How to open application using URL? - ios

I have implemented all the required things but had no success. I want to open the application from browser - but not with just URL schema like a "callback".
I have something like "" so how can I identify this url to open my application?

Use Universal Links
But it will only work with Public website URL, that should be accessible to Apple Servers.
The only thing you need is to have https server and access to upload a associated domains file.
When you support universal links, iOS 9 users can tap a link to your
website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without
going through Safari. If your app isn’t installed, tapping a link to
your website opens your website in Safari.
Apple Link : => Support Universal Links
Follow this nice tutorial : => Universal Link

Add Innformation In Info.Plist File
In Url Identifier Enter Your Package Name && Url schemes add
Application Name
open link like schemesname:// Then Open Your App

To Launch application from Url , Deep Link is used . Here is tutorial for complete step by step for opening application :
Once its done , just add url into Xcode Plist file , then passing url on browser will launch iOS Application.
Hope it Helps!


Open iOS application from universal links

I have implemented universal links in my application by uploading "apple-app-site-association" to my server and enabling "associated domains" in my project(by adding applinks). My app opens whenever I click on my server weblink from Safari browser.
1) Its not working on any other browser
2) I need to open my app from other apps as well, i.e. Instagram, Twitter etc.
How can I achieve the above scenarios using universal links. If not, is there any other way of achieving the same.
Not all apps will open universal links in you app. You can read a little more here:
"Pasting a Universal Link directly into the Safari URL field doesn’t cause the app to open automatically. If you do this, you will have to manually pull the website down so that a prompt will appear at the top asking you to open the respective app.
But, if you paste links in Facebook(app), Twitter(app), Mail(app) or even if you go to Facebook on Safari and then click on a universal link, the app opens directly.
Universal links will not works for all the apps in iOS. If you click on a universal link from any of the “BLACK LISTED” apps, it will not open the app. Go to this link to know more.
As in step one, for the first time you will have to manually pull down the website and click “open” to open the link using the respective app. The iOS will “remember” to open the app instead of opening the safari if the universal link with the registered domains are clicked."

Deep Linking in iOS - Navigate to Apple Store if app not installed

I need to implement Deep Linking concept without using any third party libraries (Branch and etc..). The link (starts with http/https) will be shared from app through Message, Email or any Social media apps. By tapping on shared link I want to open corresponding app if its already installed on device else it should navigate to the Apple Store to download the app.
I have knowledge on URL schemas but it works only when the app is already installed on device and the schema URL format also be different (like fb:// for Facebook app).
I have also done some R&D on Universal Links but I don't know whether it supports for dynamic links as for me the link will be combination of base URL(static) and referrer key(dynamic). I also need to track the referrer information once the corresponding app is opened like who referred this app (referrer details).
Can you please help me on it. Thanks in advance.
To make it clear on Universal Links in iOS will not take you to Apple Store if app is not installed on device. When you click on a link then Universal Links helps you to open the app if the app is already installed on device else the same link will be going to browse in Safari. When the url browse in Safari then we have to run JavaScript to navigate/redirect to Apple Store.
Yes you can support universal links to your application from iOS 9 or above. You can generate dynamic links and have deferred deep linking also.
Follow this steps its simple Click Here
For the file mentioned in the link you need to add that file in the root of your website which consists of the path valid for deeplinking. And that file should not have any extension.
Then validate your domain at Here.
After that you can add all the domains thing in your associated domain under the project capabilites.

Facebook App Links don't open my app

I have added my URL scheme to my .plist.
I have manually tested the scheme in Safari and confirmed that it launches my app just fine.
I have generated a hosted app links link that uses the scheme.
Nothing except my own URL was entered when creating the hosted app link.
When I tap the link on my phone (with my app installed) it takes me to a page with the text You have reached an implementation detail. It's pretty obvious that Facebook didn't even try to use the URL that I had provided when creating this hosted app link.
I should add that I have successfully created other hosted app links moments before that managed to redirect to webpages and to appstore, so there's nothing wrong with mobile Safari.
Where to go from here?
Edit: My app is, of course, in development.
I was having the same issue until i updated my app settings in the facebook developer site.
In the image for #1 you enter the prefix (even though it says suffix...) for your url scheme (ex: if you use myapp://testing/here, then enter "myapp" into the field)
make sure #2 is flipped to yes
Facebook iOS Settings
This is an old thread, but after spending some time on this I realized that the links only open from within the Facebook app on the device. They will not (and are not intended) to open from a web browser. After posting the link in a Facebook group I was able to successfully open my app with it.

Testing ios facebook hosted app links before release on app store

My iphone app has mobile only content. I am using facebook app link hosts ( to create canonical urls which would be shared on facebook. The body for hosting request is:
&name=link test
This works fine and it returns an id for the object. To test this i have shared:<canonical>
Since this app is not released yet, whenever i open the link from the facebook app it does not detect that my app is installed. It gives two action options, "Open web link" and "install APP_NAME". Both options point to a blank itunes link where the app will be. how do i test what my app does with this link before publishing the app on the app store?
this is the link returned:
After sweating it out, i have finally found the solution. The url scheme should be defined in the plist file. in this case "content" without the ://

Is it possible to have an iOS webapp call another regular app to open? Works with Mobile Safari.

I am working with my web developers that are stuck on a problem with a Web-app we are creating.
The webapp works great, you add the website to your home screen on the ipad, open it and use the website within the webapp interface outside of safari.
The issue is that we have one function that doesnt work, where when clicking a URL link within mobile safari, it calls an external app (Optiscan- a qr code reader), and then when scanning the code, then returns you to Mobile safari.
The question is - is there a way to call a URL that will open an external app, from within a webapp? Similar to how it would work from mobile safari?
If so - i am then wondering if an app can be written that calls the webapp to open. For example if i needed the QR code reader to then re-open the web app and pass it the QR code.
In iOS, native Apps can define Custom URL Schemes. If you know the scheme of an App, you can simply open it by clicking on a link like Launch Facebook App. This should launch the Facebook App for iOS if installed.
There was a crowd-sourced list of known URL schemes on but they seem to have some problems and the list is not available as of writing this. If the URL scheme of the App you need to open is not public, try contacting the developer and ask for it. I'm sure if you ask kindly, he will help you ;-)
Edit: Almost forgot to say, opening Apps like this won't return to your Web-App magically. That's something the developer of said App would have to implement.
Edit 2: I found another website that has many custom URL schemes in it's database: It does not have a URL scheme for Optiscan but for other QR Readers, maybe this will help you.
