C++ error when calling a Delphi function with Extended parameters - delphi

In a new Win32 project, I have the following Delphi function:
procedure SetValue(value1, value2 : Extended);
In the same project but from a C++ unit, I call this function:
SetValue(10, 40);
When I check value1 when compiling with BCC32C (CLang), I get 1.68132090507504896E-4932, that is not correct.
Compiling with BCC32 (classic), I get 10.
The second parameter is 40 in both cases.
It seems that there is a problem with Extended values and the parameter stack loading.
I use RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.
How can I solve this?
I did not include the declaration because the hpp is created automatically when compiling. In any case, the declaration is:
extern DELPHI_PACKAGE void __fastcall SetValue(System::Extended value1, System::Extended value2);
To replicate the project:
1-Create a C++ project in Rad Studio
2-Add a Delphi unit with the above SetValue function
3-From C++ unit, add the hpp header with #include and call SetValue
It is all.
I need to use Extended type. I am using an external Delphi library, so I cannot change the types. The above code is a simplification of the problem. In reality, the problem is calling a function of this library that uses Extended in the parameters. Extended is a native type in Delphi but in C++ it is mapped as long double, 10 bytes (for Win32).

This seems to be an error in the BCC32C compiler. I guess it was not extended properly to handle Extended as Delphi needs it.
If you look at the CPU window, then the BCC32 compiler generates:
File5.cpp.14: SetVal(10.0L, 40.0L);
00401B8F 6802400000 push $00004002
00401B94 68000000A0 push $a0000000
00401B99 6A00 push $00
00401B9B 6804400000 push $00004004
00401BA0 68000000A0 push $a0000000
00401BA5 6A00 push $00
00401BA7 E80C000000 call Unit12::SetVal(long double,long double)
and that is correct. It first pushes 10, then 40 in Extended format. Note that each Extended occupies 12 byte on the stack.
But now look at the output for the BCC32C compiler:
File5.cpp.14: SetVal(10.0L, 40.0L);
00401B5D 89E0 mov eax,esp
00401B5F D90554F14E00 fld dword ptr [$004ef154]
00401B65 DB38 fstp tbyte ptr [eax]
00401B67 D90558F14E00 fld dword ptr [$004ef158]
00401B6D DB780A fstp tbyte ptr [eax+$0a]
00401B70 E81F000000 call Unit12::SetVal(long double,long double)
00401B75 83EC18 sub esp,$18
It first reads the 32 single precision float 40 and stores it as Extended at [ESP]. So far, so good. But then it reads in the next 32 bit single precision float 10 (still OK) but then stores it at [ESP+$0A], which is clearly wrong (for Delphi)! It should be stored at [ESP+$0C]! That is why the first value, which is read by the Pascal function at [ESP+$0C], but which is stored by BCC32C at [ESP+$0A], is wrong.
So this seems to be a bug. Reported as https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-15737
Note that this is the normal way BCC32C pushes and expects such values. In a C++ function in the same module, i.e. compiled with BCC32C too, this works nicely:
void __fastcall Bla(long double a, long double b)
printf("%Lf %Lf\n", a, b);
But Delphi expects a 10 byte Extended to occupy 12 bytes on the stack, not 10 bytes as BCC32C does.
Weirdly enough, if the function to be called is not a Delphi __fastcall function, but a normal C++ (cdecl) function, the BCC32C compiler will store the Extendeds (long doubles) in [ESP+$0C] and [ESP] respectively.
As David Heffernan commented, you can pass multiple extendeds in a record. Alternatively, you could pass them as var parameters. In both cases, it is not as simple as calling SetVal(10.0, 40.0);.


what happens if you call dll explicit, without declaring in the procedure call its stdcall;

Testing this code:
procedure fii(i:integer);
Hbar: Thandle;
Foo: procedure (X: Integer); //i removed the stdcall here!
Hbar := LoadLibrary('BAR.DLL');
if Hbar >= 32 then { success }
Foo := GetProcAddress(HBar, 'FOO');
Foo(i); // if we debug trace this to the call of the dll we get not desired value
MessageDlg('Error: could not find BAR.DLL', mtError, [mbOk], 0)
What will happen if we dropped the stdcall in 32 bit or 64 bit ?
The answer is , the value $18f2dc passed into x. If its a string, it will point to position of $18f2dc ,and try to extract the string garbage from there.
This happens because Delphi just pass Pointer(s) in the code.
It could changed from run to run and not be $18f2dc, but its a 3 byte that are passed. (if you pass int its $18f2dc in decimal 1635036).
Does this number has a unique meaning?
Why is stdcall needed?
What will happen if we dropped the stdcall in 32 bit?
When no calling convention is specified, then the default of register is used. Since this does not match the true calling convention, then garbage will be passed in the parameters.
In this particular case, the function that you call expects the parameters to be passed on the stack. The function will therefore read an integer from the stack. On the other hand, the calling code assumes register calling convention and puts the argument in the EAX register. Because the calling code did not push the argument onto the stack, the function gets what just happens to be on the stack when the function is called.
To be honest, there's not really much point in trying to reasons about ABI(Application Binary Interface - the interface between two program modules) mismatches like this. You would really try to reason about what would happen if you declared a different number of arguments on each side of the interop(Interoperability - property of a product or system, whose interfaces are completely understood, to work with other products or systems) boundary, and that's really little different from using the wrong calling convention. With binary interop you just have to make sure that everything is matching: argument types, return value types, function names, calling convention, the values passed to the function, etc.
What will happen if we dropped the stdcall in 64 bit?
There is a single calling convention for the Windows x64 platform. The calling convention directives are ignored by the compiler.
Although the 64 bit compiler ignores these directives it is still good practise to include them. That way your code will work when you compile it for 32 bit.

How to properly statically link C with Delphi?

How can I properly statically link C with Delphi? Delphi spits out an error saying:
[dcc32 Error] Project1.dpr(15): E2065 Unsatisfied forward or external declaration: 'Test'
The C compiler is Visual C++ with COFF object file.
program Project1;
{$L C:\Source.obj}
function Test(): Integer; cdecl; external;
extern "C" int __cdecl Test()
return 12;
int main()
return 0;
It depends on the name decoration used by whichever C compiler you are using. For example, the 32 bit bcc32 compiler will decorate Test as _Test. So the Delphi code to link to it should be:
function Test(): Integer; cdecl; external name '_Test';
But the decoration does vary between compilers, and you did not say which compiler you are using. If the code above doesn't help, then you should use your C compiler's tools to dump the obj file and inspect the names of the functions within.
Another problem is that you are actually using a C++ compiler rather than a C compiler. That can be discerned from your use of
extern "C"
which is not valid C. You should remove this and switch to a C compiler. Changing the extension from .cpp to .c will usually suffice to persuade the compiler to treat the code as C.
If you start calling functions from the C standard library, such as malloc and friends, then you will want to add the System.Win.Crtl unit to your Delphi code's uses clause.
Note also that you need not, and indeed probably should not, implement a main function in your C code. If you want to compiler your C functions into a separate C program then place the functions in separate source files, apart from the source file that contains the main function. That way you can compile the source files into objects. You can link them into either a C program, or your Delphi code. But you don't need to carry around a main function in your Delphi program that you don't call.
In C the correct signature for a parameterless main is
int main(void)
Similarly, your other C function should have this signature:
int __cdecl Test(void)
Of course, the __cdecl is the default, so we are perfectly at liberty to omit it:
int Test(void)
Let's put it all together:
int Test(void)
return 12;
Important that you compile with a C compiler and do not compile as C++. If your compile is, as you now state in an edit, MSVC, the command line would be:
cl /c source.c
{$L Source.obj}
function Test: Integer; cdecl; external name '_Test';

Delphi DLL (in XE) must handle TStringList (D2007, Ansi)

The DLL was originally written in D2007 and needed a quick, panic TStringList call (yes, it was one of those “I’m sure to regret”; though all the calls to the DLL, made by several modules, are all made by Delphi code and I wrongly presumed/hoped backwards compatibility when XE came out).
So now I’m moving the DLL to XE5 (& thus Unicode) and must maintain the call for compatibility. The worst case is I simply write a new DLL only for XE while keeping the old one for legacy, but feel there should be no reason why XE couldn’t deconstruct/overrride to an {ANSI} TStringList parameter. But my Delphi behind-the-scenes knowledge is not robust and a couple of attempts have not succeeded.
Here is the DLL call – it takes a list of file paths and in this stripped-down code, simply adds each string to an internal list (that is all the DLL does with the parameter, a single read-only reference):
function ViewFileList ( lstPaths: TStringList): Integer; Export; Stdcall;
for iCount := 0 to lstPaths.Count - 1 do
What I found is that when I compiled this in XE5, that lstPaths.Count is correct, so the basic structure aligns. But the strings were garbage. It seems the mismatch would be two-fold: (a) the string content naturally is being interpreted as two-bytes per character; (b) there is no Element size (at position -10) and code page (at position -12; so yes, garbage strings). I am also vaguely aware of behind-the-scenes memory management, though I only do read-only access. But the actual string pointers themselves should be correct (??) and thus is there a way to coerce my way through?
So, regardless of whether I have any of that right, is there any solution? Thanks in advance.
What you perhaps don't yet realise is that your code has always been wrong. In general, it is not supported to pass Delphi objects across module boundaries. You can make it work so long as you understand the implementation very well, so long as you don't call virtual methods, so long as you don't do memory allocation, so long as you use the same compiler on both sides, and probably many other reasons. Either use runtime packages (also requires same compiler on both sides), or use interop safe types (integers, floats, null terminated character arrays, pointers, records and arrays of interop safe types, etc.)
There's really no simple solution here. It should never have worked in the first place and if it did then you have been very unlucky. Unlucky because a much better outcome would have been a failure that would have led you to doing it properly.
Perhaps the best thing you can do is make an adapter DLL. The architecture goes like this, from bottom to top:
Original Delphi 2007 DLL at the bottom, with the bogus export that requires D2007 string list to be supplied.
New adapter Delphi 2007 DLL in the middle. It calls the bogus export, and is able to supply a D2007 string list. The adapter DLL exposes a proper interface that does not require Delphi objects to be passed across the module boundary.
New XE5 executable at the top. This talks to the adapter, but does so using valid interop types.
David and Jerry already told you what you should do - re-write the DLL to do the right thing when it comes to passing interop-safe data across module boundaries. However, to answer your actual question:
the actual string pointers themselves should be correct (??) and thus is there a way to coerce my way through?
So, regardless of whether I have any of that right, is there any solution?
You can try the following. It is dangerous, but it should work, if a re-write is not an option for you at this time:
// the ASSUMPTION here is that the caller has been compiled in D2007 or earlier,
// and thus is passing an AnsiString-based TStringList object. When this DLL is
// compiled in Delphi 2009 or later, TStringList is UnicodeString-based instead,
// so we have to re-interpret the data a little.
// The basic structure of TStringList itself should be the same, just the string
// content is different. For backwards compatibility, the refcnt and length
// fields of the StrRec record found in every AnsiString/UnicodeString payload
// are still at the same offsets. Delphi 2009 added some new fields, but we can
// ignore those here.
// Of course, XE is the version that removed the RTL support code for the {$STRINGCHECKS}
// compiler directive, which handled all of these details in Delphi 2009 and 2010
// when users were first migrating to Unicode. But in XE, we'll have to deal with
// it manually.
// These assumptions may change in future versions, but lets deal with that if/when
// the time comes...
function ViewFileList ( lstPaths: TStringList): Integer; Export; Stdcall;
tmp: AnsiString;
for iCount := 0 to lstPaths.Count - 1 do
// the DLL is being compiled in Delphi 2009 or later...
// the Length(String) function simply returns the value of the string's
// StrRec.length field, which fortunately is in the same location in
// both pre-2009 AnsiString and 2009+ AnsiString/UnicodeString, and in
// this case will reflect the number of AnsiChar elements in the source
// AnsiString. We cannot simply typecast a "UnicodeString" directly to
// a PAnsiChar, nor can we typecast a PWideChar to a PAnsiChar, but we
// can typecast a string to a Pointer first and then cast that to a
// PAnsiChar. This code is assuming that it can safely get a pointer to
// the source AnsiString's underlying character data to make a local
// copy of it that can then be added to the internal list normally.
// Where this MIGHT fail is if the source AnsiString contains a reference
// to a string literal (StrRec.refcnt=-1) for its character data, in
// which case the RTL will try to copy the character data when assigning
// the source string to a variable, such as the one the compiler is
// likely to generate for itself to receive the TStringList.Strings[]
// property value before it can be casted to a Pointer. If that happens,
// this is likely to crash when the RTL tries to copy too many bytes from
// the source AnsiString! You can use the StringRefCount() function to
// detect that condition and do something else, if needed.
// But, if the source AnsiString is a normal allocated string (the usual
// case), then this should work OK. Even with the compiler-generated
// variable in play, the compiler should simply bump the reference count
// of the source AnsiString, without affecting the underlying character
// data, just long enough for this code to copy the data and release the
// reference count...
SetString(tmp, PAnsiChar(Pointer(lstPaths.strings[iCount])), Length(lstPaths.strings[iCount]) * SizeOf(AnsiChar));
// the DLL is being compiled in Delphi 2007 or earlier, so just add the
// source AnsiString as-is and let the RTL do its work normally...

Delphi 7 calling DelphiXE2 dll getting corrupt widestrings

I have a Delphi 7 application that needs to call a SOAP API that is much too new for the available SOAP importers. I have satisfied myself that D7 can't call the SOAP API without too much effort to be worth while. But I also have Delphi XE2, and that can import the SOAP and call it quite happily. So I have written a simple dll wrapper in XE2 that exposes the necessary parts of the soap interface. I can call the dll from an XE program.
In Delphi7 I took the SOAP API import file from XE, stripped out the {$SCOPED_ENUMS ON} defines and the initialization section that calls unavailable SOAP wrappers, plus changed string to widestring throughout. That compiles. I'm using FastMM with ShareMM enabled to make string passing work and avoid making everything stdcall.
The reason I'm trying to do it this way is that if it works it will make the SOAP shim very easy to code and maintain, since 90% of the code is generated by the XE2 SOAP importer, and it will mean that when we move the D7 app to a modern Delphi the code will remain largely unchanged.
But when I run it, I get weird strings (and consequent access violations). I've got simple functions that don't use the SOAP code to make the problem more obvious.
Passing a widestring from Delphi7 exe into DelphiXE2 dll the string length is doubled (according to the Length() function), but there's no matching data conversion. So a widestring "123" in D7 becomes "1234...." in XE2, where the .... is whatever garbage happens to be on the stack. Viewed as byte arrays both have half zero bytes as expect.
Passing a widestring back from XE2 dll to D7 I get the mirror effect - the string length is halved and strings are simply truncated ("1234" becomes "12").
I'm pasting code in because I know you will ask for it.
In Delphi XE2 I'm exporting these functions:
// testing
function GetString(s:string):string; export;
function AddToString(s:string):string; export;
function GetString(s:string):string;
Result := '0987654321';
function AddToString(s:string):string;
Result := s + '| ' + IntToStr(length(s)) + ' there is more';
In Delphi 7:
function GetString(s:widestring):widestring; external 'SMSShim.dll';
function AddToString(s:widestring):widestring; external 'SMSShim.dll';
procedure TForm1.btnTestGetClick(Sender: TObject);
s: widestring;
s := widestring('1234');
Memo1.Lines.Add(' GetString: ' + GetString(s));
procedure TForm1.btnTestAddClick(Sender: TObject);
s: widestring;
s := widestring('1234567890');
Memo1.Lines.Add(' AddToString: ' + AddToString('1234567890'));
I can run from either side, using the D7 executable as the host app to debug the dll. Inspecting the parameters and return values in the debugger gives the results above.
Annoyingly, if I declare the imports in delphi7 as strings I get the correct length but invalid data. Declaring as shown I get valid data, wrong lengths, and access violations when I try to return.
Making it all stdcall doesn't change the behaviour.
The obvious solution is the just write simple wrapper functions that expose exactly the functionality I need right now. I can do that, but I'd prefer the above cunning way.
The DLL in question exports functions that expect to receive UnicodeString parameters. (As you know, the string type became an alias for UnicodeString in Delphi 2009.) A Delphi 7 application cannot consume that DLL; the run-time library doesn't not know how to operate on that type because it didn't exist back in 2002 when Delphi 7 was published.
Although the character size for UnicodeString is compatible with WideString, they are not the same types. UnicodeString is structured like the new AnsiString, so it has a length field, a reference count, a character size, and a code page. WideString has a length field, but any other metadata it carries is undocumented. WideString is simply Delphi's way of exposing the COM BSTR type.
A general rule to live by is to never export DLL functions that couldn't be consumed by C.1 In particular, this means using only C-compatible types for any function parameters and return types, so string is out, but WideString is safe because of its BSTR roots.
Change the DLL to use WideString for its parameters instead of string.
1 Maintaining C compatibility also means using calling conventions that C supports. Delphi's default register calling convention is not supported in Microsoft C, so use cdecl or stdcall instead, just like you've seen in every Windows DLL you've ever used.
There's not way to disable the UNICODE in Delphi XE2 (or any version greater than 2009) , however there are many resources that can help you to migrate your application.
White Paper: Delphi and Unicode (from Marco Cantù)
Delphi Conversion Unicode Issues
"Globalizing your Delphi applications" - Delphi Unicode Resources
Compilation of resources for migrate to Delphi 2009/2010 Unicode

Removing the prologue of a function written in pure assembly

I am using Delphi 2010. Is it possible to tell Delphi to not generate a prologue for a function? I'm writing some pure assembly functions like this:
procedure SomeAssembly; stdcall;
and I would like to tell Delphi not to generate a prologue and epilogue for this function, like C++'s __declspec(naked) feature.
And so no one wastes their time, I don't need help getting these functions to work with the prologue; I can already do that. It's just a large inconvenience and will make maintenance an huge hassle. I'll have to manually inspect the prologues generated by the compiler to see their length, and if that changes, my program will crash.
I also know I can write the function as a series of bytes in a byte array, but that would be even worse than having to go find the length of Delphi's prologue.
Delphi doesn't generate prologues or epilogues for functions having no arguments and declared with the register calling convention. If you want functions without prologues, declare them as zero-argument, register-calling-convention functions. Also, skip the begin-end block and go straight into assembly.
procedure SomeAssembly; // register; (implied)
// ...
Since you're effectively lying about the nature of the functions, calling them may be tricky. If you've implemented a function as though it received parameters and used a different calling convention, then you'll have to make sure the compiler knows about that at the call site. To do that, declare a function pointer that reflects the "real" type of your function instead of the declared type. For example, if your function is really a two-argument stdcall function, declare something like this:
TSomeAssemblyFunc = function (Arg1: Integer; Arg2: PAnsiChar): Boolean; stdcall;
SomeAssemblyProc: TSomeAssemblyProc;
Now, assign that variable so it points at your function:
SomeAssemblyProc := TSomeAssemblyProc(#SomeAssembly);
if SomeAssembly(2, 'foo') then ...
In addition to skipping the prologue and epilogue, the compiler will generate the incorrect RET instruction for this function (because of the different calling convention), so you'll have to make sure you say ret 8 in your code instead of letting the compiler's default ret instruction occur.
Finding the length of Delphi's prologue is trivial, if you have a working debugger:
Set a breakpoint at the start of the function.
Call the function.
When the debugger stops at the breakpoint, switch to the CPU view.
Look at the instructions that make up the prologue.
Count the bytes displayed beside those instructions.
According to the this embarcadero docwiki you can skip the surrounding begin and end and the compiler will skip some of it's stuff. But if you really want pure assembler, why not put your function into a separate assembler file, assemble it with tasm (the exe is named tasm32) and link to it. You'll then use the assembler directive in the delphi code.
procedure SomeAssembly; stdcall;
do the trick?
