WebStorm - Vim like feature "Sort" - editor

Is there any shortcut to sort code lines in WebStorm?
For instance, let's assume I have the three imports a, b, c and I'd like to sort them
import c
import b
import a
highlight import c, import b, import a + sort + shortcut
import a
import b
import c

There is no built-in functionality in WebStorm that would allow sorting custom lines of text/code.
You can install and use String Manipulation plugin that has lots of useful actions for strings -- including sorting them.


The function "pytesseract.image_to_string" returns strings without convenient separation parameters

I'm trying to scan images in strings using tesseract to manipulate these strings for creating a script to autofill excel cells.
I just imported all the libraries needed 'cause i'm using colab:
!sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
!pip install pytesseract
import pytesseract
import shutil
import os
import random
import pandas as pd
import io
from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
import Image
from google.colab import drive #acessesando os arquivos no drive
directory = '/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/S N'
for filename in os.listdir (directory): #os.listdir() method in python is used to get the list of all files and directories in the specified directory..
f = os.path.join(directory,filename) #"path.join()" join one or more path components intelligently
imagestring = pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.open(f)) #object with recognizable strings by tesseract function.
in theory all images were read correctly:
192.1638.1 729.200 SPARE
The problem begins when one of these strings tesseract has returned has a blank space within(192.1638.1X729.200) and the "str.split()" don't work because of it.
I just need to separate those string to structure a dataframe which will allow me to continue with my goal.
I just found out a way to separate those strings individually by using de re module.
i just called
import re
string_lists = re.split('',imagestring,1)
And result was:
['', 'N/S:10229876-5\n\x0c']
['', '192.1638.1 729.200\n\x0c']
['', ' SPARE\n\x0c']
Now i just need to strip out the '' and \n\x0c'. And after that append all these lists in one list.

Datastage defining ; as delimiter and !; as not a delimeter

I have a data txt file which looks like following
I'm expecting my output should look like as follows after reading the sequential file.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 34 4 5
since there is only possiblity to define what's the delimiter in Datastage it don't detect !; as not a delimiter.
Could someone let me how can i overcome this problem.
One option could be to import it as a single column and and remove the "!," in a transformer and then do a column import stage dividing up the columns.
Read data as a single string. Convert "!;" to "" using Ereplace() or Change() function. Then parse using Transformer loop or Column Import stage.

Can csv-conduit read a string in csv form and parse it into some intermediate datatype?

The documentation found on csv-conduit's github page is scant, my use case involve reading a string in csv form, ie:
csv :: String
csv = "\"column1 (text)\",\"column2 (text)\",\"column3 (number)\",\"column4 (number)\"\r\anId,stuff,12,30.454\r\n"
and transforming it into some intermediate data type, so suppose we declare data type Row, then I'd have
csv' :: Row
csv' = Row (Just "anId") "stuff" 12 (Just 30.454)
But I'm not sure which functions to call. Furthermore, it seems like csv-conduit export some Row type already, but I'm not sure how to use it?
Here is an example which shows how to add a processing step in a cvs conduit pipeline. Here we just add a column to each input row.
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Lib
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Binary
import Data.CSV.Conduit
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad
myProcessor :: Monad m => Conduit (MapRow Text) m (MapRow Text)
myProcessor = do
x <- await
case x of
Nothing -> return ()
Just m -> do let m' = Map.insert "asd" "qwe" m
yield m'
test = runResourceT $
sourceFile "input.csv" $=
intoCSV defCSVSettings $=
myProcessor $=
(writeHeaders defCSVSettings >> fromCSV defCSVSettings) $$
sinkFile "output.csv"
Of course, your processing stage doesn't have to produce MapRow Text items - it can produce items of whatever type you want. Use other conduit operations to collect / filter / process that pipeline.
If you have a specific task you want to perform I can address that.

Output truncated in Rascal Commandline REPL

I am working on the Commandline REPL environment with Rascal and trying to view things like parse trees and outputs from The Ambiguity library. However, these are truncated in the commandline. For example:
list[Message]: [
"Ambiguity cluster with 2 alternatives",
"Production unique to the one alternative: Exp = app: Exp Exp ;",
"Production unique to th...
I'm interested in seeing the rest of this output. Is there a setting I can change, or someway I can view this information. Thanks.
This is done for performance reasons. (Terminal/Shells do not like printing HUGE strings)
You can import IO and use iprintln to get the indented print without any truncating. For performance reasons you could als use iprintToFile:
import IO;
r = diagnose(parse(|cwd:///Core/tests/F0.func|));
As an alternative, you might want to get the value in an editor using util::ValueUI::text: (only works in eclipse)
import util::ValueUI;
r = diagnose(parse(|cwd:///Core/tests/F0.func|));
text(r, 4); // indentation level is 4
Finally we sometimes copy values to the clipboard with util::Clipboard:
import util::Clipboard;
r = diagnose(parse(|cwd:///Core/tests/F0.func|));
and then you can paste them anywhere using your OS shortcut.

Haskell/Parsec: how do I use Text.Parsec.Token with Text.Parsec.Indent (from the indents package)

The indents package for Haskell's Parsec provides a way to parse indentation-style languages (like Haskell and Python). It redefines the Parser type, so how do you use the token parser functions exported by Parsec's Text.Parsec.Token module, which are of the normal Parser type?
Parsec is a parser combinator library, whatever that means.
IndentParser 0.2.1 is an old package providing the two modules Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser and Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.Token
indents 0.3.3 is a new package providing the single module Text.Parsec.Indent
Parsec comes with a load of modules. most of them export a bunch of useful parsers (e.g. newline from Text.Parsec.Char, which parses a newline) or parser combinators (e.g. count n p from Text.Parsec.Combinator, which runs the parser p, n times)
However, the module Text.Parsec.Token would like to export functions which are parametrized by the user with features of the language being parsed, so that, for example, the braces p function will run the parser p after parsing a '{' and before parsing a '}', ignoring things like comments, the syntax of which depends on your language.
The way that Text.Parsec.Token achieves this is that it exports a single function makeTokenParser, which you call, giving it the parameters of your specific language (like what a comment looks like) and it returns a record containing all of the functions in Text.Parsec.Token, adapted to your language as specified.
Of course, in an indentation-style language, these would need to be adapted further (perhaps? here's where I'm not sure – I'll explain in a moment) so I note that the (presumably obsolete) IndentParser package provides a module Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.Token which looks to be a drop-in replacement for Text.Parsec.Token.
I should mention at some point that all the Parsec parsers are monadic functions, so they do magic things with state so that error messages can say at what line and column in the source file the error appeared
My Problem
For a couple of small reasons it appears to me that the indents package is more-or-less the current version of IndentParser, however it does not provide a module that looks like Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.Token, it only provides Text.Parsec.Indent, so I am wondering how one goes about getting all the token parsers from Text.Parsec.Token (like reserved "something" which parses the reserved keyword "something", or like braces which I mentioned earlier).
It would appear to me that (the new) Text.Parsec.Indent works by some sort of monadic state magic to work out at what column bits of source code are, so that it doesn't need to modify the token parsers like whiteSpace from Text.Parsec.Token, which is probably why it doesn't provide a replacement module. But I am having a problem with types.
You see, without Text.Parsec.Indent, all my parsers are of type Parser Something where Something is the return type and Parser is a type alias defined in Text.Parsec.String as
type Parser = Parsec String ()
but with Text.Parsec.Indent, instead of importing Text.Parsec.String, I use my own definition
type Parser a = IndentParser String () a
which makes all my parsers of type IndentParser String () Something, where IndentParser is defined in Text.Parsec.Indent. but the token parsers that I'm getting from makeTokenParser in Text.Parsec.Token are of the wrong type.
If this isn't making much sense by now, it's because I'm a bit lost. The type issue is discussed a bit here.
The error I'm getting is that I've tried replacing the one definition of Parser above with the other, but then when I try to use one of the token parsers from Text.Parsec.Token, I get the compile error
Couldn't match expected type `Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy.State
with actual type `Data.Functor.Identity.Identity'
Expected type: P.GenTokenParser
(Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy.State Text.Parsec.Pos.SourcePos)
Actual type: P.TokenParser ()
IndentParser (old package)
indents, providing Text.Parsec.Indent (new package)
some discussion of Parser types with example code
another example of using Text.Parsec.Indent
Sadly, neither of the examples above use token parsers like those in Text.Parsec.Token.
What are you trying to do?
It sounds like you want to have your parsers defined everywhere as being of type
Parser Something
(where Something is the return type) and to make this work by hiding and redefining the Parser type which is normally imported from Text.Parsec.String or similar. You still need to import some of Text.Parsec.String, to make Stream an instance of a monad; do this with the line:
import Text.Parsec.String ()
Your definition of Parser is correct. Alternatively and equivalently (for those following the chat in the comments) you can use
import Control.Monad.State
import Text.Parsec.Pos (SourcePos)
type Parser = ParsecT String () (State SourcePos)
and possibly do away with the import Text.Parsec.Indent (IndentParser) in the file in which this definition appears.
Error, error on the wall
Your problem is that you're looking at the wrong part of the compiler error message. You're focusing on
Couldn't match expected type `State SourcePos' with actual type `Identity'
when you should be focusing on
Expected type: P.GenTokenParser ...
Actual type: P.TokenParser ...
It compiles!
Where you "import" parsers from Text.Parsec.Token, what you actually do, of course (as you briefly mentioned) is first to define a record your language parameters and then to pass this to the function makeTokenParser, which returns a record containing the token parsers.
You must therefore have some lines that look something like this:
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
beetleDef :: P.LanguageDef st
beetleDef =
haskellStyle {
parameters, parameters etc.
lexer :: P.TokenParser ()
lexer = P.makeTokenParser beetleDef
... but a P.LanguageDef st is just a GenLanguageDef String st Identity, and a P.TokenParser () is really a GenTokenParser String () Identity.
You must change your type declarations to the following:
import Control.Monad.State
import Text.Parsec.Pos (SourcePos)
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
beetleDef :: P.GenLanguageDef String st (State SourcePos)
beetleDef =
haskellStyle {
parameters, parameters etc.
lexer :: P.GenTokenParser String () (State SourcePos)
lexer = P.makeTokenParser beetleDef
... and that's it! This will allow your "imported" token parsers to have type ParsecT String () (State SourcePos) Something, instead of Parsec String () Something (which is an alias for ParsecT String () Identity Something) and your code should now compile.
(For maximum generality, I'm assuming that you might be defining the Parser type in a file separate from, and imported by, the file in which you define your actual parser functions. Hence the two repeated import statements.)
Many thanks to Daniel Fischer for helping me with this.
