How we can transform image from plane to vector? - opencv

I'm new in Computer Vision, but I'm want to discover this domain.
Now I learn how to detect spatial-temporal interest points. To this, I've read this article of Ivan Laptev.
So, I stuck on transformation image from R2(plane) to R1(vector). (in this article paragraph 2.1 in the start):
In the spatial domain, we can model an image f(sp):R^2->R its linear scale-space representation (Witkin, 1983; Koenderink and van Doorn, 1992;
Lindeberg, 1994; Florack, 1997) 2
I don't understand, how we get 1(image from R^2, R)
Can somebody give good article about this, or explain by himself?
As I understand, we use convolution with Gaussian kernel to this. But, after convolution we get also image R^2.

If you model your image as a function f(x,y) you pass values in R^2 (one dimension for each, x and one for y). And you get a one dimensional output (scalar) for each pair of x and y, right? Just stupid math:-)

The paragraph just state that the function operates on a neighborhood in R^2 and returns a scalar. This is true for a Gaussian it takes a neighborhood around a point and returns a scalar which is a weighted sum of the pixels in the neighborhood as a function of there location in relation to the center of the neighborhood.


K-means++ clustering Algorithm

The algorithm for the K-means++ is:
Take one centroid c(i), chosen uniformly at random from the dataset.
Take a new Centroid c(i), choosing an instance x(i) from the dataset with the probability
D(X(i))^2/Sum(D(X(j))^2) from j=1 to m, where D(X(i)) is the distance between the instance and the closest centroid which is selected.
What is this parameter m used in the summation of the probability?
It might have been helpful to see the original formulation, but the algorithm is quite clear: during the initialization phase, for each point not used as a centroid, calculate the distance between said point and the nearest centroid, that will be the distance D(X[i]), the pick a random point in this set of points with probability weighted with D(X[i])^2
In your formulation it seems you got m points unused.

How to calculate correlation of colours in a dataset?

In this Distill article ( in footnote 8 authors write:
The Fourier transforms decorrelates spatially, but a correlation will still exist
between colors. To address this, we explicitly measure the correlation between colors
in the training set and use a Cholesky decomposition to decorrelate them.
I have trouble understanding how to do that. I understand that for an arbitrary image I can calculate a correlation matrix by interpreting the image's shape as [channels, width*height] instead of [channels, height, width]. But how to take the whole dataset into account? It can be averaged over, but that doesn't have anything to do with Cholesky decomposition.
Inspecting the code confuses me even more ( There's no code for calculating correlations, but there's a hard-coded version of the matrix (and the decorrelation happens by matrix multiplication with this matrix). The matrix is named color_correlation_svd_sqrt, which has svd inside of it, and SVD wasn't mentioned anywhere else. Also the matrix there is non-triangular, which means that it hasn't come from the Cholesky decomposition.
Clarifications on any points I've mentioned would be greatly appreciated.
I figured out the answer to your question here: How to calculate the 3x3 covariance matrix for RGB values across an image dataset?
In short, you calculate the RGB covariance matrix for the image dataset and then do the following calculations
U,S,V = torch.svd(dataset_rgb_cov_matrix)
epsilon = 1e-10
svd_sqrt = U # torch.diag(torch.sqrt(S + epsilon))

Explain difference between opencv's template matching methods in non-mathematical way

I'm trying to use opencv to find some template in images. While opencv has several template matching methods, I have big trouble to understand the difference and when to use which by looking at their mathematic equization:
Can someone explain the major difference between all these method in a non-mathematical way?
The general idea of template matching is to give each location in the target image I, a similarity measure, or score, for the given template T. The output of this process is the image R.
Each element in R is computed from the template, which spans over the ranges of x' and y', and a window in I of the same size.
Now, you have two windows and you want to know how similar they are:
CV_TM_SQDIFF - Sum of Square Differences (or SSD):
Simple euclidian distance (squared):
Take every pair of pixels and subtract
Square the difference
Sum all the squares
This is rarely used in practice, but the normalization part is similar in the next methods.
The nominator term is same as above, but divided by a factor, computed from the
- square root of the product of:
sum of the template, squared
sum of the image window, squared
CV_TM_CCORR - Cross Correlation
Basically, this is a dot product:
Take every pair of pixels and multiply
Sum all products
CV_TM_CCOEFF - Cross Coefficient
Similar to Cross Correlation, but normalized with their Covariances (which I find hard to explain without math. But I would refer to
or mathworks
for some examples

How can I estimate the probability of a partial state from a Kalman filter?

I have a Kalman filter tracking a point, with a state vector (x, y, dx/dt, dy/dt).
At a given update, I have a set of candidate points which may correspond to the tracked points. I would like to iterate through these candidates and choose the one most likely to correspond to the tracked point, but only if the probability of that point corresponding to the tracked point is greater than a threshold (e.g. p > 0.5).
Therefore I need to use the covariance and state matrices of the filter to estimate this probability. How can I do this?
Additionally, note that my state vector is four dimensions, but the measurements are in two dimensions (x, y).
When you predict the measurements with y = Hx you also compute the covariance of y as H*P*H.T. This property is why we use variance in the Kalman Filter.
The geometrical way to understand how far a given point is from your predicted point is a error ellipse or confidence region. A 95% confidence region is the ellipse scaled to 2*sigma (if that isn't intuitive, you should go read about normal distributions, because that is what the KF thinks it is working on). If the covariance is diagonal, the error ellipse will be axis aligned. If there are co-varying terms (which there may not be if you have not introduced them anywhere via Q or R) then the ellipse will be tilted.
The mathematical way is with the Mahalanobis distance, which just directly formulates the geometrical representation above as a distance. The distance scale is standard deviations, so your P=0.5 corresponds to a distance of 0.67 (again, see normal distributions if this is surprising).
The most probable point (I suppose from detections) will be the nearest point to filter prediction.

SIFT matches and recognition?

I am developing an application where I am using SIFT + RANSAC and Homography to find an object (OpenCV C++,Java). The problem I am facing is that where there are many outliers RANSAC performs poorly.
For this reasons I would like to try what the author of SIFT said to be pretty good: voting.
I have read that we should vote in a 4 dimension feature space, where the 4 dimensions are:
Location [x, y] (someone says Traslation)
While with opencv is easy to get the match scale and orientation with:
I am having hard time to understand how I can calculate the location.
I have found an interesting slide where with only one match we are able to draw a bounding box:
But I don't get how I could draw that bounding box with just one match. Any help?
You are looking for the largest set of matched features that fit a geometric transformation from image 1 to image 2. In this case, it is the similarity transformation, which has 4 parameters: translation (dx, dy), scale change ds, and rotation d_theta.
Let's say you have matched to features: f1 from image 1 and f2 from image 2. Let (x1,y1) be the location of f1 in image 1, let s1 be its scale, and let theta1 be it's orientation. Similarly you have (x2,y2), s2, and theta2 for f2.
The translation between two features is (dx,dy) = (x2-x1, y2-y1).
The scale change between two features is ds = s2 / s1.
The rotation between two features is d_theta = theta2 - theta1.
So, dx, dy, ds, and d_theta are the dimensions of your Hough space. Each bin corresponds to a similarity transformation.
Once you have performed Hough voting, and found the maximum bin, that bin gives you a transformation from image 1 to image 2. One thing you can do is take the bounding box of image 1 and transform it using that transformation: apply the corresponding translation, rotation and scaling to the corners of the image. Typically, you pack the parameters into a transformation matrix, and use homogeneous coordinates. This will give you the bounding box in image 2 corresponding to the object you've detected.
When using the Hough transform, you create a signature storing the displacement vectors of every feature from the template centroid (either (w/2,h/2) or with the help of central moments).
E.g. for 10 SIFT features found on the template, their relative positions according to template's centroid is a vector<{a,b}>. Now, let's search for this object in a query image: every SIFT feature found in the query image, matched with one of template's 10, casts a vote to its corresponding centroid.
votemap(feature.x - a*, feature.y - b*)+=1 where a,b corresponds to this particular feature vector.
If some of those features cast successfully at the same point (clustering is essential), you have found an object instance.
Signature and voting are reverse procedures. Let's assume V=(-20,-10). So during searching in the novel image, when the two matches are found, we detect their orientation and size and cast a respective vote. E.g. for the right box centroid will be V'=(+20*0.5*cos(-10),+10*0.5*sin(-10)) away from the SIFT feature because it is in half size and rotated by -10 degrees.
To complete Dima's , one needs to add that the 4D Hough space is quantized into a (possibly small) number of 4D boxes, where each box corresponds to the simiƩarity given by its center.
Then, for each possible similarity obtained via a tentative matching of features, add 1 into the corresponding box (or cell) in the 4D space. The output similarity is given by the cell with the more votes.
In order to computethe transform from 1 match, just use Dima's formulas in his answer. For several pairs of matches, you may need to use some least squares fit.
Finally, the transform can be applied with the function cv::warpPerspective(), where the third line of the perspective matrix is set to [0,0,1].
