iOS: Determine if another app becomes active - ios

My app needs the device location with an accuracy of about 10 meters. If the app is launched, it usually takes e.g. 10 sec to get the required accuracy. This delay is OK. However when the app is „in use“ (see below), the delay should be less, e.g. 1 sec.
The problem is the following:
When the user switches off the display, the app transits from the active state to the background state (and the delegate methods applicationWillResignActive and applicationDidEnterBackground are called).
Normally, location updates are not done in background. So, next time the app transits from background to active state (delegate methods applicationWillEnterForeground and applicationDidBecomeActive are called), the location manager needs again e.g. 10 sec to reach the required accuracy. This delay in unfortunately not OK.
To avoid it, the app could do location updates in the background. This works fine.
The disadvantage is that these background location updates continue, even if the app is no longer used, because the user pressed the home button and switched to another app. This is disturbing at least for 2 reasons: The GPS hardware is unnecessarily active and uses power, and the user is notified that my app is using the device location although this is no longer required.
My question thus is:
Is it possible to determine if another app becomes active?
If so, background location updates could be switched off.

Is it possible to determine if another app becomes active?
No, your app only knows if it's in background or in foreground handling delegate events. Know if user opened another app or is in the home screen is not possible.
These background location updates continue, even if the app is no longer used, because the user pressed the home button and switched to another app.
I think you're right. You could start a timer when application goes in background and update localization only for an estabilished period (one minute?). Then, at the end of timer count save last localization coordinates. Timer is used to avoid unnecessary updates, then if user doesn't open again your app after a reasonable time, maybe it's because he's using other apps or he locked the device.
When the app comes to the foreground again, if timer is still active you're good. Otherwise show last localization saved and show a small "banner" to advise user that localization could not be accurated for the first 10 seconds (until when required accuracy has been reached)


How much time an iOS app is guaranteed to stay in the background without being removed from the memory?

I have a Swift iOS app consisting of 3 view controllers – the initial one with a tableview, the second one with the chosen element and ability to create a new time session and the third one with the actual timer for the session (let’s call it the timer vc).
In this case, the focus is the timer view controller. However, the question is not about the timer itself. It works both in foreground and background mode. The problem is this:
The app goes background. Then over a certain fixed period of time, it receives a local notification – a reminder to go back to the timer vc and save the results. Most of the time, it works fine but sometimes when you go back to the app (through notification), it opens the initial vc with the tableview instead of the timer vc, which seems like the system terminates the background app after a while and then reopens it when you go back through the notification. In this case, all the data from the timer vc are obviously lost since the app logic requires that the user save the data after the session is finished.
What I think, the essence of the problem may have to do with how long the app can stay in the background without being terminated or suspended (If I’m not mistaken, in this state, all the current data associated with the app are removed from the memory). I mean, when you set the notifications to be triggered like every 1, 5 or 10 minutes, everything seems to be fine. However, when the notification is set for 30 minutes or more, the mentioned bug seems to appear from time to time (especially when testing on an actual device instead of a simulator). For the most part, it appears if the device storage is almost full - under 1Gb of free space). Which leads me to believe that this may also be a memory management issue.
How to make this timer vc run in the background as much time as needed? Also, does anybody know how much time an iOS app is guaranteed to stay in the background without being removed from the memory? Thanks a lot.
There is no guarantee of your's app execution time when it is in background mode. The operating system can suspend it anytime, Operating system has the responsibility only to notify your app which you will receive in the app delegate.
For setting up the local notification, you need to get the help from OS only. You can't rely on your app's execution in the background thread. For scheduling and handling of local notifications, you can go through the following documentation.

IOS: Detecting lock after the app has entered background?

Is there a way to detect lock after the app has entered background? For example,
I have my app (A) open at the foreground
Then I bring another app (B) to the foreground
Then lock the screen
Is it possible for (A) to detect the lock?
The answer is "In theory yes, but usually not."
Apps actually have more states than active and background.
The states are:
Background (still running, but another app is in the foreground)
Suspended (in memory, but not getting any CPU time)
Not running. (no longer running or in memory.)
When the user swaps apps, presses the home button, or locks their device, your app gets notified that it is going into the background, but it actually only runs in the background for a VERY short time. It transitions to suspended almost immediately. Once you're suspended, you can be terminated at any time without further notice.
If you need more time to finish a task when you get notified that you are being moved to the background, you can ask for it using the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler call. However, as of this writing you get at most 3 minutes, and then your expiration handler fires and your app is suspended.
As a result of this, you don't actually get to run in the background for very long and it's likely that by the time the user locks the screen (or it locks automatically) you are already suspended and don't get notified.
Is it possible for (A) to detect the lock?
No, for two reasons:
You cannot detect, under any circumstances, that the screen has been locked. Even if your app is frontmost when the screen is locked, all you learn is that your app was backgrounded, without your being able to learn why.
In your scenario, by the time the screen is locked, your app isn't even running — it has been suspended. So it cannot "detect" anything.

How to know the reason my app is killed

I'm making a background tracking GPS app for iOS 7.0+.
I'm having issues when tracking position while in background, it's killed after exactly 5 minutes, even if we are in the middle of a highway, with 1 location per second. It's not killed when constantly in active state.
This seems to occur only on iOS 7.0 version, not on later versions.
I already registered the plist location background activity.
I need maximum accuracy and shortest update time, so I'm not using the significant change method but the basic startUpdatingLocation. This application is used mainly plugged inside a car (no mercy for battery).
I set the location delegate to the app delegate so it's less subject to be deallocated.
Even with all of this done, it's still impossible to take this app alive in background more than 5 minutes.
I'm fighting on iOS which always find a way to terminate my app, even with app state restoration.
So the question is, is there a way to know why my application is killed ?
List of threads that didn't help me or does not respond to my needs, and that I already visited :
How to keep GPS app running in background without pauses
iOS Multi-Tasking Track GPS Location
Periodic iOS background location updates
The system will not tell you why the app was terminated.
I set the location delegate to the app delegate so it's less subject to be deallocated.
The delegate has no effect on whether the location manager is deallocated or not. You must keep a strong reference to the location manager itself.

App restarts when woken from background

G'day iOS Guru's,
I have searched extensively for an answer, but can't find one (I bet the first response to my question will be to another similar question, but I cant find it).
Anyway, my problem is that I am running a simple map app that the user can drop pins on the map with a customised circle overlay around the dropped pin.
When the app goes into the background (iphone locked or home button pressed), if I re-enter the app within ~ 5 mins, the pins are still there and the app reopens to the last screen.
All good.
However, if I leave the app in the background for longer than 5 mins, the app restarts and all the pins are lost.
I have "Application does not run in background = NO" in the plist, and also enabled "App registers for location updates" under Required background modes.
How can I prevent the app from restarting after it enters the background and load the last opened view?
iOS can, and will, terminate your app while it's in the background if it needs additional resources to carry out whatever's going on in the foreground.
You need to ensure that your data is saved/archived when your app is terminated, and unpacked when re-launched so as to go back to where the user last was. The traditional way to do this is to use the applicationDidEnterBackground method, which is called when your app is suspended. You can then save all the data you need in order to resume cleanly in case your app is later terminated.
However, if you're targeting iOS 6 and upwards you can take advantage of a new feature - State Presumption & Restoration (link to documentation). State restoration off-loads some (but not all) of the heavy lifting onto iOS, and it can automatically snapshot your UI and provides easier ways to preserve and restore data.
in your AppDelegate.m
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
// Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later.
// If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.
// Save your data

How to check Current device time when app is in Background

I am working on a app which need to check time after every minute when the app is in the background. I want to match current time with specific time, and if time matches then the app should show an alert (when app is in background).
You set a Local Notification and even the App is dead after going to background, the local notification will pop up. As in your example it will tell the user "Time to take your medicament" and if the user choose the "View Details" button, your app will be fired from the iOS
Another method how can you do this is to trick the ios (Apple :-) )
Apple allows you to stay in background without beeing killed if you do some specific tasks, such as Location
So what you can do is
in the info.plist add "Required background modes" and value Location
Info here
Than Set up a CLLocationManager for scanning the location and obey the Apples advice and make it not very accurate (battery life saving)
Setup a timer and in the timer routine check the location (that saves the apps life) and than do whatever you want to do ...
This should also work.
