Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline - Issues with deleting jobs - jenkins

Use case: Using Jenkinsfile to auto create builds for branches
For a variety of reasons sometimes the Jenkins master fails to connect to the SCM server. When this occurs Jenkins deletes that job directory on master, because it no longer sees the branches. However, the slaves are not cleaned up and so they still have the old workspace paths (which are uniquely named based on the build # in my setup). When the Jenkins master reconnects to the SCM server, it recreates a new job folder on master, and the build counter is reset to #1.
This creates the following issues:
When a build starts, it executes on a slave. Since master has a new counter the job is #1. But this path may already exist from a previous build on that slave, so the artifact is built with content that was checked out for the original old build (i.e. maven uses the /target directory inside the workspace which already existed from previous build). So the end result is an artifact that potentially has the wrong code.
This can create build storms. After the connection issues are resolved, Jenkins will see all the repositories and branches with Jenkinsfiles and start to build them. So in a setup of let's say 20 repositories with 10 branches each, this will create 200 new builds. This increases with additional repositories and branches. This is obviously not desired.
One quick solution I can think of is to update the Jenkinsfile to delete the workspace if it exists before running the job inside of it. But this is just a work around. I would not want to mask the connection issues and would like to retain the actual build history of a pipeline (not have it keep erasing itself).
Minimize connection issues. This obviously will not always be guaranteed though. Plus sometimes maintenance must force servers offline. While I can construct maintenance in a way to limit or work around such issues, there still will be rare cases where downtime is required across the board. It would be best if Jenkins could handle this use case.
I'm curious if anyone has ran into this issue and what the thoughts are on this problem?


In Jenkins, how do I set SCM behavior for the master node rather the build nodes?

I'm aware I'm lacking basic Jenkins concepts but with my current knowledge it's hard for to research successfully - maybe you can give me some hints I can use to re-word my question if needed.
Currently I'm facing a situation in which in a setup with several build nodes the Jenkins master machine is running out of disk space because Jenkins clones git repositories on both, the master and build nodes (and the master only has limited space). This question explains why.
Note: the master node itself does not build anything - it just clones the repo to a local workspace folder (I guess it just needs the Jenkinsfiles).
Going through the job configurations and googling this issue I find options regarding shallow and sparse clones or cleaning up the workspace before or after the build using the Cleanup Plugin. But those settings and plugins only care about the checkout done with checkout(SCM) on the build nodes, not the master.
But in case I want to leave the situation as is on the build nodes but keep the workspace folders on the Jenkins master machine slim, how do I approach this? What do I have to search for?
And as a side question - isn't it possible to have something like "git exports"? I.e. having the .git folders removed after checking out the commit I need?
In case it depends on the kind of job I use, I'm using scripted pipeline jobs.
I've got a similar setup: A master node, multiple build nodes.
Simply, I set the number of executors=0 on the master node (from Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes), so every job will land on build nodes.
The only repo cloned on the master is the shared library.
Running Jenkins builds in the master node is discouraged for two main reasons:
First of all, the usability of the Jenkins platform might be affected by many ongoing builds, for example showing delays on certain operations.
It is a well-known security problem, as pointed out by the documentation:
Any builds running on the built-in node have the same level of access to the controller file system as the Jenkins process.
It is therefore highly advisable to not run any builds on the built-in node, instead using agents (statically configured or provided by clouds) to run builds.
Always in that wiki page you can find details on this security problems, like what an attacker can do and an alternative that lets you use the master node to build, but patching some of the listed security problems. The solution is based on a plugin called Job Restrictions Plugin.
By the way, the most popular decision is to let slave nodes do the build:
To prevent builds from running on the built-in node directly, navigate to Manage Jenkins » Manage Nodes and Clouds. Select master in the list, then select Configure in the menu. Set the number of executors to 0 and save. Make sure to also set up clouds or build agents to run builds on, otherwise builds won’t be able to start.
If you really have strong reasons to build on the master node, you can always apply a different git clone strategy based on the value of the env.NODE_NAME environment variable. It is set to master if the pipeline job is run on the master node, otherwise it is filled with the node name (of course). Nonetheless, I have never seen anyone customizing the git clone command based on the node used, so... Don't do it 😉
About the sparse checkout and the sparse/shallow clone:
The former creates an incomplete working directory, avoiding to map all the trees and blobs present in the current commit, but only those you specify. Do you save that much space? Or better, is your project tree that heavy that you would need to do something like this? The sparse-checkout is generally used when you want a clean working tree, without unnecessary files.
sparse/shallow clone can be useful sometimes to reduce the download time, especially when you have a huge history. The most common option is --depth=1 that instructs git to retrieve only the most recent commit. As far as I know, Jenkins already applies some optimizations to speed the clone process but it generally keeps the entire history. Again, I am not sure you would gain a lot more space.
A valid (at least for me) alternative to space-optimizations on git files, is to build on Docker containers. Jenkins has reached a good level of integration with Docker and there are a lot of advantages using it, among which the disposal of the workspace after the job finished.
I didn't use the pipeline feature myself so far -- but conceptually it is clear that the master requires initial access to the Jenkinsfile. It will therefore be difficult to avoid this step entirely.
If Jenkins itself does not provide an option to fine-tune the clone/checkout behavior on the master side, then I'd see these options:
Create a custom version of Jenkins (or of the corresponding plugin) which hard-codes the behavior that you need (like, shallow/sparse clone). Modifying and building both Jenkins and its plugins is surprisingly simple; often, the most difficult part is to locate the code that you need to touch.
Tune the master's clone in-place. Shallowness and sparse-checkout properties can be set for existing clones. If you set these properties after the initial clone (possibly in the Jenkinsfile itself or in a post-build step), then Jenkins may possibly maintain those properties.
Constantly re-cloning and deleting the repo on master side increases the load both on the Jenkins master and on your Git server, so better be careful with that (especially since your repository has a size where disk space matters already). If you really want to go that way, you could try to force-remove the clone on the master in a post-build step -- this should be relatively easy to implement. You need to check that this hack will not interfere with Jenkins' access to the Jenkinsfile.

Cleanup Jenkins home directory

We have started to use jenkins from last few months and now the size of home directory is about 50GB. I noticed that size of Jobs and workspace directories are about 20 GB each. How can I clean them? What kind of strategy I should use?
Consider the various Jenkins areas that tend to grow excessively. The key areas are: system logs, job logs, artifact storage and job workspaces. This will detail options to best manage each of these.
System logs
System logs may be found in <JENKINS_HOME>/logs or /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log, depending on your installation. By default, Jenkins does not always include log rotation (logrotate), especially if running straight from the war. The solution is to add logrotate. This Cloudbees post and my S/O response add details.
You can also set the Jenkins System Property hudson.triggers.SafeTimerTask.logsTargetDir to relocate the logs outside the <JENKINS_HOME>. Why answered later.
Job Logs
Each job has an option to [ X ] Discard old builds. As of LTS 2.222.1, Jenkins introduced a Global Build discarder (pull #4368) with similar options and default actions. This is a global setting, Prior to that, job logs (and artifacts) were retained forever by default (not good).
Advanced options can manage artifact retention (from post-build action, "Archive the artifacts" separately.
What's in Jobs directory?
The Jobs directory contains a directory for every job (and folders if you use them). Inside the directory is the job config.xml (a few KB in size), plus a directory builds. builds has a numbered directory holding the build logs for each retained build, a copy of the config.xml at runtime and possibly some additional files of record (changelog.xml, injectedEnvVars.txt). IF you chose the Archive the artifacts option, there's also an archive directory, which contains the artifacts from that build.
Jenkins System Property, jenkins.model.Jenkins.buildsDir, lets you relocate the builds to outside the <JENKINS_HOME>
Why Relocate logs outside <JENKINS_HOME>?
I would strongly recommend relocating both the system logs and the job / build logs (and artifacts). By moving the system logs and build logs (and artifacts if ticked) outside of <JENKINS_HOME>, what's left is the really important stuff to back and restore Jenkins and jobs in the event of disaster or migration. Carefully read and understand the steps "to support migration of existing build records" to avoid build-related errors. It also makes it much easier to analyze which job logs are consuming all the space and why (ie: logs vs artifacts).
Workspaces are where the source code is checked out and the job (build) is executed. Workspaces should be ephemeral. Best Practicesare to start with an empty workspace and clean up when you are done - use Workspace Cleanup ( cleanWS() ) plugun, unless necessary.
The OP's indication of a workspaces in the Jenkins controller suggests jobs are being run on the master. say that's not a good (or secure) practice, except lightweight pipelines always execute on master. Mis-configured job pipelines will also fall back to master (will try find reference). You can set up a node physically running on the same server as the master for better security.
You can use cleanws() EXCLUDE and INCLUDE patterns to selectively clean the workspace if delete all is not viable.
There are two Jenkins System Properties to control the location of the workspace directory. For the master: jenkins.model.Jenkins.workspacesDir and for the nodes/agents: hudson.model.Slave.workspaceRoot. Again, as these are ephemeral, get them out of <JENKINS_HOME> so you can better manage and monitor.
Finally, one more space consideration...
Both maven and npm cache artifacts in a local repository. Typically that is located in the user's $HOME directory. If incrementing versions often, that content will get stale and bloated. It's a cache, so take a time hit every once in a while and purge it or otherwise mange the content.
However, it's possible to relocate the cache elsewhere through maven and npm settings. Also, if running a maven step, every step has the Advanced option to have a private repository. That is located within in job's workspace. The benefit is you know what your build is using; no contamination. The downside though is massive duplication and wasted space if all jobs have private repos and you never clean them out or delete the workspaces, or longer build times every time if you cleaned. Consider using s the cleanWS() or a separate job to purge as needed.
The workspaces can be cleaned after and/or prior any execution. I recommend doing it prior and after an execution. After the build, do it only on successful builds. In case of errors, you can enter the workspaces and check there for any clue. You do it on the pipeline using the CleanWs() command.
For jobs directory you can select on your jobs the amount of time / maximum of executions to store. This is more complicated because it depends on what you want to save. For example if there is a lot of builds and you don't mind deleting that information you could save 10 builds during 30 days . That configuration is on the job configuration under job properties and search for "Discard old builds" and "Days to keep build" and "Max # builds to keep".
My suggestion is that you use larger numbers at first and then you can test how it behaves

Jenkins - Copy Artifacts from upstream job built in different node

There is a job controlled by Development team which built in a different node. I am on Testing team who want to take the artifacts and deploy on test device.
I can see those Artifacts from dev are stored in some path in dev's node. Does it means it must first archived in Jenkins master before I can copy it to my job?
I am using Copy Artifact plugin and constantly getting the error
Failed to copy artifacts from <dev-job> with filter: <path-in-dev-node>
*Some newbie question since i just moved from TeamCity
You probably want to use: Copy Artifact plugin.
Adds a build step to copy artifacts from another project.
Consider also, the Jenkins post-buid step "Archive the artifacts".
If you copy from the other job's workspace, what happens if another job is in progress or the workspace is wiped? That step copies them from the node to the master and stores a copy along with the build logs, etc. That makes them available via the UI as long as the build logs remain. It can take up space tho.
If you do use archive artifacts, consider using the system property jenkins.model.Jenkins.buildsDir to store all the build logs (and artifacts) outside of the jobs config directory. Some downtime and work required to separate the two (config / logs) .
You may also want to consider using a proper repository manager (Nexus / artifactory)
Finally, you may want to learn about using a Jenkins pipeline rather the relying on chained jobs, triggers or users and so forth. Why? 'cos it's much more controlled and easier to maintain.
ps: I'm not a huge fan of artifactDeployer, but it may work for you.
pps: you may want to review this in depth answer: Jenkis downstream job fails to find upstream artifacts

When do the jenkins workspaces get preserved?

I have a bunch of pipeline jobs, yet when executed, workspaces of some get preserved, some are deleted. How does jenkins make these decisions?
Based on my findings so far:
All jobs executed on nodes will have their workspace persisted, e.g. /home/ec2-user/workspaces/some-job
Some works on master keep their workspaces but some others' workspaces disappear after the job has finished. For example, after my build job succeeded, if I ssh in I can see the its workspace directory; but all my e2e jobs have no workspace.
Note I didn't use any of clearWs, deleteDir etc in my pipelines.
By the way, the reason I'm looking into workspaces is the disk usage keeps increasing and I want to cleanup. I thought the workspace is overwritten each time a job runs, but yet I get the 'Disk space is too low' warning several times.
Jenkins is creating a new workspace for every build job (= run) per default. You can see that in the path of the ws in your console log: /here/is/the/ws#buildnumber. If you dont want to have that behavior you can set it to an path which is for instance for every repo the same: How to set specific workspace folder for jenkins multibranch pipeline projects
Maybe some of your jobs don't get executed on the Jenkins Master, but on some connected Node (via an agent directive within your Jenkinsfile or Pipeline description). If that's the case you won't see a build directory inside the workspace for this Job on the Jenkins master, but on the connected Node.
You would only get the build results (like artifacts, reports, etc.) under /<JENKINS_HOME>/jobs/My_Job/ on the Master.
Remember that you could trigger a Jenkins build on a node also indirectly if you, for example, run the build within a Dockerfile and have configured (within Jenkins configuration) a specific node label for execution of Docker builds.

How to make Jenkins multibranch pipeline keep reusing the same build node for the same branch?

Is the anyway to make a Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline better support incremental builds by preferring the last build node when it build a branch instead of choosing an available node more or less randomly?
We are setting up a Jenkins multibranch pipeline for a large Git project, where we use Make to build and test a lot of code. A full build takes 6-8 hours, but the dependency tracking in Make is good enough for us to use incremental builds, shortening most our build times a lot. For this to work, Jenkins have to pick the same workspace for changes to the same branch again. Luckily it does so - but only on the same build node.
We have some identical Jenkins slave nodes available. Each time a build job is started due to a change on a branch in Git, Jenkins apparently pick a random free build node with a fresh, clean workspace meaning no incremental build speedup.
We have tried to build via NFS, such all the build nodes can share the workspaces, but at least the NFS server we have available is way too slow to make this work.
Is there anyway to make Jenkins choose the node a little less randomly and prefer the latest node on which the branch was build the last time?
