What is a less verbose way to repeatedly pop() items from a vector? - stack

When using a vector as a stack (storing states which are pushed and popped).
while stack.len() != 0 {
let state = stack.pop().unwrap();
// ... optionally push other states onto the stack.
Is there a less verbose way to do this in Rust?

You can use the fact that pop() returns an Option<T> and match on that using a while let loop:
while let Some(state) = stack.pop() {
// ... fine to call stack.push() here
The while let desugars to something like the following:
loop {
match stack.pop() {
Some(state) => {
// ... fine to call stack.push() here
_ => break

Just to offer an alternative approach, you can also use the drain method to remove elements and give them to you in an Iterator.
stack.drain(..).map(|element| ...and so on
for element in stack.drain(..) {
//do stuff
You can also provide a RangeArgument if you only want to remove a certain range of elements. This can be provided in the form of <start-inclusive>..<end-exclusive>. Both the start and end of the range argument are optional and just default to the start of end of the vector, so calling drain(..) just drains the entire vector, while drain(2..) would leave the first 2 elements in place and just drain the rest.


How do I iterate over a HashSet while simultaneously updating it in Rust?

In most languages, iterating over a container while simultaneously mutating it is a glaring anti-pattern. In Rust, the borrow checker makes it impossible.
But there are cases where this is needed. An example is Earley's algorithm for parsing. I'm new to Rust and I'm not aware of a known good way to iterate over a HashSet (or in fact any container) while extending it. I came up with the following (generalized from the Earley use case):
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn extend_from_within<T, F>(original: &mut HashSet<T>, process: F)
where T: std::cmp::Eq,
T: std::hash::Hash,
F: Fn(&T) -> Set<T>
let mut curr : HashSet<T> = HashSet::new(); // Items currently being processed
let mut next : HashSet<T> = HashSet::new(); // New items
// go over the original set once
let hack : &HashSet<T> = original; // &mut HashSet is not an iterator
for x in hack {
for y in process(x) {
if !original.contains(&y) {
// Process and extend until no new items emerge
while !curr.is_empty() {
for x in &curr {
for y in process(x) {
// make sure that no item is processed twice
// the check on original is redundant, but might save space
if !curr.contains(&y) && !original.contains(&y) {
std::mem::swap(&mut curr, &mut next);
As you see, any call to process can yield multiple items. They are all added to the set and all of them have to be processed as well, but only if they haven't been seen. This works well enough. But keeping up to 4 sets, doing 3 checks for membership on each item (one of them twice on the original array) seems ridiculous for this problem. Is there a better way?
I'm not aware of a known good way to iterate over a HashSet (or in fact any Container) while extending it
I think there's mostly three patterns for handling modifications while iterating over HashMaps/HashSets:
Collecting the modifications into a Vec and applying them after the iteration
draining the HashSet and collecting into a new one
retain, but that's for deletions only
But your case is special anyway, you want to saturate your set with process, right?
Is there a better way?
In this case, I might go for
let mut todo = original.iter().map(Clone::clone).collect::<VecDeque<T>>();
while let Some(x) = todo.pop_front() {
for x in process(&x) {
if original.insert(x.clone()) {
The VecDeque is probably not necessary (a normal Vec would do), unless you have some requirement on the order of processing elements. Cache-wise, a Vec may be better.
One could avoid the clones by instead keeping the Set result of process(x) in todo. Without knowing what Set and T are, I can't say which is better. If the result of process is often empty, this would also allow to filter out empties before pushing them onto todo.
[Edit:] Another variant may be to
let mut todo = original
.filter(|x| !original.contains(x))
todo.iter().for_each(|x| {
// while let …
This might allocate less, but cause more hash map accesses / cache misses. Finding which variant is more efficient really requires benchmarking.

Return/break out of infinite foreach in kotlin

For class I have to make a program that calculates the birthday problem
Now I'm having trying to learn kotlin at the same time and I'm having trouble with a little snippet of code:
val checkSet = mutableSetOf<Int>()
generateSequence{ Random.nextInt(n)}.forEach {
if(!checkSet.add(it)) {
sum += checkSet.size
As you can see I'm trying to do this with an infinite sequence. Kotlin doesn't accept this as outForeach is an unresolved reference. But this doesn't work either:
val checkSet = mutableSetOf<Int>()
generateSequence{ Random.nextInt(n)}.forEach {
if(!checkSet.add(it)) {
sum += checkSet.size
This will just start the forEach loop again. Is there a way to implement something as a forEachUntil or so?
p.s. I'm aware that this looks a lot like this question: 'return' doesn't jump out of forEach in Kotlin It's just that I don't really get the answers and I don't know if its applicable here. Also a way to implement forEachUntil seems for me to be far more elegant
Alternatives you may want to consider instead of first:
using a simple while without body:
while (checkSet.add(Random.nextInt(n))); // <- that semicolon is required! otherwise you execute what is coming next within the while
using run with a label:
run outForeach#{
generateSequence{ Random.nextInt(n)}.forEach {
if(!checkSet.add(it)) {
maybe also takeWhile might be helpful. In this specific case however it is surely not (as it would check against the checkSet and leave us with a sequence that isn't consumed... but if the condition would be different, it may make sense to consider something like take, takeWhile, takeLast, etc.):
generateSequence { Random.nextInt(n) }
.takeWhile(checkSet::add) // as said: for this specific condition it doesn't make sense...
.forEach { /* do nothing except consume the sequence */ } // the same values you added to the set would be available in this step of course
I think I found the solution myself:
val checkSet = mutableSetOf<Int>()
generateSequence{ Random.nextInt(n)}.first { !checkSet.add(it) }
sum += checkSet.size
Basically use the function first() and keep returning false until you want to get out of the loop. And just drop the return of the function first()

How can I transform a signal with errors into a NoError one with ReactiveSwift? (and be elegant)

What is the most elegant way to transform my ReactiveSwift's SignalProducer<A, NetworkError> into a Signal<A, NoError>?
Most of the time, my signal producer is the result of a network call, so I want to split the results into two cases:
if a value is available, send a Signal<A, NoError>
if an error happened, send a Signal<String, NoError> with the error's localized description
(why? because i'm trying to be as MVVM as possible)
So far, I end up writing a lot of boilerplate like the following:
let resultsProperty = MutableProperty<SearchResults?>(nil)
let alertMessageProperty = MutableProperty<String?>(nil)
let results = resultsProperty.signal // `Signal<SearchResults?, NoError>`
let alertMessage = alertMessageProperty.signal // `Signal<String?, NoError>`
// ...
searchStrings.flatMap(.latest) { string -> SignalProducer<SearchResults, NetworkError> in
return MyService.search(string)
.observe { event in
switch event {
case let .value(results):
resultsProperty.value = results
case let .failed(error):
alertMessageProperty.value = error
case .completed, .interrupted:
using MutableProperty instances, that I have to set as optional to be able to initialize them
creating signals from those, ie getting a signal sending optionals as well
it feels dirty and makes the code so intertwined it kind of ruins the point of being reactive
Any help on (A) keeping my signals non optional and (B) splitting them into 2 NoError signals elegantly would be greatly appreciated.
Edit - Second Attempt
I will try to answer all your questions / comments here.
The errors = part doesn't work as flatMapError expects a SignalProducer (ie your sample code works just because searchStrings is a Signal string, which coincidently is the same as the one we want for errors: it does not work for any other kind of input)
You are correct, this is because flatMapError does not change the value type. (Its signature is func flatMapError<F>(_ transform: #escaping (Error) -> SignalProducer<Value, F>) -> SignalProducer<Value, F>). You could add another call to map after this if you need to change it into another value type.
the results = part behaves weirdly as it terminates the signal as soon as an error is met (which is a behavior I don't want) in my real-life scenario
Yes, this is because the flatMap(.latest) forwards all errors to the outer signal, and any error on the outer signal will terminate it.
Okay so here's an updated version of the code, with the extra requirements that
errors should have different type than searchStrings, let's say Int
Any error from MyService.search($0) will not terminate the flow
I think the easiest way to tackle both these issues is with the use of materialize(). What it does is basically "wrap" all signal events (new value, error, termination) into a Event object, and then forward this object in the signal. So it will transform a signal of type Signal<A, Error> into a Signal<Event<A, Error>, NoError> (you can see that the returned signal does not have an error anymore, since it is wrapped in the Event).
What it means in our case is that you can use that to easily prevent signals from terminating after emitting errors. If the error is wrapped inside an Event, then it will not automatically terminate the signal who sends it. (Actually, only the signal calling materialize() completes, but we will wrap it inside the flatMap so the outer one should not complete.)
Here's how it looks like:
// Again, I assume this is what you get from the user
let searchStrings: Signal<String, NoError>
// Keep your flatMap
let searchResults = searchStrings.flatMap(.latest) {
// Except this time, we wrap the events with `materialize()`
return MyService.search($0).materialize()
// Now Since `searchResults` is already `NoError` you can simply
// use `filterMap` to filter out the events that are not `.value`
results = searchResults.filterMap { (event) in
// `event.value` will return `nil` for all `Event`
// except `.value(T)` where it returns the wrapped value
return event.value
// Same thing for errors
errors = searchResults.filterMap { (event) in
// `event.error` will return `nil` for all `Event`
// except `.failure(Error)` where it returns the wrapped error
// Here I use `underestimatedCount` to have a mapping to Int
return event.error?.map { (error) in
// Whatever your error mapping is, you can return any type here
Let me know if that helps! I actually think it looks better than the first attempt :)
First Attempt
Do you need to access the state of you viewModel or are you trying to go full state-less? If state-less, you don't need any properties, and you can just do
// I assume this is what you get from the user
let searchStrings: Signal<String, NoError>
// Keep your flatMap
let searchResults = searchStrings.flatMap(.latest) {
return MyService.search($0)
// Use flatMapError to remove the error for the values
results = searchResults.flatMapError { .empty }
// Use flatMap to remove the values and keep the errors
errors = searchResults.filter { true }.flatMapError { (error) in
// Whatever you mapping from error to string is, put it inside
// a SignalProducer(value:)
return SignalProducer(value: error.localizedDescription)

run function depending on passed integer in swift

I want to run different functions depending on selected level Integer
so if selected level is 1 then runfunc1(), if 2 then runfunc2()...
I know this is possible using if else
if levelselected == 1 {
} else if levelseletecd == 2 {
// ... and so on
Is there any better way than this, perhaps something like this
runfunc%i(),levelselected // I know its not correct but something similar
I dont want to write new code for every level, so any better way?
You can use something like:
var levelSelected = 0 //
var selector = Selector("runFunc\(levelSelected)")
if self.respondsToSelector(selector) {
NSThread.detachNewThreadSelector(selector, toTarget: self, withObject: nil)
You could have an array or dictionary of functions. A dictionary might be nicer since the logic for checking if the level is valid is a lot simpler:
let funcs = [1: runfunc1, 2: runfunc2]
if let funcToRun = funcs[levelselected] {
However, you won't be able to easily dynamically build a function name from strings and numbers without using #objc functionality.
(except in the sense that you could make the key to the dictionary a string of the function name, but you still have to build the dictionary using actual function names determined at compile time)
That said, you can add to the funcs variable from elsewhere in the code so it does mean to can "hook up" new levels without changing this dispatching logic.
Not the exact solution you are looking for but this can make it easier :
Declare an array of the desired functions:
var levelFunctions: [()->()] = [runfunc1, runfunc2, runfunc3]
This syntax declares an array of functions that have zero argument and return nothing. You initialize this array with the required function names and then execute the desired function using the levelselected variable:
levelFunctions[levelselected]() // Or levelselected-1 if the variable is not zero-based
As Airspeed Velocity mentioned in the comment and his answer you should make sure the level is in the array bounds.
I prefer to create a function, for example runFuncFromLevel::Int -> (() -> Void). runFuncFromLevel return a proper function that you need.
func runFuncFromLevel(level: Int) -> () -> Void
switch level
case 1: return runfunc1
case 2: return runfunc2
default: return {}

What is the recommended way to break out of a block or stop the enumeration?

So, I just realize that break is only for loop or switch.
Here's my question: Is there a recommended way to break out of a block? For example:
func getContentFrom(group: ALAssetsGroup, withAssetFilter: ALAssetsFilter) {
group.enumerateAssetsUsingBlock { (result, index , stop) -> Void in
//I want to get out when I find the value because result contains 800++ elements
Right now, I am using return but I am not sure if this is recommended. Is there other ways? Thanks folks.
return is fine, block concept is similar to function, so returning is okay.
If you want to stop the current iteration of the enumeration, simply return.
But you say:
I want to get out when I find the value because result contains 800++ elements
So, that means that you want to completely stop the enumeration when you find the one you want. In that case, set the boolean value that the pointer points to. Or, a better name for that third parameter would be stop, e.g.:
func getContentFrom(group: ALAssetsGroup, withAssetFilter: ALAssetsFilter) {
group.enumerateAssetsUsingBlock() { result, index, stop in
let found: Bool = ...
if found {
//I want to get out when I find the value because result contains 800++ elements
stop.memory = true
