CXF post api fails via jmeter - post

Trying to automate my test cases using jmeter. I have used cxf for rest apis on my web server. I have an api which actually takes a java object as parameter. On jmeter I have selected the POST method under HTTP-request and sending json data in Body data. The api gets called fine. However the parameter comes null and hence by api fails. I did try changing the parameter to String object, however I get this string as null.
Is this the right way to call apis via jmeter. Or is this failing because I have used cxf on my server.
Any help is appreciated.

Most likely you need to add a HTTP Header Manager and configure it to send Content-Type header with the value of application/json
See Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter for detailed explanation on JMeter configuration for REST API testing.
Other thing you could try out is using SoapUI tool to send the request to your CXF endpoint and if it succeeds - inspect the request and configure JMeter accordingly. By the way, SoapUI has some limited load testing capabilities, may be it will be enough for your scenario


Postman: Generating POST request body from GET response

I generate an API and Collection for my app by applying the steps on the following article: The hidden gem: Postman API and Documentation feature.
You may try by using a test endpoint e.g. (user:test, pass:abc123).
Here is an example json body that I am trying to generate:
"name": "{{$randomLoremSentence}}",
"description": "{{$randomAdjective}}",
"productUuid": "{{productUuid}}",
"address": "{{$randomLoremSentence}}"
However, I am looking for a practical way for generating json body for Postman requests. Is there a proper way for this? Or do ı have to build each request manually? I think there must a a smarter way. Any idea?
The JSON response body is not created within POSTMAN, it is generated by the response from a web API HTTP request.
The API method that is executed determines the response.
Once you have determined the response and it's structure, you can then create the request and test script within a POSTMAN Collection.
It is easier to manually test each HTTP request with sample inputs then copy that into an existing Collection, then write the test scripts for each test case, template any input parameters into URL query strings or the
JSON request body with global or collection scoped variables.
After you have determined how to parameterize and template each request (and both the Test Script and Pre-request Script), you will then be able to
implement the test script to create assertions on the JSON response content using BDD expressions.
I recommend looking at the POSTMAN documentation at
as it shows some really good examples on how to create a basic test, then automate it using JavaScript, Chai BDD language and the POSTMAN Collection Runner.
This is based on my experience with POSTMAN. I am not aware of any simple way
to automate request and test script creation from API Swagger definitions as every API method response could have any number of potential responses based on different inputs, so this (I believe) has to be constructed manually by the tester.

No "Location" header in JMeter for Auth 2.0

Auth 2.0.
"code" parameter is required to perform
POST /.../oauth2/v2.0/token
with code value.
In Fiddler code value could be found in Location header of response to /kmsi request:
However, here is no Location header in JMeter for the same request:
Why? Are there any tip to get Location header in JMeter too?
If you're seeing different response it means that
Either you're sending a different request. In this case inspect request details from JMeter and from the real browser using a 3rd-party sniffer tool like Fiddler or Burp, identify the inconsistencies and amend your JMeter configuration so it would send exactly the same request as the real browser does (apart from dynamic values which need to be correlated)
Or one of the previous requests fails somewhere somehow, JMeter automatically treats HTTP responses with status codes below 400 as successful, it might be the case they are not really successful, i.e. you're continuously hitting the login page (you can check it by inspecting response data tab of the View Results Tree listener). Try adding a Response Assertions to the HTTP Request samplers so there will be another layer of explicit checks of the response data, this way you will get confidence that JMeter is doing what it is supposed to be doing.

Post Https SOAP request for performing an action in application using robot framework

I wrote this robot framework test to post a https request to a webservice. The request body is in xml format and not in Json. I have used request library for this, but i am receiving error when i post using the code listed below.
With postman, i had send the body as raw data and got response as 200 ok, but when i try to do the same in robot framework its throwing error 404.
Please help me on this:
Is requests library relevant for post of https xml data soap request
to a web service?
Can any modification be made to below code for posting a https request
to a web service?
Is there any other library through which we could achieve calling
soap web service?
The Robot Framework Script
Library String
Library Collections
Library RequestsLibrary
${user} = username
${passwd} = pwd
&{headers} Content-Type=application/soap+xml or text/xml Authorization=Basic encrypted details
${body_request} = <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a=""><s:Header><a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1"></a:Action><a:MessageID>msgid</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>url</a:Address></a:ReplyTo><a:To s:mustUnderstand="1">serviceurl</a:To></s:Header><s:Body xmlns:xsi=body"></s:Body></s:Envelope>
*** Test Cases ***
${auth}= Create List ${user} ${passwd}
Create Session alias=proc url=url headers=${headers} auth=${auth}
Sleep 5
${resp2} Post Request alias=proc uri=url data=${body_request} json=None params=None
headers=${headers} files=None allow_redirects=True timeout=None
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp2.status_code} 200
Log To Console ${resp2.status_code}
Answers to your question mentioned below,
Is requests library relevant for post of https xml data soap request to a web service? - yes, it can be used. however, there are better ways to achieve the same, see the solution below.
Can any modification be made to below code for posting a https request to a web service? - I think it is nothing to do with https, since 400 is bad request, you need to look at the body.
Is there any other library through which we could achieve calling soap web service? - SudsLibrary.
Although, you can make use of requests module to achieve your solution,
My philosophy when making use of robotframework is "SIMPLY MAKE USE OF EXISTING LIBRARIES" which is already verified. Please do not spend time to solve the problem keeping the thought process of "using a language".
Please make use of "SudsLibrary" library for SOAP requests, look at Keyword Documentation for your reference.
SudsLibrary is a library for functional testing of SOAP-based web services. SudsLibrary is based on Suds, a dynamic SOAP 1.1 client.
pip install robotframework-sudslibrary3
When you use the above library your code would be something similar to the one seen below,
*** Settings ***
Library SudsLibrary
Library Collections
*** Test Cases ***
Sample Testcase On SOAP
${BASE_URL} Set Variable
${SERVICE} Create Dictionary
... name=someservice
... wsdl=someservice.asmx?WSDL
${PORT} Set variable SERVICE_PORT
Set Binding SOAP-ENV
Create Soap Client ${BASE_URL}/${}/${SERVICE.wsdl}
Set Port ${PORT}
Set Headers Content-Type application/soap+xml
Set Headers Authorization Basic encrypted details
Set Headers Soapaction ${EMPTY}
Set Headers Action "${BASE_URL}/${}/${METHOD}"
${result} Call Soap Method ${METHOD}

Java SOAP client very slow

I am building a client for a web service. I didn't want to the client downloading the wsdl everytime and got this answer.
But evaluating the source files of WSServiceDelegate,
URL url = wsdl.getSystemId()==null ? null : JAXWSUtils.getEncodedURL(wsdl.getSystemId());
WSDLModel model = parseWSDL(url, wsdl, serviceClass);
service = model.getService(this.serviceName);
if (service == null)
throw new WebServiceException(
// fill in statically known ports
for (WSDLPort port : service.getPorts())
ports.put(port.getName(), new PortInfo(this, port));
I see that it still parses the wsdl to get the service. How can I get around that. I provided the endpoint url using the context.
I need the client to be as fast and as small as possible, adding a huge wsdl in there is worst than downloading the wsdl.
For the operations you are interested in, you can build your own SOAP messages based on the wsdl's Request/Response messages and the xsd. You can use Jaxb tools to convert from XSD to Java classes. You then need to make post calls using Http Clients (like Spring RestTemplate) to post the POST body, soap based, to the endpoint address. This will make your calls faster but you have to code more in order to benefit.

Inspect HTTP requests made by Apache Wink client

I'm using Apache Wink to access a service, and trying to debug a problem where the server apparently does not recieve my request in the intended format (details below, but are probably immaterial). Is there a way I can make the Wink client to log the HTTP requests that it makes to the server, so that I can see what is being sent down the wire?
Details: I'm using Eclipse Lyo to create a ChangeRequest in RTC (rational team concert) using their OSLC v2 REST APIs.(Eclipse Lyo internally uses Apache Wink). In doing so, even though I've set a "Filed Against" property in the ChangeRequest being submitted, RTC does not recognize it and complains that it is missing.
I think it's better to use a proxy to monitor the traffic. If your client runs on Windows, Fiddler is a very nice tool.
