Data Aggregation in API Gateway - Zuul - netflix-zuul

I'm looking for a solution that would provide kind of data Aggregation in API Gateway. I am using spring cloud netflix zuul for API gateway. I created 3 micro services using spring boot -
Catalog - All products
DeviceInfo - a particular product detail
Inventory - product stock
Here is Zuul configuration -
In product detail page I need to make two calls -
http://localhost:8080/device/deviceInfo/ - for product details
http://localhost:8080/device/stock/ - for stock details
Is there any way to make a single call to API gateway which will combine the results of above two calls? Both calls are giving JSON in response.

You may use aggregator-microservices pattern but not in ZUUL. Keep Zuul as stateless gateway.
Aggregator microservice should have client code like this
public String getProductTitle() {
String response = null;
try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("http://localhost:51515/information");
try (CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpGet)) {
response = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Exception caught.", e);
return response;
Please have look at

I think the original question is about API Composition pattern as documented here. API composition is a commonly used pattern in a microservices ecosystem where a single call from a Client could result in calls to many microservices and return the consolidated result. Doing this in the API Gateway is a fairly common practice and is also documented here.
I myself looked for this solution with zuul some time ago but didn't find it. Maybe things have changed since then.


ASP .NET MVC websocket client to save data in DB

I am struggling to achieve the following:
I have created a Java websocket server which publishes data every 1 sec.
In ASP MVC projest I would like to receive the data and save them in database only so no JS involved here.
I am able to read the websocket data using console application method below :
using WebSocketSharp;
List<string> readoutList = new List<string>();
public void receiveMessage() {
using (var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:4567/socket/"))
ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) =>
if (e.IsText)
How to create a service of this kind within the ASP MVC project? I need some direction here.
MVC is stateless so you have to request back to the server to initiate the request (such as from a form post) but within the MVC controller response, you can kick off the request to the server (as an example using a different technology). The problem is there isn't necessarily a 1 to 1 translation in MVC; initiating the request using client-side JavaSvcript would be the option here. Initiating these types of requests within MVC may cause issues with timeouts too that you have to be aware of.
OR, you can consider a scheduled windows program or a windows service that is installed, which can manage itself and initiate the request every so often. I think this is the better option.

Spring Integration Security with REST service example

I am implementing Spring Integration for REST services. I am following XPadro's githib example -
I have created simple read, write and update operations.
Examples taken from int-http-dsl project.
I want to implement spring-security with oath2. I am taking reference from
I am not able to connect both together. Because below is how they map a request
public IntegrationFlow httpGetFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(httpGetGate()).channel("httpGetChannel").handle("personEndpoint", "get").get();
public MessagingGatewaySupport httpGetGate() {
HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway handler = new HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway();
handler.setRequestMapping(createMapping(new HttpMethod[]{HttpMethod.GET}, "/persons/{personId}"));
return handler;
and below is how we can integrate security
#SecuredChannel(interceptor = "channelSecurityInterceptor", sendAccess = "ROLE_ADMIN")
public SubscribableChannel adminChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
I am not able to find a way to create channels in first example so how to integrate that.
Am I going right direction or getting it all wrong?
Is there any better tutorials to handle spring-integration (http) with spring-security (using oauth)?
Spring Integration Java DSL allows to use external #Beans for message channels from the flow definition. So, your httpGetChannel may be declared and used like:
#SecuredChannel(interceptor = "channelSecurityInterceptor", sendAccess = "ROLE_ADMIN")
public SubscribableChannel httpGetChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public IntegrationFlow httpGetFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(httpGetGate())
.handle("personEndpoint", "get")
Feel free to raise a GitHub issue to make in the Framework something more obvious directly from the DSL's .channel() definition:

How do I authorize access to ServiceStack resources using OAuth2 access tokens via DotNetOpenAuth?

I've created an OAuth2 authorization server using DotNetOpenAuth, which is working fine - I'm using the resource owner password flow, and successfully exchanging user credentials for an access token.
I now want to use that access token to retrieve data from secure endpoints in a ServiceStack API, and I can't work out how to do so. I've examined the Facebook, Google, etc. providers included with ServiceStack but it's not clear whether I should be following the same pattern or not.
What I'm trying to achieve (I think!) is
OAuth client (my app) asks resource owner ('Catherine Smith') for credentials
Client submits request to authorization server, receives an access token
Client requests a secure resource from the resource server (GET /users/csmith/photos)
The access token is included in an HTTP header, e.g. Authorization: Bearer 1234abcd...
The resource server decrypts the access token to verify the identity of the resource owner
The resource server checks that the resource owner has access to the requested resource
The resource server returns the resource to the client
Steps 1 and 2 are working, but I can't work out how to integrate the DotNetOpenAuth resource server code with the ServiceStack authorization framework.
Is there an example somewhere of how I would achieve this? I've found a similar StackOverflow post at How to build secured api using ServiceStack as resource server with OAuth2.0? but it isn't a complete solution and doesn't seem to use the ServiceStack authorization provider model.
EDIT: A little more detail. There's two different web apps in play here. One is the authentication/authorisation server - this doesn't host any customer data (i.e. no data API), but exposes the /oauth/token method that will accept a username/password and return an OAuth2 access token and refresh token, and also provides token-refresh capability. This is built on ASP.NET MVC because it's almost identical to the AuthorizationServer sample included with DotNetOpenAuth. This might be replaced later, but for now it's ASP.NET MVC.
For the actual data API, I'm using ServiceStack because I find it much better than WebAPI or MVC for exposing ReSTful data services.
So in the following example:
the Client is a desktop application running on a user's local machine, the Auth server is ASP.NET MVC + DotNetOpenAuth, and the Resource server is ServiceStack
The particular snippet of DotNetOpenAuth code that's required is:
// scopes is the specific OAuth2 scope associated with the current API call.
var scopes = new string[] { "some_scope", "some_other_scope" }
var analyzer = new StandardAccessTokenAnalyzer(authServerPublicKey, resourceServerPrivateKey);
var resourceServer = new DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.ResourceServer(analyzer);
var wrappedRequest = System.Web.HttpRequestWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Request);
var principal = resourceServer.GetPrincipal(wrappedRequest, scopes);
if (principal != null) {
// We've verified that the OAuth2 access token grants this principal
// access to the requested scope.
So, assuming I'm on the right track, what I need to do is to run that code somewhere in the ServiceStack request pipeline, to verify that the Authorization header in the API request represents a valid principal who has granted access to the requested scope.
I'm starting to think the most logical place to implement this is in a custom attribute that I use to decorate my ServiceStack service implementations:
using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface;
using SpotAuth.Common.ServiceModel;
namespace SpotAuth.ResourceServer.Services {
public class HelloService : Service {
public object Any(Hello request) {
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
This approach would also allow specifying the scope(s) required for each service method. However, that seems to run rather contrary to the 'pluggable' principle behind OAuth2, and to the extensibility hooks built in to ServiceStack's AuthProvider model.
In other words - I'm worried I'm banging in a nail with a shoe because I can't find a hammer...
OK, after a lot of stepping through the various libraries with a debugger, I think you do it like this:
There's two key integration points. First, a custom filter attribute that's used on the server to decorate the resource endpoints that should be secured with OAuth2 authorization:
/// <summary>Restrict this service to clients with a valid OAuth2 access
/// token granting access to the specified scopes.</summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true)]
public class RequireOAuth2ScopeAttribute : RequestFilterAttribute {
private readonly string[] oauth2Scopes;
public RequireOAuth2ScopeAttribute(params string[] oauth2Scopes) {
this.oauth2Scopes = oauth2Scopes;
public override void Execute(IHttpRequest request, IHttpResponse response, object requestDto) {
try {
var authServerKeys = AppHostBase.Instance.Container.ResolveNamed<ICryptoKeyPair>("authServer");
var dataServerKeys = AppHostBase.Instance.Container.ResolveNamed<ICryptoKeyPair>("dataServer");
var tokenAnalyzer = new StandardAccessTokenAnalyzer(authServerKeys.PublicSigningKey, dataServerKeys.PrivateEncryptionKey);
var oauth2ResourceServer = new DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.ResourceServer(tokenAnalyzer);
var wrappedRequest = new HttpRequestWrapper((HttpRequest)request.OriginalRequest);
HttpContext.Current.User = oauth2ResourceServer.GetPrincipal(wrappedRequest, oauth2Scopes);
} catch (ProtocolFaultResponseException x) {
// see the GitHub project for detailed error-handling code
Second, this is how you hook into the ServiceStack HTTP client pipeline and use DotNetOpenAuth to add the OAuth2 Authorization: Bearer {key} token to the outgoing request:
// Create the ServiceStack API client and the request DTO
var apiClient = new JsonServiceClient("");
var apiRequestDto = new Shortlists { Name = "dylan" };
// Wire up the ServiceStack client filter so that DotNetOpenAuth can
// add the authorization header before the request is sent
// to the API server
apiClient.LocalHttpWebRequestFilter = request => {
// This is the magic line that makes all the client-side magic work :)
ClientBase.AuthorizeRequest(request, accessTokenTextBox.Text);
// Send the API request and dump the response to our output TextBox
var helloResponseDto = apiClient.Get(apiRequestDto);
Authorized requests will succeed; requests with a missing token, expired token or insufficient scope will raise a WebServiceException
This is still very much proof-of-concept stuff, but seems to work pretty well. I'd welcome feedback from anyone who knows ServiceStack or DotNetOpenAuth better than I do.
On further reflection, your initial thought, to create a RequiredScope attribute would be a cleaner way to go. Adding it to the ServiceStack pipeline is as easy as adding the IHasRequestFilter interface, implementing a custom request filter, as documented here:
public class RequireScopeAttribute : Attribute, IHasRequestFilter {
public void RequireScope(IHttpRequest req, IHttpResponse res, object requestDto)
//This code is executed before the service
//Close the request if user lacks required scope
Then decorate your DTO's or Services as you've outlined:
using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface;
using SpotAuth.Common.ServiceModel;
namespace SpotAuth.ResourceServer.Services {
public class HelloService : Service {
public object Any(Hello request) {
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
Your RequireScope custom filter would be almost identical to ServiceStack's RequiredRoleAttribute implementation., so use it as a starting point to code from.
Alternately, you could map scope to permission. Then decorate your DTO or service accordingly (see SS wiki for details) for example:
public class HelloService : Service {
public object Any(Hello request) {
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
Normally ServiceStack calls the method bool HasPermission(string permission) in IAuthSession. This method checks if the list List Permissions in IAuthSession contains the required permission, so, in a custom IAuthSession you could override HasPermission and put your OAuth2 scopes checking there.

mvc4 acting as a gateway

what i want to achieve is:
a central server connected to the database, using entity framework
a server who for some reason can't reach the database but forward the requests to the central server (not all of them only the one who require the database)
some httpclients who can't reach the central server nor the database but only the middle server
I've already tried with success modifying the controller method to create an http client who redo the reuest to the cenral server, but that seems the worst way to me, especially because i've lots of controllers and methods
public User GetUser(int id)
if (Properties.Settings.Default.SyncEnabled)
System.Net.Http.HttpClient httpClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
httpClient.BaseAddress = Properties.Settings.Default.SyncAddress;
var result = httpClient.GetAsync(this.Request.Url.PathAndQuery).Result;
return this.Content(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, result.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType);
User user = DbContext.Users.Find(id);
user.LastOnline = DateTime.Now;
return user;
i was thinking about using register route, but i'd like to know if it's a good idea, before reading how routes works...
i'm also intrested in how would you implement that.
Since nobody gave me an answer i'm gonna suggest myself to try with this:
seems that reverse proxy can do the trick, but i need to do it with two separate iis

Best way to structure the code for an ASP.NET MVC REST API that is decoupled from the data formats?

I am creating a REST API in ASP.NET MVC. I want the format of the request and response to be JSON or XML, however I also want to make it easy to add another data format and easy to create just XML first and add JSON later.
Basically I want to specify all of the inner workings of my API GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests without having to think about what format the data came in as or what it will leave as and I could easily specify the format later or change it per client. So one guy could use JSON, one guy could use XML, one guy could use XHTML. Then later I could add another format too without having to rewrite a ton of code.
I do NOT want to have to add a bunch of if/then statements to the end of all my Actions and have that determine the data format, I'm guessing there is some way I can do this using interfaces or inheritance or the like, just not sure the best approach.
The ASP.NET pipeline is designed for this. Your controller actions don't return the result to the client, but rather a result object (ActionResult) which is then processed in further steps in the ASP.NET pipeline. You can override the ActionResult class. Note that FileResult, JsonResult, ContentResult and FileContentResult are built-in as of MVC3.
In your case, it's probably best to return something like a RestResult object. That object is now responsible to format the data according to the user request (or whatever additional rules you may have):
public class RestResult<T> : ActionResult
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
string resultString = string.Empty;
string resultContentType = string.Empty;
var acceptTypes = context.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.AcceptTypes;
if (acceptTypes == null)
resultString = SerializeToJsonFormatted();
resultContentType = "application/json";
else if (acceptTypes.Contains("application/xml") || acceptTypes.Contains("text/xml"))
resultString = SerializeToXml();
resultContentType = "text/xml";
context.RequestContext.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = resultContentType;
This is a bit more tricky. We're using a Deserialize<T> method on the base controller class. Please note that this code is not production ready, because reading the entire response can overflow your server:
protected T Deserialize<T>()
Request.InputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Request.InputStream);
var rawData = sr.ReadToEnd(); // DON'T DO THIS IN PROD!
string contentType = Request.ContentType;
// Content-Type can have the format: application/json; charset=utf-8
// Hence, we need to do some substringing:
int index = contentType.IndexOf(';');
if(index > 0)
contentType = contentType.Substring(0, index);
contentType = contentType.Trim();
// Now you can call your custom deserializers.
if (contentType == "application/json")
T result = ServiceStack.Text.JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<T>(rawData);
return result;
else if (contentType == "text/xml" || contentType == "application/xml")
throw new HttpException(501, "XML is not yet implemented!");
Just wanted to put this on here for the sake of reference, but I have discovered that using ASP.NET MVC may not be the best way to do this:
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
provides a unified programming model
for rapidly building service-oriented
applications that communicate across
the web and the enterprise
Web application developers today are
facing new challenges around how to
expose data and services. The cloud,
move to devices, and shift toward
browser-based frameworks such as
jQuery are all placing increasing
demands on surfacing such
functionality in a web-friendly way.
WCF's Web API offering is focused on
providing developers the tools to
compose simple yet powerful
applications that play in this new
world. For developers that want to go
further than just exposing over HTTP,
our API will allow you to access all
the richness of HTTP and to apply
RESTful constraints in your
application development. This work is
an evolution of the HTTP/ASP.NET AJAX
features already shipped in .Net 4.0.
However I will not select this as the answer because it doesn't actually answer the question despite the fact that this is the route I am going to take. I just wanted to put it here to be helpful for future researchers.
