How to access programmatically a tableview added with storyboard - ios

I added a tableview to my viewcontroller using the storyboard. What is actually happening behind the scenes? If a UITableview object gets created how can I access this object programmatically? What is the name of the instance? Is it a property of my viewcontroller object?
More specifically, what I need to do is force my tableview to refresh (from inside of my viewcontroller). I read in other posts that I should be able to do something like this [self.tableview reloadData]. I can't do this because my viewcontroller does not have a property called "tableview" (or anything similar)

Control + click and drag your tableView into your header file to create an IBOutlet
Set the delegate and data source by control click and drag from your table view to your view controller - make sure both dots are seen. Now
In the interface .h file add the delegate and datasource as such:
#interface HomeTableViewController : UIViewController
<UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>
Now your view controller should have access to the methods needed to use [self.tableView reloadData]

try this simple table view
and this work with custom tableview cell
try above tutorials and in your case to use [self.yourtablviewname reload]
you have to create an outlet of your table view and use it.

Remember that the storyboard defines a collection of objects which are created when you make an instance of say, a ViewController.
You are on the right track, you need to define variables in your view controller which are references to the objects in the storyboard. You mark them as IBOutlet in your code. You then 'connect' them to the objects in the storyboard. Right click on the viewcontroller in the storyboard and you will see the variables which have been designated as IBOutlet listed as 'outlets'. You can drag from the popup table to the objects in the storyboard to connect them. Now, when an ViewController is created, all the IBOutlet variables are set to point to the various objects (tables, text views etc) in the instance just created.
Remember that the 'connect' you do with the Interface Builder, happens at rum time when you create an instance of the object in IB.


Convert TableViewController to ViewController

I have started with a TableViewController but now I would like to change from a TableViewController to a ViewController in the storyboard. Is there an easy way to do this? I want to avoid creating a new View scene in the storyboard and copying the code over.
You have to delete the current TableViewController and create a new ViewController.
If you will set an TableView inside, you also must set DataSource/Delegate, and conform with the Table Views protocols in the ViewController Class.
You can do that using ContainerView. Take one UIViewController and add a ContainerView inside it. Control drag from the ContainerView to TableViewController and select EmbedIn. This is the only way to keep existing TableViewController, but you need to move your code from TableViewController to ViewController. Do this only if it is necessary to use TableViewController and you have to display a View outside the TableView.
Just start implementing ViewController protocol and remove TableViewController, TableViewControllerDelegate and TableViewControllerDataSource.
Also remove the methods from the TableViewDataSource and that's it.

Adding Outlets to View Controller via Table View Controller

I'm attempting to create an application for iOS, using Xamarin and storyboards. Within this, there shall be a button located in a TableViewController which will navigate the user.
To do this, I've used a Container, embedded to a TableViewController. However, my concern is I wish to add an Outlet from the button within the TableViewController to the ViewController header class - Yet it only allows me to try and add one to the 'UITableViewController.h' file.
What is causing this and how am I able to add the Outlet to the 'ViewController.h' file? (Extremely sorry if this makes little sense)
You should not use both the UITableViewController and the UIViewController. UITableViewController is a subclass of UITableViewController so all you need the UITableViewController and you should drag the outlet to it.

How to load UIView from UIViewcontroller?

I have created a view and now I want to load that view from another viewcontroller without allocating the view. Is it possible or not. please clarify me.
I am doing like following
1)Added UIView in viewcontroller.xib and given view class name for the view.
2)created IBOutlet for the view and connected.
Now I want to access one property of a view without allocating. Is it possible to do or not.
If you've created an IBOutlet and hooked up the view, then you are done. The view is allocated when the xib loads and the reference is placed in the IBOutlet. You can access the view and it's properties through that without doing any allocating yourself.
When your view controller is loaded, your view connected to it (by IBOutlet) also gets loaded. In this case you have access to all view's property.
Look at "Looading up an XIB" section in this article.

How can I connect one IBOutlet to an tableview controller in an container view controller

I have designed my app with Storyboard, I have one View controller and I need to insert a static table view controller (static table view controller can't insert into a view controller ). So I've drag&drop a container view controller and embed with a table view controller.
Now I have a IBOutlet declared in my viewcontroller.h, as
#property (nonatomic,strong) IBOutlet UITableView *infoTableView;
How can I connect the infoTableView to the actual table view in connections inspector?
If you mean connect an IBOutlet that's in ItemEditorViewController to the table view in the table view controller, you can't. It's not possible to connect an outlet in one controller to an object in another controller. If you need to get a reference to that table view in the parent controller, you need to do it code:
In ItemEditorViewController.h
#property (nonatomic,strong) UITableView *infoTableView;
In ItemEditorViewController.m (probably in viewDidLoad)
self.infoTableView = [self.childViewControllers[0] tableView];
It is not quite the answer you are looking for, but try not doing this sort of wanky stuff. Static tableViews are not allowed to be used in UIViewController for a purpose. Apple had his reasons to prohibit it, so you better not search for work-arounds, otherwise you will get a buggy app with unexpected behaviour. Do you really want that?
What I would suggest, as an idea for this situation:
Include a simple UITableView in your VC class, and just programmatically customise it in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:.
This way you get a stable situation with full control on it.

iOS - Having 2 table views and other elements under one TableViewController

I'm trying to make an interface like this one:
But I get the following error in XCode: Illegal Configuration: Static table views are only valid when embedded in UITableViewController instances
That controller is a subclass of UITableViewController, so I don't really understand what the problem is, any insight?
First of all, I think you're saying that ProfileViewController is a subclass of UITableViewController. If that is the case, the top level view should be a UITableView not just a UIView. And the error does make sense. If you want to create a static table view, it needs to be embedded in it's own UITableViewController, which is what you get when you drag a UITableViewController from the Palette to the storyboard.
Amended to answer question in comments
So starting from scratch. Drag a TableViewController onto your storyboard and change the class to ProfileViewController. That gives you your tableview with the prototype cells. Then drag an empty view to near the top of the TableView. This will add a headerview to the tableView. (Every tableview has a subview for a header and a footer. This is different than the section headers). Now make that header view taller and drag your other elements into it: the segmentedButton, the search field. Drag your UIImage View. then drag another tableview and position it next to the image view.
Now create a subclass of NSObject NOT NSTableViewController like so.
#interface MiniTableViewController : NSObject <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>
And put the datasource and delegate methods for that minitableview in there. Back on the story board, drag an object to the hierarchy change the class to your MiniTableViewController, and connect the delegate and datasource outlets from your minitableview to the MiniTableViewController in the hierarchy. Make sure you're using the assistant view. Then ctrl-drag from the MiniTableViewController object to the ProfileViewController.h (right before #end) and create an IBOutlet. Now you can access your new custom object from ProfileViewController. You can also create an IBOutlet in MiniTableViewController and connect it to ProfileViewController if you need MiniTableViewController to send messages to ProfileViewController.
A UITableViewController can only have one Table View. You have two. You have to find another way to do it.
Have you put a UITableView in your xib ?
If yes, have you bind this UITableView to your controller?
