This may seem stupid, but how can I insert links into images in Google sheets, when I'm using images from a server which resize to the row size while keeping their dimensions.
I'm using this to insert the images...
And the link button isn't available.
Any help appreciated, thanks. Must be something simple surely?
I have this data in a Google Sheet, basically is a dynamic table that will have more information or could change in a future with more or less rows, in the same image at the right you will see what I need, I was thinking about use BLANK but is giving me some errors, also I tried with transposeFilter but same problem. Some help or recommendations please! (The only information not dynamic is the blue rows)
try for horizontal erase:
or vertical erase:
=FILTER(A:D; TRIM(QUERY(A:D;;9^9))<>"")
I'm trying to create a heads up display on the number of Hints a user has collected in a contest.
There are different categories of hints here.
So I'm trying to create a process such that in the respective Hints tab (ie Bonus Hint in this case)
Filling in Column B (with the hint description), renders that Hint as being "obtained" and hence showing up "Green" in my Hints Overview sheet.
However, for "unobtained" hints, by not filling in Column B, I want my Hints Overview to instead still show the Hint number but in light gray (as illustrated below)
I dont want the unobtained hints to be empty cells. I want to make them looked grayed out. ^^^
I tried pulling some conditional formatting tricks like indirect(), ISBLANK() but something about CF just doesn't allow me to get what I desire.
And the other challenge is that because I arranged my headsup-display to be grid-like, the cell filling has to take on horizontal filling. Its not like as I can simply drag and fill 250 rows vertically.
How can I pull these things off in Google Sheets? (trust you guys to please dont maliciously edit my sheet out of mischief)
delete everything in DASHBOARD!D8:AB17
use this in D8:
=SEQUENCE(10, 25)
remove your green CF rule and set the font to gray
now add this new CF rule as custom formula:
and set background to your green and font to white
also change DASHBOARD!AD17 to:
It's my first time posting here, I tried to look for something similar to what i am looking for but couldn't find anything, but if I just didn't look enough, I apologize.
My problem is as follows:
I have a data table with information I receive from somebody. I then need to use that information to feel kind of individual product data table on another sheets, and add more to it.
Instead of copy everything of sheets one in sheets 2, I would like it to feel by itself.
I tried with =Cellsadress or =OFFSET and other stuff but couldn't manage to get what I want.
When i put every formula in the green table on sheets 2 and try to increment it by dragging down, the formula values increase by 25 approximately. but i want it to increase by only one, or find another way to show the information in the column of sheets 1 to reflect in different cell of sheets 2.
In my real document i have 100 of lines, so i cant do it manually like i could do with 4 lines.
Is there a way to do that?
If somebody have a solutions i would be gratefull
try this formula for C32 =INDIRECT("'Sheets 1'!F"&(int(row()/25)+2))
when you copy-paste this formula into cell C57 or C82, it will take values from 'Sheets 1'!F4 and 'Sheets 1'!F5, respectively
I am trying to attached objects such as email and text files to google sheets similar to in excel but I cannot figure out how to use the feature if it exists in sheets.
I've tried all of the addons existing on my sheets and none are working.
I want it to look like the image below, I can double click on the icon and it then opens the text file or email file. I just want to recreate this in sheets if possible.
this is usually done by inserting Drawing or Image and then hyperlink it with formula or with a script
I need some help with a Google spreadsheet. I want to show a up/down arrow and a x% change next to the number within the cell (green if increased & red is decreased) from the cell above.
Here's the YouTube video for reference
Hope someone can help. Thank you.
It is basically the same as in your video. In order to put ▲▼ into the clipboard copy the arrows from my answer. Or you can use MS Excel or MS Word to put the arrows to the clipboard and same way they show in your video.
Then in the spreadsheet, select the percentage cells and click Format-> Number-> More Formats-> Custom Number Format... and type in the same format as on your video.