getselectionmodel when using treelist not available - extjs6

I am using tree list and trying to use getselectionmodelbut throwing error. If i use tree panel instead of tree list it works.

Tree lists are light weight - they don't have a selection model, as such. You can see the selection using the getSelection() config property accessor.


Vaadin 14 TreeGrid - Cannot add the same item multiple times

Working on a project that will display hierarchies of "tasks". I'm running into a problem where it will not allow for multiple entries of the same object. From what I can tell, the "duplicate" item is under a different parent.
The domain data allows for this - a given task may appear in lots of places.
It would seem that this is intentional (maybe), but is there a way around this?
It's intentional to a degree; each Grid and TreeGrid data item is expected to be unique. You could work around this by creating your own implementation of the hierarchical DataProvider class (for example extend AbstractHierarchicalDataProvider) which overrides the getId method along with the other required methods. The return value of this method needs to be unique per item, as it's used as a hash key.
Well, this is probably not the best solution, but it works.
I added a field to the abstract super class that is initialized with the current time (long ms). When I am adding items to the tree grid, I check to see if the tree contains the item and if so, I randomize the field and then add it. The new field is marked #Transient so it's not persisted.

ComboBox with hidden keys

Is it possible in vaadin 12 to have comboboxes such that it displays a user-friendly value but behind the scenes it stores a hidden code? I found this example from 5 years ago but it doesn't apply to Vaadin 12 comboboxes:
(If there's a good, reasonably clean way to do it, please point me in the right direction! I would think this is a common sought-after feature)
Items are assigned to ComboBox either directly using setItems or indirectly through setDataProvider.
The item itself is not sent to the browser and shown in the dropdown. Instead, for each item ComboBox generates a string label that is shown in the UI and an internal id that is used on the server for mapping back to the original item instance when the user makes a selection.
The generated id is internal to ComboBox and has no external meaning. In particular, it's not based on any value in the item itself such as the item's primary key in the application's database.
The label is by default based on doing toString() for each item. You can customize how the label is created by assigning an item label generator callback that receives an item instance and returns the label string to use for that item.
If you for example have a combo box for selecting persons, then you could configure it in e.g. this way:
ComboBox<Person> personSelector = new ComboBox<>();
personSelector.setItemLabelGenerator(person ->
person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName());
If I understand you correctly, there is built-in feature in ComboBox for this, the method is called setItemLabelGenerator(..), which allows to define e.g. lambda expression that returns String which is used for ComboBox items instead of the property from underlying data object.
The linked Forum discussion you found is about similar thing in our previous generation of the framework, there has been some renaming of the API here.

List component alternative to list.js that would support drag n drop

Javve's List.js is nice component but there are difficulties to drop items into - you can't just add item with your html, you should add it through List API using json class and then component will create item for you using its template (loosing all attributes values since it is impossible using this template set up attributes)....
Could you recommend any other list component (with filter and paging to which would be easy to drop items)?
P.S If you know how to drop into list.js - please tell me the secret.
P.P.S It is possible to drug from list.js (so if you do not need to return item to list this component works well)

smartgwt beginner- how to display xml entered in text area into tree

I am working with Smart GWT 3.0 LGPL- I am trying to display in a tree the entire block of XML entered by user into a text area.
I can get the nodelist from the xml entered by user, however in Smart GWT, Tree widget accepts only TreeNode[] members as data.
How do I convert the NodeList (obtained using GWT's inbuilt XML parser) into TreeNode[]? Is my approach correct(to display the xml in tree form)? Or is the solution to solve this problem completely different from what I am thinking?
I assume you use the SmartGWT's TreeGrid object to create the tree. The TreeGrid is just a specialized ListGrid and, as the later, it can be databounded to a Datasource, which can easily parse an XML. Look at this example. It should help you to create a solution to your problem. You can just show only one field in your TreeGrid, if all you need is a simple tree.
In the case that you can't access the xml data through a URL, like accessing them through your text area, after you have parsed them as a NodeList, you should iterate them and create an array of TreeNode objects. For each Something object you should set its associated TreeNode object's attributes using the setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue) methods. Then create a Tree object, and starting from the root you can add the TreeNode objects using the various methods of the Tree, at the required position. Then a simple: treeGrid.setData(Tree tree) will load and show your data in your TreeGrid.
You can create an array TreeNode[] which have size as nodelist's length, and in a cycle to put on a value. And after that you can set in a tree this TreeNode[].

Knockoutjs native template binding and simple array of strings

I'm trying to understand native knockoutjs template binding, especially foreach binding.
Just wondering how to access current item using native bidning? With jQuery.tmpl it is possible using something like $item / $data. How to do the same using native template binding when data source is the arrays of primitives so each item has no named fields? Here is the JSFiddle with two examples, the first - using native binding where data source is array of custom objects, second one - binding to an array of strings. I'm unable get it working, looks like I'm missing something obvious?
Basically I'm trying to understand native bindings and be able refactor following example using native binding: JSFiddle: Comma separated list of checked items so I would be able keep an observable variable which represnts a comma separated list of checked items.
You can use $data to access the raw value like:
Here is the other fiddle updated: Not sure the exact functionality that you want to support in it.
I am not sure if this is already answered from the amazing Niemeyer (thanks for all of your help in the Knockout Community!), but I made a jsFiddle to show storing the actual Person objects Selected in an observable array.
I am not sure if that is what you are trying to do, but maybe someone else is researching this looking on how to do this exact thing: bind the actual objects into an observable array, not just the ids (although, i added that too to remind me).
Example of a Checkbox List Selected Object Binding:
