iOS - make changes to app without requiring update via app store? - ios

This may seem like an odd question, but I'm in the middle of creating an iOS app, and was wondering if there is a way to, in the future, roll out changes to the app without requiring all of the users to download an update.
I've noticed that Snapchat can do this with their filters - new filters are added regularly, without me updating the app.
I've read into 'Cloud code', something Parse had that apparently let you accomplish this. Obviously that's no longer an option.
Also, do Apple even allow this? Seeing as they need to approve every app before letting it onto the App Store, it would seem like they would need to approve any changes first too.
I've thought of strange things like storing a function in a database, then getting the app to download that function and run it - naturally if I were to now change the function in the database, it would change on all users devices instantly. Just how ridiculous is that idea? Thanks!

Depends on how much flexibility you want.
For example, Spotify does this for UI mainly - backend-driven UI, as they call it. They send a kind of layout from the server and convert it to a real iOS layout, based of a predefined mapping. You can find pretty more details in the Spotify's presentation.
Video (more details):
So actions can also be divided in similar pieces and abstractions, received from the server and interpreted - sort of scripting is needed. You can't compile and run arbitrary functions on the fly.
Hope it'll give you some ideas you can think of.

See Apple's app store review guidelines: section 2.4.5 (iv). Apps are not supposed to download code or resources to add functionality or significantly change the app from what Apple sees during the review process. And executable memory isn't even writable by sandboxed apps, which makes downloading compiled functions fairly useless. But downloading Javascript that complies with the above guidelines seems to be allowed.


How to create an iOS app add-on?

Is it possible to create an API inside an iOS app to let 3rd party developers create app add-on that are downloadable for users inside the app?
I could not find any ressources for this topic online.
I think that's going to go against the app store guidelines if your intention is that the 3rd party developers write code, which will be downloaded and executed.
There's something of a grey area between legitimate uses and illegitimate uses of downloaded code:
Legitimate Example 1: Something like Hopscotch where children are creating simple fun shared games. These can be considered user generated content.
Legitimate Example 2: A game which is driven by scripts allows for the run-time downloading of patches to fix bugs in the scripts or even to add new levels. I believe such usages have been rejected occasionally in the past, but are generally accepted these days.
The relevant guideline from the guidelines is (emphasis mine):
2.5.2 Apps should be self-contained in their bundles, and may not read or write data outside the designated container area, nor may they download, install, or execute code, including other iOS, watchOS, Mac OS X, or tvOS apps.
And the all-encompassing:
We will reject apps for any content or behavior that we believe is over the line. What line, you ask? Well, as a Supreme Court Justice once said, "I'll know it when I see it". And we think that you will also know it when you cross it.
If your idea is to create some sort of app-store within your app-store app, then I would abandon it immediately, because that's going to be way over Apple's line.
That said, you haven't given much detail about your app, so I might have made wrong assumptions about where you're thinking of going.

how to upload picture and event in my Published App Xcode 6

i am New user for Xcode in swift and i published my app to App Store. i could only connected with Parse ( Push notification Service )
but actually i want in future to change the background of my App or to add New Event. i know it is possible to do all this things with backend service but i heard that i have to design the code in parse, there is anyway to find the sample codes like push notification in Parse or somewhere else?
i will really appreciate if someone can help me.
"I want in future to change the background of my App or to add New Event"
These are hugely different scenarios.
Its pretty trivial to use Parse to change a screen background. Just save your existing background image as a file (eg as a UIImage) in Parse, and have your app download the image from Parse and set it as the background image of your UIView. Change the file and all users will see a new background. You would need to do this when the app loads (or at least before you access this screen), or else there will be some annoying delay when you access the screen with the new background image.
Adding a new event sounds close to impossible, as it involves modifying your code. But your compiled code is "signed", and as such is designed by Apple to be impossible to change without going through the market. Any app which could do that could bypass the market and potentially directly download malicious code. And nor (as far as I know) does Apple provide any support for extending or changing code within iOS. If its not actually impossible, I expect it would be so difficult and require so much knowledge of iOS as to be infeasible for the average programmer.
EDIT: You have now clarified as to what you mean by "Event" in your comments. This is just data which you load dynamically (and not an "event" in the programming sense). Yes you can do this through Parse (and lots of other ways), just read/load the data through Parse. Very easy to do, have you read Parse's excellent tutorial?

IOS swift - Tracking used apps

I'm currently looking for a way to track user activity. I'm working on an IOS app using swift and i need stats of apps usage. basically I want to get-make a tracking of the used apps. Data like opened apps, start time and shut down time... I know that for get all stats, maybe is necessary run a backgroud service, but, this is another problem that i think to solve after. for now i want to know if it's posible, if there is some way to get stats for used apps. I know that the UIApplication class call the UIApplicationMain function when an app is launched. Maybe, from my app, there is a way for access this info?... Thanks, i have been a long time reading but really, i can't see some clear option.
If (as David has interpreted your question in the comments) you are trying to track usage of other apps that aren't yours, he's right; you can only track your own app's usage.
If you are needing to track events in your own app, there are a good number of analytic frameworks available to do exactly what you are needing to do.
Flurry is one I've used in the past with success, and is one of the more well know solutions. I've also utilized Google's analytics framework. Both are pretty straightforward to integrate into your app and to track the sort of fine grained events you are looking to capture. You can't go wrong with either one of those.
Here is a (slightly old) list of additional tracking/analytics options beyond Flurry and Google's offerings.
You can record your feedback and user experiences, and bug reports with

Rewrite native iOS app with Titanium or Rhodes

I have an iOS app in the AppStore, built with Xcode a while ago, but I am thinking of rewriting it from scratch to iron out some bad decisions and this time use some cross-platform framework such as Appcelerator Titanium or Rhodes to add Android support also.
Is it possible for my current iOS users to seamlessly upgrade to the new version, retaining their userdata (of course a migrator is required in the new app). I think I have to retain some app identifier or other data in the new version.
Or should I create it as totally new app and let the users migrate their data (possibly using the Open in... scheme).
The downside of this is that current users must re-purchase the app, which might drive some of them away.
Is it possible for my current iOS users to seamlessly upgrade to the new version, retaining their userdata (of course a migrator is required in the new app). I think I have to retain some app identifier or other data in the new version.
In principle, it is possible. The fact that you are moving to a different development platform will not affect your ability to access data already stored by the user. In the end, it greatly depends on how you stored that data: if it is through NSUserDefaults, it will be pretty much transparent; if it is in XML/JSON files, you will need to add some XML/JSON parser to you new app (provided Appcelerator Titanium or Rhodes do not already provide one); if it is through sqlite, I know that, e.g., Titanium supports it; if it is through Core Data, maybe you will need to write some kind of converter for the existing data. But, in the end, it is definitely possible.
Or should I create it as totally new app and let the users migrate their data (possibly using the Open in... scheme). The downside of this is that current users must re-purchase the app, which might drive some of them away.
What you should take into account here is how much the new app will differ from the old one. If there is a risk of disappointing your customer base, maybe you can go for a separate version. It is clear that doing so will bother some users that will have paid for the old version. One scheme that has been applied in at least one case I know of is offering the app for free during an initial period. But whether this is sensible or not depends entirely on the prospects of your apps.
Maybe the best approach is striving for a largely improved new version, so that disappointed customers will be the least possible number, and keep the same bundle id for a seamless update.
I would suggest refactoring your current iOS codebase as opposed to rewriting it from scratch. Rewriting from scratch is almost always the wrong decision when you can refactor and clean up code as you go. It will always be harder than you expect, take longer than you expect, and often won't end up providing the benefit you expected it to. Refactoring is cheaper, faster, and safer.
In my opinion you would be doing your users a disservice by rewriting the app using cross-platform framework after they are used to a fully native app written in Objective-C. You would be doing yourself a disservice by throwing away code. Bad code can be fixed, no matter how ugly it is now.
I would suggest writing your Android app using Java and refactor your iOS app once the Android app is finished. You can provide the best experience for both platforms this way. The reason to add Android support first is because you already have a working iOS app in the store, so you're 1/2 way there already without touching a cross-platform framework. Writing the Android app should also allow you to flesh out ideas of how to refactor the iOS app.
As far as upgrading your current users, you need to keep the bundle ID the same in order for users to be able to seamlessly upgrade via the app store. Upgrading their data is also possible, but you need to provide more details on how that data is stored within your current app. If at all possible, the automatic upgrade is preferable to an Open In... scheme that requires the user to manually load their settings.

Lua in iOS and side-loading scripts

The latest game by Gameloft called Order&Chaos starts with a Checking for Update screen, which indicates that they're able to update certain data without updating the entire binary.
I'm quite certain that they're using some kind of scripting language like Lua in their app and updating these scripts to e.g. change certain values (like buying price of items).
What's your experience with side-loading or updating scripts in your iOS application?
I don't mean loading new graphics or other contents, but game logic like my path finding implementation in Lua.
Apple cleary states that this isn't allowed
3.3.2 An Application may not download or install executable code.
Interpreted code may only be used in
an Application if all scripts, code
and interpreters are packaged in the
Application and not downloaded. The
only exception to the foregoing is
scripts and code downloaded and run by
Apple's built-in WebKit framework.
This happens in most of these applications TinyChef, RestaurantStory, HotelStory, etc..
They update content, but not the core program. Just adds new content or modifies the existing using external files and DB updates from a remote server.
Example, what they do is download new graphics and add a new item to their Desserts table of their DB and finally when they show all their Desserts the new one shows up and its ready to be cooked as if it was in the app from the beginning.
I could elaborate more info if you need.
If you are using lua, you could easily add, say new levels to your games, just by downloading a file containing your level data. Im sure that you are familiar with using external files one per level/item/character with a common format you then parse in your app.
You can have your path finding algorithm in another file as i said, and update (download and replace) that unique file whenever you improve it.
I haven't tried this, yet, but wouldn't it be as easy as querying a server, getting back a string, then parsing that into the database?
That might not violate Apples policy, since it wouldn't be executable code, just delimited text.
You could probably do more complicated stuff that way too. It wouldn't be a whole lot different than DropBox downloading files to your phone so you can view them. But instead of a document file, it would be a 3D object.
I think 3.3.2 clausule is to prevent that anyone can download/buy from appStore an engine like Love2D for iPhone, create games/apps in Lua, download it on the iPhone via web and execute with this engine, because it means develop and deploy apps on iPhone using an intermediate SDK instead of the official SDK, and of course, without paying anything to Apple.
Think about it, you can create your own App Store with this system and that is what Apple wants to prevent. but i think Apple doesn't take care of this type of downloads, where you want to update your own apps logic or levels.
