Easiest way to Add a label to scrollview - ios

So I am wanting to create a Scrollview with a list of labels. I am having a super hard time with the constraints and what not. It is obviously nothing like adding labels to a simple UIView.
What i need is one label in the top left corner, about 40% width from parent view with a top and left border of 10. Then i need a second label right next to it also with a 40% width and a top and right border of 10. After doing this i will continue creating labels under each other in the same sequence. All with borders of 10.
(P.S. I know labels have a set height value but i have been giving them values of 0.05% height of parent view just for organizing reasons.)
Now, normally when adding to a normal view i would match the parent width and height then go to the identity inspector and under the sizes-equalwidthsconstraint-multiplier set it to 0.4 and height etc. Then I would go to the pin and add the constraints top: 10 and left: 10. By that time i would be golden with the first label! However it doesnt work that way with scrollviews. I keep getting red lines every where and a caution alert saying "Scrollable content size is ambiguous for "Scroll View"".
(P.S. I have however been able to successfully create the first label, with red lines though, but when creating the second label i can never get it to line up right.)
If you dont know how to do it through storyboard and should do it programmatically then how would i do that? Swift please, always.
for example:
make: Chevrolet
model: Silverado
year: 2016
color: Pearl White
so on and so forth....
its basically a list of non editable text..
i was wanting to go for that look.
Please help, thank you!

Use UITableView's. Apple has designed UITableView for these kinds of problem statements.
Here is a good place to start.
And for your case, you need to use Custom UITableViewCell for your specific problem


Swift Storyboard - Centring an Icon and multi-line text horizontally

I am trying to create an Android-esque Snackbar. All the behaviour is correct but I am left with a layout issue. I have actually broken this out into a test app to simplify things a bit.
The bar is pinned to the bottom of the view and contains an Icon (UIImageView) along with some text (UILabel). This text can be up to 2 lines max.
For example, it should be able to exand out like this:-
However to further complicate things, i need it so that the icon and text are centred within the red bar and then spread out from the centre until such point that it needs to wrap. Note that there is a padding to the start of the icon and end of the text to prevent it touching the sides. An example of centred content would be..
I haven't been able to get the correct layout. I think the issue has been trying to centre the two items whilst simultaneously conforming to a width that doesn't exceed the edge bounds, causing a constraint conflict. I have also tried embedding the icon and label in a horizontal stack view but couldn't seem to find the correct fill option whilst centring everything.
I have even tried using NSAttributed string and adding the image to the text itself but when the text wrapped, the icon was being resized and/or misplaced.
As you can see, i have been doing this in Storyboard but i am more than happy to do this programmatically if it serves this purpose better.
Created this Demo for reference , it's a simple task of making a nested view inside the red view with a centerX constraint of priority 1000 and a leading constraint with 999 priority
Now you have this effect

Using Auto-Layout in custom UITableViewCell

I'm working with a custom UIableViewCell that has four UILabels inside of it.
What I'm currently struggling with is that for smaller iPhones, I'm able to get the correct portrait layout (the numbers correspond to the label numbers).
What I'm trying to do for larger iPhones (screenshot below is from a 6SPlus) is have label 3 move in the direction of the arrow:
I have three constraints for the third label. My thought was to have one of them set with a priority of 1000 to be the "base constraint", and another, set at 999, to change the spacing of the cell:
However, it doesn't seem to have any effect. How can I alter the position of the third label using constraints based on the size class? Thanks!
EDIT: This is an approximate illustration of what I'm trying to get to:
Use a UIStackView and put your labels inside it. The stack view can be configured to distribute evenly your four labels, putting the same amount of space between them regardless of how the width of the table grows or shrinks as it launches on a bigger or smaller phone. Thus, you'll look great everywhere.
(If you're not able to use UIStackView, you can achieve the same effect of even distribution using invisible spacer views.)

UIScrollView and variable text size

I'm creating an app with quite a lot of text. It will be of variable size, so I was wondering if there is a way to adapt my ScrollView to the size of the UILabel, not knowing in the IB what will be the number of lines of that label. I'm doing it from the IB, drag n dropping it, then I'm putting 4 elements inside : an image for the logo, a title, another image, and then the label.
My question is : how can I tell my ScrollView to adapt to the text ? With constraints ? In the code ? I'm sooooo lost with that scrolling thing…
I think I need a very very good tutorial about autolayout…
Here's some screenshots of my project
The project on simulator
The layout
Thanks a lot!
You have to add the constraints to your label so that it will always have the same spacing to the scroll view. Also, you will have to set your labels lines to 0.
Don't press Add Missing Constraints because it will probably set your height and you don't want that to happen. Use the Pin button to set the spacing to nearest neighbor.
These are the buttons you will have to use, they are bottom right.
First of all, press the one in the right and select All Views > Clear Constraints.
Then, select your label in the storyboard and press the button with a square Pin, here you will have to select everything until you have something like this with different values... Also click in the red lines so that you get a continuous red line. Don't check any of the boxes you see.
After this, you have to do the same process for your Scroller.
It should be enough. I will also need to know where your scroller is.
If you have anything else in your view, do the same.

Universal layout constraints

I have an app which I've designed in the width:any height:any universal size template in XCode (Swift). Basically, I have a custom cell, with its own uitableviewcell class too, and two labels inside of it which display array data. Anyway, I am struggling to add the correct restraints etc, so that the labels and text inside them display properly on all iOS devices. Even though I have changed the font to be able to go to 0.2 scale, there's still sometimes overlap or text clipped in the label on smaller iOS screens. It's probably a simple thing to resolve. So can anyone help me make this layout look the same, or the equivalent, on all iOS devices and all orientations too please? Here is my design:
The fact that your labels are overlapping each other is probably that you don't have the proper width constraints.
This is what I will do, taking the left label as an example:
add constraints to the left, top, bottom margin
add a width constraint to the parent view and making it 50% of the parent width
You will need to do the similar for the right label replacing the left margin constraint with a right margin one.
Now both the labels only take 50% of the width, then they will not overlap any more guaranteed.

Auto height setting for labels in iOS

I have previously worked in Windows phone and see that every control in windows phone has an Auto property, meaning occupy the size of the content.
I see that in iOS such a property does not exist. When there are dynamic data to be bound to a UILabel, I always need to calculate the height of the data and then assign to the UILabel. This takes a good amount of time and bit painful. Is not there an Auto property or am I missing anything here?
iOS has AutoLayout which is really helpful, get familiar with it.
Click on the Label
Click on the pin constraints button (little square button)
Add your custom LEFT, RIGHT, TOP margins or LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM margins
Click on "Add 3 Constraints"
Set number of Lines to 0 which means as much lines as view needs
Then you probably got warning lines, but you can solve them
Just click on fix constraints button (little triangle button)
Click update frames
Important: the answer to your question is to PUT NUMBER OF LINES TO 0 you can use that UILabel with 0 lines(which is autosizing) with frames and AutoLayout. AutoLayout is just a friendly suggestion that can be helful to setup views. Also put Line Breaking Word Wrap
Here you go also with some useful links for working with AutoLayout. AutoLayout is great because you don't care anymore what size is the screen, what orientation has the device at that moment. You just need to setup everything correctly and everything works amazingly but if your setup is wrong then AutoLayout might become your enemy. So start learning and experiencing right now.
Very good point to Begin learning AutoLayout
If Your are being lazy, start from video tutorial series
Great iOS7+ table view tutorial with autoresizing cells
Also check out this Stack Overflow discussion
You need to familiarize yourself with Auto Layout:
Auto Layout dynamically calculates the size and position of all the
views in your view hierarchy, based on constraints placed on those
Just give top, left and right constraints and make label's numberOfLines to 0. That's it. Label's height will resize automatically.
