Docker and symlinks - docker

I've got a repo set up like this:
<symlink to config.json>
<symlink to config.json>
However, building the images fails, because Docker can't handle the symlinks. I should mention my project is far more complicated than this, so restructuring directories isn't a great option. How do I deal with this situation?

Docker doesn't support symlinking files outside the build context.
Here are some different methods for using a shared file in a container:
Build Time
Copy from a config image (Docker buildkit)
Recent versions of Docker allow RUN steps to bind mount from a named image or previous build stage with the --mount=type=bind,target=/dir,source=/dir,from=image-or-stage-name
Create a Dockerfile for the base me/worker-config image that includes the shared config/files.
FROM scratch
COPY config.json /config.json
Build and tag the config image me/worker-config
docker build -t me/worker-config:latest .
Mount the me/worker-config image during the real build
RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/worker-config,source=/,from=me/worker-config:latest \
cp /worker-config/config.json /app/config.json;
Share a base image
Create a Dockerfile for the base me/worker-config image that includes the shared config/files.
COPY config.json /config.json
Build and tag the image me/worker-config
docker build -t me/worker-config:latest .
Source the base me/worker-config image for all your worker Dockerfiles
FROM me/worker-config:latest
Build script
Use a script to push the common config to each of your worker containers.
./build worker-n
set -uex
rundir=$(readlink -f "${0%/*}")
cd "$rundir/$container"
cp ../config/config.json ./config-docker.json
docker build "$#" .
Build from URL
Pull the config from a common URL for all worker-n builds.
ADD http://somehost/config.json /
Increase the scope of the image build context
Include the symlink target files in the build context by building from a parent directory that includes both the shared files and specific container files.
cd ..
docker build -f worker-a/Dockerfile .
All the source paths you reference in a Dockerfile must also change to match the new build context:
COPY workerathing /app
COPY worker-a/workerathing /app
Using this method can make all build contexts large if you have one large build context, as they all become shared. It can slow down builds, especially to remote Docker build servers. Note that only the .dockerignore file from the base of the build context is referenced.
Alternate build that can mount volumes
Other projects that strive for Dockerfile compatibility may support volumes at build time. For example a podman build / buildah support a --volume option to bind mount files from the host into a build container.
podman build --volume /project/config:/worker-config:ro,Z -t me/worker-a .
Then the build can reference the mounted volume
COPY /worker-config/config.json /app
Run time
Mount a config directory from a named volume
Volumes like this only work as directories, so you can't specify a file like you could when mounting a file from the host to container.
docker volume create --name=worker-cfg-vol
docker run -v worker-cfg-vol:/config worker-config cp config.json /config
docker run -v worker-cfg-vol:/config:/config worker-a
Mount config directory from data container
Again, directories only as it's basically the same as above. This will automatically copy files from the destination directory into the newly created shared volume though.
docker create --name wcc -v /config worker-config /bin/true
docker run --volumes-from wcc worker-a
Mount config file from host at runtime
docker run -v /app/config/config.json:/config.json worker-a

Node.js-specific solution
I also ran into this problem, and would like to share another method that hasn't been mentioned above. Instead of using npm link in my Dockerfile, I used yalc.
Install yalc in your container, e.g. RUN npm i -g yalc.
Build your library in Docker, and run yalc publish (add the --private flag if your shared lib is private). This will 'publish' your library locally.
Run yalc add my-lib in each repo that would normally use npm link before running npm install. It will create a local .yalc folder in your Docker container, create a symlink in node_modules that works inside Docker to this folder, and rewrite your package.json to refer to this folder too, so you can safely run install.
Optionally, if you do a two stage build, make sure that you also copy the .yalc folder to your final image.
Below an example Dockerfile, assuming you have a mono repository with three packages: models, gui and server, and the models repository must be shared and named my-models.
# You can access the container using:
# docker run -it my-name sh
# To start it stand-alone:
# docker run -it -p 8888:3000 my-name
FROM node:alpine AS builder
# Install yalc globally (the apk add... line is only needed if your installation requires it)
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .gyp python make g++ && \
npm i -g yalc
RUN mkdir /packages && \
mkdir /packages/models && \
mkdir /packages/gui && \
mkdir /packages/server
COPY ./packages/models /packages/models
WORKDIR /packages/models
RUN npm install && \
npm run build && \
yalc publish --private
COPY ./packages/gui /packages/gui
WORKDIR /packages/gui
RUN yalc add my-models && \
npm install && \
npm run build
COPY ./packages/server /packages/server
WORKDIR /packages/server
RUN yalc add my-models && \
npm install && \
npm run build
FROM node:alpine
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY --from=builder /packages/server/package.json /app/package.json
COPY --from=builder /packages/server/dist /app/dist
# Make sure you copy the yalc registry too.
COPY --from=builder /packages/server/.yalc /app/.yalc
COPY --from=builder /packages/server/node_modules /app/node_modules
COPY --from=builder /packages/gui/dist /app/dist/public
CMD ["node", "./dist/index.js"]
Hope that helps...

The docker build CLI command sends the specified directory (typically .) as the "build context" to the Docker Engine (daemon). Instead of specifying the build context as /worker-a, specify the build context as the root directory, and use the -f argument to specify the path to the Dockerfile in one of the child directories.
docker build -f worker-a/Dockerfile .
docker build -f worker-b/Dockerfile .
You'll have to rework your Dockerfiles slightly, to point them to ../config/config.json, but that is pretty trivial to fix.
Also check out this question/answer, which I think addresses the exact same problem that you're experiencing.
How to include files outside of Docker's build context?
Hope this helps! Cheers

An alternative solution is to upgrade all your soft links into hard links.


Get build files to persist on host after docker-compose build is run

I'm trying to run a docker-compose build command with a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml file.
Inside the docker-compose.yml file, I'm trying to bind a local folder on the host machine ./dist with a folder on the container app/dist.
version: '3.8'
context: .
- ./dist:app/dist # I'm expecting files to be changed or added to the container's app/dist to be reflected to the host's ./dist folder
Inside the Dockerfile, I build some files with an NPM script that I'm wanting to make available on the host machine once the build is finished. I'm also touching a new file inside the /app/dist/ just as a simple test to see if the file ends up on the host machine, but it does not.
FROM node:8.17.0-alpine as example
RUN mkdir /app
COPY . /app
RUN npm install
RUN npm run dist
RUN touch /app/dist/
Is there a way to do this? I also tried using the "long syntax" as mentioned in the Docker Compose v3 documentation:
The easiest way to do this is to install Node and run the npm commands directly on the host.
npm install
npm run dist
# done
There's not an easy way to use a Dockerfile to build host content. The Dockerfile can't write out directly to the host filesystem; if you use a volume mount, the host volume hides the container content before anything else happens.
That means, if you want to use this approach, you need to launch a temporary container to get the content out. You can do it with a one-off container, mounting the host directory somewhere other than /app, making the main container command be cp:
sudo docker build -t myimage .
sudo docker run --rm \
-v "$PWD/dist:/out" \
myimage \
cp -a /app/dist /out
Or, if you specifically wanted to use docker cp:
sudo docker build -t myimage .
sudo docker create --name to-copy myimage
sudo docker cp -r to-copy:/app/dist ./dist
sudo docker rm to-copy
Note that any of these sequences are more complex than just installing a local Node via a package manager, and require administrator permissions (you can use the same technique to overwrite any host file, including the /etc/shadow file with encrypted passwords).

Use one dockerfile to build from two different sources

I want to create a docker image using either git sources, or the already build app. I created two Dockerfiles like these (note: this is pseudo code):
FROM <baseimage>
EXPOSE 1234/tcp
EXPOSE 4321/tcp
VOLUME /foobar
COPY myapp.tgz .
RUN tar -xzf myapp.tgz && rm -f myapp.tgz
ENTRYPOINT ["myapp"]
myapp.tgz is created on a buildserver or maybe by compiling manually. It is available on the docker host server locally.
To build directly from source I use:
FROM <devimage> AS buildenv
RUN git clone http://${GIT_USER}:${GIT_PASSWORD}#<>
RUN ./makefile && cp /source/build/myapp.tgz /drop/myapp.tgz
FROM <baseimage> AS runenv
EXPOSE 1234/tcp
EXPOSE 4321/tcp
VOLUME /foobar
COPY --from=buildenv /drop/myapp.tgz .
RUN tar -xzf myapp.tgz && rm -f myapp.tgz
ENTRYPOINT ["myapp"]
The instructions in the second build stage of this are obviously a duplicate of the Runtime-Image Dockerfile.
I'd like to have just ONE Dockerfile, which can build from source, or from context on the docker host, as required. I could put the duplicated commands in a custom baseimage and reuse that to build onto (FROM), but this would obfuscate the Dockerfile.
What is the recommended, most elegant way to do this?
I can't use a bind mount to get myapp.tgz in the current directory on the docker host, can I? For this I would have to start a Container to build my app?
There is no IF directive in the Dockfile for conditions?
If there is no myapp.tgz on the docker host, COPY myapp.tgz . will fail
If there is no buildenv, COPY --from=buildenv /drop/myapp.tgz . will fail.
I could use COPY ./* . and then check with
[ -f /myapp.tgz ] && <prepare-container> || <build-from-git-source>
I guess? Our would you rather just create a seperate Dockerfile just for building from source and then use something like
docker run --rm -v /SomewhereOnHost/drop:/drop my-compile-image
For the past 2 days I have been trying to figure this out, now I have a good solution to achieve a conditional build (a if in Dockerfile)
ARG mode=local
FROM alpine as build_local
ONBUILD COPY myapp.tgz .
FROM alpine as build_remote
ONBUILD RUN cd repo && ./makefile && cp /source/build/myapp.tgz .
FROM build_${mode} AS runenv
EXPOSE 1234/tcp
EXPOSE 4321/tcp
VOLUME /foobar
RUN tar -xzf myapp.tgz && rm -f myapp.tgz
ENTRYPOINT ["myapp"]
The toplevel mode allows you to pass the condition with docker build --build-arg mode=remote .. ONBUILD is used so the command is only executed if the corresponding branch is selected.

docker -v no more needed? and Dockerfile

I've read tutorials about use docker:
docker run -it -p 9001:3000 -v $(pwd):/app simple-node-docker
but if i use:
docker run -it -p 9001:3000 simple-node-docker
it's working too? -v is not more needed? or is taking from the Dockerfile the line WORKDIR?
FROM node:9-slim
# WORKDIR specifies the directory our
# application's code will live within
another tutorials use mkdir ./app on the workfile, anothers don't, so WORKDIR is enough to docker create the folder automatically if does not exist
There are two common ways to get application content into a Docker container. Many Node tutorials I've seen confusingly do both of them. You don't need docker run -v, provided you docker build your container when you make changes.
The first way is to copy a static copy of the application into the image. You'd do this via a Dockerfile, typically looking something like this:
FROM node
# Install only dependencies now, to make rebuilds faster
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn install
# NB: node_modules is in .dockerignore so this doesn't overwrite
# the previous step
COPY . ./
RUN yarn build
CMD ["yarn", "start"]
The resulting Docker image is self-contained: if you have just the image (maybe you docker pulled it from a repository) you can run it, as you note, without any special -v option. This path has the downside that you need to re-run docker build to recreate the image if you've made any changes.
The second way is to use docker run -v to inject the current source directory into the container. For example:
docker run \
--rm \ # clean up after we're done
-p 3000:3000 \ # publish a port
-v $PWD:/app \ # mount current directory over /app
-w /app \ # set default working directory
node \ # image to run
yarn start # command to run
This path hides everything in the /app directory in the image and replaces it in the container with whatever you have in your current directory. This requires you to have a built functional copy of the application's source tree available, and so it supports things like live reloading; helpful for development, not what you want for Docker in production.
Like I say, I've seen a lot of tutorials do both things:
# First build an image, populating /app in that image
docker build -t myimage .
# Now run it, hiding whatever was in /app
docker run --rm -p3000:3000 -v$PWD:/app myimage
You don't need the -v option, but you do need to manually rebuild things if your application changes.
$EDITOR src/file.js
yarn test
sudo docker build -t myimage .
sudo docker run --rm -p3000:3000 myimage
As I note here the docker commands require root-equivalent permission; but on the flip side the final docker run command is very close to what you'd run "for real" (maybe via Docker Compose or Kubernetes, but without requiring a copy of the application source).

Docker container with build output and no source

I have a build process that converts typescript into javascript, minifies and concatenates css files, etc.
I would like to put those files into an nginx docker container, but I don't want the original javascript / css source to be included, nor the tools that I use to build them. Is there a good way to do this, or do I have to run the build outside docker (or in a separately defined container), then COPY the relevant files in?
This page talks about doing something similar in a manual way, but doesn't explain how to automate the process e.g. with docker-compose or something.
Create a docker images with all required tools to build your code also that can clone code and build it. After build it have to copy
into docker volume for example volume name is /opt/webapp.
Launch build docker container using build image in step 1
docker run -d -P --name BuildContainer -v /opt/webapp:/opt/webapp build_image_name
Launch nginx docker container that will use shared volume of build docker in which your build code resides.
docker run -d -P --name Appserver -v /opt/webapp:/usr/local/nginx/html nginx_image_name
After building and shipping your build code to Appserver . you can delete BuildContainer because that is no more required.
Advantage of above steps:
your build code will in host machine so if one Appserver docker fail or stop then your build code will be safe in host machine and you can launch new docker using that build code.
if you create docker image for building code then every time no need to install required tool while launching docker.
you can build your code in host machine also but if you want your code should be build in fresh environment every time then this will be good. or if you use same host machine to build/compile code every time then some older source code may create problem or git clone error etc.
you can append :ro (Read only) to volume by which one container will not affect another. you can Read more about docker volume Here . Thanks #BMitch for suggestion.
The latest version of docker supports multi-stage builds where build products can be copied from on container to another.
This is an ideal scenario for a multi-stage build. You perform the compiling in the first stage, copy the output of that compile to the second stage, and only ship that second stage. Each stage is an independent image that begins with a FROM line. And to transfer files between stages, there's now a COPY --from syntax. The result looks roughly like:
# first stage with your full compile environment, e.g. maven/jdk
FROM maven as build
COPY src /src
RUN mvn install
# second stage starts below with just a jre base image
FROM openjdk:jre
# copy the jar from the first stage here
COPY --from=build /src/result.jar /app
CMD java -jar /app/result.jar
Original answer:
Two common options:
As mentioned, you can build outside and copy the compiled result into the container.
You merge your download, build, and cleanup step into a single RUN command. This is a common best practice to minimize the size of each layer.
An example Dockerfile for the second option would look like:
FROM mybase:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install tools \
&& git clone \
&& cd myproj \
&& make \
&& make install
&& cd .. \
&& apt-get rm tools && apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf myproj
The lines would be a little more complicated than that, but that's the gist.
As #dnephin suggested in his comments on the question and on #pl_rock's answer, the standard docker tools are not designed to do this, but you can use a third party tool like one of the following:
dobi (48 GitHub stars)
packer (6210 GitHub stars)
rocker (759 GitHub stars)
conveyor (152 GitHub stars)
(GitHub stars correct when I wrote the answer)
We went with dobi as it was the first one we heard of (because of this question), but it looks like packer is the most popular.
Create a docker file to run your build process, then run cleanup code
FROM node:latest
# Provides cached layer for node_modules
ADD package.json /tmp/package.json
RUN cd /tmp && npm install
RUN mkdir -p /dist && cp -a /tmp/node_modules /dist/
RUN cp /tmp/package.json /dist
ADD . /tmp
RUN cd /tmp && npm run build
RUN mkdir -p /dist && cp -a /tmp/. /dist
#run some clean up code here
RUN npm run cleanup
# Define working directory
# Expose port
# Run app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]
In your docker compose file
build: ../project_path
- NODE_ENV=production
restart: always
- "4000"

How to package files with docker image

I have an application that requires some binaries on host machine for a docker based application to work. I can ship the image using docker registry but how do I ship those binaries to host machine? creating deb/rpm seems one option but that would be against the docker platform independent philosophy.
If you need them outside the docker image on the host machine what you can do is this.
Add them to your Dockerfile with ADD or COPY
Also had an installation script which calls cp -f src dest
Then bind mount an installation directory from the host to dest in the container.
Something like the following example:
e.g. Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:16.04
COPY file1 /src
COPY file2 /src
COPY install /src
CMD install
Build it:
docker build -t installer .
install script:
cp -f /src /dist
docker run -v /opt/bin:/dist
Will result in file1 & file2 ending up in /opt/bin on the host.
If your image is based off of an image with a package manager, you could use the package manager to install the required binaries, e.g.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y required-package
Alternatively, you could download the statically linked binaries from the internet and extract them, e.g.
RUN curl -s -L | tar -C /opt -zx
If the binaries are created as part of the build process, you'd want to COPY them over
COPY build/target/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
