How do you reliably find an iOS Calendar? - ios

The calendarIdentifier property on EKCalendar says that a full sync will lose the identifier. How are we supposed to track a calendar then? It's not possible to just trust the name of the calendar because nothing prevents the user from changing the name. Not only that, nothing prevents two calendars from having the same name.
What I'm basically dealing with is that my Team object has an associated subscribed calendar, and I need a way to link those two together. The obvious solution is to store the calendarIdentifier in the Team object once it's created, but that won't work based on the documentation.


CloudKit share participant no longer returns name

I'm working on an app that uses CloudKit sharing functionality. The sharing features have been working great, but recently I no longer get the user names back from the CKShare.Participant when a user accepts the sharing request.
I'm using the built-in UICloudSharingController to set up the share, which works and sets up the share properly.
When the invited user accepts the share, the owner gets a notification of the change in the zone and then fetches the CKShare.
The fetched CKShare object has an array of share participants (CKShare.Participant), which has a nameComponents property. I've used this in order to get the first and last name of the participants to display in the UI. This was all working fine until recently.
Now, however, I'm only getting values in nameComponents for the owner of the share. The accepted participants have nil values for the nameComponents.givenName and nameComponents.familyName.
I have not changed anything in this part of my code in some time, so don't think I've caused this. I've tried this on iOS 11, 11.4, 12, 12.1 and all have the issue. This leads me to believe there might have been a change on the server side from Apple.
I am not requesting .userDiscoverability permissions. I have not had to do that in order to get the names once a user accepts. I realize that I can request that and then use CKDiscoverUserIdentitiesOperation to get the names. But I'd rather not as I don't want the dialog, which is confusing for users.
Has anyone seen this change? Or better, yet, does anyone have any suggestions for tracking down the cause or fixing it?

Add Invitees to calendar event programmatically iOS

I've been trying to look for the answer to this quite some time.
Apple EventKit documentation isn't allowing changing meeting invitees programmatically since those properties in an EKEvent are read-only.
I'm trying to find a way to create a calendar meeting (not necessary using EventKit), adding invitees to the meeting and setting it programatically.
Any solution will be great,
As you already figured out you cannot currently write meeting fields in iOS (AFAIK EventKit is the only API giving you access to the calendar database on iOS).
If you know what kind of account it is (and get the credentials from the user), you could sidetrack EventKit and directly create meetings on the server. Eg using EWS when the account is on Exchange or CalDAV when the account is on iCloud or Apple Calendar Server etc.
And finally you always have the option to send out meeting invites via iMIP. Though you would still need to get the event into the users calendar (so that replies have a target). Depends on your useless whether this is useful.

iOS: Create calendar with uneditable events?

From an app, is there a way to programmatically create a calendar with events that are uneditable? Or, what is the best way to achieve this as close as possible?
For example, Facebook events have a unique "Event Details" screen with their custom details. The user cannot edit the event from iCal, but instead have to click "View on Facebook".
1) I've explored creating local calendars and iCloud calendars but the user can easily edit the events and the calendars, including removing them, from iCal.
2) From the app, I cannot seem to create a new EKSource to have total control of the calendars I create in that source. Creating a new calendar in the existing CalDAV source also doesn't make it appear.
3) The EKCalendar class has an allowsContentModifications property, but it is readonly and cannot be modified.
Official response from Apple Developer Technical Support:
Our engineers have reviewed your request and have concluded that there
is no supported way to achieve the desired functionality given the
currently shipping system configurations.
So as of right now there isn't a way to do this.

How to programmatically access default alert time for calendar events?

In recent iOS versions, users may select a default alert time that will be used for all newly-created events (by going to Settings --> Mail, Contacts, Calendars --> Calendars / Default Alert Times, see ).
I am looking through EventKit documentation and can't find a way to read this setting programmatically. I've tried creating a dummy event with [EKEvent eventWithEventStore:] and reading its alarms property, but it doesn't seem to have the default alarm set until I save the event. Of course, I could save the event, read its alarms property and then delete it right away, but it seems like an ugly solution.
What's the proper way to access this setting from code?

EKEventstore and unique calendar identifier

I have a question about EKCalendar's calendarIdentifier property. Is this ID unique on a global level, or on a per-source level? E.g. can I safely store the calendarIdentifier in my app to smoothly identify a calendar across all calendars in the event store (no matter what EKSource they're in) or do I also need to save the EKSource's identifier associated with the calendar?
I have a calendar selection feature in my app, and I want to safely store and load the correct calendar (within the correct account) upon app restart.
Thanks in advance.
From my personal experience and from the description of the property in EKCalendar's class reference it is local to the EKEventStore. An EKCalendar has an EKSource as it's property at the same level as the calendarIdentifier string.
