can i build and package my ios app separately with xcodebuild? - ios

I am using xcodebuild commandline tool to generate my ios app(mainly c++ source code). The command is like
xcodebuild -project Application.xcodeproj
I want to ask whether can I separate the build phase and package phase, that is to say, first build the binary executable, then at sometime package the app later.

From Apple technical note, xcodebuild supports various build actions such as build, analyze, and archive that can be performed on your target or scheme. However, build is performed by default when no action is specified. So, when you want to package, specify action archive otherwise just leave it empty as shown in Apple Example in the document.


`xcodebuild` for scheme and target options

why xcodebuild building the same application differently for scheme and target options?
xcodebuild -target uConnect build
Above commands builds with Release config in build folder inside
xcodebuild -scheme uConnect build
Above builds with Debug config in Xcode’s DrivedData folder.
Wanted to understand what difference -target and -scheme options are making here?
As per my understanding it should always build the application in Release mode since we have selected Release at Project>>Info>>Configuration
use Release for command-line builds
Screenshot of Scheme Details for reference
Try editing the scheme. You will see that it specifies the Debug configuration when building. It might look like this:
But, as you've said, when you build the target, you've specified the Release configuration.
A target describes a product that Xcode will build, like your app, the tests, an App Clip or an Extension. When using -target, it will use the configuration specified in the drop down at the bottom of your screenshot.
A scheme is a configuration that describes how a specific target will be built under different circumstances. If you go to the scheme editor, you'll see that you can choose which configuration to build when running, testing, profiling, analyzing, and archiving.

How to prevent the stripping of symbols using the xcodebuild archive action?

On my hand is an Xcode project, comprising of a number of static libraries, and an iOS application that consumes them (we do not intend to release the libraries). Part of it is a crash reporting implementation based on Google Breakpad.
An issue that we've found is that we aren't getting line number information in crash reports for the libraries, from our releases. These are generated using xcodebuild archive -project ${PROJECT_PATH} -scheme ${SCHEME_NAME} -archivePath ${OUTPUT_PATH} -UseModernBuildSystem=NO -IDEBuildingContinueBuildingAfterErrors=YES. EDIT: using Xcode 12.
If, instead of archive, I run the xcodebuild build action with the same options (exc. archivePath of course) - or build the project in the IDE -, then I get complete symbol information and everything works (at least testing on iOS Simulator). This seems to be the only difference - of course then I'd still need to produce an .ipa somehow.
The build options are shared between all libraries and application, and include the following:
SEPARATE_STRIP = YES # tried to change each of these to NO in various permutations; no difference.
STRIP_STYLE = non-global
What is the difference between the steps that the build and the archive actions perform, with regards to stripping?
How can I create the .ipa from the artifact of the xcodebuild build, or otherwise coerce xcodebuild archive to omit / delay stripping, so that I may perform that manually once I've dumped the symbols?
It might be worth mentioning that I've tried combinations of the xcodebuild actions as well, i.e. clean build archive in one or separate steps - makes no difference.
(FWIW, I realise that the PackageApplication command of xcrun was deprecated as of Xcode 8.3.)

How to dynamically change target for unit tests in Xcode 7?

I have a project that has multiple different targets/schemes (~38 of them as of writing this question) and I am trying to get unit testing working properly across all of the different targets. I got things working with one target, and tried adding my testing target to all of the different schemes, but it looks like when tests run for each scheme they actually run on the same, original target.
Looking in the project file I see that there's a specific Host Application associated with my testing target, and in the build settings the Bundle Loader and Test Host point to that same Host Application.
Is there any way to override those values for each scheme to run the tests against the current scheme's build target? Or some other way to set up a single test target to run across multiple build targets?
If you run the tests from the command line, or from an CI tool, like Jenkins, you can instruct xcodebuild to use the build settings that you provide. A simple usage example would be:
xcodebuild -scheme SomeScheme test TEST_HOST=target
You can control almost (if not any) build setting from Xcode, like code coverage generation, build directory, derived data directory, code sign identity, etc.
You can select the scheme when you run tests with Xcode server.
Look at WWDC 2014 continues integration talk for a walk through on how to set it up
It's using Xcode 6 but it's very similar process to Xcode 7
Also check this CI(continues integration) guideline from apple
If anyone is wondering how to do that with UI tests (maybe it is working with unit tests, too), this is what I came up with:
First, we need to build the application which we are going to use to host our UI tests:
xcodebuild -scheme "<appSchemeName>" build -destination "<yourDestination>"
More info about destination parameter:
Then, we need to run tests on our newly built application:
xcodebuild -scheme "<uiTestsSchemeName>" -destination "<yourDestination>" test TEST_TARGET_NAME="<yourNewlyBuiltAppTargetName>"
Destinations should match, since after the build .app is generated in your DerivedData folder, which will be used for UI tests hosting application

Can Xcode (command-line) build an archive without a scheme?

I'm primarily a .NET developer but am trying to compile some applications for iOS using Xcode command-line tools. My goal is to use the command-line to write a script to clone a repository, compile the code, and sign it with my iOS developer certificate.
However, when I clone a Git repository for an iOS/OSX application, it usually only contains a Xcode project file (and sometimes a workspace file). When I try to use 'xcodebuild archive' it requires a scheme to be specified but 'xcodebuild -list' says that none exist.
What is the correct way to automatically generate these schemes from the command-line?

Xcode Build for Profiling via Terminal

I'm trying to build my XCode project via the terminal. I'd like use Xcode's Product > Build for > Profiling option. So far I have:
xcodebuild -project "MyGame.xcodeproj" -target "MyGameEditor - Mac" -destination 'name=My Mac 64-bit' -configuration Profile
The project builds but not for profiling. I get an error that configuration 'Profile' does not exist.
Any help is appreciated.
What you are trying to sepcify with -configuration is the build configuration, not the build action. Unless you have added extra configurations to your project, you only have "Debug" and "Release" configurations.
What Xcode does when you tell it to profile is it builds the configuration that your scheme specifies to use when profiling, launches the simulator, installs the app, then launches Instruments.
So you need to do a similar thing with two command line calls, one to xcodebuild, one to instruments.
Some helpful links that should help you figure out what you need to do:
Can the UI Automation instrument be run from the command line?
It is also worth noting that rather than specifying a target and configuration, you should just specify a scheme which provides both and other optional additional features.
