Visual Studio Emulator for Android memory minimum? - memory

I'm using the VS emulator for Android with Visual Studio 2015 Community (Update 3). When I run a Xamarin project this error displays:
The emulator is unable to verify that the virtual machine is running: Not enough memory is available to start an emulator that uses 3072 MB of startup RAM.
OK, from this page we see the system requirements where we need Hyper-V support and 6 GB or more of RAM.
My laptop has 4GB 8GB RAM plus swap space. When I allocate 3072 MB to the virtual machine through the Hyper-V Manager, the emulator starts but running and debugging is slow, of course because now there's only 1GB of RAM for VS and whatever else is running. (Yes, I try to minimize other RAM usage...)
So I wanted to reduce the footprint of the VM. However, and this is the common mistake some people are making: Reducing the size of the VM doesn't reduce the amount of memory that VS wants, it only reduces the available memory. And if the available memory is less than what VS wants we get that error.
So my questions are:
1) Can we modify a config somewhere to reduce the amount of RAM that VS wants in a virtual machine?
2) Is there an XDE.exe command-line somewhere that gets used where we can set the memory?
3) And ultimately, can anyone provide a good reason why an emulator requires 3GB or more of RAM? I don't want to suffocate the execution of the environment but I don't want it to take a lot more than it really needs either.

Just head to this URL and you will find the files
Now you will just have to open each one of them and change this line content, replacing the value with “1024”:

I open "Hyper-V Manager" and edit it's memory in setting Pane. So easy


cant manage ram and core settings in docker

I am using Docker for Windows last version.
Before a week I had an update which asked me if I want to switch between HYPER-V to WSL if I remember correctly.
Swapped it and everything worked well as it should be, today I added a ram (same ram as I had, corsair vengeance 2x8gb 3200mhz ddr4).
but everything works good. I have 32 gigabyte now so I wanted to change the limit I gave to docker which was 6/16 cores and 6/16 ram. wanted to switch it up for like 12/32 ram so I was searching for the advanced setting which I used to limit the ram and cores before and I didn't manage to find it.
seems like the option just disappear.
I have to give docker more ram because I want him to run 2 programs at the same time which take more than 6gb ram.
what I have and what did I try conclusion :
I'm using windows.
I have 32 gigabyte ram.
I tried to reinstall docker.
I tried to remove the image and containers and add them again.
still did not find the setting which I used before which is really annoying.
any ideas ?
apparently using WSL based engine removes the option "advanced" so Currently using hyper-v instead of wsl solved my problem.
thanks anyway

Netlogo v.4.0.5memory issues and I've tried everything I could think of

I am running a Netlogo model in v. 4.0.5 and the model uses too much memory and then quits. I have tried to change the memory limits per the instructions in the user manual to no avail. The program doesn't even open when I make increase the memory. I can't run it through RNetLogo because it no longer supports version 4. I know this topic has been touched on before but the previous responses have not resolved my issue. I've changed the output to table instead of spreadsheet as well. I'd like to up the memory to at least 3GB. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
By default, NetLogo 4.0 (which dates all the way back to 2007!) runs in 32-bit mode on Mac OS X, which limits your heap size to 2G.
You have two choices:
Choice 1: Upgrade to NetLogo 5.0 or later. These versions run in 64-bit mode by default.
Choice 2: Launch NetLogo 4.0 from the command line, instead of using the provided app bundle. Info.plist will be bypassed, so you specify the heap size you want on the command line instead. These commands seem to work on my Mac:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.6)
cd /Applications/NetLogo\ 4.0.5
java -server -d64 -Xmx4096M -jar NetLogo.jar
After launching NetLogo this way, in the System tab of the About NetLogo dialog I see:
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_65 (Apple Inc.; 1.6.0_65-b14-466.1-11M4716)
operating system: Mac OS X 10.10.3 (x86_64 processor)
Java heap: used = 8 MB, free = 176 MB, max = 3640 MB
note "64-Bit Server" and the higher-than-default heap max value.
It might also be possible to somehow edit the app bundle to launch in 64-bit mode; I don't know.
Before you add more memory I'd double check my program for nested loops. It's so easy in netlogo to make 4 or 5 layers of nested loops without even realizing it, and this can really slow the program down. are you sure you've completely optimized your program?

Very slow debugging ASP.NET MVC 3 project

I have a solution which contains 11 projects. The main project is ASP.NET MVC. When I run the project in debug mode (F5), the main page of the site loaded approximately 2 minutes. Note! Home page of the site is a login form, there's not a lot of sql queries.
Interestingly, when I run the project in without debug mode (ctrl + f5), the main page of the site loaded in a few seconds.
I tried to look for solutions. For example, I found this solution. Unfortunately, I was unable to execute the instructions written by Zeb Kimmel.
I would be glad to any advice and suggestions.
P.S. I have a processor intel core 2 duo e6300, 3gb ram, windows 7 (32 bit).
Visual Studio IDE settings
Go to Tools - Options and set the following:
Projects and Solutions - Build and Run. Check "Only build startup
projects and dependencies on Run"
This will prevent it building all the projects all the time!
Environment – General
Uncheck "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client
Uncheck "Enable rich client visual experience"
Uncheck "Use hardware graphics acceleration if available"
IntelliTrace – General
Uncheck "Enable IntelliTrace”
This disables a specific tracing technology most people don't use, that adds major overhead.
Environment - Startup
Set "At Startup" to "Show empty environment"
Disable "Download content every..."
PC setup
Get an SSD! We use an Intel SSD caching system, which is improves
our build times by about 50%. Specifically it's motherboards with
20GB mATA SSD drives, using Intel Smart Response Technology (or is
it called Rapid Storage Technology collectively?). We have it set to
"maximized" mode, which means it caches writes as well as reads. I
suspect, but haven't yet tried, that a pure SSD would improve it
even more.
If you can't get an SSD, defragment drives properly. The built-in XP
one might not good enough to defragment free space if the drive has
become heavily fragmented at some point! I used: Auslogics Disk
Exclude virus scan on network, work and VS folders.
Project specific
Unload projects if you're not maintaining them or are unlikely to
affect them in your work.
Refer this links
Ways to speedup Visual Studio 2010


I've installed JDK, Android SDK and Mono Android for Visual Studio 2010, I've created an empty solution and I got the emulator up and running with Android 2.3.3 - so far so good.
When I try to deploy (F5) the app to the emulator, it connects to the emulator, and all goes fine until it starts "Installing the platform framework". Then it loads for several minutes, and finally throws an exception that looks like this:
I have tried googlin' it, but the INSTALL_FAILED_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE doesn't seem to be described anywhere else.
I don't know if this is an important detail, but on my PC I have remapped my home folders (Documents, Favorites, Desktop, etc.) to folders like "D:\Mikkel\Dokumenter". It seemed to cause some problems when starting the emulator initially, but after adding the environment variable "ANDROID_SDK_HOME" pointing to "D:\" the emulator started up with no problems.
Please advise.
Ensure that you have enough internal and external free space in your device. You can determine the free space available with the command:
$ adb shell df
Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize
/dev 192M 32K 192M 4096
/mnt/asec 192M 0K 192M 4096
/mnt/obb 192M 0K 192M 4096
/system 145M 124M 20M 4096
/data 196M 167M 29M 4096
/cache 95M 32M 62M 4096
/mnt/sdcard 3G 177M 3G 32768
In the above output, /data (which is the default install location) has 29MB free, while /mnt/sdcard (the SD card, and the external install location) has 3GB free.
For Debug builds, you need to have ~40MB free (for the Runtime package, Platform package, and apps). Release builds are significantly smaller, but Release builds cannot be created with the Evaluation version.
It's plausible that if your emulator doesn't have an SD card, then Android would generate the INSTALL_FAILED_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE error. (To add an SD card to your emulator, start the android app, go to Virtual devices, select a device, click Edit, and look at the SD Card section.)
A cursory grepping of Android suggests that is the controlling factor, specifically DefaultContainerService.recommendAppInstallLocation(), and that if you're out of internal space and the package specifies auto (as Mono for Android does) and the SD card is unavailable (status.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED) is false), then RECOMMEND_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE is returned, which is translated into INSTALL_FAILED_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE. This still seems odd to me (wouldn't RECOMMEND_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE make more sense?), but this appears to be what's happening.
Possible Problems :
No Internal/ External space in the Drive(or sdcard).
Connection is lost during the installation (apk to device or emulator).
Solution :
Try to create some space( remove some apps).
Try to reconnect the phone/emulator restart (worked for me)
This can be caused by having insufficient space on the device. So it goes looking for an SD card to install on to instead. if that isn't there it will trigger this response.
I had this problem even with 1GB of free space and an .apk of 1,5Mb. What I did was building an .apk and moving it to data/app folder. This worked for me. The problem is that I think your device must be rooted in order to access this folder.
I've solved the problem - it seems that if you close the (weird) empty DOS prompt that opens when the emulator is started, the connection to the emulator is lost.
Leaving the DOS window open, everything works like a charm.
In my case, it helped me out to switch the usb connection mode. You have to "just load" the device by usb instead of providing the sd card to the pc file system.
Because of low memory. Delete unnecessary files and apps.
This problem appeared for me when I installed Facabook app on my phone. so I uninstalled it and problem solved.
It is due to not enough space on the phone.
Check your build packaging In my case it was packiging all kinds of assets, psd, etc.. and the .apk file was huge and the phone did not have that much space

How to limit the memory usage of WinCE 6?

I have compiled a Wince 6 kernel using VS2005 platform builder. The target system have 256MB RAM, but I only want Wince 6 to use 128MB. How can I set this up? I am assuming to put maxmem=128MB in boot.ini, but I cannot find boot.ini in my wince 6 source code and any file inside platform builder directory.
Update the RAM mapping in config.bib.
I think it a good thing to share too....
for example i fyou have a physical RAM 128MB. than your NK size is for example 30MB.
the total size reported you your system will be somehow less like 96MB because the NK are also occupied the RAM at the runtime.
