Getting loaded vs visible cells on a UITableView or UICollectionView - uitableview

With the introduction of iOS 10, it seems like we're going to have prefetching enabled by default on UITableView and UICollectionViews. This means that cells that aren't displayed on the screen are going to be fetched before the user actually sees them.
Here are some relevant methods:
cellForRowAtIndexPath:: returns "nil if the cell is not visible."
visibleCells: each item represents "a visible cell in the table view."
indexPathsForVisibleRows: each item represents "a visible row in the table view."
visibleCells: "returns the complete list of visible cells displayed by the collection view."
indexPathsForVisibleItems: each item represents "a visible cell in the collection view."
cellForItemAtIndexPath:: returns "nil if the cell is not visible."
All these specifically mention "visible" in their descriptions. With the introduction of pre-fetching in iOS 10, how would I distinguish between a cell that was pre-fetched vs. one that is currently visible?
In other words:
How do I get all visible cells?
How do I get all loaded cells?
It does not look like there are any new APIs on either UITableView or UICollectionView that can help with this.

Take the visible in function names literally.
UITableView behaves just as it did in iOS 9.
You'll need to do some bookkeeping if you want to treat loaded vs. visible cells differently in UICollectionView on iOS 10.
UITableView and UICollectionView appear to behave very differently when it comes to prefetching.
First thing to notice is that there is a difference between prefetching cells and prefetching data:
Prefetching cells refers to the cellForRowAtIndexPath being called before the cell is actually displayed on screen. This enables the scenario where you have cells that are off-screen but still loaded.
Prefetching data refers to the prefetchDataSource methods which inform you about indexPaths that are going to be displayed on screen. You do not have a reference to the cell when this method is called, and you do not return a cell when this method is called. Instead, this method should do things like fire off a network request to download an image that will be displayed in the cell.
Note: In all of these scenarios, imagine there are 8 cells that can be displayed at any given time.
UITableView: (options: no prefetching, or prefetch data)
Does not prefetch cells, ever. In other words, it will never call cellForRowAtIndexPath on an indexPath that isn't displayed.
As such, there is no isPrefetchingEnabled property on a UITableView.
You can opt-in to prefetching data by using the prefetchDataSource.
Note that although the table view does seem to be less aggressive with reusing cells, it still appears to call cellForItemAtIndexPath when the reused cell comes back on screen. (Although I may need to do some more investigation as to this, especially for collection views.)
UICollectionView: (options: no prefetching, prefetch cells, or prefetch cells and data)
Prefetches cells by default. In other words, it will call cellForItemAtIndexPath for cells that aren't going to be immediately displayed.
The prefetching of cells only begins when the user scrolls up or down on the collection view. In other words, you will get exactly 8 calls to cellForItemAtIndexPath when the view is loaded. Only once the user scrolls down will it start asking for non-visible cells (e.g. if you scrolled down to show 2-10, it might ask for 11-14).
When the prefetched, non-visible cell comes on screen, it's not going to call cellForItemAtIndexPath again. It's going to assume that instantiation you did the first time is still valid.
You can opt-in to prefetching data by using the prefetchDataSource.
The prefetchDataSource turns out to be only useful for the initial load. In the same scenario above, when the first 8 cells are displayed, it may fire off a prefetching of data for cells 9-14, for example. However, once this initial method is called, it's useless thereafter. This is because cellForItemAtIndexPath is going to be called immediately after each call to prefetchItemsAt. For example, you'll get prefetchItemsAt:[14, 15] immediately followed by cellForItemAt:14, cellForItemAt:15.
You can opt-out of all prefetching behavior by setting isPrefetchingEnabled = false. This means you can't make a UICollectionView behave similarly to a UITableView with a prefetchDataSource. Or, in other words, you can not have a UICollectionView prefetch data only.
For both:
visibleCells, indexPathsForVisibleRows, and cellForItemAtIndexPath do exactly as they say: they only deal with visible cells. In our same scenario, if we have 20 cells loaded, but only 8 are visible on screen. All 3 of these methods will only report about the 8 on-screen cells.
So what does this mean?
If you're using a UITableView, you can use it as is and never have to worry about a difference between loaded vs. visible cells. They are always equivalent.
For UICollectionView, on the other hand, you're gonna need to do some book-keeping to keep track of loaded, non-visible cells vs. visible cells if you care about this difference. You can do this by looking at some of the methods on the data source and delegate methods (e.g. willDisplayCell, didEndDisplayingCell).


Access all cells in TableView

Hi I am tying to iterate through all the cells of my tableview but My tableview variable only let's me access the visible cells. so is there a way to declare the tableview without using the dequeuereusableCellWithIdentifier? or is there a way to iterate through all the cells?
To efficiently display a table, cells are used and reused depending on which ones are visible onscreen. In fact, this is what dequeuereusableCellWithIdentifier is suggesting - you specify different types of cells so they can be recycled later, as new ones are displayed and the components of offscreen ones are available for reuse.
You should define what needs to be changed or retrieve cells using table view cellForRowAtIndexPath.
You Are Already Accessing All The Cells In The TableView.
Note: I lied, two or more cells may be kept for quick reuse as well by tableView, but are not shown immediately.
At a time, a tableView only shows limited amount to cells to maintain performance and memory usage. So, for this purpose dequeuereusableCellWithIdentifier() method is utilised to let iOS handle the reuse of cells when necessary.
This way, no matter how large the dataSource, from 100,1000 to 1M, for the tableView, it will show the data in its cell smoothly and without any hiccups. That is why, you have limited cells visible and only those are the total cell used and reused by the tableView again and again.
By this definition, the total cell in use are the total visibleCells. So, when you are accessing the visibleCells, you are already accessing all the cells tableView has in use.
If you want to access all the data used by the cell, then please access the dataSource of tableView, not the visibleCells only.
Kind Regards,
Suman Adhikari

deleteRowsAtIndexPaths resets custom cells

I'm relatively new to Swift and iOS and I have one issue - I have a custom SwipeCell class that extends UITableViewCell. It's a cell that can be swiped left and right, and has buttons on each side. For some reason if I made the buttons out of the frame of the cell when user swipes the cell they would appear but could not call an action, so my solution was to make cell wider than it is (so buttons can fit in it). Because it was done this way my cell has to have an offset by default for the total width of the buttons of the left (let's say 100), so it's position is X:-100.
And that's fine, and everything works fines with the cells, however there is one huge issue - if I call the deletion of any cell from the tableView like this
tableView.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths([tableView.indexPathForCell(activeCell)!], withRowAnimation: .None)
tableView then deletes the cell, and all of the other cells that are currently visible (doesn't happen with cells above or below the screen bounds) get moved to X:0 instead of staying at X:-100, so I assume that deleteRowsAtIndexPaths calls some function that resets the visible cells positions to 0,0. I'm currently setting swipe cells positions with layoutSubviews() since the number of buttons is dynamic and couldn't be determined upfront, but layoutSubviews is not the function where the bug happens.
So to sum up question - what function does deleteRowsAtIndexPaths call after deleting a cell that resets/redraws the visible cells?
deleteRowsAtIndexPaths deletes a row(s) from the tableView. This is handled internally by iOS. From Apple documentation:
Deletes the rows specified by an array of index paths, with an option
to animate the deletion.
Another interesting thing to note here is that this method does not modify your model (object that holds data used by your table view cells to render on themselves). You have to do that yourself. The cells are deleted, but if you call reloadData without deleting the row from your Model, cell will reappear.
Expect that cells get deleted and created all the time. Cells are very, very temporary objects. Write the code to create one when needed, and don't make any assumptions. Don't assume the cell is there later, don't assume it's in the same row, don't assume it displays the same data (because cells are recycled).
Since I could find out what happens inside of deleteRowAtIndexPaths, and why it changes frames of each Cell, I decided to just do my own function that deletes a row, by obtaining cells with tableView.visibleCells, and then just moving cells bellow the deleted cell up by a height of deleted cell. Thank you all for trying to help me, and especially thanks to Abhinav who told me that it was handled internally, which help me decide to write a custom code for the deletion.

How do I perform cell selection animations while using reloadData?

I have a UICollectionView, and I override setSelected in the UICollectionViewCell subclass to perform a little bounce animation when the user selects the cell.
The problem is that on selection of the cell, the very selection of the cell alters the data for the other cells (for instance, imagine the other cells have a label in each one that has the amount of cells selected displayed). So I call collectionView.reloadData() so that all the other cells update as well to show the new data (for instance, the amount of cells selected in a label).
However, this reloadData() call seems to reset the UICollectionView completely. Any animations taking place are stopped and the cells are simply updated without animation.
How do I have the cell selection animation, and update the other cells at the same time?
I've tried calling reloadData() only after the animation has completed, but this makes it look like there's lag/delay in updating the other cells (as it doesn't update them until a moment after when the animation finishes), which doesn't look very good.
Similarly, I've tried calling reloadItemsAtIndexPaths: (and exclude the selected cell that will animate), but for whatever reason with collection views this method seems really slow. Like there's a noticeable amount of lag after pressing it.
What should I be doing here? What's the standard for reloading data without the collection view destroying in-progress animations?
Reloading throws away the existing cells and creates (or reuses) new ones. So any animation is inherently destroyed. So, don't reload.
Instead, update your data model as usual and then get the currently visible index paths and associated cells and directly update those cells.

Multiple cells got affected after calling cellForRowAtIndexPath

I have a UITableView, and I want to change text color of the selected row. But I see every other 15 row got affected along with the one I clicked. This is tested under the master-detail sample project.
if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow(){
self.tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath)?.textLabel?.textColor = UIColor.redColor()
I checked cellForRowAtIndexPath value in debug session, it seems returning only one object, how come other cells got affected too?
Cells are reused - almost certainly you are not resetting your cells to a base state in prepareForReuse and configuring them correctly on each call to cellForRowAtIndexPath.
When you look at a table view that can display some number of cells at once, typically there will only exist one more cell than can be shown. When a cell is moved off the screen it is placed in a pool of cells for reuse. Just before a cell moves onto the screen it is configured by you, in cellForRowAtIndexPath. If you have configured something in the cell and you do not configure that explicitly every time you return a cell from cellForRowAtIndexPath then that configuration persists in the cell that is in the reuse pool. The function prepareForReuse is also called before each cell is reused - if you have subclassed UITableViewCell then you can implement this function to return the cell to a base configuration, so that settings like text color do not unexpectedly affect multiple cells.
This approach makes it possible to scroll through an entire table view smoothly with a minimum amount of memory used. It is an expensive operation to create and destroy cells every time one disappears and a new one is required.
The simplest fix is to always set the text color in cellForRowAtIndexPath - either to the base color or to the special color you want in some cells.

Graphical glitches when adding cells and scrolling with UITableView

I am using a UITableView to display the results of a series of calculations. When the user hits 'calculate', I add the latest result to the screen. When I add a new cell, the UITableViewCell object is added to an array (which is indexed by tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:), and then I use the following code to add this new row to what is displayed on the screen:
[thisView beginUpdates];
[thisView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:newIndexPath] withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
[thisView endUpdates];
This results in the new cell being displayed. However, I then want to immediately scroll the screen down so that the new cell is the lowermost cell on-screen. I use the following code:
[thisView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:newIndexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];
This almost works great. However, the first time a cell is added and scrolled to, it appears onscreen only briefly before vanishing. The view scrolls down to the correct place, but the cell is not there. Scrolling the view by hand until this invisible new cell's position is offscreen, then back again, causes the cell to appear - after which it behaves normally. This only happens the first time a cell is added; subsequent cells don't have this problem. It also happens regardless of the combination of scrollToRowAtIndexPath and insertRowsAtIndexPath animation settings.
I've now started inserting cells at the second-to-last position of the table, rather than the end, and the problem still occurs - when first inserted, a cell is 'invisible' until it goes offscreen and comes back on again. What could be causing this, and how can I force the cell to be drawn as soon as it is added to the table?
You're having problems because your updating the table without updating the data model backing it. Tables don't actually know how many rows they have nor what cells to display. They depend on the datasource and the delegate to tell them these things. Your design expects the table itself to track them.
insertRowsAtIndexPaths: is intended to be used for moving existing rows around a table, not for adding entirely new logical rows. When you insert an entirely new cell, the tableview looses track of how many rows it actually has.
Before you display a new row, the first thing you should do is update the values returned by:
– numberOfSectionsInTableView:
– tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
... to reflect the addition of the new rows. This will allow the table to understand how big it is.
Then you need to update cellForRowAtIndexPath: to return the correct cell for the added row. Then you need to reload the table.
After you've done that, you should be able to scroll the tableview to the end and have the cell display properly.
The important thing to remember about tables is that they are dumb. The table itself holds no data, doesn't know how many sections and rows it has or what order the rows and sections come in. All the logic about data, sections, rows, cells and cell contents comes from the datasource and/or the delegate. When you want to change a table, you actually change the datasource and/or the delegate and then the table will reflect those changes automatically.
Upon rereading the parent, I see that your putting the actual UITableViewCell objects in your data array and that you have one cell for each row.
This is not how tableviews are supposed to work and this will not scale beyond a few dozen rows at most.
Tableviews are intended to be an illusion that allows you display a lOGICAL table which has an arbitrary high number or rows. To that end, it only keeps enough UITableViewCell objects alive to cover the visually displayed area in the UI. With a default cell height of 44 pixels this means a tableview will never have more than 9 cell objects at a time.
Instead of eating memory holding cells that are not displayed, the tableview lets the delegate dequeue a cell that has scrolled off screen, repopulate it with the data of another LOGICAL row and then display it in a new position. This is done in cellForRowAtIndexPath:
You really need to start over here with your design. Your data needs to be kept separate from the user interface objects. You don't want to have more cells alive at anyone time than absolutely necessary because your memory use will balloon and your response time will degrade. Your current problem is the result of this unusual design.
When you've done that, you can add the result row as outlined above.
Try to scroll with some time shift after cell update via NSTimer or performSelector:withDelay:. It can help but to fix all problems I think there need to do more work.
The glitches may be caused because a UITableView considers itself the owner of any UITableViewCell instances it is displaying, and reuses them as needed. Part of that process is calling prepareForReuse on the cell. Since you are keeping the cells in an array, you do not want them reused. Try implementing an empty prepareForReuse in your UITableViewCell class. Or just create cells dynamically in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: as apple recommends.
I used what Skie suggested to avoid the problem in the following way:
Immediately after adding the row:
[self performSelector:#selector(scrollToDesiredArea:) withObject:newIndexPath afterDelay:0.4f];
This called the following:
-(void)scrollToDesiredArea:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
UITableView *thisView = (UITableView*)self.view;
[thisView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];
The delay of 0.4s seems to be sufficient to avoid the glitching; any less and it still happens. It may have to be different on varying models of iPhone hardware, though - I only tested on emulator.
