Sling example showing 404 - sling

I have started up the sling launchpad jar and I can access its welcome page at localhost:8080. I have created a new sling project in eclipse and started the sling server in eclipse but when I try to access the example at localhost:8080/content/example.json it throws a 404 error. Also, there is no content folder in the sling .explorer page that displays the repository in the browser. What am I doing wrong?

I can confirm your issue - I'm having it as well. I'm quite sure this is because you're using the latest sling 8 standalone from, as am I, and it doesn't actually come with a content node. The 404 is valid. It's up to you to POST /content into your repo.
The issue is compounded because there's not a trustworthy JCR explorer. I understand you use the .explorer interface, which sometimes bugs out horribly and then you're not sure whether you can ever trust what you're seeing.
Composum provides a very trustworth JCR explorer which you should install immediately and use. :) It will be included in the upcoming sling 9 as the standard interface
You'll want to install these:
You can then access the explorer at /bin/browser.html

You have to login. If you do not have the rights to read a resource, you will get 404.


Windows Server 2019: IIS 10: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden: The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory

I am migrating a working .Net Framework Website from IIS 8.5 on a Microsoft Windows Server 2012 to IIS 10 on a Microsoft Windows Server 2019.
The new web site is showing the error
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
As far as I can see the website on the new server is configured the same as on the existing.
Neither have directory Browsing enabled nor a default file set as is recommended by most of the posts which exist discussing this error.
I have run the following which is also recommended.
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir
The problem still exists.
I came across a post saying there might be an issue if paths referenced in the web.config are not correct but they look fine.
Has anyone got any insight into what else might cause this issue?
Are there any differences between IIS 8.5 and IIS 10 or between windows servers 2012 and 2019 which might cause this issue?
This problem occurs because the website doesn't have the Directory Browsing feature enabled. Also, the default document isn't configured. To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Enable the Directory Browsing feature in IIS
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
Start IIS Manager. To do it, select Start, select Run, type inetmgr.exe, and then select OK.
In IIS Manager, expand server name, expand Web sites, and then select the website that you want to change.
In the Features view, double-click Directory Browsing.
In the Actions pane, select Enable.
Method 2: Add a default document
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
Start IIS Manager. To do it, select Start, select Run, type inetmgr.exe, and then select OK.
In IIS Manager, expand server name, expand Web sites, and then select the website that you want to change.
In the Features view, double-click Default Document.
In the Actions pane, select Enable.
In the File Name box, type the name of the default document, and then select OK.
More information you can refer to this link: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden when you open an IIS webpage.
All those clowns glibly posting that "HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden: The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory" can be fixed by configuring the web site by either enabling the Directory Browsing feature or adding a default document are really not understanding what they are talking about. Anyone can copy a solution from one post and paste to another.
I'm not going to pretend I know what I am talking about but I have fixed my issue and will share what I did here to see in the hope it helps others.
I created a project (of the same type as the application I was trying to deploy) using my IDE (MSVS) in the same .Net version of the application I was trying to deploy. In this case it was creation of an MVC project in .Net Framework 4.5.
I did nothing to it. All I wanted was a skeleton.
I replaced all the files in the home directory of the web site I had an issue with, with the files of this skeleton project.
I attempted to browse to the web site and it worked successfully. Note the directory browsing was not enabled nor was a default directory set.
This proved to me that those settings were irrelevant.
Having googled around, some sites point to paths in config files causing an issue if they do not exist, eg a logging path to d:\logs where that directory was missing. It didn't fix my issue but there's no harm checking.
I stumbled across a post which talked about the roles and features enabled on the server. In Web Server (IIS)/Web Server/Application Development they had selected "Application Initialisation" and "ASP".
The Windows Sever 2012 server I was moving the application from, where it work without a hitch, did not have those selected so had not selected them on the Windows Server 2019 I was moving them to when I set that server up.
It made no sense that this would be the solution but having tried everything else I activated those two options.
Stone me if the issue was resolved.
As a check I removed those two options and the problem came back and when I reselected them it went away again.
This struck me as pretty conclusive only having thought I'd found the cause of the problem I built the website from scratch and the problem came back again.
It took a number of iterations but eventually I got there, more by luck than judgement and whatever the cause was it was due to an issue in the application which wasn't being logged in event viewer so focus on permissions to files being written to: not only that the app pool account is set up on the directories it needs access to but also that it has modify or even full control.
All those muppets robotically posting advice on configuring the web site by either enabling the Directory Browsing feature or adding a default document will no doubt copy this and paste it into their posts to claim the credit but c'est la vie.
I hope this post is of use to someone, apart from those muppets.

MVC WebApplication no longer starts in IIS Express (redirects to https://localhost in Chrome)

I was changing OAuth/Owin settings and Azure publish settings in a Web Application project this morning, but soon after we decided deployment will be to a specific IIS Azure VM (now visible across our local domain). All code/setting changes have been reverted.
At one point I also changed the drivers\etc\hosts file to allow a dummy name for Microsoft OAuth, but that has been reverted.
My startup URL is http://localhost:22222/
I am running under IIS Express (as my local Dev VM will not allow me to install full IIS)
When I start the Web Application with IE I simply get "This page can't be displayed"
If I start it with Chrome I get "This webpage is not available", but it also changes the browser URL to https://localhost (note the s, i.e. using SSL).
I have pulled the project down fresh from source control. No change.
The project is under TFS source control.
Another developer on the same project has the latest files and it works fine.
If I run any other Web Application project, they work just fine.
All OWIN registration of providers has been commented out. No change.
Deleted the entire project folder and pulled fresh from TFS. No change. This probably means a local machine setting somewhere is the cause?
What could I have damaged in my Web Application to cause this problem? I have been scratching my head for hours now and nothing we try is working. The application simply will not start in any browser.
Project Web Settings tab:
Answer at bottom, given to this chromium issue [issue 444479] helped me:
Same here - I also believe caused by HSTS - see
If you have (developed) any other localhost sites which send a HSTS
eg. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains;
...then depending on the value of max-age, future requests to
localhost will be required to be served over HTTPS.
To get around this, I did the following.
In the Chrome address bar type "chrome://net-internals/#hsts"
At the very bottom of a page is QUERY domain textbox - verify that localhost is known to the browser
If it is, DELETE the localhost domain using the textbox above
Your site should now work using plain old HTTP
ps. This is not a permanent solution, but will at least get it working
between projects. If anyone knows how to permanently exclude localhost
from the HSTS list please let me know :)
Give it a try.

Asp.Net-MVC application dying

I have a strange issue with an Asp.NET MVC application.
Using Asp.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 on IIS 7.5 - Integrated
After building the application everything runs fine. Then after some random amount of time (or sometimes after updating a view or js file) the application dies.
Meaning, requesting the root page, I get the 403 error and requesting any other page I get a 404 error.
After a rebuild everything works fine again for a little while until it dies again.
I am seeing this on two different development machines. Also, I have another application which is very similar (MVC 3, IIS etc) on both dev machines and this one runs without problem. I have inspected the config files in detail and cannot see anything of notable difference.
Does anyone know what could cause an application to die or where to look for further information? (I can still access elmah.axd though no information is there).
There's not much to go on here, but the 403 and 404 are clues that at least ASP.NET routing is not working; 403 is coming back because the web server thinks you want to do a directory browse, 404 because your request doesn't have a valid corresponding resource.
Since you are using the new version of MVC, I would suspect the issue may lye there. When you get the error condition, can you browse to a regular .aspx page? Does it execute server side code correctly?
You have the site hosted in IIS 7.5, not just the built in Visual Studio web server, right? Is it possible to turn on monitoring/event logging to see if IIS is taking a hit?
I apologize for not having any actual answer, sounds like you have a tough issue to debug.
Good Luck!

Deploying MVC Application to Web Server doesn't run correctly

I have reading posts all night looking for an answer to my issue and haven't found anything that works for me yet. I am sure there is a simple way to do this but I haven't been able to discover it yet.
MVC 2 Preview 3.5 sp1 framework
VS 2008 C# web application
Windows Server 2008
I have the application running well through VS 2008 no problem. When I hit the play to run in debug mode it starts the ASP.NET Development Server the application loads fine and works as expected, great!
When I publish the application locally or to my web server both on IIS 7 the application doesn't run correctly. Some of the icons are missing and the google maps map is missing. When I view the source it appears correct at first glance, but I can see the paths to the images are looking for the MVC paths and it isn't finding them. It appears the app is running as a regular app and not an mvc app, maybe?
I also tried to just hit the full source code locally on localhost and the exact same issue is present.
So, I guess my question is how do I deploy a MVC application to run the same in IIS as it does through the development server.
PS The environments are clean and pretty much out of the box.
#user68137 is correct in saying that you need to use relative paths for the images.
I got caught out on this one too, and here's my previous SO question about it...
In short, you need to do something like this...
<img src='<%= Url.Content( "~/Content/Images/banner.jpg" ) %>' alt="Banner" />
Hope this helps!
I had the relative paths set, but what I didn't realize is when I deployed it to the server it went to wwwroot\subsite... I had the relative paths set to src="....\image.jpg" to get back to the root of the site. My error was that if the site is not in the root then the subsite drills back to the root to find the images and of course doesn't find them. Same thing was happening with the JS files. I used the Url.Content and it worked great! problem solved!
The interesting this is when running through the VS dev server with a subsite it still worked well and found the paths even though it shouldn't have. VS dev server <> IIS
Thanks for your help on this!
Once you know the virtual path to the location you are deploying the project to, you should go into the project configuration in Visual Studio and add it to your project. This way the visual studio development server will use the same path structure as the deployment server. This will save you countless hours of work when deploying.
When you run your website through Visual Studio, every single request gets processed through the ASP.NET pipeline, including images, CSS and other resources. IIS by default only processes specific extensions (e.g., aspx) unless you tell it otherwise through configuration. Paths like '/content/images/yourimage.jpg' should work just fine...I suspect it's something amiss in your IIS configuration.
Another possibility which I've run into is any custom ISAPI filters you may have installed on the IIS server (e.g., ISAPI_rewrite). It's easy to set up rules in its configuration that lead to some very unexpected results.

Disable Visual Studio Web Server Directory Browsing

I'm using Visual Studio's built in web server to test and EPiServer applicaiton. When I have the app running in IIS, if I hit the root of the virtual directory, EPiServer will take over and server the defaul page to me. Using the Visual Studion server (which I am doing for license reasons with the SDK), it always gives me the 'Directory Listing' view of my site. Does anyone know how to configure this web server to not allow the directory listing/browsing?
Additional Information:
This problme only seems to effect the root of the visual studion web server (i'll call it cassini from here on in). As an example, if I run a site from localhost:6666, then what I will find is that localhost:6666/en/ will work just fine and the EPiServer VPP will know what it is doing. If I use localhost:6666/, then the VPP never kicks in (or so it seams). It seems to me that when the root of cassini is hit, it checks to see if the page exists (which it does not as I have no default). If it decides that the page does not exist, then it serves up the directory listing, rather than 404. The first thing to do for me is to dispable directory browsing in cassini, then look at why the VPP is not being actioned correctly.
So I suppose the base of the question is: Is there a way to modify these settins in Cassini when it is Visual Studio starting everything off?
(EPiServer may be a red herring, but just in case, it's CMS version 5)
Further Update
I managed to get hold of the source for Cassini 3.5 and gave that a whirl. 3.5 works just fine and behaves like IIS in this instance. I.e. the lack of default document does not lead to a Directory listing, rather if allows the HTTP handlers to kick in and then EPiServer does the rest! So the question is, can I achieve the same in Visual Studios effort at a web server?
Make sure you have a ~/Default.aspx file. It won't render, but it's needed in cassini for the virtual path providers to get a chance to handle the request for '/'.
Of course, if you make it anyway you might as well use it for the start page :-)
Even if you could get the server to not show the directory listing, could you get EPiServer to take over?
EDIT: From comments
The fact that it works with /en/ makes me think this is something that Microsoft could fix. I suggest you ask the vendor if they have a workaround. If they do not, then please create a suggestion at Be sure to specify details about EPIServer, URL to the vendor, etc.
Be clear that it works with /en, but you want a setting permitting it to work at the root.
Once you create the suggestion, please edit your question to include the link to the suggestion you create. That way, others reading your question can vote on how important they think this is.
The EpiServer part confuses me. However, if you are asking how to set the default page for the VS development server (based on the Cassini code), you're expected to do that in the project properties (right click on web project), Web, Start Action, Specific Page, foo.aspx.
I suspect the cassini/VS development server doesn't have a default page feature-- the source code for the cassini server (the ancestor of the VS development server) is on the web and you can check that and add a default page by building a custom version. And it doesn't have a very long list of other features that IIS has.
Which EPiServer version are you running?
Did you install it using EPiServer Manager?
There has always been some differences in the configuration between running the site at the root of a host name or as a (virtual) directory.
Check the site settings block in web.config and make sure you have a default.aspx at the project root.
