Error in db2hpu procedure call - stored-procedures

Is there a solution to this problem in db2hpu call:
SQL0443N Routine "DB2INST1.DB2HPU" (specific name "SQL160823160100917") has
returned an error SQLSTATE with diagnostic text "Cannot Connect: rc =
0x25a7dd". SQLSTATE=38107
Thanks a lot

The "Cannot Connect: rc = ..." error is coming from HPU stored procedure, not DB2 itself.
It may be raised if the db2hpudm deamon is not able to start.
Verify that the HPU was correctly installed and that you have no warnings or error in the installation trace files under :


What is "Custom Program Error 0xa7" in anchor?

My Anchor program is giving me a Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 1: custom program error: 0xa7 with nothing useful in the logs.
How do I even begin to debug this?
Custom Program Error 0xa7 is Error: 167: The given account is not owned by the executing program.
This might happen if you pass in an account that's expected to be owned by a program, but isn't.
This can happen accidentally if you forget to set declare_id!(/* ... */) to the program id you're trying to hit.
Consider logging the program id that you're using in your javascript client:
And then seeing if that matches the public key that's in your target/idl/yourprogram.json file.

RdotNet error: The R engine is not in a working state

I am trying to use R-3.2.2 with RdotNet 1.6.5 embedded in a C# application.
I have started getting errors of the type:
Error at RDotNet.REngine.get_LastErrorMessage()
at RDotNet.REngine.Parse(String statement, StringBuilder incompleteStatement)
at RDotNet.REngine.<Defer>d__0.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.LastOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable'1 source)
at RDotNet.REngine.Evaluate(String statement)
System.Exception: Execution Failed with the following Errors:
Unable to retrieve an R error message. Evaluating 'geterrmessage()' fails. The R engine is not in a working state.*
Once I get this error, cannot use R without restarting the application. Sometime even that doesn't work.
Has anyone else seen this error?
A related question, are there any Windows VC++ runtime version requirements for RDotNet 1.6.5?

Exception Error, Erlang

This question is with reference to the question in the link:
"** exception error: undefined function add:addfunc/0 in Erlang "
I'm trying to execute a simple erlang program of adding two numbers. I'm trying to do this in Eclipse on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
When I execute this program, I'm getting the error as shown below:
addfunc() ->
6 + 5.
" ** exception error: undefined function add:addfunc/0 "
This program when executed in the erlang shell is working fine. But when it comes to eclipse it's giving me this error. Not this, any program for that matter is giving me the similar error. Guess I would be missing something about the eclipse configuration.
I haven't tested your code, but this very basic code should work.
The message says that your function does not exist.
Make sure that you have no errors at compile time.
Check whether your function is exported with:
the result should look alike this:

Ranap ErrorIndication

I am new to telecom domain
I am trying to encode and decode the ranap errorIndication message.
but the specification specifies that
Procedure Code is to be used
if Criticality Diagnostics is part
of Error Indication procedure,
and not within the response
message of the same
procedure that caused the
So if I include the procedure code of the failing message in the errorIndication message.Then the wireshark shows the errorIndication as the SACK of the failed message.
So I want to know how we can include the procedure code of the failing message in the errorIndication so that Wireshark should treat the message correctly.
Thanks in Advance.
A quick look at 3GPP TS 25.413 (RANAP signalling) shows that Criticality Diagnostics ( is part of the Error Indication message (9.1.41).
In section 8.27, the spec says
The Error Indication procedure is initiated by a node to report detected errors in one incoming message, provided they cannot be reported by an appropriate failure message.
The definition for Procedure Code that you quoted in the question, makes it clear that the Procedure Code refers to a message that is NOT being replied to with the Error Indication.
In the Error Indication (section 9.1.41), there is also no code that refers to the message that caused the Error Indication.
The Error Indication information elements are
Message Type
Criticality Diagnostics (includes the Procedure Code that is causing the error)
CN Domain indicator
Global RNC ID
Global CN ID
Extended RNC ID
So, my conclusion, based on your description, is that I think Wireshark may have interpreted the spec wrongly. Wireshark seems to be looking for a message to which the Error Indicator is a reply.
But the Procedure Code is only supposed to tell you which message caused the error and should be re-sent. It's not supposed to tell you that the Error Indicator is a reply to that particular message.
Apologies if I am slandering Wireshark - if anyone comes up with an answer that proves me wrong, I will happily delete this post. Maybe you should ask this question on the Wireshark forum. I couldn't see anything like the issue you describe among the questions there.

Diagnosing Worklight 6 SQL Adapter issue, JPA tracing

Worklight Studio 6, SQL adapter attempting connection to DB2 database.
Standard pattern for procedure
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement({
preparedStatement : listUnassignedWorkOrders,
parameters : []
When I invoke my procedure I see this error
[ERROR ] FWLSE0035E: Invocation of procedure 'SqlStatement' failed.
[project Infrabel01] Type 'Function' currently does not support
marshalling to JSON.
And the logs show
[err] 0 WorklightPU WARN [Scheduled Executor-thread-1]
openjpa.Runtime - An error occurred while registering a
ClassTransformer with PersistenceUnitInfo: name 'WorklightPU', root
The error has been consumed. To see it, set your openjpa.Runtime log
level to TRACE. Load-time class transformation will not be available.
How to diagnose? How would I set the trace level in worklight?
JPA docs say:
property name="openjpa.Log" value="DefaultLevel=WARN, Runtime=INFO,
But where to put that in worklight?
The WorklightPU WARN in the log is not relevant and has been removed in newer releases of Worklight.
For your actual issue, see the following developerWorks threads with the same issue that was resolved.
Type 'Function' currently does not support marshalling to JSON.
developerWorks thread #1
developerWorks thread #2
