ARC and how it works exactly. - ios

I just followed a tutorial on ARC and was provided with this code.
The following ViewController class and below it a Vehicle class.
What i got from it was that ARC essentially tracks down an instantiated class and allocates a piece of memory for it. As "strong" references for the instance are created, arc increases the increment for how many references there are to the instance. Once all of them are set to nil, ARC deallocates the instance from memory. The instructor also said something along the lines of, once all references are not being used, it deallocates from memory. I did not quite understand the part where they're not being "used", so I decided to add a button which presents another View Controller thats blank with no code. I figured that if I navigate to the next view controller, deinit will get called as the references in view controller 1, are now not being used and thus deallocated from memory. This was not the case, and the deinit did not get called. Therefore, I'm wondering, do references stay in memory unless you set them to nil, always?
Part 2 of question : Also, while you're answering that question, I also have another, I was also wondering if ARC only applied to class instances and references to it since every piece of documentation or tutorial that I have looked up seems to only mention class instances. For example, if I set var number = 2
var othernumber = number , is "number" also stored in memory, and only deallocated until all references to it are nil. If this is also the case, then the same question applies, is setting all references equal to nil the only way of deallocating from memory? Sorry for the lengthy question, but im quite new to the memory concept.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var ref1: Vehicle?
var reference2: Vehicle?
var ref3: Vehicle?
var timer: NSTimer!
var count = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
ref1 = Vehicle(kind: "Car")
reference2 = ref1
ref3 = ref1
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(tick), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func tick() {
if count >= 3 {
ref3 = nil
reference2 = nil
if count == 5 {
ref1 = nil
class Vehicle {
let type: String
init(kind: String){
self.type = kind
print("\(type) is being initialized")
//when the class is instantiated, we get an initialization message. When class is deallocated, we get a deinit message. As in, all strong references are gone, we can deinitialize.
deinit {
//class vehicle not in memory anymore as all strong references to it have been destroyed. This will be tested with segue as well.
print("\(type) is being deinitialized")

The "used" terminology is confusing/misleading (or, at best, imprecise). With ARC, the object will not be released until there are no remaining strong references, plain and simple. If you nil all of those strong references, or those strong references fall out of scope, that's when the object is deallocated.
By the way, be aware that scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval establishes its own strong reference to its target. You have to invalidate the timer to resolve that strong reference.
ARC only applies to reference types (i.e. class instances). It simply does not apply to value types (such as numeric types or struct types).
Thus, consider
var number = 2
var othernumber = number
The othernumber does not reference the number. It makes a copy. It is a new object whose value happens to be the same value as number. For a discussion differentiating Swift value types from reference types, see WWDC 2015 Building Better Apps with Value Types. (By the way, the behind the scenes memory management of complex value types is actually more complicated than it is for simple value types, but it's not really relevant in this conversation. But it is discussed in some detail in the video if you're interested.)

This is a big question.
In order to understand ARC you really need to understand manual reference counting.
Reference counting is a way of keeping track of which objects are still in use, and which can be deallocated.
In manual reference counting, objects have a retain count.
You send a retain message to an object to increase it's retain count, and release to decrease it's retain count. If sending a release message to an object causes it's retain count to drop to 0, the object is deallocated/freed.
There is also an autorelease message which adds the object to an "autorelease pool". Each time your code returns and the event loop is visited, all the objects in the autorelease pool get sent a release message for each time they are in the autorelease pool. (You can send more than one autorelease message to an object, but ignore that.) Autorelease is useful for returning temporary objects that go away if you don't do anything special with them. An autoreleased object sticks around during the current call chain, but get freed when your code returns if nobody has retained it.
Objects are created and returned to the owner with a reference count of 1, and the owner is responsible for sending a release message to the object when it is done with it.
In manual reference counting you have to put retain, release, and autorelease calls in your code at the correct places in order to express your memory management intentions. Getting it wrong causes either memory leaks or crashes.
ARC uses all of the above mechanisms, but the compiler analyzes your code and inserts retain, release, and autorelease calls for you. It also strips out excess retain/release calls to the bare minimum required.
In ARC, you just need to declare your variables as strong or weak and the compiler does the rest. There are still a few gotchas, but for the most part you don't have to worry about memory management.
Storing an object in a strong variable causes the compiler to generate a retain call. Zeroing out the strong variable causes the compiler to send the object a release message.
Unlike garbage collection, the system doesn't have to stop and do time-consuming cleanup passes on memory. Objects get freed as soon as there are no longer any strong references to them.


Confused with Deinit and Memory leak

I am trying to learn about Memory Management in iOS development. I read this article / tutorial: Make Memory Management Great Again
In that tutorial, there is a deinit method inside a class, like this:
class Human {
var passport: Passport?
let name: String
init(name: String) { = name
deinit {
print("I'm gone, friends")
After we make an instance, the reference count is one because it is a strong reference. until this step, I understand.
var bob: Human? = Human(name: "Bob Lee")
It is said that when we make an instance, it actually takes space in our RAM.
If we assign nil to 'bob' variable, the deinit will print ("I'm gone, friends"), and the relationship no longer exists, so the reference count becomes 0 which causes both objects to be deallocated.
The things that makes me confused:
in my actual code / from tutorial I follow, I never see 'deinit' in my class, and I never assign nil to the instance, so the object will never be deallocated and it will take space in my memory like fat? should I write deinit in my code? because I think if over limited of space, it would be filled with data objects and eventually my app would break
it is said that:
Automatic Reference Counting to indicate whether an object is still
being used or no longer needed
No longer needed? What does it mean?
Just to clarify from your example:
var bob: Human? = Human(name: "Bob Lee")
// bob now has a reference count of 1
// the memory at the bob location is ready to access and/or modify
// this means bob is still alive and we can find out things about him
// prints "Bob Lee"
bob = nil
// deinit called, "I'm gone, friends"
// bob now has a reference count of 0, and ARC has released the object that was stored here
// we cannot find out anything about bob
// the memory at the location of bob is now released
// Error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping optional value
To answer your questions:
If you never need to assign nil to bob (it might not make sense depending on the context), you should assign the type of bob to be Human, not Human?. This means that bob can never, and will never be nil, and makes your code much easier to reason about. This does not mean that the Human object located at bob will never be gone from memory though. If bob is, for example, inside a view controller that at some point is deallocated (if the user navigates away from that VC or the app is closed), bob will of course also be deallocated by the system.
"No longer needed" means 'needed' from an access perspective from your code. If bob is set to nil, why would you need to access information about him again? You don't, so the object located at bob has its reference count reduces to 0, is no longer needed, and is deallocated.
I hope I could clear some things up for you.

Does ARC set its reference type instance properties to nil before deallocation?

This question occured to me while reading this.
My question is in reference to the image below:
Once john is set to nil, Person instance no longer has any more strong reference and hence will be deallocated. But Apartment has two strong references and one of which is by the property on Person instance that would be soon deallocated. I believe, this strong reference continue to remain after deallocation and goes out of reach by the code.
So, setting unit14A to nil will remove only one strong reference to Apartment instance and it should not be deallocated as there would be one more strong reference due to the above case.
But, as the document says Apartment instance promptly got deallocated. To me, this can only happen if at the time of Person instance deallocation it sets its apartment property to nil, by that removing that strong reference on Apartment instance. But I couldn't find any documentation to verify this.
So, How does the Apartment instance get deallocated? What happened to the strong reference from the Person instance apartment property?
Can someone help me to understand this?
Objective-C objects are reference counted, meaning that for each object, the system keeps track of how many other objects hold a reference to it. This is object's reference count. Two special messages, retain and release, are used to maintain the reference count behind the scene. Once reference count goes down to zero, the system deallocates the object.
ARC provides "magic" to make reference counting work in a declarative way. The compiler knows every strong reference in your code, so when you do this
myStrongRef = nil;
the compiler quietly inserts a call to release in front of the assignment:
[myStrongRef release];
myStrongRef = nil;
To me [deallocation of Apartment] can only happen if at the time of Person instance deallocation it sets its apartment property to nil, by that removing that strong reference on Apartment instance.
Setting a strong reference to nil one way of breaking a strong reference. It is sufficient, but it isn't necessary. The important thing about setting a strong reference to nil is not the act of setting itself, but what happens immediately before it: the instance referred to by the strong reference gets a release message, instructing it to decrement its reference count. That is precisely what ARC does behind the scene for you: it sends the release message to Apartment, without setting Person's reference to nil.
How does the Apartment instance get deallocated? What happened to the strong reference from the Person instance apartment property?
Once strong reference from Person has sent its release message to Apartment, that strong reference disappears. The actual pointer may be set to Apartment's address, but nobody cares about it, because the Person itself is unreachable.
The life of an object depends on it's reference count, not any actual pointer to the object.
Strong reference is a way of speaking, there is no difference between a strong and weak reference, they are just pointers. The difference is that when a strong reference is created the reference count of the object pointed to in incremented and when deleted the reference count is decreased. When an object's reference count would become zero the object is deallocated.
Your intuition is correct. When an object is being deallocated under ARC all the strong references it holds are first relinquished - essentially they are set to nil, but in practice the implementation may differ.
This is also what happens when a method returns, or a block of code containing declarations exits, all the strong references held in local variables are relinquished.
All the details can be found in the Clang documentation.
Obviously not before deallocation, but during deallocation.
When an object's reference count goes to zero, the deallocation process starts. The object is marked as "being deallocated". At that point, the object will die (unlike Java, where it can be recovered). If an object is marked like this, it cannot be assigned to weak references (they stay nil), or to strong references.
Then dealloc is called, that is the dealloc methods that you have written. After that, strong references are set to nil, reducing their reference counts, then associated objects are removed, and finally the memory for the object is deleted.

Print strong owners of an object , Swift

There are some retain cycle in my iOS application.
For a particular viewController, stuck in a retain cycle, I have tried making all delegates weak. But when I simulate memory warning from simulator , didRecieveMemoryWarning is called , but deinit method is not called .
I want to print/see the owner of that viewController that is still holding it when didRecieveMemoryWarning is called. Is there any way I can do this.
If you are on Xcode 8 you can use the Memory Graph Debugger to visually see the active memory graph for objects in your projects. You can get to the Memory Graph Debugger by using the three circle icon shown below.
The Memory Graph Debugger was highlighted at WWDC 2016 in the following lecture, starting around 24:30.
No there is not a way to print the owners of an object as you describe, at least not exactly. iOS does not use garbage collection, it uses ARC (Automatic Reference Counting.) The system doesn't track owning references in ARC. Instead, each time you add an owning reference to an object the system increases a retain count, and every time you clear an owning reference the system decrements that retain count.
What you can do, though, is run your program with the memory instrument. (There is a debugging application called "Instruments", you pick a debugging template called an "instrument" that you use within the Instruments program.) With the memory instrument you can follow the life-cycle of an object, as well as tracking the number of active objects in your app's heap.. When you select an object in the list of currently active object you can see where in your program it was allocated and where the code that creates strong references comes from. Explaining how to use Instruments is beyond the scope of an SO post however. There are various tutorials and WWDC session videos on the subject. I suggest doing some searching.
As to your question, forcing a low memory warning would not cause an active view controller (one that is on-screen) to be released and it's deinit method to be called. The system maintains a strong reference to the view controller.
Also, you should make delegate references weak by default. Having a delegate reference be a strong reference is VERY unusual. I've only seen it once or twice, for specific reasons.
You can make a print on the deinit method like
class Person {
let name: String
init(name: String) { = name
print("\(name) is being initialized")
deinit {
print("\(name) is being deinitialized")
You can check this: Automatic Reference Counting

Are objects immediately released when a property is allocated a second time?

I am working on an app where I am presenting 100 sentences using AVAudioplayer. Rather than have 100 AVAudioplayer objects I wanted to just have one property and change the object associated with it on the fly. My code boils down to the following (though the lines arent immediately following each other in the actual code):
self.thePlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url1 error:&error];
self.thePlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url2 error:&error];
Does the object initialized with url1 get released when thePlayer is allocated and initialized a second time with url2, or are both objects only released when the view is dismissed? As I am dealing with 100 sound files I don't want them all hanging around in memory. I'm using ARC
Thanks in advance
In your specific case, guessing at what your code likely includes, the objects will probably be deallocated when you want them to be. That's a lot of "guessing," "likely," and "probably." You really need to understand how the memory management works in order to reason about it.
If the AVAudioPlayer is strongly referenced by anything else, then it won't be released until those strong references are gone. In other words, setting thePlayer won't deallocate the player if something else has a strong reference to it. (That "something" may be some part of the system frameworks, or even itself in some rare cases. It doesn't have to be your code.)
If the AVAudioPlayer has pending autorelease calls on it, then it won't be released until the autorelease pool drains (usually at the end of event loop, which basically means "when your method that UIKit called returns.") For example, if you create a large number of objects in a loop and immediately throw them away, they may or may not be deallocated until the autorelease pool drains. Again, autoreleases may be injected by system frameworks. In practice, this means that the object will usually be deallocated "soon" (in a small fraction of a second), but not necessarily immediately. You can clean up autoreleased objects sooner by using #autoreleasepool blocks, which is sometimes necessary if you create many temporary objects in a loop. This is not needed very often.
But to a first-order approximation, in many of the most common cases, yes, replacing the property will automatically and immediately deallocate the previous object.
It would be useful to show how you declared thePlayer. If they are synthesized properly the memory management would be handled automatically. It appears that you are using "self" to access thePlayer and if so you'd be setting the value through a setter/getter and that would handle the memory management for you. But I also notice that "Self" is capitalized and should not be in order to properly use the setter/getter. For more info on synthesized variables check out: What exactly does #synthesize do?. Note there are some places where you should NOT use self and this link discusses that: How does an underscore in front of a variable in a cocoa objective-c class work?.

Is it possible to implement NSFastEnumeration when using weak references?

I have a collection which maintains weak references to its objects. I'd like it to conform to NSFastEnumeration, but the buffer provided by countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: uses unsafe_unretained references. That creates a gap during which a returned reference could become invalid but not zeroed.
That's fine in the general case -- if the collection stuffs its (currently valid but weakly-referenced) object into the buffer and returns it, then the caller will presumably create its own strong reference if needed. But that leaves two problems:
(1) I don't see any guarantee that the for(){} iteration construct itself creates a temporary strong reference to the object, so if the contents of the {x} block changes something outside the collection in a way that causes the object to be released, then it'll have a dangling reference.
(2) There's still a small gap while returning from countByEnumeratingWithState: during which activity on another thread could invalidate the reference. My collection isn't meant to be thread-safe, but it would be nice if it could at least safely store references to objects which could be referenced on another thread, as there's really no way to prevent that in any multi-threaded application.
You can't return a strong reference directly to the caller. The caller won't release it, and the fast enumeration protocol does not guarantee that you will get a chance to release it yourself when the caller is done.
Instead you can retain+autorelease the objects before you store them into the buffer. That would guarantee the objects stay alive while the caller uses them. It may hurt the "fast" part of fast enumeration, but you would still get the "convenient syntax" part. If you add a nil check after you read the weak variable then you can avoid storing nil pointers into the buffer.
