TFS - Choose what changes to checkin - tfs

I'm working on a script to help us handle the changes done to our code without having to start Visual Studio.
So far I've been able to list the changes, add them and then check them in. My understanding is that once you run the "add" command, you'll add the changes to the version control, which will then be used once you decide to check them in, meaning that anything that hasn't been added, won't be checked in.
What I'm looking for is a way to remove the changes from this list to be checked in, evne after the add command has been used. Is that possible?

When you add files to version control, there will a list of pending changes. What you want is undo pending changes.
You need to use Undo Commands, which will discard one or more pending changes to files or folders.:
tf undo [/workspace:workspacename[;workspaceowner]]
[/recursive] itemspec [/noprompt] [/login:username,[password]]


"tf status" to see pending changes without "detected" adds

I want to use TF.EXE to get a list of the pending changes in my source branch. I want the same list I see in Visual Studio's "Pending Changes" window.
For instance, I current have 167 pending changes shown in the Pending Changes window, about 50/50 edits and adds. Under Excluded Changes, there is a button titled "Detected: 49998 add(s)". These are literally tens of thousands of intermediate/output files in my solution directory that are not under source control, which I don't want under source control, and which are not "Pending Change" by any definition of that term.
However, when I do tf status in my solution directory, it shows me all these files as adds. How do I get just the list of Pending Changes shown in Visual Studio (i.e the files that will actually be checked-in when I submit changes)?
Alternatively, some way to copy the list from the Visual Studio UI. I just want to put this list in an email, but the UI is horrible (won't expand to use available vertical space, can't copy text, etc.) and the command line gives me garbage.
(EDIT) Solution: tf checkin /recursive, select items in list and hit CTRL+C to get list on clipboard.
You are looking for the check in window such as this question: VS2012 return to a normal TFS checkin window?
You could use tf check in command with the prompt window, should be able to copy the list in the E-Mail then. Another method is using TFS api to do this.
Some years later but might still be useful for someone:
tf status -nodetect

TFS: Cannot undo or commit changes

When I click any node in the source control explorer, the contextual shows the option to undo or check in pending changes.
When I select either to check in or to undo changes, I'm getting a popup saying that there is no pending changes.
This situation is preventing me to add a new workspage.
Thanks for helping.
Even though there are no pending changes at all. Right click a folder or a file in solution explorer, the undo pending changes and checking in pending changes will still be black not gray.
So first, please make sure you have pending changes for the node first. You can use tf status command to display information about pending changes to files and folders in one or more workspaces.
List all changes in the current workspace
c:\code\SiteApp\Main\SolutionA\>tf stat

How to get comment from MSVS2010 when I try and check in from CMD?

I have several projects on the go. So I download a copy of the code to a workspace, work on that and then shelve it for my manager and others to review with comments (this is done from within the MSVS2010 IDE's Pending Changes window/tab). Then when that is completed, I check in the changes.
Thing is, I would like not to have to load up the MSVS2010 environment every time I just have to do a check in. It's bulky and has a lot of windows popping up that I would like to avoid. So I would like to just execute a command line command to do the check in for me.
I tried tf checkin /shelveset:<name-of-shelveset> and I get this error:
TF204000: The Team Foundation server to which your team project is connected does not support the CheckInShelveset command.
Using tf checkin <path-to-workspace> worked but I don't have the shelveset comments.
Is there a way to get the comments populated with the shelveset comments I used last from within MSVS2010 without having to load it up?
I suggest you to add your profil as owner of shelveset, it's optional but important when shelveset can be created by lot of users
tf checkin /shelveset:<name-of-shelveset>;shelvesetowner

TFS 2010 make change to local copy

In TFS 2010 I have a project and I want to make only a local change to it and not check it in. I don't have edit privileges on the project. I tried removing the read only from the project but it will not work(will not allow me to edit). Is there an alternative ?
Once you have made your changes, if you really don't want to check them in, but, you want to preserve them, create a shelveset to store your changes. This way, you can undo your changes so you don't always have them checked out and then if someone else changes the project, you can get latest, and then unshelve your changes to see how they work with the new code.
You have to check out a file before you can edit it. Once you are done, just "Undo" that change (right-click and undo). If you're wanting to add a new file, it's the same thing. Add the file, then undo the change without checking in.
Remember, adding files is a "local" operation. They are marked as a pending add until you actually commit them to the server by checking in.

TFS shows some pending changes under my name, but I have not changed anything

TFS shows some pending changes under my name, but I have not changed anything. When I check in and see View Pending changes, I see some of the changes which I have never made, changes pending under some other user might be shown as my pending changes. When I unselect and check-in my changes, these are still locked under my name? Is this due to auto-checkout or any other reason? (TFS policy requires a compile before check-in)
This is probably due to the automatic checkout feature in TFS.
TFS uses an atomic check-in process and is very careful about recording who did what. When you start editing a file (or the IDE edits one on your behalf, for example a .csproj or .vbproj file) then the file will show up in your pending changes list to show you that you have the file checked out with an edit pending.
To see your pending changes list, go to View, Other Windows, Pending Changes in Visual Studio.
To check-in any pending changes you can right click on the file in solution explorer or you can select it in the pending changes view. Only then will the change be committed into version control. From the pending changes view you can compare with the server version to see what changes you have made.
To see the changes that have been committed to the server you can right click on a file or folder and select "View History".
If you want to remove the pending change and restore the file to what it was before you edited it you can right click on the file and select "Undo Pending Changes".
If you want to change the auto check-out behaviour to prompt you before it performs a check-out, then go to Tools, Options, Source Control, Environment and change the Checked-in items for Saving and Editing to "Prompt for check out" rather than the default which is "Check out automatically".
Hope that helps,
I've had a similar issue; TFS still says I've got pending changes that when I compare declares as being identical. This post comes up with a way to prune out all the identical ones and to leave you with only the files that actually have changed.
The problem might have to do with different workspaces that you use or have used possibly on different computers. Check the workspaces that exist and see if the files are checked out anywhere else. Here the sidekick tool mentioned in a comment can help.
