grafana master detail dashboard - influxdb

I am using Grafana to display data from InfluxDB datasource. I am confused, is there way send "unique id" or another string parameter between dashboards in Grafana? It means when we click on any element on one dashboard, keep parameter of clicked item and go to another dashboard, where we can insert parameter from previous dashboard to query on new dashboard?
current dashboard -> click -> saved item parameter -> go to new dashboard -> use saved parameter to create query for new dashboard ?
I was looking similar solution on , and other sites but didn't find the answer
Thank you

Have you tried Drilldown/detail link?
Drilldown / detail link
The drilldown section allows adding dynamic links to the panel that can link to other dashboards or URLs
Each link has a title, a type and params. A link can be either a dashboard or absolute links. If it is a dashboard links, the dashboard value must be the name of a dashboard. If it's an absolute link, the URL is the URL to link.
params allows adding additional URL params to the links. The format is the name=value with multiple params separate by &. Template variables can be added as values using $myvar.
When linking to another dashboard that uses template variables, you can use var-myvar=value to populate the template variable to a desired value from the link.
Link to docs page


Drupal 8 make a link with dynamic url paraneter without coding

I created two separate content types: "Clients" and "Injuries".
In "Clients" each record/node has a client_id (autoincrement by module Serial). In "Injuries" there is a field client which refers to client_id.
I created a (block) View for Injuries, with a contextual filter "Content: Client" so that I can filter out all the injuries of a specific client (for example: client_id = 3), just by typing the URI: /injuries/3.
Now I'm trying to create a link on the Client's page, which dynamically uses the client_id of that client. I tried the module "Linkit" and "D8 Editor Advanced Link".
Is there a way to get the client_id value of the node and use it in the URI?
I also try to make the link in a table view. Unlike the "edit-link" and the "view-link" which are in core, there's no way to customize the path in there.
Can anyone help pointing me in the right direction? Can I make it with the UI of Drupal 8 or do I have to dive into code?
You can create a token based field for your client content type using field_token_value module.
You create this field as usual and in the settings field value should be something like this
see all injuries
where [node:field_client_id] would be replaced with the appropriate client_id each time.
NOTE: There is also a link on the settings page that you can also display all available tokens

Kentico Get Current URL for Page Type Field/Dropdown/Component

I'm trying to create a dynamic page type field, it should able to access correct "Settings" folder to capture the Data Item based on the root (Finance or Procurement):
Let's say the page type being used under Finance, the field should go to 'Finance/Setting/(whatever)'.
What I have done is 'hardcode' the path:
I have tried CurrentDocument.DocumentAliasPath, GetDocumentUrl() and so on, it doesn't show anything on the dropdown.
Is there any way to directly get the "Root(Finance or Procurement)" or indirectly get (Chopped from URL, or get URL using GUID)?
Thank you!!
In page type fields you can use DocumentContext.EditedDocument object to get current page and it's properties. So you can use the following property to get current node name

Does Google AdWords support automatically appending a different query string to a campaign's destination URLs for ads and sitelinks?

I have an existing Google ad campaign that geotargets a particular region. The destination URL of all the ads and sitelinks have the same query string appended to it ("area=astoria").
I now need to copy this campaign to 50 other campaigns, each of which will target a different region. Each campaign will have a different value for the area key, so for instance one campaign might use "area=manhattan" and another "area=bronx".
The campaign I'm cloning has many ads and sitelinks, all of which need to have the query string changed. I know how to manually change the destination urls, but it's an enormous amount of busy work...
As a workaround, is there a way to automatically append a different query string to all the destination URLs for ads and sitelinks in a particular campaign in Google AdWords?
To answer my own question, the answer is to use a Tracking Template on the Campaign level.
To do this, click into the Campaign you want to edit and click on the Settings tab. Then open the "Campaign URL options (advanced)" section and change the Tracking URL to something like this:
You can click the TEST button to make sure your ads work. Your sitelinks should also have the same query string appended to it. (Note that a Campaign-level Tracking Template can be overridden at the Adgroup-, Ad-, or Sitelink-level, so those more specific Tracking Templates would have to not be used for a Campaign-level Tracking Template to be used.)

Build URL Using GA Attributes

Good Day All
I am completely new to this type of query but is it possible to define a url on a button click on a page that populates the/a URL with information form the Google Tag stack? e.g. Campaign, Source etc?
Sorry for the vague question.
Here are the two method that you can use to create a GA Attributes tagged url

Joomla 3 menu item URL appened

Joomla version 3 menu item has a field called "Note" which is primarily used to display notes in the administrator backend.
I have populated "note" field with something like "&City=4&County=0" Now I want to append this in front of the Link URL. Link URL is none editable field which is automatically populated based on article selected so I cannot edit or type in it manually.
Normal URL based upon selection of the article looks like something this:
Now I want to append the note field in front of this URL so the URL would look like:
Here is the screenshot:
You could make a new view, just copy components/com_content/views/article to cityarticle or something meaningful, then edit the default.xml you find in its subfolder ./tmpl, change the name so you can identify it and add the fields city and county to the
on line 16 roughly, those will appear when you create a new menu item (on the right) so you can set them, and will be passed on as get requests.
Choose the appropriate field type and read the docs here:
