Verilog "In, out, or inout does not appear in port list" - port

I can't understand what this error means.
I want to make a simple calculator with memory, however this error jumped out and I cant get what the
** Error: C:\Users\Kainy\Desktop\LOGIC\calculator\cal.v(14): In, out, or inout does not appear in port list: f1.
** Error: C:\Users\Kainy\Desktop\LOGIC\calculator\cal.v(15): In, out, or inout does not appear in port list: f2.
Seems my f1, f2 have some invalid things, how can I fix it?
module cal( a,b,c,op,clk,reset,en,r_w);
input [3:0] a;
input [3:0] b;
input [7:0] c;
input [2:0] op;
input clk;
input reset;
input en;
input r_w;
output reg [7:0] f1;
output reg [7:0] f2;
wire [7:0] f3;
always#(a or b or op) begin
3'b000: begin
f1 = a;
f3 = f1;
3'b001: begin
f1 = b;
f3 = f1;
3'b010: begin
f1 = a+b;
f3 = f1;
3'b011: begin
f1 = a - b;
f3 = f1;
3'b100: begin
f1 = a * b;
f3 = f1;
3'b101: begin
f1 = b+a;
f3 = f1;
3'b110: begin
f1 = b-a;
f3 = f1;
3'b111: begin
f1 = 0;
f3 = 0;
mem32 mem(clk,reset,en,r_w,c,f3,f2);

You have specified f1 and f2 as being outputs, but have not specified them in the port list: in other words, f1 and f2 do not appear on this line: module cal( a,b,c,op,clk,reset,en,r_w);.
Incidentally, you are using a very old-fashioned style. In 2001 this style (the "ANSI style") was introduced:
module cal(
input [3:0] a,
input [3:0] b,
input [7:0] c,
input [2:0] op,
input clk,
input reset,
input en,
input r_w,
output reg [7:0] f1,
output reg [7:0] f2
Had you used this ANSI style, your error would never had occurred.
I always recommend ANSI style for all new code to the people I teach. I teach this old-fashioned style, but mention that I am only doing so so that they can understand legacy code.


I am facing the issue regarding ALGOL program

% computes factorial n iteratively %
integer procedure factorial( integer value n ) ;
if n < 2
then 1
else begin
integer f;
f := 2;
for i := 3 until n do f := f * i;
end factorial ;
for t := 0 until 10 do write( "factorial: ", t, factorial( t ) );
I have compiled the code but everytime its saying the error. See
$a68g main.alg
5 then 1
a68g: syntax error: 1: possibly a missing or erroneous separator nearby.
9 for i := 3 until n do f := f * i;
a68g: syntax error: 1: possibly a missing or erroneous separator nearby.
13 for t := 0 until 10 do write( "factorial: ", t, factorial( t ) );
a68g: syntax error: 1: possibly a missing or erroneous separator nearby.
You are using an Algol 68 compiler, but the code is not written in Algol 68.
Algol 60 and Algol 68 are different languages with different syntax.
You would need to translate your code to algol 68 to use a68g or find an algol 6o compiler.
Try marst... " MARST is an Algol-to-C translator. It automatically translates programs written on the algorithmic language Algol 60 to the C programming language. "
If you were to code this in Algol 68, a possible solution could be
DO OP F = (INT n) INT: (n < 1 | 1 | n * F (n - 1));
print ((F t, new line))

Substitute variable?

I'm trying to substitute L with Lα:
f(x) := c * (x + L);
c: L;
f(x), L: Lα;
I expected the output:
Lα * (x + Lα)
instead I got
L * (x + Lα)
Maybe I should define f(x) instead?
c * (x + L)
c: L;
f(x), L: Lα;
Nope — same result.
Do I substitute L for Lα in a wrong way?
Turns out it is expected behaviour, as maxima evavluates expression only once. One can impose "infinite evaluation" via the flag infeval:
f(x), L: La, infeval;
=> La*(x + La)
Another solution is to use subst instead:
Lα, L, f(x)
You need to add an extra eval step to make this work:
f(x) := c * (x + L);
c: L;
f(x), L: Lα, eval;
Lα (x + Lα)
Use subst instead of ev.
(%i1) f(x) := c * (x + L)$
(%i2) c: L$
(%i3) subst(L=La,f(x));
(%o3) La (x + La)
But keep in mind that the function continues to be c*(x+L). The symbol c has been bound to L and if you then bind the symbol L to La, c will continue to be bound to L and not to La. Maxima variables work as in Lisp, which might be different to what you are used to in other languages.

Split huge F# file with mutually recursive functions

In F# I have a very long code file like
let rec f1 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 .. aN =
and f2 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 ... aN =
and f3 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 ... aN =
and f40 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 ... aN =
In other words there are many mutually recursive functions, each with a lot of parameters.
Now the problem is that the file is 17000 lines long, and Visual Studio has become too slow. (For example, I can't hover the mouse over an item to see its type; if I press the dot, there is no completion, and so on)
Therefore I need to split the file into many smaller files. But I can't see a mechanical and easy way to do it.
Could you please give me an advice? I would like a mechanical way to split the code into multiple files, which does not involve writing the type of all functions (preserve type inference).
In the meantime I found a solution (tested):
This is the initial situation (simplified to only have four functions, but in reality they are many more):
let rec f1 a b c =
f2 a b c;
f3 a b c;
f4 a b c;
and f2 a b c =
f1 a b c;
f3 a b c
f4 a b c
and f3 a b c =
f1 a b c;
f2 a b c
f4 a b c
and f4 a b c =
f1 a b c;
f2 a b c
f3 a b c
And here is the solution:
Suppose you decide to move f3 to another file. Then you can split the file above in two files as follows:
let callRef mf =
match !mf with
| None -> failwith "function ref is none"
| Some f -> f
let r_f3 = ref None;
let rec f1 a1 a2 a3 =
f2 a b c;
callRef r_f3 a1 b1 c1;
f4 a1 b1 c1;
and f2 a1 a2 a3 =
f1 a b c;
callRef r_f3 a1 b1 c1;
f4 a1 b1 c1;
and f4 a1 a2 a3 =
f1 a b c;
f2 a1 b1 c1;
callRef r_f3 a1 b1 c1;
let f3 a1 a2 a3 =
f1 a b c;
f2 a1 b1 c1;
f4 an bn cn;
Then, in the main initialization function (which is in a third file), you need to do
r_f3 := Some f3;
And that's it.
Repeat the same strategy to move f1, f2 and f4 out of the first file.
Update: This solution works well for functions which return unit, but unfortunately for functions which return an actual type it forces you to specify the function type explicitely, e.g.
let (r_f3 : (t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4 -> t5) option ref) = ref None;
or you can do this:
let (r_f3 : 'a option ref) = ref None;
but you'll get a compiler warning.

creating multiple variables/lists/functions via a loop (Maxima)

below I have listed some ways to create variables/lists/functions via a for loop in Maxima,
but how, via a for loop, to do:
f1(x) := x^1$
f2(x) := x^2$
f3(x) := x^3$
example code:
for i : 1 thru 10 do
(x : concat ('a, i), x :: i)$
[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10];
for i : 1 thru 3 do
(x : concat ('L, i), x :: [(3*i)-2,(3*i)-1,3*i])$
[L1, L2, L3];
/* good, but not quite what I want to do */
for i : 1 thru 3 do
f[i](x) := x^i$
[f[1](2), f[2](2), f[3](2)];
/* is there a way, via a for loop, to create */
f1(x) := x^1$
f2(x) := x^2$
f3(x) := x^3$
[f1(2), f2(2), f3(2)];
EDIT: further code:
/* is there a way, via a for loop, to create */
f(x) := x^1$
g(x) := x^2$
h(x) := x^3$
[f(2), g(2), h(2)];
for tmp1 : 1 thru 10 do
(tmp2 : parse_string(ascii(96+tmp1)), tmp2 :: tmp1)$
[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j];
for tmp1 : 1 thru 10 do
(tmp2 : concat(parse_string(ascii(96+tmp1)), tmp1), tmp2 :: tmp1)$
[a1, b2, c3, d4, e5, f6, g7, h8, i9, j10];
EDIT 2: original problems solved (any code improvements/simplifications welcome):
for i : 1 thru 3 do
eval_string(concat("f", i, "(x) := x^", i))$
[f1(2), f2(2), f3(2)];
for i : 1 thru 3 do
eval_string(concat(ascii(96+5+i), "(x) := x^", i))$
[f(2), g(2), h(2)];
for i : 1 thru 3 do
sum:sum + eval_string(concat("f", i, "(2)"))$
for i : 1 thru 3 do
sum:sum + eval_string(concat(ascii(96+5+i), "(2)"))$
What is your larger goal here? In general using subscripted symbols e.g. a[1] instead of a1 is to be preferred. When you define a subscripted function, you only define it once, not for every value of the subscript. E.g.
(%i1) f[i](x) := x^i $
(%i2) [f[1], f[2], f[3]];
2 3
(%o2) [lambda([x], x), lambda([x], x ), lambda([x], x )]
(%i3) [f[1](u), f[2](v), f[3](w)];
2 3
(%o3) [u, v , w ]
If that doesn't work for you, maybe you can explain about what you're trying to achieve.
I have collected here, various ways of creating multiple variables/lists/functions via a loop in Maxima,
as an answer to the question, '[f1(2), f2(2), f3(2)]' explicitly answers the original question:
for i : 1 thru 10 do
(x : concat ('a, i), x :: i)$
[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10];
for i : 1 thru 3 do
(x : concat ('L, i), x :: [(3*i)-2,(3*i)-1,3*i])$
[L1, L2, L3];
for tmp1 : 1 thru 10 do
(tmp2 : parse_string(ascii(96+tmp1)), tmp2 :: tmp1)$
[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j];
for tmp1 : 1 thru 10 do
(tmp2 : concat(parse_string(ascii(96+tmp1)), tmp1), tmp2 :: tmp1)$
[a1, b2, c3, d4, e5, f6, g7, h8, i9, j10];
for i : 1 thru 3 do
eval_string(concat("f", i, "(x) := x^", i))$
[f1(2), f2(2), f3(2)];
for i : 1 thru 3 do
eval_string(concat(ascii(96+5+i), "(x) := x^", i))$
[f(2), g(2), h(2)];
f[i](x) := x^i$
[f[1], f[2], f[3]];
[f[1](2), f[2](2), f[3](2)];
[f[1](u), f[2](v), f[3](w)];

maxima: use function as function argument

Like the title says, I want to use a function as a function argument.
Intuitive I tried something like:
a(t,c) := t+c;
b(R_11, R_12, R_13, d_1x, d_1y, d_1z) := R_11*d_1x + R_12*d_1y + R_13*d_1z;
f( a(t,c), b(R_11, R_12, R_13, d_1x, d_1y, d_1z), %lambda ) := a(t,c) +
%lambda * b(R_11, R_12, R_13, d_1x, d_1y, d_1z);
But Maxima stated "define: in definition of f, found bad argument"
My goal is to simplify my equations to get a better overview. When I differentiate like
diff( f(...), R_11 )
the result for this example should be the partial derivative of b with respect to R_11.
f' = b_R11(...)
Is there a way to do such thinks or is this an odd attempt and there is maybe a better way?
You can declare that b depends on some arguments and then diff will construct formal derivatives of b.
(%i1) depends (b, [R1, R2]);
(%o1) [b(R1, R2)]
(%i2) depends (a, t);
(%o2) [a(t)]
(%i3) f(t, R1, R2) := a(t) + b(R1, R2);
(%o3) f(t, R1, R2) := a(t) + b(R1, R2)
(%i4) diff (f(t, R1, R2), R1);
(%o4) --- (b(R1, R2))
(%i5) diff (f(t, R1, R2), t);
(%o5) -- (a(t))
But that only works as long as b is undefined. When b is defined, diff will go ahead and call b and compute the derivative with respect to whatever is returned.
(%i8) b(R1, R2) := 2*R1 + 3*R2;
(%o8) b(R1, R2) := 2 R1 + 3 R2
(%i9) diff (f(t, R1, R2), R1);
(%o9) 2
