Allow Firebase Storage Bucket to be accessed only by some users - ios

I have a main "folder" in my storage directory called users-projects and then I create folders for every users' projects. I want to allow the users to access only their projects and the projects they are invited in, like a Dropbox or Google Drive folder with collaborators.
In the Documentation they says:
Include group information (such as a group ID or list of authorized
uids) in the file metadata
So here is my questions:
Can I do this directly with the folder?
How can I store the list of authorized uids?
I am programming an iOS app in Swift.
Here is my actual code for the Rules:
service {
match /b/ {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
match /users-projects {
match /{projectId} {
allow read, write: if ?????
Here is the official documentation: .

I think the correct static rule would be :
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == 'a-user-id' || request.auth.uid == 'another-user-id' || ...
But I guess you are looking for dynamic rules :)
For the owners it's quite simple to setup a dynamic rule with the folder name :
match /users-projects/{projectId}/{userId} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == userId
For more complex cases like invited users, you can try using the custom metadata to store invited uids in the file, and match them against user id accessing that ressource, example rule:
allow read: if resource.metadata.invited.matches(request.auth.uid);
The custom metadata values can only be strings, so I suggest you store them as coma-separated value so you can edit them easily, and at the same time use a simple match in the access rule.
Note: this is only scalable while invitedUids.join(',') length is shorter than maximum length of custom metadata values. (I don't know that value). If your app is not built to accept hundreds of invited users, it should be ok, otherwise you might need to setup a server-side access mecanism which build a unique download link for each invited user, instead of relying on simple rules.
Also, I don't think you can use token groupId value to enforce access security in your case (as depicted in the docs), because you have a many-to-many relationship between users and folders/files. (users will not belong to only one group)
So, to answer your questions:
The resource object in the rules only apply to files, if using metadata to enforce access, they need to be updated on each file in the folder if they share the same access rules
The metadata is just a string->string key-value store, you just need to store user ids as a string in a arbitrary non-reserved key, as explained above.

Store individual project in a directory using their userid
service {
match /b/ {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
match /users-projects/{user_id} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == user_id


Swift and Firestore security rules, firebase security

I'm new developer working on my first Firestore app. I've changed the rules on Firestore to make the data more secure for user, but it's not allowing read/write.
This is the key line and I don't know how to configure it specific to my app -
match /some_collection/{userId}/{documents=**} {
I don't know if I change the "some_collection" to my collection name or if some_collection in that sense is an actual wildcard type of parameter itself.
Also, do I need to pass in the userID somehow from my swift application to Firestore? where is userID coming from in this line? I'd prefer to make the rule such that only the user who created the data can read/write. I believe this block is to allow any authenticated user, so I'm just trying to explore each step.
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
// Allow only authenticated content owners access
match /some_collection/{userId}/{documents=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == userId
Addressing your questions:
This is the key line and I don't know how to configure it specific to my app.
match /some_collection/{userId}/{documents=**}
I don't know if I change the "some_collection" to my collection name or if some_collection in that sense is an actual wildcard type of parameter itself.
In the line above "some_collection" is not a firestore wildcard and you need to replace some_collection with the actual value of your collection.
Also, do I need to pass in the userID somehow from my swift application to Firestore?
Yes and it is expected that before reading or writing to/from firestore:
You had already created and configured the firebase object.
apiKey: '### FIREBASE API KEY ###',
authDomain: '### FIREBASE AUTH DOMAIN ###',
You had already authenticated your users with firebase auth.
.then((user) => {
// Signed in
// ...
.catch((error) => {
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
// ...
Passing the userId is done by the firebase object when you call db. collection(“col123”).add or any other method. If you look at how firestore is initialized:
var db = firebase.firestore();
You will see its dependency with the firebase object.
where is userID coming from in this line?
The userID is coming from the firebase object.
I believe this block is to allow any authenticated user, so I'm just trying to explore each step.
Yes, the last rules allow any authenticated user to read and write from/to the subcollections/documents wildcard {userId}.
Lastly it is also expected that there is some naming consistency in the ids of your firestore documents or subcollections.
This means when you create firestore documents, use the firebase.auth.uid as the document id.
Otherwise, the rule from above will fail because the value behind {userId} is not equal to firebase.auth.uid of the logged user.
To achieve the latter, you can refer to this answer.
I highly recommend you have a look at this video(from the firebase channel) since it elaborates more on the core concepts of firestore security rules.
I hope you find this useful.

Firebase security rules for collections in collection

I am trying to set a firebase security rules for all collections in one collection with Firebase Firestore. I have a collection named Chats inside of it I have two collection one is thread and the other is users. All the documents ids are random.
This is how my Firebase Data Looks Like:
I am trying to set the security for all the chats & thread & users. Because chats includes the thread collection and the user collection but when setting the rule below: it does not work properly: Missing or insufficient permissions.
// Chats can be read & written by all users
match /Chats/{document} {
allow read, create, update, delete, write: if true
I also tried:
match /Chats/{document}/thread/{document1} {
allow read, create, update, delete, write: if true
match /Chats/{document}/users/{document2} {
allow read, create, update, delete, write: if true
But it did not work, so if someone can please help me with it.
Your current rules only matches documents in the /Chats collection:
match /Chats/{userId}
To make it also match the subcollections , it'd have to be:
match /Chats/{document=**} {
Also see the Firebase documentation on securing hierarchical data, specifically the section on recursive wildcards.

How to flag and report user in firebase firestore database?

I have application which have multiple users, one of the major thing left is to block and report users in firebase.
I am trying to look for the solution for the same by googling for it, but till now not any particular success.
I would like to know how I can achieve that. Please guide me for that,
and how the firestore security rules should be to achieve the same?
The typical approach is to have a collection that contains the blocked users, with one document for each blocked user and with the ID of that document being the UID of that user.
With that structure in place, your security rules can check for the existence of such a document and then block the user.
There's a great example of this in the blog post 7 tips on Firebase security rules and the Admin SDK (it's tip 7). The rules from there:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
function isBlackListed() {
return exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/blacklist/$(request.auth.uid))
// Collections are closed for reads and writes by default. This match block
// is included for clarity.
match /blacklist/{entry} {
allow read: if false;
allow write: if false;
match /posts/{postId} {
allow write: if !isBlackListed()

Firebase Rules - How to check if user exists in sub document

I am working on a Forum-like structure using Firebase Store / Firebase Rules. My structure is something like this:
Collection --- Document ------ Collection --- Document
Topic1 CreationDate UsersJoined UserUID1
Topic2 Title UserUID2
Topic3 UpdatedDate UserUID3
... ... ...
Basically, each Topic has a Collection of Users. My goal is to be able to write a security rule where only Users in the 'UsersJoined' can read/write to the corresponding Topic. This is what I have right now as my rules:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /Topics/{topicUID} {
allow read, create, update, delete: if exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/Topics/$(topicUID)/UsersJoined/$(request.auth.uid));
match /UsersJoined/{userUID=**} {
allow read, create, update, delete;
So when I use the built in Simulator, the read works just fine; however, when I request to read it via my code for IOS, it tells me that I don't have sufficient permission.
I've tried just doing allow read: if request.auth.uid != null;, and I am able to read. I am confident that the UserUID does exist within the UsersJoined collection.
I've also tried creating a "sister" collection where I store my User IDs in, so my structure looks like this:
Collection ----------- Document
MyTestUserCollection UserUID1
Topic1 UserUID2
Topic2 ...
I then used this rule: if exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/MyTestUserCollection/$(request.auth.uid)); and the read works as well, both on the simulator and IOS codes.
My problem is not being able to read when the User List is nested within the Topic. So my question is... by writing a rule that checks ("reads") data in a nested collection, am I violating the "allow read" rule (since technically it hasn't determined whether I can read yet)? Or am I over complicating things a bit and there is a better way to structure my Collections/Documents? Or am I just not writing the rule correctly?
I don't believe my code on IOS is the issue, but just in case this is what I'm doing to request to read from my database: (the user is logged in via Firebase Auth)
[[myFirestore collectionWithPath:#"Topics"]
getDocumentsWithCompletion:^(FIRQuerySnapshot *snapshot, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
NSLog(#"Error getting documents: %#", error);
} else {
NSLog(#"Read it");
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Your security rules allow a user to read a specific topic, if they are following that topic. Your code tries to read all topics, which your rules don't allow. So that explains why the server rejects the read operation.
This is easiest to remember by realizing that rules themselves don't filter data. They instead either allow a listener or not. And since your rules don't allow a listener on all of /Topics, that listener gets rejected.
One solution is to only read the specific topic that you are a follower of. To determine the topic(s), you might need to store a document with the user's list of topics, such as in a /Profiles collection. This is quite common on NoSQL databases: you're essentially storing both sides of the many-to-many relationship.
Alternatively you can try to validate the query, but I'm not quite sure if that can be made to work for your situation.

How to use Firestore's document as unique username?

In order to use Firestore's document as userID(username), I found this way.
-> users
-> UID
-> name
-> phone
-> email
-> usersByName
-> UserName: UID
However, one Google Firestore worker replied me like this on twitter.
His reply
I know that each document is unique.
But it will be overwritten by everyone.
If the document does not exist, it will be created. If the document does exist, its contents will be overwritten with the newly provided data
I want to know what the best way to use document as userID(username) is.
Building on the answer below:
I added a second check to make sure the uid being stored matches the uid of the user requesting it.
match /usernames/{username} {
allow create: if !exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/usernames/$(username)) && request.auth.uid ==;
*one more check would be necessary to prevent a single user to register multiple usernames.
Enforcing unique userIds in Firebase Firestore
