How do you build apps for all iOS devices? - ios

I have an app that is nearing completion. However, I don't know how to finish it so it will look good on all iOS devices. It's a portrait only app, and it is the same on all devices (bigger screens don't show anything extra or different from smaller devices).
How do I make constraints that will work on all devices? I know there are different size classes that Xcode has, but it seems tedious to go to each class and add specific constraints.

You should use Autolayout for all resizing of your UI. But if you still want to go with this, I found this thread What setting determines whether an app gets scaled for iPhone 6 and 6plus?
Again, try to use Autolayout, add constraints its very easy. If you wish to change your mind go through the tutorial and add constraints


Does the app get auto resized?

Does the application get auto resized when uploaded to the AppStore to fit all devices like iPhone 5 and iPhone 7+ ?
I'm asking this because I'm about to release a new app for the Appstore but in the simulator and on a real device the application doesn't gets resized and all the buttons and label etc are not where they should be.
I am also developing an iOS app, so I understand your problem.
The application doesn't get resized.
The buttons/labels won't be put wherever they should be as Xcode doesn't know where to put them. This is because the screen size varies with each device.
You should use constraints (really good tutorial) to put your buttons/labels wherever you want them to be. Another good tutorial
It's not automatic. You need to design your app to handle layouts on different devices. It's a rather complex subject. You'll need to learn about AutoLayout and size classes, among other topics. If your app isn't handling this correctly, it's not ready for the app store.
Firstly check your application is universal application .
Then You need to look at your Auto Layout constraints inside your storyboard.
Understanding Auto Layout

Manually adjusting positions of UI elements in Xcode's storyboard

Instead of having to use xcodes constraints, which I can never get to work right, is there a way to manually set where UI elements are on the screen? I noticed that if I'm on the attributes bar for the view controller, I can set simulated metrics's size to any iphone size I want.
Then I can position the UI elements on the screen where I please. When I build and run, it always mimics exactly what I set up. However, it only works for the particular size of the iphone I specified. Is there a way to do all the sizes manually without making several xcode projects?
There is multiple other solution that is not as good as constraints.
1) Use frame property of views to place them
2) Use size classes to do different placement for iPad iPhone etc
3) Use suggested constraints - you are placing views and than you can give XCode possibility to create constraints for you suggesting what you want from your views placement.
You're going to want to learn how to properly use constraints. The approach you're trying to do would have been okay when there was only one screen size, but now we have three different sizes of iPad, two watch sizes and four different iPhone sizes. Here's a link to a tutorial from Ray Wenderlich (he has some pretty good tutorials to get you started n a wide variety of things).
The auto layout in storyboard on Xcode 7 isn't my favorite, but when Xcode 8 comes out it provides device specific sizes for views that makes auto layout much easier. So maybe Xcode 8 will provide a better solution to your problem!

How to make layout Flexible in all versions of iPhones

I have made an app which runs fine on iPhone6 but when I switch to iPhone5s and iPhone5 my layout completely distracts. Every Control Changes its position.
How can I make my app to run on all versions of iPhones fine without breaking the layout.
I have disabled the Auto Layout and I am Using AutoResizing from InterfaceBuilder.
I have a similar situations with my apps.
If you try make flexible in all devices using Autoresizing, you will have a lot of problems to do that, because the Xcode 6 (Interface Builder) is based to use with AutoLayout and Size Classes. In my apps, I have strange behaviors without them so... I recommend like #Volker, use AutoLayout (and size Classes), but if you don't want it or you don't have time at this moment...
You must create a Storyboard for any device screens or you must program to adjust your interface for every device. If you found another way to do that, please share it.

Resize UI to fit iphone 6/6+ without using auto-layout

I am building an ios app and I have been developing it on iphone 5 size class. I have done it this way because I have not yet learned how to use auto-layout. I was wondering if there was a way(other than auto-layout) that I can use, on this app so that the view fits perfectly in iphone 5/5c/5s and 6/6+
Without auto-layout the available solutions will be pretty rough. Because your lengths are all hard values-- you will have to manually manipulate them to achieve the size you want in an iPhone 6. It would definitely still be slightly more time consuming to apply auto-layout constraints onto all of your views-- but you would be safe from having to do this again in the future. Hopefully you don't have too many views :)

UITextfield Custom Position moved up because of different iPhone sizes

I have several custom UITextfields in my app. I started this app on Xcode 5 and ran on iphone 5 simulator. After Xcode updated to Xcode 6, I ran the app on iPhone 6 simulator. Now all the textfield positions moved up because of large screen size. I just wanted to know is there anything I could do so that the positions of textfields automatically get adjusted depending upon the iPhone models.
You need to rebuild your interface to handle the different screen sizes. In particular, you need to work with the AutoLayout feature to help determine how you want everything to scale/move/position based on multiple screen sizes. This can be done via the Storyboard (easier but sometimes frustrating) or in code (harder at first but more control later). I usually use Storyboards and it's worked great on several projects.
Do you want it centered and respecting your original layout and margins? a certain distance from the top or sides? everything scaled up appropriately? All these things can be done with AutoLayouts.
Check out the great tutorial here for more information:
