Get URL to a PDF thats not in documents directory - UIDocumentInteractionController - ios

I have a PDF that is dynamically generated from saved core data every time, rather than stored in the documents directory as NSData self.pdfData, rendered in a UIWebView. Rather than using UIActivityController to share the PDF i'd like to use UIDocumentInteractionController to get a full range of sharing options. The issue is this only seems to be for saved PDF's in the documents directory.
NSURL *PDFUrl = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"sample" withExtension:#"pdf"];
Id rather not save it to documents directory then delete it, I was hoping for something more elegant. I tried to get the URL directly from the UIWebview of the PDF using self.webView.request.mainDocumentURL however this returns about:blank
NSURL *PDFUrl = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"sample" withExtension:#"pdf"]; <-----
if (PDFUrl) {
DebugLog(#"Loading document");
self.documentController = [UIDocumentInteractionController interactionControllerWithURL:PDFUrl];
[self.documentController setDelegate:self];
[self.documentController presentPreviewAnimated:YES];

UIDocumentInteractionController only works with a file on the local file system. This means you must save the PDF to a file before you can use UIDocumentInteractionController.
Write the PDF data to a file in the caches folder (NSCachesDirectory), get its file URL, use the UIDocumentInteractionController, and then delete the file when complete.
Or use UIActivityViewController and pass the NSData of the PDF as the activity item.


UIActivityViewController not showing PDF option

I know there are many posts on this type of thing. And I believe I have tried all of the suggestions. I have a very simple problem. I have a url to a PDF and I want to be able to "share" this to the adobe pdf reader app. To remove one of the possible issues I took the PDF I was downloading and put it into my bundle so it was local. I am on iOS 8.4. Here is the code I tried:
NSURL * url2 = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: # "data" ofType: # "pdf"]];
//Tried with the data in the file
NSData *data2 = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url2];
UIActivityViewController *act=[[UIActivityViewController alloc]initWithActivityItems:#[data2] applicationActivities:nil];
//Tried with just the URL
UIActivityViewController *act=[[UIActivityViewController alloc]initWithActivityItems:#[url2] applicationActivities:nil];
act.popoverPresentationController.barButtonItem = button;
act.popoverPresentationController.sourceView = self.view;
[self presentViewController:act animated:YES completion:nil];
Neither of these show the PDF option. I of course have it installed and have run it once to make sure its registered properly. Both of these I can share to Mail and the actual file is sent fine but the only share options I get are Mail, Copy and Print. I would like to see the other options like Open in iBooks and Open in Adobe Acrobat like I get from safari.

how to save existing pdf file in NSDocumentDirectory in ios

I have one pdf file and I want to save that file using NSDocumentDirectory and retrieve do i convert pdf file into NSData so that I can save. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Welcome to Stack Overflow.
This is not a site where people give you solutions to your problems "out of whole cloth". You need to show what you have attempted, and the specific places where you are stuck.
You say you "have one pdf file". Is it a file on disk somewhere, in memory, or what? If it's already on disk then you can use the file manager to copy it to the documents directory. Take a look in the Xcode docs under NSFileManager and read the class reference. There are tons of useful methods for creating and copying files.
You say " do i convert pdf file into NSData so that I can save." Erm, if it's a file, why do you need to convert it to NSData in order to save it? It's already a file.
NSData has methods for creating a data object with the contents of a file (dataWithContentsOfFile and dataWithContentsOfURL) as well as methods for writing an NSData object to a file (again using a path or an NSURL, like the dataWith... methods)
As you said you have PDF file so i guess it will be a ready file.
Now in that case you don't need to put it in document directory. Just put it into your resources folder where you placed images & other files.
After that to read that pdf file Simply do this:
UIWebView *myweb = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480)];
myweb.scalesPageToFit = YES;
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"myPDF" ofType:#"pdf"];
NSURL *targetURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:targetURL];
[myweb loadRequest:request];
[self.view addSubview:myweb];
Hope it will work for you.

ObjectiveC - Reading ePub File Gotten From Dropbox

So I'm pretty lost with this one and really new to epub files. I've done a bit of searching but can't seem to put everything together in my head.
My app uses DropBox's Chooser API to get a file from a user's DropBox folder. In this case, I want to open up a .epub file. So when the user chooses a file, the DropBox API gives me back an NSURL object to that file. For example:
And now, I've tried a couple different tools to try to read this file. Originally, I tried using KFEpubKit. But when I called:
epubURL; // The url from DropBox (shown above)
NSURL *documentsURL = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject];
self.epubController = [[KFEpubController alloc] initWithEpubURL:epubURL andDestinationFolder:documentsURL];
self.epubController.delegate = self;
[self.epubController openAsynchronous:YES]
I would get back an error that the file couldn't be unzipped. The error reads as:
Epub Error: Error Domain=KFEpubKitErrorDomain Code=1 "Could not extract epub file." UserInfo=0x170275400 {NSLocalizedDescription=Could not extract epub file.}
I looked into the code and narrowed down the problem a little bit. The KFEpubKit uses the SSZipArchive utility to unzip files. And from this point on, I'm a bit stuck. The [SSZipArchive unzipFileAtPath: toDestination:] call seems to be failing when used with the epubURL.path. I'm not sure if this has something to do with the fact that my file is a .epub extension and not a .zip extension. Or maybe there's some stuff to do after getting the URL from DropBox and before giving it to the KFEpubKit tool?
In the end, I'm expecting to have to display the text of the book with a UIWebView. But I'm just not sure how to handle this .epub file. What should I do with the file from Dropbox? Any help is much appreciated.
A quick glance indicates that that SSZipArchive wants a local file URL, not a remote HTTP URL. Try downloading the file first (NSData with contents of URL, then write to some temp file) then create a file URL that points to the temp file, and send that into the KFEpubController:
// Download the file from dropbox
epubURL; // The url from DropBox (shown above)
NSData * epubData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:epubURL];
NSString * tempPath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAddingPathComponent:#"temp.epub"];
[epubData writeToFile:tempPath atomically:YES];
NSURL *tempURL = [NSURL URLWithString:tempPath];
NSURL *documentsURL = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject];
self.epubController = [[KFEpubController alloc] initWithEpubURL:tempURL andDestinationFolder:documentsURL];
// etc.
(Coding from memory.) All normal caveats apply here-- you'll want to do proper progress/error handling on the download, get rid of the temp file, etc, etc.

How to open and view .xlsx files in iOS

I can download documents which can be of types .pdf,.xlsx,.jpeg,.tiff etc from an API. If I use UIWebView it doesnot support .xlsx and .msg files.
How can I view these files.
Can anyone help me ?
You can use the QLPreviewController to display all of these types of files.
A Quick Look preview controller can display previews for the following items:
iWork documents
Microsoft Office documents (Office ‘97 and newer)
Rich Text Format (RTF) documents
PDF files
Text files whose uniform type identifier (UTI) conforms to the public.text type (see Uniform Type Identifiers Reference)
Comma-separated value (csv) files
use this code u will get satisfied
-(void)loadDocument:(NSString*)documentName inView:(UIWebView*)webView
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:documentName ofType:file type];
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[webView loadRequest:request];
try this it will help you to make zimmicks with any type of file

Converting an iPhone IOS Video File Uploader to work with a file stored in document directory

This is my first real project. I have an app that captures several seconds of video using AVFoundation, outputs this to a file in the documents directory and lets the user preview the video before they upload it using HTTP and a PHP script on my website.
All the video capture and preview work perfectly but I am stuck on uploading the video file.
I learnt a lot from this simpleSDK video which shows how to achieve the desired effect using a video file stored in the apps main bundle.
The code from the tutorial that set up videoData ready to upload originally looked like this:
NSData *videoData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"Movie" ofType:#"mov"]];
NSString *urlString = #"";
The filename of the video file that I need to upload is always unique and generated using CFUUIDCreateString. I join this string to the path for the documents directory, add ".mov" to the end of it and save it into a text file for retrieving later.
This all works as I am able to retrieve the filename from the file and use it to preview the movie clip elsewhere in the app.
My path is in an NSString, that I have tried converting to NSURL and removing the file suffix to get it to work with the NSData *videoData.........line but it doesn't compile, I get an "No known class method for selector 'dataWithContentsOfFile:ofType.' error. I am targeting iOS 5 and using Xcode 4.3 with ARC and Storyboards.
I've been at this for best part of 5 hours now so hopefully someone can help. My code, which included tips from elsewhere on converting from a NSString to NSURL follows:
NSString *content = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:lastSavedTalentFilenamePath
//Need to now remove the '.mov' file type identifier
NSString *shortContent= [content substringToIndex:[content length]-4];
NSLog(#"***************shortContent***************%#", shortContent);
NSURL *convertedContent = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:shortContent];
NSData *videoData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:convertedContent ofType:#"mov"];];
There is no NSData method called dataWithContentsOfFile:ofType:
The methods available are:
+ dataWithContentsOfFile:
+ dataWithContentsOfFile:options:error:
both of which take the file location as an NSString so there's not need to convert to an NSURL
