How to achieve twitter like push notification via AWS SNS? - ios

Is there a way to achieve twitter like push notification via AWS SNS?
SNS send notification to the user when something is happen him or her?
As i know the best way is to create a topic per user.
When user relate event happened,we publish a notification to the topic.
As AWS described the max topic number is 100,000 per account currently.
What if i've 1,000,000 users, it will not work.
Is there a more scalable scheme?

SNS supports publishing to a Topic of subscribed device endpoints or direct publishing to individual endpoints. In your case, you'll want to implement direct publishing to each individual endpoint. This allows more control and personal engagement but also means that you'll need to manage those endpoints in your own database and associate each endpoint to a user of your mobile app. Instead of publishing to a TopicArn, you'll publish individual messages to a TargetArn, which is the SNS Platform Endpoint that represents an app and mobile device. TargetArn is also the same call to send an SMS message to an individual phone number.
SNS Publish CLI: (see --target-arn)
Direct Publishing via the Console:


Slack Oauth - how do I force my slack app to receive messages in a certain channel?

I'm building a Slack app and when I install the app in my workspace, during the Oauth flow it asks me what channel I want messages sent to. I then have to choose among all my channels in a select menu (one of which is my slack app) where to receive messages.
When I install something like the Jira Cloud Slack app, it does not ask me what channel I want to use to receive messages, it just installs the app and I receive messages in the Jira Cloud channel. I'd like to try to set up my slack app so the user does not have to select a channel, but instead the messages go automatically to the app channel (like Jira).
Does anyone know what settings (Oauth scopes maybe?) I need to make this happen?
Are you using Slack's incoming webhooks? Webhooks will require you to specify a channel, but using Sign in with Slack for auth (or just authenticating with their OAuth v2) does not. Also make sure that you're using Slack's most recent version of apps that include granular scopes -- not sure if the legacy apps work like this.

How send notification to Team user

We have tried to send notifications to Microsoft teams. We have created a bot using this we can send but users want to initiate the conversation.
Also tried graph API shows 401 error.
We want to send notifications to Bot or API without the user initiating the conversation. i.e. sending notification direct to user chat.
Please help?
You can send message to user with out user interaction using graph API. Proactive messages are initiated by bots to start conversations with a user. They serve many purposes including sending welcome messages, conducting surveys or polls, and broadcasting organization-wide notifications. Proactive messages in Teams can be delivered as either ad-hoc or dialog-based conversations. Please check Proactive installation of apps using Graph API and send messages

Microsoft Teams subscription

Our company now uses ms teams. Whenever an incomming or outgoing call is made the name of the company or customer is not displayed in teams. So I need to display details to that call in a custom app. Therefore I wanted to use the callRecord subscription.
But in order to get the subscription working with my app, I need to have an API that gets all the subscription calls and provides the data via websockets to my app, right?
Isn't it possible that the app gets the subscriptions?
Today Microsoft graph change notifications only support delivering the change notifications gtuys webhooks/http post.
If you want those change notifications to be delivered to your front end application via Web sockets, you need to build your own backend solution to receive the change notifications via http post and relay it via Web sockets. Additionally you can request the feature on uservoice

Desire2Learn Notifications - Are they email & SMS only, or can notifications be sent via other channels?

I'm doing some feasibility work for a mobile app. We'd like to send D2L notifications directly to the mobile app (not via SMS or email).
We'd like to know if D2L's notifications system only notifies via email or SMS, or is it possible to configure it to send notifications via other channels, such as a message broker, ESB, etc.?
I've read D2L online doco; it's not clear if the system can be configured for anything other than email or SMS delivery. If it is only email/SMS, is it possible to use the REST API to get notifications for a student? That way we could have the app 'poll' for notifications.
The D2L learning platform as delivered currently can only deliver notifications to SMS or Email endpoints. It may be possible to expand the list of endpoints available through a customization services engagement with D2L. The Learning Framework API does not currently provide any direct access to the notifications themselves, only to the association between message types and endpoints.

Amazon SNS Mobile Push - how to bulk subscribe endpoints to a topic?

I am trying to move my existing iOS push notification infrastructure over to amazon SNS mobile push.
I exported all my tokens from my local db into an SNS application (using CSV). Now I want to send push notification to all my 10,000 users. I think the only way is to create a topic and subscribe all the users to that topic then publish message to that topic.
Is there any easy way to subscribe all the 10,000 users who I have imported into the system to a topic?
Thanks for any help!
It sounds like you have created the Amazon SNS Platform Application and imported your tokens as Amazon SNS Platform Endpoints.
What kind of notification are you sending?
If you send a custom message to each user, use Direct
Addressing. With this approach, you
Publish to each EndpointARN.
If you send the same message to all users, use topics. You need to subscribe your endpoints to a topic. When you are ready to send, Publish to the TopicARN. Amazon SNS will handle delivery to all endpoints subscribed to that topic. Amazon SNS currently does not provide a bulk subscribe API, so you will have to invoke Subscribe once per EndpointARN.
Full disclosure: I work for AWS on Amazon SNS.
Unfortunately there is no way so far... see Bulk push endpoints subscription to a topic on AWS Discussion Forum.
Hi there langelvicente,
Thanks for this feature request. I've passed this back through to the SNS Service Team for review.
Best regards,
Phil P
This is now possible with subscribing mobile endpoints to topics. The default subscriber limit was increased.
Q: Are there limits to the number of topics or number of subscribers
per topic?
By default, SNS offers 10 million subscriptions per topic, and 3,000
topics per account. To request a higher limit, please contact us at
If you have an application full of endpoints which you want to bulk subscribe to a SNS topic you can do so from the AWS SNS dashboard by:
Going to that application in SNS
Waiting until the 'total items' count at the bottom has completed its count (ie all items are listed)
Checking the select all check mark above the list of endpoints (screenshot attached)
Tap on platform action > subscribe endpoints to topic
Enter your topic ARN and click create subscription
The process will begin and it will stall your web browser but let it be as it takes time and if you want to see the subscriptions to the topic increasing you can use the AWS CLI with :
aws sns get-topic-attributes --topic-arn "[YOUR TOPIC ARN]"
note the "SubscriptionsConfirmed" value
Yes, but caveat: they each must accept your effort to enroll them into push messaging. That means that for each token in your database, each individual must consent to receiving future messages from you (via SMS and email, that is).
Each address (tel #, email) becomes an endpoint, and you can use SNS to create a topic, then subscribe each endpoint. After a confirmation email is sent to each endpoint (person on your list), they must confirm, in order to begin receiving your stream of messages via text or email.
Unfortunately, this confirmation/consent event is dicey, and must be handled correctly. Your ARN's title must be succinct (7 letter via SMS, no subject line allowed). Hence, you must contact them via SMS using a name they will recognize (the SMS message will arrive via short code, 304-something), and can be refused and/or blocked.
Not trivial! Best to investigate using push messages via mobile app. This will avoid the coveted SMS space, but you might consider putting out a blast to email and/or SMS, in order to get them using your mobile app. Apparently, given the immediacy of SMS, folks will be reading your first confirmation within 20 seconds. This could be a good thing, if they confirm, then accept your future messages.
Am doing this right now, and am preparing to be recognized by name using my initial blast -- apps that create anonymous SMS will be banned through iTunes!
