I tried integrating Paytm iOS SDK 2.1. Always give me the error -
ld: library not found for -lPaymentsSDK
I added the libPaymentsSDK.a to my frameworks and all the 5 files under include folder to my project. Is there any other step?
The documentation of adding the SDK is not there at all. Only steps for integrating are there. If anyone is using the SDK please help me with this issue.
So apparently the Paytm SDK uses Apple's reachability and it was interfering with the Reachability I was using. So I changed the name of the class of the Reachability(Non Apple one) I was using.
I need to integrate eSewa payment gateway into my app. As such I have gone through several blogs but did not found it helpful. I could not found pod files also. if I go with SDK then I will get compiler 5.1 error?
There is no pod for eSewa. You have to download the SDK as zip, drag and drop it on your project as it says on their documentation.
iOS Documentation
I found when installing the Facebook SDK with cocoapods that there were several errors in my Xcode project. Upon research I found that this is because the SDK for Swift hasn't been update in a while.
Can someone tell me the best way to implement the Facebook SDK into my Swift application so I can use Facebook Login?
Although the errors are still present in Xcode, they do not affect the overall functionality of the program. Therefore, it is okay to simply ignore the errors and hopefully the Facebook SDK will be updated soon.
I am using Google Analytics (version 3.15) for iOS app. my app also supports iOS 7 devices. So whenever I am trying to build the app using xcode 6.3 I am gettinbg below kind of errors,
/Volumes/Projects/Projects/inMyDIARY 5.0/inmyDIARY/inmyDIARY/libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(TAGHit.o)
/Volumes/Projects/Projects/inMyDIARY 5.0/inmyDIARY/inmyDIARY/libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(TAGPValueHash.o)
ld: 226 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64
can anyone have idea how to resolve it?
I read some details about Google Analytics iOS SDK on official website and I have seen this
As of version 3.14 Google Analytics supports bitcode, which may cause compiler errors under Xcode 6. If you are still using Xcode 6 consider downloading v3.13.
Apart from that if you want simply want to ignore dependcy related Google Analytics using Cocoapods.
You can also go through official link link for more details.
I've downloaded the latest AWS iOS SDK and added several frameworks (without copy) manually into my project.
Without further ado I got errors with a simple build:
Here's my architecture settings:
Since I understand none of the errors...
any advice would be appreciated.
You should follow the Set Up the SDK for iOS section of AWS Mobile SDK for iOS Developer Guide. You are not linking libsqlite3.dylib, libz.dylib, and SystemConfiguration.framework.
Try using this parameters:
Then, it is a good practice using cocoapods. AWS github has a great guide on how to implement their libraries (check the link):
Amazon Web Services SDK iOS Github
I am an android developer. I have a problem by using Fabric SDK for android.
I tried to integrate Twitter-Kit for my own implemented application.
My application android build version is Android 2.3.3 (Api level 10).
After adding kit-libs to my project i am getting compilation error because of some theme and resources are missed.
I figured out the root cause for the issues.
That is because of kit-libs android jars required android build version Android 5.0 (Api level 21).
So some of the resources are missed when i integrated the kit-libs to my own project which is supporting from android api level 10.
Please suggest me how can i use this Twitter-Kit( kit-libs) for my application which is build on android api level 10.
I am suspecting the issue with supporting libraries are mismatched in my application and integrated fabric twitter kit library apps.
Please let me know how can i check the problem with supporting lib's are not.
Please find the attached screen for my problem.
Finally i got answer for my question.
Root cause:
It is the problem when i integrate Fabric Twitter Kit into my application.
Some mismatch happen for my application targetSdkVersion and twitter library projects targetSdkVersion.
While integrating twitter the following property manifestmerger.enabled=true was added in my project.properties file. Because of this property my application is mismatching targetSdkVersion.
Just commented manifestmerger.enabled=true in project.properties file.
Make sure is there any dependencies with that property before you are going to make comment out(or remove). For me it was added after integrating twitter kit for my android application.