counting patterns in image - image-processing

I'm working on an algorithm that counts patterns (bars) in a specific image. It seemed to me very simple at the first look, but I realized the complexity quickly.
I have tried simple thresholding, template matching (small sliding windows), edge detection...
I have just few images like this one. so I think that a machine learning algorithm can't give better results! but I still need suggestions.

I think you have enough data from your images. You need to crop from your images only the bars. You would get several dozens of small images for each image. After that you can resize all the images to some predefined size (for example 24X24 pixels) use a descriptor like HOG and SVM for the learning. For the false just use any other areas from your images.

This may not work in all cases, but since these are round bars, you can also try using circle detection. Both matlab(find circles) and opencv(hough circle transform) support this hough circle transformation. One issue is that you have to play with the parameters a bit (matlab is more simplistic than open cv) but that is true of almost any method.
These methods work better with larger images so I resized yours. You also need to know the radius of the circles to look for. If your camera position is constant, this shouldn't change much. This code is taken from the matlab documentation page I linked. It doensn't find all the circles, but some tuning may help
im = imread('');
%find circles doesn't work well on small images, I made the image
%three times larger, if you have larger images you should use those for
%better results
bim = imresize(im, 3*size(im));
%find and display circles
[centers, radii] = imfindcircles(bim,[8 20],'ObjectPolarity','bright',...
h = viscircles(centers,radii);
number_of_bars = numel(centers)
I added green dots to circles the detector missed and blue X's over incorrect detection. I did these by hand, but the red circles were located by matlab.


Balancing contrast and brightness between stitched images

I'm working on an image stitching project, and I understand there's different approaches on dealing with contrast and brightness of an image. I could of course deal with this issue before I even stitched the image, but yet the result is not as consistent as I would hope. So my question is if it's possible by any chance to "balance" or rather "equalize" the contrast and brightness in color pictures after the stitching has taken place?
You want to determine the histogram equalization function not from the entire images, but on the zone where they will touch or overlap. You obviously want to have identical histograms in the overlap area, so this is where you calculate the functions. You then apply the equalization functions that accomplish this on the entire images. If you have more than two stitches, you still want to have global equalization beforehand, and then use a weighted application of the overlap-equalizing functions that decreases the impact as you move away from the stitched edge.
Apologies if this is all obvious to you already, but your general question leads me to a general answer.
You may want to have a look at the Exposure Compensator class provided by OpenCV.
Exposure compensation is done in 3 steps:
Create your exposure compensator
Ptr<ExposureCompensator> compensator = ExposureCompensator::createDefault(expos_comp_type);
You input all of your images along with the top left corners of each of them. You can leave the masks completely white by default unless you want to specify certain parts of the image to work on.
compensator->feed(corners, images, masks);
Now it has all the information of how the images overlap, you can compensate each image individually
compensator->apply(image_index, corners[image_index], image, mask);
The compensated image will be stored in image

Simple OpenCV example to measure Size of Object on a screen

following up on my other question, do you guys know a good example in OpenCV, with a simple Black/White-Calibration Picture and appropriate detection-algorithms?
I just want to show some B&W-image on a screen, take a picture of that image from afar and calculate the size of the shown image, to calculate the distance to said screen.
Before I invent the wheel again, I recon this is so easy that it could be achieved through many different ways in OpenCV, yet I thought I'd ask if there's a preferred way around, possibly with some sample code.
(I got some face-detection code running using haarcascade-xml files already)
PS: I already have the resolution/dpi-part of my screen covered, so I know how big a picture would be in cm on my screen.
I'll make it real simple, I need:
A pattern, that is easily recognizable in an Image. Right now I'm experimenting with a checkerboard. The people who made ARDefender used this.
An appropriate algorithm to tell me the exact pixel coordinates of pattern 1) in a picture using OpenCV.
Well, it's hard to say which image is the best for recognition - in different illumination any color could be interpret as another color. Simple example:
As you can see both traffic signs have red color border but even on one image upper sign border is obviously not red.
So in my opinion you should use image with many different colors (like a rainbow). And also you said that it should be easy recognizable in different angles. That's why circle shape is the best for it.
That's why your image should look like this:
So idea of detection such object is the following:
Make different color segmentation (blue, red, green etc). For this use HSV color space.
Detect circles of specific color on image.
That area which has the biggest count of circles seems to be your object.
you just have to take pictures of your B&W object from several known distances (1m, 2m, 3m, ...) and then for each distance check the size of your object in the corresponding image.
From those datas, you will be able to create a linear function giving you the distance from the size in pixels (y = ax + b should do ;) ), translate it into your code and you're done.

square detection, image processing

I am looking for an efficient way to detect the small boxes around the numbers (see images)?
I already tried to use hough transformation with no success. Any ideas? I need some hints! I am using opencv...
For inspiration, you can have a look at the
Matlab video sudoku solver demo and explanation
Sudoku Grab, an Iphone App, whose author explains the computer vision part on his blog
Alternatively, if you are always hunting for the same grid you could deploy something like this:
Make a perfect artificial template of the grid and detect or save all coordinates from all corners.
In the target image, do the same thing, for example with Harris points. Be creative, you might also be able to use the distinct triangles that can be found in your images.
Using the coordinates from the template and the found harris points, determine the affine transformation x = Ax' between the template and the target image. That transformation can then be used to map the template grid onto the target image. At the very least this will give you some prior information to help guide further segmentation.
The gist of the idea and examples of the estimation of affine matrix A can be found on the site of Zissermans book Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision and Peter Kovesi
I'd start by trying to detect the rectangular boundary of the overall sheet, then applying a perspective transform to make it truly rectangular. Crop that portion of the image out. If possible, then try to make the alternating white and grey sub-rectangles have an equal background brightness - maybe try adaptive histogram equalization.
Then the Hough transform might perform better. Alternatively, you could then take an approach that's broadly similar to this demonstration by Robert Bemis on MATLAB Central (it's analysing a DNA microarray image rather than Lotto cards, but it's essentially finding bounding boxes of items arranged in a grid). At a high level, the approach is to calculate the autocorrelation along columns and rows of pixels to detect the periodicity of the items in the grid, and use that to impose a bounding box on each item.
Sorry the above advice is mostly MATLAB-based; I'm afraid I'm not an opencv user, but hopefully it will give you some ideas at least.

Finding a grid in an image

Having a match-3 game screenshot (for example, what would be the correct way to find the bound box for the grid (table with tiles)? The board doesn't have to be a perfect rectangle (as can be seen in the screenshot), but each cell is completely square.
I've tried several games, and found that there are some per-game image transformations that can be done to enhance the tiles inside the grid (for example in this game it's enough to take the V channel out of HSV color space). Then I can enlarge the tiles so that they overlap, find the largest contour of the image and get the bound box from it.
The problem with above approach is that every game (or even level inside the same game) may need a different transformation to get hold of the tiles. So the question is - is there a standard way to enhance either tiles inside the grid or grid's lines (I've tried finding lines with Hough transform, but, although the grid seems pretty visible to the eye, Hough doesn't find it)?
Also, what if the screenshot is obtained using the phone camera instead of taking a screenshot of a desktop? From my experience, captured images have less defined colors (which depends on lighting), and also can be distorted a little, as there is no way to hold the phone exactly in front of the screen.
I would go with the following approach for a screenshot:
Find corners in the image using for example a canny like edge detector.
Perform a hough line transform. This should work quite nicely on the edge image.
If you have some information about size of the tiles you could eliminate false positive lines using some sort of spatial model of the grid (eg. lines only having a small angle to x/y axis of the image and/or distance/angle of tile borders.
Identifiy tile borders under the found hough lines by looking for edges found by canny under/next to the lines.
Which implementation of the hough transform did you use? How did you preprocess the image?
Another approach would be to use some sort of machine learning approach. As you are working in OpenCV you could use either a Haar like feature detector. An example for face detection using Haar like features can be found here:
OpenCV Haar Face Detector example
Another machine learning approach would be to follow a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (Hog) approach in combination with a Support Vector Machine (SVM). An example is located here:
HOG example
You can find general information about HoG detection at:
Hog detection

Adaptive threshold Binarization's bad effects

I implemented some adaptive binarization methods, they use a small window and at each pixel the threshold value is calculated. There are problems with these methods:
If we select the window size too small we will get this effect (I think the reason is because of window size is small)
At the left upper corner there is an original image, right upper corner - global threshold result. Bottom left - example of dividing image to some parts (but I am talking about analyzing image's pixel small surrounding, for example window of size 10X10).
So you can see the result of such algorithms at the bottom right picture, we got a black area, but it must be white.
Does anybody know how to improve an algorithm to solve this problem?
There shpuld be quite a lot of research going on in this area, but unfortunately I have no good links to give.
An idea, which might work but I have not tested, is to try to estimate the lighting variations and then remove that before thresholding (which is a better term than "binarization").
The problem is then moved from adaptive thresholding to finding a good lighting model.
If you know anything about the light sources then you could of course build a model from that.
Otherwise a quick hack that might work is to apply a really heavy low pass filter to your image (blur it) and then use that as your lighting model. Then create a difference image between the original and the blurred version, and threshold that.
EDIT: After quick testing, it appears that my "quick hack" is not really going to work at all. After thinking about it I am not very surprised either :)
I = someImage
Ib = blur(I, 'a lot!')
Idiff = I - Idiff
It = threshold(Idiff, 'some global threshold')
Got one other idea which could work depending on how your images are generated.
Try estimating the lighting model from the first few rows in the image:
Take the first N rows in the image
Create a mean row from the N collected rows. You know have one row as your background model.
For each row in the image subtract the background model row (the mean row).
Threshold the resulting image.
Unfortunately I am at home without any good tools to test this.
It looks like you're doing adaptive thresholding wrong. Your images look as if you divided your image into small blocks, calculated a threshold for each block and applied that threshold to the whole block. That would explain the "box" artifacts. Usually, adaptive thresholding means finding a threshold for each pixel separately, with a separate window centered around the pixel.
Another suggestion would be to build a global model for your lighting: In your sample image, I'm pretty sure you could fit a plane (in X/Y/Brightness space) to the image using least-squares, then separate the pixels into pixels brighter (foreground) and darker than that plane (background). You can then fit separate planes to the background and foreground pixels, threshold using the mean between these planes again and improve the segmentation iteratively. How well that would work in practice depends on how well your lightning can be modeled with a linear model.
If the actual objects you try to segment are "thinner" (you said something about barcodes in a comment), you could try a simple opening/closing operation the get a lighting model. (i.e. close the image to remove the foreground pixels, then use [closed image+X] as threshold).
Or, you could try mean-shift filtering to get the foreground and background pixels to the same brightness. (Personally, I'd try that one first)
You have very non-uniform illumination and fairly large object (thus, no universal easy way to extract the background and correct the non-uniformity). This basically means you can not use global thresholding at all, you need adaptive thresholding.
You want to try Niblack binarization. Matlab code is available here (page 4).
There are two parameters you'll have to tune by hand: window size (N in the above code) and weight.
Try to apply a local adaptive threshold using this procedure:
convolve the image with a mean or median filter
subtract the original image from the convolved one
threshold the difference image
The local adaptive threshold method selects an individual threshold for each pixel.
I'm using this approach extensively and it's working fine with images having non uniform background.
