celery won't connect to rabbitmq broker for kubernetes - docker

I am currently trying to deploy a basic task queue and frontend using celery, rabbitmq and flower on Kubernetes (and minikube). I am following the example here:
I can get everything to work following the instructions; however, when I run docker build on the Dockerfile in ./celery-app-add, push the image to my own repository and replace endocode/celery-app-add with <mine>/celery-app-add, I can't get the example to run anymore. I am assuming that the Dockerfile in source control is wrong because if I pull the endocode/celery-app-add image and run bash in the image, it loads in as the root user (as opposed to user with <mine>/celery-app-add Dockerfile).
After booting up all of the containers and services, I can see the following in the logs:
2016-08-18T21:05:44.846591547Z AttributeError: 'ChannelPromise' object has no attribute '__value__'
The celery logs show:
2016-08-19T01:38:49.933659218Z [2016-08-19 01:38:49,933: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://guest:**#rabbit:5672//: [Errno -2] Name or service not known.
If I echo RABBITMQ_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST within the container, it appears as the same host as indicated in the rabbitmq-service after running kubectl get services.
I am not really sure where to go from here. Any suggestions are appreciated. Also, I added USER root (won't run this in production, don't worry) to my Dockerfile and still ran into the same issues above. docker history endocode/celery-app-add hasn't been too helpful either.

Turns out the problem is based around this celery issue. Celery prefers to use CELERY_BROKER_URL over anything that can be set in the app configuration. To fix this, I unset CELERY_BROKER_URL in the Dockerfile and it picked up my configuration correctly.


Cloud Run error: Container failed to start. Running a background task without exposing a PORT or URL

I am facing the issue
(gcloud.run.deploy) Cloud Run error: Container failed to start. Failed
to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment
variable. Logs for this revision might contain more information.
There are a few post with this error but I couldn't find my particular case.
I am running a background task, nothing to expose, it connects to firebase process some data and store it back. I wanted this process to run on a container on Cloud Run so I made it a container, which runs perfectly locally, but when uploading it to CR it fails with the above error.
I tried to expose 8080 on dockerfile and a few more things but if you try to connect to they container it has no server running to connect to. It is a batch task.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible at all to upload this type of tasks to Cloud Run, I do not know how to solve the issue. I wouldnt believe google requires a server running on the container to allow it, I saw some posts with dev pulling an nginx on the image so they can expose the port but this would be totally unnecessary in my case.
Thanks for your advice
Cloud Logging: The error simply say there was a fail to start the container, which is funny because the container starts and also shows some logs like if it were working but then it stops.
Build on MAC yes.
DockerFile is pretty simple.
FROM openjdk:11
ENV NOTIFIER_LOGS /opt/notifications/logs/
RUN apt update
#RUN apt install curl
ENV TMP_OPTS -Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp ENV LOG4j_OPTS
-Dlog4j.configurationFile=$NOTIFIER_HOME/logback.xml ENV NOTIFIER_OPTS $TMP_OPTS $LOG4j_OPTS
ENV JAVA_GC_OPTS -Xms1g -Xmx1g
WORKDIR $NOTIFIER_HOME ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "/opt/app/entrypoint.sh"]
You can't run background jobs on Cloud Run. Wrap it in a webserver as proposed by MBHA if the process take less than 1h.
Else you can you GKE Autopilot to run your container for a while. you pay only when your container run. And the first cluster is free. You can have a try on it!
As hack you can run your container in Cloud Build also, or in Vertex AI custom container training.
I've run in to a similar issue with building custom image on MAC + deploying in to Cloud Run. In my case, it turned out to be the docker platform causing the problem. The way I isolated this was by building the same image in Cloud Shell and that would work perfectly fine in Cloud Run.
Now, if you need to build it locally on MAC go ahead and test it by changing the Docker platform:
export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
docker build -t mytag:myver .
Once the image has been built, you can inspect the architecture:
docker image inspect mytag:myver | grep -i Architecture
Then deploy it to Cloud Run.
The explanation is in your question:
I am running a background task, nothing to expose
A cloud run application, so your container, must be listening for incoming HTTP requests as stated in the Container runtime contract. That's why in all cloud run examples, java in your case, spring boot is used with #RestController. Other explanation can be found in this answer.
So the solution is either to
add a webserver to your code and wrap it with spring boot and controller logic
use Cloud Function rather than Cloud Run and get rid of the Dockerfile and in the same time have simpler code and less configuration

Need help understanding how to run an app from docker.io

Newer to Docker and trying to understand how images work. I ran the following command:
sudo docker search hello-world
and it returned this:
docker.io docker.io/carinamarina/hello-world-app This is a sample Python web application,
I then ran:
sudo docker run docker.io/carinamarina/hello-world-app
...and this was the output from the terminal:
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
I don't understand. How can the IP address be I entered that into a browser and got nothing. I tried localhost:5000 and got nothing.
How does one get to see this webapp run?
you need to publish the port to the host network to see the application working
long version:
well good for you to start working with docker
I will start with explaining a little bit about docker then I will explain what is happing over there
First of all, there is a difference between "image" and "container"
Image is the blueprint that is used to create containers from
so you write the definition of the image like (install this, copy that from the host or build that.......etc) in the image file and then you tell docker to build this image and then RUN containers from that image
so if you have like 1 image and you run 2 containers from it they both will have the same instructions( definition )
what happened with you
when you invoke the RUN command first thing you will see is
Unable to find image 'carinamarina/hello-world-app:latest' locally
That's mean that the local docker will not find the image(blueprint) locally with the name docker.io/carinamarina/hello-world-app so it will do the following steps
so it will start pulling the image from the remote registry
then it will start extracting the layers of the image
then it will start the container and show the logs from INSIDE CONTAINER
Why it didn't run with you
the application is running inside the container on port 5000
the container has a whole different network than the host that's running on (centos7 machine in your case )
you will have to make a port forwarding between the docker network and the host network so you can USE the application from the HOST
you can read more about that here docker networking
I recommend the following places to start with
let's play with docker
docker tutorial for beggines

Logging to host from Docker container does not work

I have a Microservices based application and the services work fine if I deploy them on a host machine. But now, I'd like to learn Docker, so I started to use containers on a linux based machine. Here is a sample Docker file, it is really simple:
FROM openjdk:11-jdk-slim
COPY ./tao-elszamolas-config.jar /usr/src/taoelszamolas/tao-elszamolas-config.jar
WORKDIR /usr/src/taoelszamolas
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "tao-elszamolas-config.jar", "-Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:/tao-elszamolas/services/tao-config/log4j2- prod.xml", "-DlogFileLocation=/tao-elszamolas/logs"]
My problem is that, I try to write my Spring boot application log to the host machine. This is why I use data volumes. At the end this is the command how I run the container:
docker run -d --name=tao-elszamolas-config-server --publish=9001:9001 -v /tao-elszamolas/logs:/tao-elszamolas/logs -v /tao-elszamolas/services/tao-config/log4j2-prod.xml:/tao-elszamolas/services/tao-config/log4j2-prod.xml tao-elszamolas-config:latest
But on a longer term all of the services will go under "docker-compose". This is just for the test, something like a proof of concept.
First question is, why it is not writing the log to the right place. (In one of the volumes defined.) That is what I set in the Log4j2 config xml. If I use the config XML on local without Docker everything works fine. When I log into the container, then I can see the mounted volumes and I can "cd" into it. And I also can do this:
touch something.txt
So the file will be created and can be seen both from container and host machine. What am I doing wrong? I think, the application can pick up the log config, because when I just set an internal folder as the location of the log file, it logs the stuff inside the container.
And I also set the permissions of the whole volume (and its children) to 777 temporarily to test out if the permissions were the problem. But not. Any help would be very much appreciated!
My second question, is there any good web based tool on linux where I can manage my containers. Start them, stop then, etc... I googled it out and found some but not sure which one is the best and free for basic needs, and which one is enough secure.
Managed to resolve this problem after spending couple of nights with this.
I had multiple problems. First of all, the order of the system properties in the Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT section wasn't quite right. The
must be before the "-jar". Otherwise it is not working in Docker. I haven't found any official documentation stating that, but this is how it is working for me. So the right ENDPOINT definition looks like this:
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-DlogFileLocation=/tao-elszamolas/logs", "-jar", "tao-elszamolas-config.jar"]
Secondly, when I mounted some folders up to the container with docker run command like this:
-v /tao-elszamolas/logs:/tao-elszamolas/logs
then the log file wasn't written, if the folder in the Docker container doesn't exist by default. But if I create that folder at some point before the ENTRYPOINT in the Dockerfile, then the logging is fine, the system writes its logs to the host machine. I also didn't find any documentation stating these facts, but this is my experience.
Just to provide some steps for verification:
Both Log4j and spring boot in general, should not be aware of any docker-related things, like volumes, mapped folders and so forth.
Instead, configure the logging of the application as if it works without docker at all, so if you want a local file - make sure that the application indeed produces the logging file in a folder of your choice.
The next step would be mapping the folder with volumes in docker / docker-compose.
But first please validate the first step:
docker ps // to see the container id
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> bash
// now check the logging file from within the docker container itself even without volumes
If the logging file does not exist its a java issue and you should configure logging properly. If not - it's a docker issue.
You have a space in your entrypoint after log4j2- and before prod.xml:
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "tao-elszamolas-config.jar", "-Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:/tao-elszamolas/services/tao-config/log4j2- prod.xml", "-DlogFileLocation=/tao-elszamolas/logs"]
It might be a problem.

how to configure docker containers proxy?

how to configure docker containers proxy ?
First of all,
I tried to use the way that setted '/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf' (https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/systemd/#httphttps-proxy) and it really works for docker daemon, but it doesn't work for docker containers, it seems this way just take effect for some command like 'docker pull'
I have a lot of docker containers, I don't want to use 'docker run -e http_proxy=xxx... ' command every time when I start a container.
So I guess if there is such a way automatically load the global configuration file when the container starts, I googled it and got it to set the file '~/.docker/config.json'(How to configure docker container proxy?, this way still does not work for me.
my host machine system is centos7, here is my docker -v:
Docker version 1.13.1, build 6e3bb8e/1.13.1
I feel that it may be related to my docker version or the docker started by the systemd service, so ~/.docker/config.json does not take effect.
Finally ,
I just hope that modifying configuration files will allow all my containers to automatically configure environment variables when it start (that is auto set environment variables 'http_proxy=http://HostIP:8118 https_proxy=http://HostIP:8118' when a container start, like Dockerfile param ENV) . I want to know if there is such a way? And if this way can be realised I can make the container use the host's proxy, after all, my host's agent is working properly.
But I was wrong, I tried to run a container,then set http_proxy=http://HostIP:8118 and https_proxy=http://HostIP:8118, but when I use the command 'wget facebook.com' and I got 'Connecting to HostIP:8118... failed: No route to host.', But, the host machine(centos7) can successfully execute the wget, And I can successfully ping the host in the container. I don't know why it might be related to firewalls and the 8118 port.
It is Over,
OMG.. I have no other way, can anyone help me?
You can see from the screenshot below, I actually want to install goa and goagen but report an error, maybe because of network reasons, I want to open the agent to try, so...only have the above problem.
1.my go docker container
enter image description here
go docker wget
2.my host
my host wget
You need version 17.07 or more recent to automatically pass the proxy to containers you start using the config.json file. The 1.13 releases are long out of support.
This is well documented from docker:

docker stack deploy results in "No such image error"

I am using docker swarm and would like to deploy a service with docker-compose. My service uses a custom image called myuser/myrepo:mytag that I successfully deploy to Docker-Hub to a private repository.
My docker-compose looks like this:
version: "3.3"
image: myuser/myrepo:mytag
- "8080:8080"
Before executing, I successfully pulled the image with: docker pull myuser/myrepo:mytag
When I run docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp I always receive the error: "No such image: myuser/myrepo:mytag".
Interestingly, running the same file using only: docker-compose up (i.e. without swarm mode) everything works fine and the service starts up.
I really don't understand why this is failing?
I've already tried cleaning up docker with docker system prune and then repull my image, no success.
Already found the solution.
My image is hosted on a private repository.
Besides the swarm manager (where I executed the commands), I had a running swarm worker.
When I ran docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp docker deployed the service to the worker node (not the manager node as I thought).
At the worker node, docker had no credentials to pull the image from the private repository.
Hence, to fix this either pass the flag --with-registry-auth (which pushes the credentials for the repository to the worker node) or make sure that the service is deployed to a node where the image is present.
See: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/deploy/
I want to add another scenario that leads to the same outcome (error message) so that people won't bang their heads against the wall.
Another possibility is that you are trying to deploy the image with the insecure registry but forget to edit daemon.json on the server pulling the image.
If that is the case, lets this answer act as a reminder; and save you some time.
I had similar issue on mac when behind the corporate firewall.
I was able to resolve only after connecting directly to internet.
Just to update, while I am on VPN, I am able to access the internet without any proxy settings, and am able to download (docker) images just fine with docker run. Issue is only with docker-compose.
I did try changing the nameserver to in resolv.conf in my VMs, but issue was not resolved.
For me I struggled with an image I had deployed to a new registry I configured in my swarm. I was updating the stack using Portainer.
I configured all the necessary certificates and logins on all the nodes and verified I had uploaded the image using the following commands:
curl -X GET https://myregistry:5000/v2/_catalog
curl -X GET https://myregistry:5000/v2/{image}/tags/list
No matter what I tried I always had the "No such image" error displayed on the service instances.
In a last ditch attempt I created a service (without the compose file) using exactly the same URL for my image as I had previously and it worked, i.e. docker found the image and started the service! Further attempts using the compose file then worked properly for this and all other new images.
