How do I restart a Docker container/image/machine? - docker

I'm trying to teach myself about Docker and using the docker-compose.yml to play around with images and the compose file. I've got the Wordpress image up and running using successfully docker-compose.yml up -d via the tutorial here..., but as soon as I make changes to the compose file and docker-compose.yml up -d again I can't access the changes again and have to completely delete images/containers/docker machine's to get my changes to work.
What am I doing wrong, what's the process to restart/delete the minimum amount to see my docker-compose.yml changes so I can play around with docker-compose.yml?

docker-compose stop to stop the stack
docker-compose start to start the stack
Both above will not remove your container, but rather shutdown and start them again, without any loses, even on the container filesystem, not only the volumes
docker-compose down will remove the containers of your services and all anonymous volumes assigned to them.
Be aware, not all changes in the docker-compose file can be applied using start/stop, rather most of the time, you have to do a down/up. Things like volumes/ports cannot be hot-applied like this.


Save and later restore Docker stack state

I'm using docker swarm deploy -c docker-compose.yml somestack to deploy to a docker swarm. However, I can later scale it with docker service scale somestack_someservice=5 (or whatever). So now docker-compose.yml no longer reflects the system. My question is, is there any way to save off the current configuration of the stack, and then later reapply it, similar to how I originally created it (with docker-compose.yml)?
There is no direct way to generate docker-compose.yml file, although you can use
docker service inspect --pretty <service-name> command to obtain all configuration in text/json format.
There are some chances we can try to create docker-compose.yml from it.
Also, think about lack of this feature as advantage. If you want to make some adjustments, make them in docker-comose.yml first and then call docker stack deploy to apply it.

How to restart containers which image changed?

I use docker-compose to start a set of unrelated docker containers. I use docker-compose for that because of the ease of configuration via docker-compose.yaml and the centralized configuration this file brings.
One problem I have is the update of images, or actually of containers after an image update. I update them via docker-compose pull but the containers previously spawned do not restart by themselves. I have two possible solutions, both doable but none ideal:
restart all the containers after a pull. This would introduce unavailability which is not a critical thing in my home environment but still (especially Home Assistant restarting is a pain as the lights are reset)
write some code to check which images IDs have changed during the pull and restart the relevant containers (removing them first). This is the solution I will be using if there is nothing better.
I was wondering if there was a better soution.
This is a home environment so I would like to avoid heavy duty solutions such as Kubernetes.
Swarm mode could work but I just read about it and it looks more like a solution to ensure state more than a containers manager (in the sense that it would restart containers based on the freshness of the image they were spawned from).
After you docker pull image, docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d will only restart the containers for which there is a new version of the image after the docker pull. It will not impact the containers whose image stays the same. This setup works fine for me.
docker-compose up --force-recreate -d
if there are existing containers for a service, and the service’s
configuration or image was changed after the container’s creation,
docker-compose up picks up the changes by stopping and recreating the
containers (preserving mounted volumes). To prevent Compose from
picking up changes, use the --no-recreate flag.
If you want to force Compose to stop and recreate all containers, use
the --force-recreate flag.
docker-compose up -CLI
NOTE:Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed.

Docker Compose "Ghost Containers"

I am using docker-compose to deploy an application combining a number of different images.
Using Docker version 18.09.2, build 6247962
Docker-compose 1.117
Primarily, I have
I notice a strange problem where i could not start my application with docker-compose up due to port already being assigned. I then checked docker stats and saw that there were three containers named "test_ZooKeeper.1slehgaior"
I have tried kill the containers, removing them and pruning the system. When ever I kill one of these containers, it instantly restarts and I cannot for the life of me determine where they are being created from!
Please help :)
If you look into your docker-compose.yaml I'm pretty sure you'll find a restart:always somewhere. If you want to correctly shut down a running docker container managed by docker-compose, one way is to use docker-compose down from the directory where your yaml sits.
More information on the subject:
Otherwise, you might try out to stop a single running container instead of killing it, which according to my memory tells docker not to restart it again, while a killed container looks to the service like it just has crashed. Not too sure about the last part though.

How to rebuild and update a container without downtime with docker-compose?

I enjoy a lot using docker-compose.
Eg. on my server, when I want to update my app with minor changes, I only need to git pull origin master && docker-compose restart, works perfectly.
But sometimes, I need to rebuild (eg. I added an npm dependency, need to run npm install again).
In this case, I do docker-compose build --no-cache && docker-compose restart.
I would expect this to :
create a new instance of my container
stop the existing container (after the newer has finished building)
start the new one
optionally remove the old one, but this could be done manually
But in practice it seems to restart the former one again.
Is it the expected behavior?
How can I handle a rebuild and start the new one after it is built?
Maybe I missed a specific command? Or would it make sense to have it?
from the manual docker-compose restart
If you make changes to your docker-compose.yml configuration these
changes will not be reflected after running this command.
you should be able to do
$docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build <service_name>
The --no-deps will not start linked services.
The problem is that restart will restart your current containers, which is not what you want.
As an example, I just did this
change the docker file for one of the images
call docker-compose build to build the images
call docker-compose down1 and docker-compose up
docker-compose restart will NOT work here
using docker-compose start instead also does not work
To be honest, i'm not completly sure you need to do a down first, but that should be easy to check.1 The bottomline is that you need to call up. You will see the containers of unchanged images restarting, but for the changed image you'll see recreating.
The advantage of this over just calling up --build is that you can see the building-process first before you restart.
1: from the comments; down is not needed, you can just call up --build. Down has some "down"-sides, including possible being destructive to your (volume-)data.
Use the --build flag to the up command, along with the -d flag to run your containers in the background:
docker-compose up -d --build
This will rebuild all images defined in your compose file, then restart any containers whose images have changed.
-d assumes that you don't want to keep everything running in your shell foreground. This makes it act more like restart, but it's not required.
Don't manage your application environment directly. Use deployment tool like Rancher / Kubernetes. Using one you will be able to upgrade your dockerized application without any downtime and even downgrade it should you need to.
Running Rancher is as easy as running another docker container as this tool is available in the Docker Hub.
You can use Swarm. Init swarm first by docker swarm init command and use healthcheck in docker-compose.yml.
Then run below command:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml project_name
instead of
docker-compose up -d.
When docker-compose.yml file is updated only run this command again:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml project_name
Docker Swarm will create new version of services and stop old version after that.
Though the accepted answer shall work to rebuild the container before starting the new one as a replacement, it is ok for simple use case, but the container will still be down during new container initialization process. If this is quite long, it can be an issue.
I managed to achieve rolling updates with docker-compose (along with a nginx reverse proxy), and detailed how I built that in this github issue:
Hope it can help!
Run the following commands:
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build <service_name>
As the top rated answer mentioned
docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build <service_name>
will restart a single service without taking down the whole compose.
I just wanted to add to the top answer in case anyone is unsure how to update an image without restarting the container.
Another way:
docker-compose restart in your case could be replaced with docker-compose up -d --force-recreate, see
Running docker-compose up while docker-compose is in the running state, will recreate container that got their configuration changed.
Thats the easiest way, and it will only affect containers that got their configuration changed.
root#docker:~# docker-compose up
traefik is up-to-date
nginx is up-to-date
Recreating php ... done

How can I mount a file in a container, that isn't available before first run?

I'm trying to build a Dockerfile for a webapp that uses a file-based database. I would like to be able to mount the file from the host*
The file is in the root of the complete software install, so it's not really ideal to mount that complete dir.
Another problem is that before the first use, the database-file isn't created yet. A first time user won't have a database, but another user might. I can't 'mount' anything during a build** I believe.
It could probably work like this:
First/new database start:
Start the container (without mount).
The webapp creates a database.
Stop the container
subsequent starts:
Start the container using a -v to mount the file
It would be better if that extra start/stop isn't needed for a user. Even if it is, I'm still looking for a way to do this userfriendly, possibly having 2 'methods' of starting it (maybe I can define a first-boot thing in docker-compose as well as a 'normal' method?).
How can I do this in a simpel way, so that it's clear for any first time users?
* The reason is that you can copy your Dockerfile and the database file as a backup, and be up and running with just those 2 elements.
** How to mount host volumes into docker containers in Dockerfile during build
One approach that may work is:
Start the database in the build file in such a way that it has time to create the default file before exiting.
Declare a VOLUME in the Dockerfile for the file after the above instruction. This will cause the file to be copied into the volume when a container is started, assuming you don't explicitly provide a host path
Use data-containers rather than volumes. So the normal usage would be:
docker run --name data_con my_db echo "my_db data container"
docker run -d --volumes-from data_con my_db
The first container should exit immediately but set up the volume that is used in the second container.
I was trying to achieve something similar and managed to do it by mounting a folder, instead of the file, and creating a symlink in the Dockerfile, initially pointing to a non-existing file:
version: '3.0'
build: .
- ./data:/data
command: ['bash']
FROM bash:latest
RUN ln -s /data/.bash_history /root/.bash_history
Then you can run the container with:
docker-compose run --rm bash
With this setup, you can push an empty "data" folder into the repository for example (and exclude its content with .gitignore). In the first run, inside the container /root/.bash_history will be a "broken" symlink, pointing to a file that does not exist. When you exit the shell, bash will write the history to /root/.bash_history, which will end up in /data/.bash_history.
This is probably not the correct approach.
If you have multiple containers that are trying to share some information through the file-system, you should probably let them share some directory.
That way, the flow is simple and very hard to get wrong.
You simply mount the same directory, say /data (from the host's perspective) into all the containers that are trying to use it.
When an application starts and it can't find anything inside that directory, it can gracefully stop and exit with a code that says: "Cannot start, DB not initialized yet".
You can then configure some mechanism with a growing timeout to try and restart that container until you're successful.
On the other hand, the app that creates the DB can start and create it inside the directory or find an existing file to use.
