There's this μService architecture running as the backend, with a consul instance managing all the services. There's a particular server, A made with Sails, and with some relevant socket logic I'd like to use from another service B using
Each service is running in its own Docker container, but they all connect to the same network.
So, when developing, I run the A container locally and simulate service B with a node script, with the logic showed here. The service URL is quite simple given that I'm just running the container with an open port, so the URL uses to connect is localhost:PORT. Everything here well.
The problem comes when service A is run in the μService architecture. Each service runs in its own URL, for example, acting like a namespace, with every route under the namespace actually hitting the SERVICE_NAME service. So now has issues connecting to service A, I presume, because of the change in route.
Thes are all the variations I've tried given const io = sailsIOClient(socketIOClient);
io.sails.url = '';
io.sails.url = '';
io.sails.path = '/api/SERVICE_NAME'
io.sails.url = '';
io.sails.path = '/api/SERVICE_NAME/'
Then I stumbled with this that refers to a path argument on the connect function of (here's the specific). I tried with that, setting io.sails.autoConnect to false and calling io.sails.connect() but I'm not being able to connect to the Sails app.
Socket is trying to reconnect to Sails...
_-|>_- (attempt #293)
I'm fairly certain the issue is that the client io can't reach the correct route to find the Sails app because of the architecture is set up.
Has someone dealt with a similar scenario? Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I am working on a web app where a single environmental variable is used for specifying a certain server (a rest api), like this:
the application is running inside a container, and it uses the server api variable for two things related to my problem:
It could generate and serve dynamic html where it append URL_SERVER_API to complete full api urls, for example {{URL_SERVER_API}}/someendpoint
It calls the api directly from a (php) script using CURL, defining the endpoint in the same fashion as 1
so I end up with a situation where if I set URL_SERVER_API to localhost:8080 the main application forms valid urls to call because the api app (which is also running in a docker container) was exposed in the correspondingly port, but the CURL calls don't work because localhost:8080 is not a known server inside the container.
Also I configured a bridge network and attached both apps to it, and I was capable to ping from the main app to the api succesfuly (e.g. ping api_docker), then when I set URL_SERVER_API=api_docker the CURL calls to the api are successfull, but the html files returned from the main app are constructed with unreachable urls like http://api_docker/someendpoint
Hope you can see my issue
I am able to solve the issue by having two variables URL_SERVER_API and URL_SERVER_API_INTERNAL and using the first for html serving and the second for the CURL calls, but I think it is not the best solution to add new variables to remember because I am not in charge to do so.
Thanks for the time taken to read
I have a two part question.
First, what Dart command should I use to "start"
the VM service listening for requests, with possibly
giving it what host and port number to use.
I'm using Windows, and I don't need the Observatory possibly
I'm currently trying to use this, after I CD into the project's directory:
dart --pause_isolates_on_start bicycle
And the second part of the question is, is it possible to verify
that the VM service is there and listening on whatever port?
I want to be able to send a request to the VM service,
from a WebSocket client, and get back a response.
After I give the above command, if I do a 'netstat'
it doesn't look like there is anything there listening.
And any attempts at trying to connect to the VM service get
a connection refused Exception, same as if I didn't even
try to start the VM service.
I was looking at the intelliJ plugin code, to see how they did their connect,
and saw that they used "ws://localhost:8181/ws", I was trying to use
"ws://localhost:8181", and now it's finally getting past the handshake,
the server was returning "200 OK" instead of "101" before.
I'm assuming that I'm talking to the Observer at this point,
and not the VM service, I'm not sure, but at least I'm further along..
When it worked, I was using:
dart --enable-vm-service --pause_isolates_on_start bicycle.dart
dart --help -v prints
The observe flag is a convenience flag used to run a program with a
set of options which are often useful for debugging under Observatory.
These options are currently:
This set is subject to change.
Please see these options for further documentation.
It depends on what exactly you want to do, but as far as I know the Observatory just uses this service and if you don't access any of its features, it won't add additional load to the process.
There is a Dart client API and a documentation about the protocol
Perhaps this is what you are looking for
enum EventKind {
// Notification that VM identifying information has changed. Currently used
// to notify of changes to the VM debugging name via setVMName.
// Notification that a new isolate has started.
used with Events
I'm currently developing a Wolkenkit application which is run on my local machine.
I want to upload a file from the Wolkenkit app to the blob server (as documented here).
When sending a POST request from the server to, Node.js gives me the error ECONNREFUSED.
I've tested the POST-Request with another program and it works there. Any idea why it doesn't work from the wolkenkit application itself?
The Storing files sample you linked to shows code that is to be run in the browser, not in the backend itself. Of course, both should work, but there are a few minor differences you need to watch out for.
Fixing the host name
First, I suppose that in your case maps to, which is the default for wolkenkit. That means that when you try to connect to this domain from within a Docker container, the container does not try to call out to the blog storage container, but it stays within itself. So, the first thing that needs to be fixed is the host name.
Basically, there are two options for this: You can either setup so that it resolves to the external IP address of your machine. This would work, but is pretty cumbersome. The other option is to directly address the appropriate container that is responsible for blob storage, by its internal name. The internal name is <name-of-your-app>-depot-file. So you need to replace by https://<...>
Fixing the port
Second, the port is wrong. This is because the blob storage service is internally running on port 3000, externally on 3001. So instead of https://<...> you need to use https://<...>
Once you have done this you should not get any more errors like ECONNREFUSED, since now the service can be found.
Fixing SSL issues
Third, since you are now connecting to the blob storage service using a different domain name, the SSL certificate doesn't match any more, since it was issued for As a result, you will get SSL errors when trying to connect.
The simplest way to get around this is to disable any SSL checks (albeit this is also the most insecure way to handle this!). How to do this depends on the HTTP client module you are using. E.g., in request there is an option called strictSSL that you can set to false.
Of course, what you actually should do is to either use a custom certificate which includes this domain name as well, or to write a function that handles the certificate check and accepts the presented one, especially in this case.
If you do all of this, things should work :-)
PS: I am one of the authors of wolkenkit. Thanks a lot for bringing up this issue, and we will take care of this in the future, to make storing blobs easier.
I am working with a Synology NAS type aDS716+II, DSM 6.1.4-15217 Update 2 on wich runs Docker with a Jira container.
So now what I want to do I'm assinged to get to work is to access Jira's webinterface with let's say jira.synology.local with synology being the servername.
I read a lot about nginx and how it's built in since DSM 6.X but I don't seem to get it to work properly at all.
I can access Jira's webinterface from another machine within the LAN via IP_OF_SYNOLGY:PORT so when setting up a reverse proxy on the server it should be pointing to LOCALHOST:PORT right? I have also tried using the actual IP instead of LOCALHOST but without success.
I can access the interface of Synology itself not only via IP_OF_SYNOLGY:PORT but also via DOMAINNAME.LOCAL if I set the domain name.
I really don't know what I'm missing and I tried everything I could think of. Does someone has experience with this?
If some information is missing, I'll gladly provide it. I'm fairly new to synology I have to admit. Thanks in advance!
So this has gotten zero response but I figured probably someone will have a similar "problem" in the future, so I will answer anyway.
I solved everything, when I setup Active Directory. When installing AD, the DNS-Server will automatically be installed too.
So we have JIRA running in a Docker container (on port, let's say, 12345) and I want to access it via the LAN on jira.domainname.
To do so we need to have installed DSM6.X or higher (for nginx) and the DNS-Server. That's it.
In the DNS-Server you will have to create a new master zone
and apply the following settings, whereas you can freely choose the domain name and Master DNS server must be the IP of your synology station, since it functions as a DNS
Then you want to edit the Resource Record
There you want to add an A Record Resource
and an CNAME Record Resource
So your Resource Records will look like this
Now the last step for setting up the DNS server is to tell it what to do if there is no specific record for a query. So for example if you want to open jira.domainname in your browser, there is a specific record for that and the DNS server knows how to direct it. But if you want to open up for example the DNS server has no information on that and does now know what to do. So what we do now is to to tell the DNS server to forward the request, if it has no records for a request. To do so, enable the forwarders and put in the IP of your gateway/ managed switch as primary and some public DNS server ( for one of google's DNS server) as secondary.
Please remember that jira.domainname shall always be the domainname you choose and shall always be the IP of your synology station.
So now the DNS server is completely setup. Now we want to take advantage of the built-in reverse proxy (which runs on nginx in the background). To do so we navigate as seen here
and create a new reverse proxy rule
So now that the URL's can point to the same destination (your synology, but on different Port. That comes in very handy for some applications running in docker.
So now if you are running this in an home setup or small office, you probably are working with standard issue commercial router such as for example a FritzBox by AVM. Those are pretty good but beware that some prohibit the so called DNS Rebinding which means that DNS requests pointing to a local IP will be not allowed. Since in this setup the DNS server (your synology) and the destination JIRA (also your synology) are in the same LAN, we have to create an exception. Probably other routers don't suppress those requests, but if so exceptions are necessary.
So the next step, it to tell your Gateway or managed switch that it has to use the newly setup DNS server as the primary DNS server. For FritzBox' you can do so here
put in the IP of your DNS server and an secondary DNS server. This is important as a fallback solution if your DNS server probably stops working at some point.
Now that everything is setup I would recommend to restart the router/ managed switch, synology and the workstation you are working on, to flush all caches. After that you can simply open your browser and type in jira.domainname and JIRA should open up. You can also open a terminal/ cmd and type in nslookup jira.domainname to see if it is being resolved correctly.
I really hope this will help someone at some point and if there are any additional questions, please feel free to comment this or write me directly!
This seems to have something to do with the subnet/availability zone, but I'm new to using a VPC and it's eluding me.
subnet: (us-east-1b)
subnet: (us-east-1a)
All instances are Windows Server 2012.
I have an internet facing ELB created within my VPC ( There is one instance added from AZ us-east-1a, which is on subnet The instance is running IIS 7.5, with an app running on port 80 and /health.aspx set up for use as the ELB health check.
Internal traffic on the VPC is flowing normally (unrestricted). I can request health.aspx from this instance from another instance in us-east-1b ( I can also copy files from one instance to another.
Outbound traffic is unrestricted. I can RDP to the instance (when connected to our VPN) and open a browser and request a web page and get it.
The ELB says the instance is healthy and I can see the requests to health.aspx in the IIS logs. Both the ELB and the instance are configured with a security group that allows 80 and 443.
But if I try to request {elb-url}/health.aspx over the open internet the request just times out. Similarly, with an elastic IP associated to the instance, a request to {elastic-ip}/health.aspx times out.
#Chris, thanks for the it happens, I've already worked it out with some help from a friend. I'll post my findings here for posterity (in case anybody else was similarly confused about how ELB works).
This would be more clear with a diagram. But the summary is that in each availability zone, you need to create both a public and a private subnet. When you add availability zones to your ELB, you need to select the public subnet for the zone. This had already been done in us-east-1b before I got to this setup, and I had simply missed this nuance of ELB configuration. So for the new availability zone, I had to do this...
private subnet (using nat instance as default route)
public subnet (using internet gateway as default route)
Then my instance goes in the private subnet as expected.
And the lynch pin of this whole thing is (drum roll....)
When I add us-east-1c to my ELB, I have to select the public subnet... Otherwise the instances will pass the health check (since the ELB can communicate with any instance within my entire VPC) but the responses from the servers cannot make it back out to the public internet.
This is what is so confusing. And I still don't fully understand it. The instance can make a request for, say, I can RDP to it and open a browser and get the web page. But a request from a host (like my laptop at my house) will die. strange.
PS: another note...make sure you are using enough NAT instance for your load. I think we ran into an issue where our NAT instance simply ran out of ports because too many web servers were trying to route outbound connections to 3rd party APIs through it. Quite honestly, I'm not good enough at this level of network/OS troubleshooting to be sure. But my theory is that our 8 instances of IIS were holding too many connections open to the NAT instance. We were also abusing the NIC on that micro instance. I upped us to two large instances, one per AZ and things smoothed back out. Both NAT instances are humming and we're not seeing the hung processes in IIS anymore.
Debugging this kind of issue is always a challenge. I have a few ideas to suggest based on what you have written (and generally apply to trying to solve this problem) that come from dealing with this a number of times.
Have you checked both the security groups and network ACLs? Bear in mind that all network ACLs need to be specified in both directions, as they are stateless. Also bear in mind that ELBs are a bit unique in this regard. While they are associated with your VPC, they sometimes need extra rules to ensure connectivity. In the past I have debugged this by opening all network ACLs on all ports, then removing these rules until it has stopped working in order to identify where the block was.
Security groups should be checked too. They are stateful but ensure that your load balancer has permissions to be hit from the web.
Have you checked this isn't an application configuration problem? I don't know how IIS comes out of the box but I would check it is setup to respond to all hostnames.
Check the ELB isn't an internal one, as that wouldn't be publically addressable.
You say the ELB is configured with the health check, but it's worth checking you also have the listener setup for port 80? It's in a separate tab on the dashboard and you will need this in addition to the health check for connectivity through the ELB.
Hope one of these tips is useful to you.