Log changes from both attribute= and Array.push - ruby-on-rails

That ActiveModel::Dirty doesn't cover Array.push (or any other modify-in-place methods, as I've read extremely recently) for attributes pertaining to, say, postgres arrays is pretty well-established. For example, if an Apple model has an array Apple.seeds, you'll see the following in a Rails console.
johnny = Apple.new()
# => <Apple #blahblahblah>
# => [] (assuming [] default)
johnny.seeds << "Oblong"
# => ["Oblong"]
# => false
johnny.seeds = []
johnny.seeds += ["Oblong"]
# => ["Oblong"]
# => true
So you can use two different ways of changing the array attribute, but Rails only recognizes the one that uses a setter. My question is, is there a way (that won't mangle the Array class) to get push to behave like a setter in the context of an ActiveRecord object, so that johnny.seeds << (x) will reflect in johnny.changes?
(On my end, this is to prevent future developers from using push on array attributes, unwittingly failing to record changes because they were not aware of this limitation.)

This is a problem with any column with a mutable object, not just Array objects.
seeder = Apple.first
=> "Johnny "
seeder.name << " Appleseed"
=> false
You're better off leaving a note for future developers, but otherwise you can consider replacing the changed? method
class Apple
alias_method 'old_changed?', 'changed?'
def changed?
return old_changed? if old_changed?
return (seeds.count > 0) if new_record?
return seeds != Apple.find(id).seeds
However, note that just because changed? comes backtrue, does not assure you that fields with unchanged object_ids will be updated in update_attributes... you may find that they're not. You might need to hire competent rails developers who understand these pitfalls.


Will setting Rails model attributes with the same value make changed? return true?

I'm looking to make my db:seed task a little more dynamic by allowing certain entries in my application to be created or updated (or nothing at all) based on the values of in db/seeds.rb and the current state of the backend database. I'm also looking to simplify the functions that carry this logic out.
I'd like to avoid this:
def create_or_update_config(key, value)
if config_entry.value != value
if config_entry.changed?
And instead have something simplistic:
def create_or_update_config(key, value)
config_entry.value = value
if config_entry.changed?
Is ActiveRecord smart enough to know if attribute values have changed even if they've been set (with the same value)?
Yes. ActiveRecord's changed? method will return true only if there were mutations since the last save. From an example using my own app's console (Rails 5.1.6):
irb(main):013:0> config.value
=> "http://localhost:3100"
irb(main):014:0> config.value = "http://localhost:3100"
=> "http://localhost:3100"
irb(main):015:0> config.changed?
=> false
irb(main):016:0> config.value = "anything else"
=> "anything else"
irb(main):017:0> config.changed?
=> true

Which is the best way to test if a model instance is "empty" in Ruby on Rails?

I want to implement a method that checks if a model's instance has only nil or empty attributes, except from its id or timestamps.
I've made use of an auxiliary method that removes a key from Hash and return the remaining hash ( question 6227600)
class ActiveRecord::Base
def blank?
self.attributes.remove("id","created_at","updated_at").reject{|attr| self[attr].blank?}.empty?
I guess that there may be much simpler, efficient or safer way to do this. Any suggestion?
def blank?
self.attributes.all?{|k,v| v.blank? || %w(id created_at updated_at).include?(k)}
My response is almost the same that tadman gave, but expressed in a more concise way.
Be careful with two situations:
- **blank?** is not a good choice as name, since if you call **object_a.object_b.blank?** trying to know if there is or not a object_b inside object_a, you'll get true event if the object exists. **empty?** seems a better name
- If databases sets defaults values, it can be tricky.
EDIT: Since build an array every iteration is slow (thanks tadman), a beter solution is:
def empty?
ignored_attrs = {'id' => 1, 'created_at' => 1, 'updated_at' => 1}
self.attributes.all?{|k,v| v.blank? || ignored_attrs[k]}
You could just check that all the properties in the attributes hash are not present, or the converse:
class ActiveRecord::Base
def blank?
!self.attributes.find do |key, value|
case (key)
when 'id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'
Unfortunately this will not account for things that are set with a default in your database, if any relationship keys are assigned, among other things. You will have to add those as exceptions, or compare the values to a known default state of some sort.
This sort of thing is probably best implemented on a case by case basis.

What's the most efficient way to deep copy an object in Ruby?

I know that serializing an object is (to my knowledge) the only way to effectively deep-copy an object (as long as it isn't stateful like IO and whatnot), but is one way particularly more efficient than another?
For example, since I'm using Rails, I could always use ActiveSupport::JSON, to_xml - and from what I can tell marshalling the object is one of the most accepted ways to do this. I'd expect that marshalling is probably the most efficient of these since it's a Ruby internal, but am I missing anything?
Edit: note that its implementation is something I already have covered - I don't want to replace existing shallow copy methods (like dup and clone), so I'll just end up likely adding Object::deep_copy, the result of which being whichever of the above methods (or any suggestions you have :) that has the least overhead.
I was wondering the same thing, so I benchmarked a few different techniques against each other. I was primarily concerned with Arrays and Hashes - I didn't test any complex objects. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a custom deep-clone implementation proved to be the fastest. If you are looking for quick and easy implementation, Marshal appears to be the way to go.
I also benchmarked an XML solution with Rails 3.0.7, not shown below. It was much, much slower, ~10 seconds for only 1000 iterations (the solutions below all ran 10,000 times for the benchmark).
Two notes regarding my JSON solution. First, I used the C variant, version 1.4.3. Second, it doesn't actually work 100%, as symbols will be converted to Strings.
This was all run with ruby 1.9.2p180.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'benchmark'
require 'yaml'
require 'json/ext'
require 'msgpack'
def dc1(value)
def dc2(value)
def dc3(value)
def dc4(value)
if value.is_a?(Hash)
result = value.clone
value.each{|k, v| result[k] = dc4(v)}
elsif value.is_a?(Array)
result = value.clone
value.each{|v| result << dc4(v)}
def dc5(value)
value = {'a' => {:x => [1, [nil, 'b'], {'a' => 1}]}, 'b' => ['z']}
Benchmark.bm do |x|
iterations = 10000
x.report {iterations.times {dc1(value)}}
x.report {iterations.times {dc2(value)}}
x.report {iterations.times {dc3(value)}}
x.report {iterations.times {dc4(value)}}
x.report {iterations.times {dc5(value)}}
results in:
user system total real
0.230000 0.000000 0.230000 ( 0.239257) (Marshal)
3.240000 0.030000 3.270000 ( 3.262255) (YAML)
0.590000 0.010000 0.600000 ( 0.601693) (JSON)
0.060000 0.000000 0.060000 ( 0.067661) (Custom)
0.090000 0.010000 0.100000 ( 0.097705) (MessagePack)
I think you need to add an initialize_copy method to the class you are copying. Then put the logic for the deep copy in there. Then when you call clone it will fire that method. I haven't done it but that's my understanding.
I think plan B would be just overriding the clone method:
class CopyMe
attr_accessor :var
def initialize var=''
#var = var
def clone deep= false
deep ? CopyMe.new(#var.clone) : CopyMe.new()
a = CopyMe.new("test")
puts "A: #{a.var}"
b = a.clone
puts "B: #{b.var}"
c = a.clone(true)
puts "C: #{c.var}"
mike#sleepycat:~/projects$ ruby ~/Desktop/clone.rb
A: test
C: test
I'm sure you could make that cooler with a little tinkering but for better or for worse that is probably how I would do it.
Probably the reason Ruby doesn't contain a deep clone has to do with the complexity of the problem. See the notes at the end.
To make a clone that will "deep copy," Hashes, Arrays, and elemental values, i.e., make a copy of each element in the original such that the copy will have the same values, but new objects, you can use this:
class Object
def deepclone
when self.class==Hash
hash = {}
self.each { |k,v| hash[k] = v.deepclone }
when self.class==Array
array = []
self.each { |v| array << v.deepclone }
if defined?(self.class.new)
If you want to redefine the behavior of Ruby's clone method , you can name it just clone instead of deepclone (in 3 places), but I have no idea how redefining Ruby's clone behavior will affect Ruby libraries, or Ruby on Rails, so Caveat Emptor. Personally, I can't recommend doing that.
For example:
a = {'a'=>'x','b'=>'y'} => {"a"=>"x", "b"=>"y"}
b = a.deepclone => {"a"=>"x", "b"=>"y"}
puts "#{a['a'].object_id} / #{b['a'].object_id}" => 15227640 / 15209520
If you want your classes to deepclone properly, their new method (initialize) must be able to deepclone an object of that class in the standard way, i.e., if the first parameter is given, it's assumed to be an object to be deepcloned.
Suppose we want a class M, for example. The first parameter must be an optional object of class M. Here we have a second optional argument z to pre-set the value of z in the new object.
class M
attr_accessor :z
def initialize(m=nil, z=nil)
if m
# deepclone all the variables in m to the new object
#z = m.z.deepclone
# default all the variables in M
#z = z # default is nil if not specified
The z pre-set is ignored during cloning here, but your method may have a different behavior. Objects of this class would be created like this:
# a new 'plain vanilla' object of M
m=M.new => #<M:0x0000000213fd88 #z=nil>
# a new object of M with m.z pre-set to 'g'
m=M.new(nil,'g') => #<M:0x00000002134ca8 #z="g">
# a deepclone of m in which the strings are the same value, but different objects
n=m.deepclone => #<M:0x00000002131d00 #z="g">
puts "#{m.z.object_id} / #{n.z.object_id}" => 17409660 / 17403500
Where objects of class M are part of an array:
a = {'a'=>M.new(nil,'g'),'b'=>'y'} => {"a"=>#<M:0x00000001f8bf78 #z="g">, "b"=>"y"}
b = a.deepclone => {"a"=>#<M:0x00000001766f28 #z="g">, "b"=>"y"}
puts "#{a['a'].object_id} / #{b['a'].object_id}" => 12303600 / 12269460
puts "#{a['b'].object_id} / #{b['b'].object_id}" => 16811400 / 17802280
If deepclone tries to clone an object which doesn't clone itself in the standard way, it may fail.
If deepclone tries to clone an object which can clone itself in the standard way, and if it is a complex structure, it may (and probably will) make a shallow clone of itself.
deepclone doesn't deep copy the keys in the Hashes. The reason is that they are not usually treated as data, but if you change hash[k] to hash[k.deepclone] they will also be deep copied also.
Certain elemental values have no new method, such as Fixnum. These objects always have the same object ID, and are copied, not cloned.
Be careful because when you deep copy, two parts of your Hash or Array that contained the same object in the original will contain different objects in the deepclone.

Rails 3 check if attribute changed

Need to check if a block of attributes has changed before update in Rails 3.
street1, street2, city, state, zipcode
I know I could use something like
if #user.street1 != params[:user][:street1]
then do something....
But that piece of code will be REALLY long. Is there a cleaner way?
Check out ActiveModel::Dirty (available on all models by default). The documentation is really good, but it lets you do things such as:
#user.street1_changed? # => true/false
This is how I solved the problem of checking for changes in multiple attributes.
attrs = ["street1", "street2", "city", "state", "zipcode"]
if (#user.changed & attrs).any?
then do something....
The changed method returns an array of the attributes changed for that object.
Both #user.changed and attrs are arrays so I can get the intersection (see ary & other ary method). The result of the intersection is an array. By calling any? on the array, I get true if there is at least one intersection.
Also very useful, the changed_attributes method returns a hash of the attributes with their original values and the changes returns a hash of the attributes with their original and new values (in an array).
You can check APIDock for which versions supported these methods.
For rails 5.1+ callbacks
As of Ruby on Rails 5.1, the attribute_changed? and attribute_was ActiveRecord methods will be deprecated
Use saved_change_to_attribute? instead of attribute_changed?
#user.saved_change_to_street1? # => true/false
More examples here
ActiveModel::Dirty didn't work for me because the #model.update_attributes() hid the changes. So this is how I detected changes it in an update method in a controller:
def update
#model = Model.find(params[:id])
if #model.update_attributes(params[:model])
do_stuff if attr_changed?
def detect_changes
#changed = []
#changed << :attr if #model.attr != params[:model][:attr]
def attr_changed?
#changed.include :attr
If you're trying to detect a lot of attribute changes it could get messy though. Probably shouldn't do this in a controller, but meh.
Above answers are better but yet for knowledge we have another approch as well,
Lets 'catagory' column value changed for an object (#design),
The .changes will return a hash with key as column's name and values as a array with two values [old_value, new_value] for each columns. For example catagory for above is changed from 'ABC' to 'XYZ' of #design,
#design.changes # => {}
#design.catagory = 'XYZ'
#design.changes # => { 'catagory' => ['ABC', 'XYZ'] }
For references change in ROR

Dynamic find methods Vs conditional statements

Student.find(:all, :conditions => [‘name = ? and status = ?’ ‘mohit’, 1])
Student.find_all_by_name_and_status(‘mohit’, 1)
Both the queries will result the same set of row but first one is preferable cause in the second way there will be exception generated method_missing and then rails will try to relate it as dynamic method. if fine then result set to returned.
Can any body explain me this in a good manner. What exactly is happening behind the screen. Please correct me if i am wrong.
You are right, the second way will go through a method_missing. ActiveRecord will parse the method name and if it is a valid name, it will generate a method on the fly.
If you look in the source of ActiveRecord::Base, in method_missing you'll see that developers left us a comment of how this generated method would look like:
# def self.find_by_login_and_activated(*args)
# options = args.extract_options!
# attributes = construct_attributes_from_arguments(
# [:login,:activated],
# args
# )
# finder_options = { :conditions => attributes }
# validate_find_options(options)
# set_readonly_option!(options)
# if options[:conditions]
# with_scope(:find => finder_options) do
# find(:first, options)
# end
# else
# find(:first, options.merge(finder_options))
# end
# end
So you see that generally it boils down to the same find method.
I would not say that the first way is preferable because of method_missing, because the performance penalty for that is negligible. The second way reads better and works well if you just need to fetch records based on attributes equal to some values.
However, this second form does not allow you to do anything beyond equality comparison (e.g., range comparison, "not equal to" expressions, joins, etc.). In such cases, you'll just have to use the find method with appropriate conditions and other parameters.

