Youtube processing stuck at 95% - youtube

Well I'm trying to upload a video recorded with ffmpeg, but Youtube fail at processing it.
Here's the video information:
Here's the link

It turn's out that the problem in my case was the video stream and audio stream had differente lenghts. Always the video was shorter than the audio.
I had to use ffmpeg to make both streams with the same lenght.


Extract CMSampleBuffer from HLS video stream on iOS

How can I save what AVPlayer is currently playing (both video and audio) from Live HLS stream?
I know how to load and play m3u8 video file using AVPlayer.
Please note that the HLS stream is live and not Video on demand so cannot use AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask In the perfect scenario will get CMSampleBuffer objects which can save to file easily. Also AVPlayerItemOutput is not entirely an option because I am unable to see how will get the audio channel.
Seems not possible with the current SDK. I've implemented it using ffmpeg

Playing only audio from an HLS video stream when not connected to WiFi using Daily Motion's hls.js

This question is in regards to DailyMotion's hls.js API
My goal is to save on data usage when not connected to WiFi by playing only the audio portion of a HLS video stream.
I have looked at similar questions for other APIs but have not found anything relevant to the hls.js API.
I tested my live stream HLS file on your demo page. It identified 1 audio track and displayed it in the Audio Track Controls. At the bottom of this post I am including the format of my HLS file with identifying info changed.
Will the hsl.js API allow me to force the playback to only audio once I have identified the lack of a WiFi connection? What setting or command would I use to do that? Alternatively, can I force playback to the lowest resolution?
HLS File Format:

Fast uploading video and play without buffering video from URL

In my Application I'm capturing 10 second of video and upload to server by FTP and Other user can watch this video by URL(s) from web service response.
As per my question I want to capture video with good quality with small size so It easy to upload video by FTP. Right now I'm using .mp4 video formate to upload video if anybody know best video formation that can increase uploading speed then guide me.
Second I'm getting all those uploaded video in the response of web service as a URL(s).
In response there are many URLs so I need to play video in queue means one-by-one and end user can do swipe left to move on NEXT video and swipe RIGHT to previous video. You can see my code here.
Every thing is working good but problem is take much time to upload and play (buffering time) video.
Please guide me on this points.
COMMENT : Get success in the compress video 20 MB to 1.6 MB so uploading speed bit increase and Right now working with AVQueuePlayer for play video in queue but some time stuck video to playing.
May you upload video using chunk data in base64 format.
This is faster then FTP video upload & also useful when your internet connection is lost same time when you upload video in sequence.
You can upload your files via SFTP, it is speed than FTP I think. Also your videos may bad performance with plays on http protocol.
You should follow this lines, I hope it will help you;
Upload video via SFTP or Amazon S3
Install to your server a stream engine like Wowza or Red5
Transcode video for mobile (Usually wowza makes auto)
Stream your videos over rtsp for android, hls (http) for ios
That its!
Good luck

Stream only audio track from mp4 file

I have a remote MP4 file that has video and sound. I want to only stream the audio track of the mp4 file. I don't need the video and want to decrease the internet usage in my app. I have no idea where to start with this, Google doesn't seem to help. Is this impossible? Any ideas?
You can't... If you want audio only, you need to split video / audio on the server or put a stream software (like vlc, ffmpeg or mplayer) who can re-encode file in realtime (so you can drop video for new stream)
It's better, for me, to process all files on server and extract audio track...

How to play an in downloading progress video file in IOS

I'm assigned to implement a iphone app that can download video files from a server, and to play that video while the video file is written to the disk; something likes
(Movie player)<--read--[###### iphone flaskdisk ######]<--write---(Downloader)
I know that I would use HTTP video streaming play a remote video stream, but what i need is the video file is saved in flask mem after playing.
Any suggestion?
If you know how to play a video from a URL, you can easily play the video while simultaneously download the video on another thread (if you are short on time)...
Alternatively, you can create your own video player that handles this function. Application sin the App Store do already do this (check out any video downloader application)
