NSArray has - (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)obj inSortedRange:(NSRange)r options:(NSBinarySearchingOptions)opts usingComparator:(NSComparator)cmp to determine the insert position of a new object in a sorted array.
What is the best and high-performance way to do this in pure Swift?
Something along the lines of:
var myArray = ["b", "e", "d", "a"]
myArray.sort { $0 < $1 }
// myArray is now [a, b, d, e]
myArray.sort { $0 < $1 }
// myArray is now [a, b, c, d, e]
Instead of appending the new element and then sorting the array, I would like to figure out the correct position and insert the element:
let index = [... how to calculate this index ??? ...]
myArray.insert("c", atIndex: index)
Here is a possible implementation in Swift using binary search (from with slight modifications):
extension Array {
func insertionIndexOf(_ elem: Element, isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int {
var lo = 0
var hi = self.count - 1
while lo <= hi {
let mid = (lo + hi)/2
if isOrderedBefore(self[mid], elem) {
lo = mid + 1
} else if isOrderedBefore(elem, self[mid]) {
hi = mid - 1
} else {
return mid // found at position mid
return lo // not found, would be inserted at position lo
As with indexOfObject:inSortedRange:options:usingComparator: it is assumed that
the array is sorted with respect to the comparator.
It returns either (any) index of the element if the element is already present in the
array, or the index where it can be inserted while preserving the order. This
corresponds to the NSBinarySearchingInsertionIndex of the NSArray method.
let newElement = "c"
let index = myArray.insertionIndexOf(newElement) { $0 < $1 } // Or: myArray.indexOf(c, <)
myArray.insert(newElement, at: index)
In swift 3 you can use index(where:):
var myArray = ["a", "b", "d", "e"]
let newElement = "c"
if let index = myArray.index(where: { $0 > newElement }) {
myArray.insert(newElement, at: index)
Note that in this case you need to reverse the condition inside the closure (i.e. > instead of < for increasing elements in array), because the index you are interested in is the first element that does NOT match the predicate. Also, this method will return nil if the newly inserted element is going to be the last in the array (newElement = "z" in the example above.
For convenience, this can be wrapped to a separate function that will handle all these issues:
extension Collection {
func insertionIndex(of element: Self.Iterator.Element,
using areInIncreasingOrder: (Self.Iterator.Element, Self.Iterator.Element) -> Bool) -> Index {
return index(where: { !areInIncreasingOrder($0, element) }) ?? endIndex
var myArray = ["a", "b", "d", "e"]
let newElement = "c"
let index = myArray.insertionIndex(of: newElement, using: <)
myArray.insert(newElement, at: index)
According to WWDC 2018 Session 406: Swift Generics (Expanded) the binary search can be performed in a more efficient and even more generic way by slicing the collection object.
There are two considerable benefits of Slice:
A slice is always a subset of the original object without allocating additional memory.
All indices of the slice refer to the original object.
For example if you slice an array of 5 objects let slice = array[2..<4] then slice.startIndex is 2 not 0.
RandomAccessCollection is a protocol (inherited from BidirectionalCollection) which a variety of structs / classes conform to
extension RandomAccessCollection where Element : Comparable {
func insertionIndex(of value: Element) -> Index {
var slice : SubSequence = self[...]
while !slice.isEmpty {
let middle = slice.index(slice.startIndex, offsetBy: slice.count / 2)
if value < slice[middle] {
slice = slice[..<middle]
} else {
slice = slice[index(after: middle)...]
return slice.startIndex
let array = [1, 2, 4, 7, 8]
let index = array.insertionIndex(of: 6) // 3
You can extend the function to check against a predicate closure instead of a single value
extension RandomAccessCollection { // the predicate version is not required to conform to Comparable
func insertionIndex(for predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> Index {
var slice : SubSequence = self[...]
while !slice.isEmpty {
let middle = slice.index(slice.startIndex, offsetBy: slice.count / 2)
if predicate(slice[middle]) {
slice = slice[index(after: middle)...]
} else {
slice = slice[..<middle]
return slice.startIndex
struct Person { let name : String }
let array = [Person(name: "Adam"), Person(name: "Cynthia"), Person(name: "Nancy"), Person(name: "Tom")]
let index = array.insertionIndex{ $ < "Bruce" } // 1
If you know your array is sorted, you can use this method -- it will work with arrays of any type. It will traverse the whole array each time, so don't use this with large arrays - go for another data type if you have larger needs!
func insertSorted<T: Comparable>(inout seq: [T], newItem item: T) {
let index = seq.reduce(0) { $1 < item ? $0 + 1 : $0 }
seq.insert(item, atIndex: index)
var arr = [2, 4, 6, 8]
insertSorted(&arr, newItem: 5)
insertSorted(&arr, newItem: 3)
insertSorted(&arr, newItem: -3)
insertSorted(&arr, newItem: 11)
// [-3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11]
Building on #vadian's and #Martin R's answers, I noticed some minor discrepancies, mostly with the insertion index either not matching the index of an equivalent element in the collection, or of it not matching the first index of a sequence of equivalent elements.
For instance:
If you wanted to find an insertion index for 5 in [4, 5, 6], the index 2 would be returned, which may be problematic if you want to simply search for the value.
In [5, 5, 5], searching once again for 5 returns the index 1, which is not the first insertion index.
This doesn't match with the behavior of NSArray's implementation and its various options, so here is yet another solution that tries to take this into account:
extension RandomAccessCollection {
/// Get the index of or an insertion index for a new element in
/// a sorted collection in ascending order.
/// - Parameter value: The element to insert into the array.
/// - Returns: The index suitable for inserting the new element
/// into the array, or the first index of an existing element.
public func sortedInsertionIndex(
of element: Element
) -> Index where Element: Comparable {
sortedInsertionIndex(of: element, by: <)
/// Get the index of or an insertion index for a new element in
/// a sorted collection that matches the rule defined by the predicate.
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: The element to insert into the array.
/// - areInIncreasingOrder:
/// A closure that determines if the first element should
/// come before the second element. For instance: `<`.
/// - Returns: The index suitable for inserting the new element
/// into the array, or the first index of an existing element.
public func sortedInsertionIndex(
of element: Element,
by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Index {
try sortedInsertionIndex { try areInIncreasingOrder($0, element) }
/// Get the index of or an insertion index for a new element in
/// a sorted collection that matches the rule defined by the predicate.
/// This variation is useful when comparing an element that
/// is of a different type than those already in the array.
/// - Parameter isOrderedAfter:
/// Return `true` if the new element should come after the one
/// provided in the closure, or `false` otherwise. For instance
/// `{ $0 < newElement }` to sort elements in increasing order.
/// - Returns: The index suitable for inserting the new element into
/// the array, or the first index of an existing element.
public func sortedInsertionIndex(
where isOrderedAfter: (Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Index {
var slice: SubSequence = self[...]
while !slice.isEmpty {
let middle = slice.index(slice.startIndex, offsetBy: slice.count/2)
if try isOrderedAfter(slice[middle]) {
slice = slice[index(after: middle)...]
} else {
slice = slice[..<middle]
return slice.startIndex
Since sometimes you don't care about the insertion index, but instead the first or last index that matches a given element, here are variations on the above that satisfy those requirements as well:
extension RandomAccessCollection {
public func sortedFirstIndex(
of element: Element
) -> Index? where Element: Comparable {
sortedFirstIndex(of: element, by: <)
public func sortedFirstIndex(
of element: Element,
by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Index? where Element: Comparable {
let insertionIndex = try sortedInsertionIndex(of: element, by: areInIncreasingOrder)
guard insertionIndex < endIndex, self[insertionIndex] == element else { return nil }
return insertionIndex
public func sortedLastIndex(
of element: Element
) -> Index? where Element: Comparable {
sortedLastIndex(of: element, by: <)
public func sortedLastIndex(
of element: Element,
by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Index? where Element: Comparable {
let insertionIndex = try sortedInsertionIndex(of: element) { try areInIncreasingOrder($1, $0) }
let finalIndex = index(insertionIndex, offsetBy: -1)
guard finalIndex >= startIndex, self[finalIndex] == element else { return nil }
return finalIndex
A binary search tree here is the way to go.
On an ordered array, take the element in the middle and see if the object at that position is greater than your new object. That way you can forget the half of the array elements with one single comparison.
Repeat that step with the remaining half. Again, with a single comparison you can forget the half of the remaining objects. Your target element count is now a quarter of the array size at the beginning with only two comparisons.
Repeat that until you found the correct position to insert the new element.
Here is a a good article on binary search trees with swift
In swift 5:
var myArray = ["b", "e", "d", "a"]
myArray.sort { $0 < $1 }
// myArray is now [a, b, d, e]
let newElement = "c"
let index = myArray.firstIndex(where: { newElement < $0 })
myArray.insert(newElement, at: index ?? myArray.endIndex)
If you'd like to make the call-site more pretty:
extension Array where Element: Comparable {
/// Insert element in the correct location of a sorted array
mutating func insertSorted(_ element: Element) {
let index = firstIndex(where: { element < $0 })
insert(element, at: index ?? endIndex)
Slight update from binary search:
extension Array {
mutating func binaryAppend(_ item:Element, sortBy: (Element,Element) -> Bool) {
var start:Int = 0
var end:Int = self.count - 1
while start <= end{
let mid = (start + end) / 2
if sortBy(self[mid], item){
start = start + 1
} else{
end = end - 1
self.insert(item, at: start)
You can use it like:
var arr = [1,3,5,7,9]
arr.binaryAppend(2, sortBy: {$0 < $1}) //[1,2,3,5,7,9]
I have a class like this
class ValueTimestamp {
let value: Double
let timestamp : Double
init(value:Double, timestamp:Double) {
self.value = valuer
self.timestamp = timestamp
Then I have an array filled with ValueTimestamp objects. Let's call this, myArray.
Now I want to manipulate the array, to extract, for example the elements with values bigger than 10.
Because I am new to swift, I would do this:
// this will create an array with Doubles
let sub =$0.value > 10)
var newArray : [ValueTimestamp] = []
for i in 0..< myArray.count {
let newValue = ValueTimestamp.init(value:sub[i], timestamp:myArray[i])
and now I have newArray that contains the elements from myArray with values bigger than 10.
Is there any magic command using .map, .flatmap or whatever that can do this?
What you looking for is filter method:
public func filter(_ isIncluded: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]
It takes as parameter closure, which take 1 element and return true if element should be added in resulting array or false if it should be filtered out.
Your code:
let biggerThem10 = myArray.filter { $0.value > 10 }
Given two arrays, where one is the old set of values and the other is the new values, I want to find the "diff" of those two arrays such updates to the original array can be represented as:
enum CollectionChange<T: SequenceType> {
case Initial(T)
case Update(T, deletions: [Int], insertions: [Int], modifications: [Int])
I'm trying to build a simpler version of this where the changes object is built based on object equality, instead of indexes as RAC-MutableCollectionProperty is (for which the code is here and what might be the most complicated bit of code I've seen in a while; no documentation doesn't help).
Also important for this project is the ability to be able to observe changes to an array at any level of granularity. For example, a one-dimensional array, restricting T to Equatable, is a relatively easy use case. You can, as RAC-MutableCollectionProperty build up some sort of table that describes the changes, checking for equality on the objects. However once you get down to using two-dimensional arrays and deeper it gets a bit trickier because not only do you have to diff the elements at the lowest level but also describe section-level removals. In practice, no more than 2D arrays is really ever necessary but it'd be nice to have a solution that works regardless of the array depth. I'm not necessarily looking for a solution (although that'd be fantastic), really just any pointers and high level solutions on how to approach this problem.
One way I've thought of to observe multiple array levels is to write a diffing function that works on single dimensional arrays and construct a property such that:
let property: MutableCollectionProperty<MutableCollectionProperty<Int>>
where the property would check if its generic type is of it's own type. I'd have to change the changes description to something closer to
enum Changes<T> {
case Initial(T)
case Update(T, deletions: [NSIndexPath], insertions: [NSIndexPath], modifications: [NSIndexPath])
or maybe something like
enum Changes<T> {
case Initial(T)
case UpdateSections(sections: [T], deletions:[Int], insertions: [Int], modifications: [Int])
case UpdateIndexes(T, deletions: [Int], insertions: [Int], modifications: [Int])
These are just my preliminary thoughts though, I'm open to any solution or suggestion.
The bounty will be awarded to someone who can provide a solution that given the following parameters:
Let x and y be two swift array
both arrays of type T: Equatable
both arrays can be of any depth
the depth of x == the depth of y
a change set can be generated where a change set describes:
which elements have been deleted from the x
to y (by index)
which elements have been inserted into y that
weren't in x (by index)
which elements have been moved going from x
to y (by index)
Changes only have to be described at the lowest level of the array (no need to worry about insertion & removal of higher segments, although you'd really earn the 300 rep with that) but change indexes must indicate the nested index path.
For example, if the array is a 3d array and an object at array[0][5][2] was deleted, the resulting index change should be an array [0, 5, 2]. That array describes a single deletion and all the deletions would be of type [[Int]].
I'm removing the requirement of the arrays being of any depth. Let's say that they're simply 1d arrays.
I'm not sure this meets all your bounty requirements, but I'll post some code I use for computing arrays differences:
func arrayInsertionDeletionAndNoopIndexes<T: Equatable>(objects: [T], originalObjects: [T]) -> ([Int], [Int], [Int]) {
let insertions = objects.filter({ !originalObjects.contains($0) }).map({ objects.index(of: $0)! })
let noops = originalObjects.filter({ objects.contains($0) }).map({ originalObjects.index(of: $0)! })
let deletions = originalObjects.filter({ !objects.contains($0) }).map({ originalObjects.index(of: $0)! })
return (insertions, deletions, noops)
func arrayInsertionDeletionAndNoopIndexPaths<T: Equatable>(objects: [T], originalObjects: [T], section: Int = 0) -> ([IndexPath], [IndexPath], [IndexPath]) {
let (insertions, deletions, noops) = arrayInsertionDeletionAndNoopIndexes(objects: objects, originalObjects: originalObjects)
let insertionIndexPaths ={ IndexPath(row: $0, section: section) })
let deletionIndexPaths ={ IndexPath(row: $0, section: section) })
let noopIndexPaths ={ IndexPath(row: $0, section: section) })
return (insertionIndexPaths, deletionIndexPaths, noopIndexPaths)
My specific use case is for computing differences to update a UITableView, for which purpose I also have the following:
extension UITableView {
func insertAndDeleteCellsForObjects<T: Equatable>(objects: [T], originalObjects: [T], section: Int = 0) {
let (insertions, deletions, _) = arrayInsertionDeletionAndNoopIndexPaths(objects: objects, originalObjects: originalObjects, section: section)
if insertions.count > 0 || deletions.count > 0 {
insertRows(at: insertions, with: .automatic)
deleteRows(at: deletions, with: .automatic)
As of Swift 2.2, this is impossible.
You give the following requirements:
both arrays of type T: Equatable
both arrays can be of any depth
But the ability to make a constrained extension conform to a new protocol is only planned for Swift 3.0, so right now you can't make extension Array where Element: Array<Equatable> conform to Equatable protocol. This means that only 1d arrays can be of of type T: Equatable.
Basically what you need to do is to write an algorithm that solves Longest common subsequence problem. For 1d arrays you can use Dwifft library which solves the problem in the following way:
public extension Array where Element: Equatable {
public func diff(other: [Element]) -> Diff<Element> {
let table = MemoizedSequenceComparison.buildTable(self, other, self.count, other.count)
return Array.diffFromIndices(table, self, other, self.count, other.count)
private static func diffFromIndices(table: [[Int]], _ x: [Element], _ y: [Element], _ i: Int, _ j: Int) -> Diff<Element> {
if i == 0 && j == 0 {
return Diff<Element>(results: [])
} else if i == 0 {
return diffFromIndices(table, x, y, i, j-1) + DiffStep.Insert(j-1, y[j-1])
} else if j == 0 {
return diffFromIndices(table, x, y, i - 1, j) + DiffStep.Delete(i-1, x[i-1])
} else if table[i][j] == table[i][j-1] {
return diffFromIndices(table, x, y, i, j-1) + DiffStep.Insert(j-1, y[j-1])
} else if table[i][j] == table[i-1][j] {
return diffFromIndices(table, x, y, i - 1, j) + DiffStep.Delete(i-1, x[i-1])
} else {
return diffFromIndices(table, x, y, i-1, j-1)
internal struct MemoizedSequenceComparison<T: Equatable> {
static func buildTable(x: [T], _ y: [T], _ n: Int, _ m: Int) -> [[Int]] {
var table = Array(count: n + 1, repeatedValue: Array(count: m + 1, repeatedValue: 0))
for i in 0...n {
for j in 0...m {
if (i == 0 || j == 0) {
table[i][j] = 0
else if x[i-1] == y[j-1] {
table[i][j] = table[i-1][j-1] + 1
} else {
table[i][j] = max(table[i-1][j], table[i][j-1])
return table
If you only need to compute the difference between two arrays, here's an alternative implementation based on shawkinaw answer:
typealias Insertions = [Int]
typealias Deletions = [Int]
typealias ChangeSet = (Insertions, Deletions)
func Diff<T: Equatable>(objects: [T], originalObjects: [T]) -> ChangeSet {
guard objects.count > 0 && originalObjects.count > 0 else { return ChangeSet([], []) }
let insertedObjects = objects.filter({ !originalObjects.contains($0) })
let insertionIndicies = insertedObjects.compactMap({ objects.index(of: $0) })
let deletedObjects = originalObjects.filter({ !objects.contains($0) })
let deletionIndicies = deletedObjects.compactMap({ originalObjects.index(of: $0) })
return ChangeSet(insertionIndicies, deletionIndicies)
The insertionIndicies is an array of type Int. Each Int in the array refers to the indicies where the originalObjects array need to insert items from the objects array.
The deletionIndicies is an array of type Int. Each Int in the array refers to the indicies where the originalObjects array has to delete items.
i have an array, var hoursPlayed = String
they are in a tableView and are all numbers, how would i add the numbers in that array together to get the average of hours played????? in Swift 2
You could use reduce:
let sum= hoursPlayed.reduce(0.0,combine:{$0+Float($1)!})
Basically you are iterating through the array and accumulating all the values. Since it is an array of strings,for simplicity I've force unwrapped to a Float, but you must check for the optional. The reduce function takes a closure as argument with 2 parameters. The dollar sign means take the first and the second and sum them.
Now you can easily divide to the number of elements in the array to have an avergae.
If you are in objC world it would be nice use key value coding and the #avg operator.
As Darko posted out the first version won't compile. The error was converting the first argument to a Float, since reduce takes an initial value and I put it as Float there is no need for further conversion.
let array = ["10.0", "30.0"]
if array.count > 0 {
let average = array.reduce(0.0, combine: {$0 + (Double($1) ?? 0.0)}) / Double(array.count)
print(average) // 20.0
$0 does not need to be converted because it is guaranteed that it's always Double. $0 is inferred from the initial value, which is declared as 0.0: Double.
array.count has to be checked to guard against a division thru 0.
I'd use a combination of flatMap to convert the strings to Doubles and reduce to add them up:
let doubles = array.flatMap { Double($0) }
let average = doubles.reduce(0.0, combine:+) / Double(doubles.count)
Using flatMap protects you from entries in array that can't be converted to Double If you know they all convert you can simplify it to:
let average ={ Double($0)! }) / Double(array.count)
One final option is to extend Array with an average function if that seems like something you'll be more generally using, and use it in combination with flatMap and/or map:
protocol ArithmeticType {
static func zero() -> Self
func +(lhs:Self, rhs:Self) -> Self
func -(lhs:Self, rhs:Self) -> Self
func /(lhs:Self, rhs:Self) -> Self
func *(lhs:Self, rhs:Self) -> Self
init(_ number:Int)
extension Double : ArithmeticType {
static func zero() -> Double {
return 0.0
extension Array where Element : ArithmeticType {
func average() -> Element {
return reduce(, combine:+) / Element(count)
let avg = array.flatMap { Double($0) }.average()
Modified Darko's approach, which take in account if String is convertible to Double, or not. For an empty array it returns 0.0
let array = ["10.0", "31.2", "unknown", ""]
func avg(arr: [String])->Double {
let arr = array.flatMap(Double.init)
var avg = 0.0
if arr.count > 0 {
avg = arr.reduce(0.0, combine: + ) / Double(arr.count)
return avg
let a = avg(array)
print(a) // 20.6
I have 2 arrays:
var list:Array<Int> = [1,2,3,4,5]
var findList:Array<Int> = [1,3,5]
I want to determine if list Array contains all findList elements.
By the way, elements might be String as well or other type.
How to do that?
I know that Swift provides contains method that works with one item.
Instead of iterating through arrays and doing filtering yourself, you can use NSSet to do all the work for you.
var list:Array<Int> = [1,2,3,4,5]
var findList:Array<Int> = [1,3,5]
let listSet = NSSet(array: list)
let findListSet = NSSet(array: findList)
let allElemtsEqual = findListSet.isSubsetOfSet(otherSet: listSet)
NSSet is a lot faster than arrays at checking if it contains any object. In fact it's what it's designed for.
Edit: Using Swift's built-in Set.
let list = [1,2,3,4,5]
let findList = [1,3,5]
let listSet = Set(list)
let findListSet = Set(findList)
//**Swift 4.2 and Above**
let allElemsContained = findListSet.isSubset(of: listSet)
//below versions
//let allElemsContained = findListSet.isSubsetOf(listSet)
allSatisfy seems to be what you want, assuming you can't conform your elements to Hashable and use the set intersection approach others have mentioned:
let containsAll = subArray.allSatisfy(largerArray.contains)
Since Swift 4.2 you can write:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func satisfy(array: [Element]) -> Bool {
return self.allSatisfy(array.contains)
Otherwise for Swift 3, Swift 4 you can write this:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func contains(array: [Element]) -> Bool {
for item in array {
if !self.contains(item) { return false }
return true
You can see the:
contains method here
allSatisfy method here
This is just a simple extension that check if the array that you give is in the current array (self)
You can use the filter method to return all elements of findList which are not in list:
let notFoundList = findList.filter( { contains(list, $0) == false } )
then check if the length of the returned array is zero:
let contained = notFoundList.count == 0
Note that his solution traverses the entire findList array, so it doesn't stop as soon as a non contained element is found. It should be used if you also want to know which elements are not contained.
If you just need a boolean stating whether all elements are contained or not, then the solution provided by Maxim Shoustin is more efficient.
Consider following generic method:
func arrayContainsArray<S : SequenceType where S.Generator.Element : Equatable>
(src:S, lookFor:S) -> Bool{
for v:S.Generator.Element in lookFor{
if contains(src, v) == false{
return false
return true
The advantage - method stops after 1st fail and do not continue over findList
var listAsInt:Array<Int> = [1,2,3,4,5]
var findListAsInt:Array<Int> = [1,3,5]
var result = arrayContainsArray(listAsInt, findListAsInt) // true
listAsInt:Array<Int> = [1,2,3,4,5]
findListAsInt:Array<Int> = [1,3,5,7,8,9]
result = arrayContainsArray(listAsInt, findListAsInt) // false
var listOfStr:Array<String> = ["aaa","bbb","ccc","ddd","eee"]
var findListOfStr:Array<String> = ["bbb","ccc","eee"]
result = arrayContainsArray(listOfStr, findListOfStr) // true
listOfStr:Array<String> = ["aaa","bbb","ccc","ddd","eee"]
findListOfStr:Array<String> = ["bbb","ccc","eee","sss","fff","ggg"]
result = arrayContainsArray(listOfStr, findListOfStr) // false
(tested on Beta7)
As a complement to Sequence.contains(element) handling multiple elements, add this extension:
public extension Sequence where Element : Hashable {
func contains(_ elements: [Element]) -> Bool {
return Set(elements).isSubset(of:Set(self))
Since this uses Set/Hashable it performs much better than Equatable alternatives.
Right now, I'd probably use something like:
let result = list.reduce(true, { $0 ? contains(findList, $1) : $0 })
...but then I did just read this article, which might be biasing me towards this kind of solution. You could probably make this more efficient without making it completely unreadable, but it's early and I've not had my coffee.
Extend the Array with the following methods:
extension Array {
func contains<T where T : Equatable>(obj: T) -> Bool {
return self.filter({$0 as? T == obj}).count > 0
func isEqualTo< T : Equatable> (comparingArray : [T]) -> Bool {
if self.count != comparingArray.count {
return false
for e in comparingArray {
if !self.contains(e){
return false
return true
An example of how you can use it like this:
if selectedDates.isEqualTo(originalDates) {
//Arrays the same hide save button
} else {
//Arrays not the same, show Save & Discard Changes Button (if not shown)
Shout out to #David Berry for the contain method.
None of the previous answers seem to be right.
let a = [2,2]
let b = [1,2,3]
we wouldn't say that b actually "contains" a, but if your algorithm is based on for-loop & swift's built-in contains(element:) or a set, the above case would pass.
I use this set of extended methods myself. I hope this code snippet helps:
// Array + CommonElements.swift
import Foundation
public extension Array where Element: Hashable {
func set() -> Set<Array.Element> {
return Set(self)
func isSubset(of array: Array) -> Bool {
self.set().isSubset(of: array.set())
func isSuperset(of array: Array) -> Bool {
self.set().isSuperset(of: array.set())
func commonElements(between array: Array) -> Array {
let intersection = self.set().intersection(array.set())
return{ $0 })
func hasCommonElements(with array: Array) -> Bool {
return self.commonElements(between: array).count >= 1 ? true : false
This is Maxim Shoustin's answer updated for Swift 3:
func arrayContainsArray<S : Sequence>
(src:S, lookFor:S) -> Bool where S.Iterator.Element : Equatable{
for v:S.Iterator.Element in lookFor{
if src.contains(v) == false{
return false
return true
If you need to determine, that one array is subArray of another.
public extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func isSuperArray(of array: Array<Element>) -> Bool {
count >= array.count,
let indexes = array.first.flatMap(indexes(of:)),
!indexes.isEmpty else {
return false
let arraysForComparison = indexes
.compactMap { index -> [Element]? in
guard index + (array.count - 1) <= count else { return nil }
return Array(self[index..<(index + array.count)])
return arraysForComparison.contains(array)
func isSubArray(of array: Array<Element>) -> Bool {
array.isSuperArray(of: self)
private func indexes(of element: Element) -> [Index] {
.filter { element == $0.1 }
.map { index, _ in index }
Example of usage:
let array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let array2 = [2, 3]
print(array1.isSuperArray(of: array2)) // true
print(array2.isSubArray(of: array1)) // true
print(array2.isSuperArray(of: array1)) // false
print(array1.isSubArray(of: array2)) // false