iOS Sharing Extension app icon not changed to new - ios

I have changed the appicon in xcode project. But My sharing extension keeps showing old one. When I delete appicon files then it shows nothing but when I add again it shows me old one.
By the way it shows correct in the simulator but not in device

Try to delete app, reboot device and install again. It's work for me.
As I understand, iOS save app icon and launch screen to cache after first app running and load it from cache until rebooting.


iOS app showing old app icon even after change

I am changing app icon for my app and had below issue.
Even though I changed app icon still at times when I quit the app the animation shows old app icon and then transforms to new app icon. And also in Siri suggestion I still see old app icon. Will this be there even after app release or is it just a issue with running through Xcode. Is there anyway I can remove this app icon caching? I tried deleting old app and restarting device and then installing new app that solves this issue, but actual users won’t be doing this. Can anyone suggest any solution for this issue?
I am using Xcode 11 and I am on iOS 13.
Clean build and delete derived data, and that should take care of your issue. But users downloading app from App Store will not experience this issue.
1) Product > Clean build folder
2) XCode > Preferences > Locations > click on arrow for derived data
The iOS Springboard caches the app icon. So as soon as you change the app icon it won’t reflect in Siri suggestions and few app quit animation may still show old app icon. Gradually as user starts using the app with new logo and when iOS springboard caches the app icon again it will start showing the new app icon. So, don’t worry gradually all your users will start seeing the new app icon.

Old Launch Screen and black display after iOS app update

I made an iOS app with Xcode and Swift. In v2, I also updated Launch Screen and Launch Images.
I first installed v1 of my app from the App Store. When the new, v2, was available from the App Store I updated my app on my devices. That's an iPhone 5s with the newest iOS and an iPhone 7 Plus with the newest iOS.
After updating my app on the iPhone 7 Plus it still showed up the old Launch Screen. Restart didn't help. I had to delete and reinstall the app to get the new Launch Screen shown up.
On iPhone 5s I didn't get any Launch Screen or Launch Image, I got a black screen for the time the Launch Screen shot get shown. I deleted and reinstalled the app. That didn't help. I also had to restart the device after reinstalling the app to get the right v2 Launch Screen.
Why that strange behavior? What can I do? I cannot ask my users to reinstall the app and restart the devices.
After updating the Launch image, delete the application cache which is stored in DerivedData folder.
If you are using xib or storyboard for displaying LaunchScreen move the images into an asset catalog, rather than using the png filenames.
The only workaround that works for me was to add the images outside Images.xcassets folder. After modified this and rebuild the app, it worked expected.

iOS launch screen does not update

I've updated launch screen on an enterprise app, but it won't update when installed on an iPad with the existing app. I've tried completely deleting the app before installing a new version, but it still launches with the old launch screen image.
I've tried installing the new app on another iPad where this app was never installed and the new launch screen appears as expected. Both iPads run the same iOS v9. The app was built with xCode 7.2
In summary I've tried the following scenarios:
updating existing app (version 1) on iPad A - with a new app (version 2)
iPad A, loads the new app v2 with launch screen from version 1
installed new app (version 2) on iPad B, which never had this app.
iPad B, loads the new app v2 with correct launch screen
then I installed old app version 1 on iPad B
iPad B, now loads the old app v1 with launch screen from version 2
It seems the iPad somehow caches the launch screen from the very fist install regardless which version it is. Deleting the app and reinstalling does not seem to help and it does not look code related as the correct launch screen images was loaded on iPad B
I just had this problem and i found that deleting the app off the device or simulator, then restarting the device or simulator seems to fix the issue.
I found just restarting the device didn't work.
I had tried many kinds of solutions and restart your iPhone is the only way.
In xcode, under Assets.xcassets, I clicked on LaunchImage and then unchecked Universal, checked iPhone, unchecked iPhone, and checked Universal again. Then ran build and it cleared the old image.
Simulators and iPhone caches the launch images.
this can help you
1>Clear the derived data under your developer/xcode folder
2>reset the device by pressing home button and lock button at same time
3>Push your code to device and it will work, if this doesnt work then creat ipa file and install using itunes after resetting the device and it will show the new launch images
The answer by Steve still holds as of iOS 13.2.3, but I wanted to add a few more items just to back up this point that otherwise exceed the restrictions of a comment.
For starters, I did delete the app, restart the device, etc but because this issue occurs when a user updates through the app store, those fixes are simply not viable.
Then, I decided to take more drastic actions within the app to try and remedy this. These actions were taken with TestFlight builds.
In my particular case, the problem stems from a version string that misrepresents the installed version.
Step 1 then was to simply remove the UILabel in question. Re-running the app would still cause the label to appear in the app.
Step 2 then was to create an entirely new LaunchScreen storyboard and set it as seen here:
Launching the app still presents the old launch screen.
This leads me to believe that something in the project structure is the source of the caching, and no reasonable changes to the LaunchScreen by the developer are going to get around this.
The app has been released to the Appstore, and using the official store release, the app presents the correct launch screen.
Again, thanks to the thread I have referenced above I found a way to solve this issue - name your new image differently from the one there was before in case your new one has the same name as the old one and put it out of the *.xcassets folder to the project directory and reference it in your UIImageView. And that's it.
Just delete app from simulated iPhone home screen.
On iPhone 11 Max version 2-finger click and drag up from outer margin of the iPhone which will bring you to the home screen and exit your simulated app.
Then 2-finger click and hold your app, delete app and close simulator.
Open Xcode and click play button to run your simulation and the launch screen should be updated.
P.S. Deleting Xcode cache and derived data couldn't hurt.
See Rambo's post about the issue. At least on iOS 13 you can clear this cache yourself:
import UIKit
public extension UIApplication {
func clearLaunchScreenCache() {
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: NSHomeDirectory()+"/Library/SplashBoard")
} catch {
print("Failed to delete launch screen cache: \(error)")

Apple Watch notifications - icon not showing

I have an app I'm developing. But when my iphone is locked and the push notification goes to the iwatch it doesn't show my app icon. Rather it shows the default app icon. I tried adding the watch app icons to the App Icon file. but it still only shows the default icon when the push notification goes to the iwatch.
Are you sure you put them in the AppIcon in the images.xcassets folder in the WatchKit App target? There are 8 sizes you'll need to supply.
Be sure all the image in the xcassets are in the correct dimension in pixels (be sure no warnings from Xcode). After change or add images in my App I removed the App from iPhone and Watch and reinstall all. Then all icons were OK.
You need to add AppIcon in "WatchKit" Assets.xcassets file. Then remove your old build and install new one. Now you can see app icon.
I had same problem...
All images and assets were correctly in place
I even did a clean build, deleted the watch app and reinstalled it (via Xcode debugger sequence)
But: The app icon still would not show up in the listing or glance
Note..important clue, the icon WOULD show up if I use the simulator.
Fix: After installing the latest and greatest update, REBOOT THE WATCH.
i.e. I held the side button until the Apple Icon reboots
Voila..the icon now appears correctly..go figure..

How can I re-enable the letterbox mode using the iPhone 5 and Xcode 4.5.2 without deleting the app?

I'd like to re-enable the letterbox mode on the iPhone 5 for my app. Using Xcode 4.5.2 and building an app for iPhone 5, I generated an 1136x640 launch image and it was named Default-568h#2x.png. I have sinced removed the launch screen and in the project summary the space for that image is empty. Also, I have removed any instances I found within the project folder. However, my app continues to be displayed using the full screen on the iPhone 5 and what I want is to be able to use the letterbox mode again. I believe this can be accomplished by deleting the app, but how can I re-enable the letterbox mode using the iPhone 5 and Xcode 4.5.2 without deleting the app from the phone?
Tap 'Product'->'Clean' in Xcode and remove the application from your phone. Then rebuild your project and there shouldn't be any cached version of the Default-568h#2x.png anywhere.
Have you tried deleting the app from the device and redeploying it? I have had issues with icon files etc not being refreshed unless the app is removed and freshly deployed.
Alternatively you can connect your iPhone and open organiser. Select the device and app and hit 'Download'.
Then add the archive you just saved back to your project. Then go to the Project Scheme Drop Down Edit Schemes>Run and select the app data package.
Redeploy your app from scratch and it will contain the saved state.
I had the same problem.
I disconnected my iPhone, removed the App from the iPhone's installed Apps, did a Project Clean in XCode, reconnected the iPhone and did a full build and redeploy to the iPhone.
Success! Letterboxing!
