using Facebook SSO (Single Sign on), after the system prompts the user for permissions to work with their Facebook account, it directs the user back to the app that SSO was being run in. How specifically does FB SSO accomplish this? (How does it know which app to reopen after the permissions are granted?)
We are building a SDK that interacts with Facebook, and it is not clear how the facebook app figures out which app to return to.
When you add the Facebook SDK, one of the steps is to register a URL scheme for your app with your API key.
When you authorize the app in Facebook it tries to open the URL (usually formatted like fbXXXXXXXXXXX) and since your app is set to handle this URL scheme so the app is opened.
And here's a list of other apps you can communicate using handleOpenURL:
