Eloqua- Update/Delete bulk campaigns using API - eloqua

There are so many outdated information on Eloqua Bulk and REST API.However, I have found a resource which seems to be the latest one:
I have retrieved a list of campaigns using REST API.Here is what I am trying to accomplish using REST or Bulk API: I have to retrieve a list of campaigns matching certain criteria and then make changes to a field in all campaigns, then update the list of Campaigns using BULK or REST API.
is it possible to update the list of Campaigns using Bulk or REST API?Can I delete the list of Campaigns using Bulk or REST API?

Campaigns are not exposed in the bulk API. You'll have to use the rest API and there's no support for batch updates or deletes.

I agree, the REST/Bulk documentation is weak.
Unfortunately, you can not update the list. Why ?
Bulk API:
is designed to act on primitive data (contact, account, CO, and his own metadata aka imports/exports/syncs)
Campaigns are complex data, so they are not exposed in Bulk.
Give you access to the list of all campaigns (good news right ?)
Data can be modified in REST but only one by one
REST is not designed for mass update. Even for contacts !
The answer is no: you can not update the list of campaigns using Bulk or REST API (not without using a program doing iteration for you).


Retrieve contact list name and members via Graph API

I'm trying to retrieve "contact lists" (distribution lists) from a Microsoft 365 account using the Graph API and direct http calls. Right now I use this URL:
This does retrieve the various contacts I have, but not the names of any contact lists or their members. The "count" of items that is retrieved does include those contact lists but not their actual data.
I have tried the "people" and "groups" endpoints but those retrieve different information, not what I am looking for.
I know I can use EWS for this purpose, and I have, but I'm trying to convert my existing application to 100% Graph. I would appreciate any information, thanks.
I've sent a user voice requesting for this feature: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-developer-platform/fetch-contact-group-using-graph-api/idi-p/3262621
Do support if you think there's no feature currently available in Graph API to fetch contact list!

Wild Characters in MS Graph API when fetching all the users info

I'm trying to pull all the users' info from Microsoft Graph, when I do GET https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/, it doesn't pull manager, directReports, etc. For that, I'm making additional API calls to
/beta/users/xxxx#xxx.com/directReports and
Is there a way to use wildcard characters in the above, so that it fetches the directReports information for all the users? I don't want to make call for each user and method, as our Org is very big.
You can use the relationships to get these details.
For getting all users directReports you can use the below graph call.
See this document.

List all Airtable tables via API request

Given that user provided his API key, is there a way to retrieve a list of tables in user's AirTable account?
I do know there is a URL for API queries, with base and table encoded there. Also API docs include only info on how to work with a particular table.
My use case is to allow user to choose a table they want to work with.
Airtable now offers a Metadata Api, however access is limited and must be individually requested, at this time.
As part of our ongoing effort to make Airtable more and more extensible, we’re beginning to expand access to the Metadata API 360.
The metadata API gives you read-only access to a list of a user’s bases, as well as the specific schema of each base - things like what tables exist, what fields exist on those tables, etc.
Metadata Api Documentation
Enterprise API also offers endpoints capable of fetching Metadata.
This would be part of the metadata API which does not exist.
See this community post for some non-api workarounds.

Twitter API: get newly created accounts

I'm looking for a way to fetch the usernames of the most recently created accounts on Twitter, or alternatively search for accounts, filtered by join date.
There doesn't seem to be a built-in way of doing this in the Twitter API. Can anyone suggest an alternative method, or a way of using the API in a way that would achieve this?
I'm aiming to carry out similar research to this study, but I've only managed to estimate the average length of active accounts (by sampling live tweets via the Streaming API), as opposed to new accounts.
Many thanks, in advance!
There is no API which provides this data.
Furthermore, Twitter now uses non-sequential 64 bit IDs - so you can't just create a new user and increment their ID number.

How do I get all financial records related to a job using IPP v2

My company wants to integrate our app with Quickbooks using IPP v2 API. We would like to retrieve all financial records related to a job. I have been playing around with the API using the API explorer. I see that I have to retrieve the data separately using entities like Bill, Invoice, Journal, etc. However, I didn't seem to find a way to filter the data returned in those entities by job.
Currently, I have to query the entire Bill table for example and to look for JobId under ReimbursableInfo myself. It's not feasible since I have to do the same thing for other tables.
Am I missing something from here?
In docs, JobID is not mentioned as a filterable attribute.
Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0050_data_services/v2/0500_quickbooks_windows/0600_object_reference/bill#Retrieving_Bills_Using_a_Query_Filter
You need to do client side filtering.
For Invoice, you can use JobIdSet attribute.
Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0050_data_services/v2/0500_quickbooks_windows/0600_object_reference/invoice
