Can’t access rails app on Mac host from VMware Fusion Guest - ruby-on-rails

I’m probably doing something stupid here, but....
I can’t access a rails app running on my Mac from a Windows 10 VM. I have set the network adapter to "Share with My Mac". I can access a PHP site running on my mac via http://[my-machine-name].local or http://[my-ip-address]. But if I specify port 3000 to view my rails app I get an error message (to the effect that [my-ip-address] refused to connect) even though the app is running. I don’t know if this is an issue at the Mac end (though my firewall is off for testing), the windows end, or to do with my VMWare network adapter setting. Any assistance gratefully received

Just use the -b flag while running your rails app like rails server -b so it gets bound to the whole network interfaces and it can be accessed from outside


Rails application not visible to local network

For the first time since upgrading to OSX Yosemite, I need to view an app running on my machine from another machine on the same network. Previously, this was as simple as finding my internal IP address and using that with port 3000, eg.
However, I am now finding that with Yosemite this doesn't work. The application is definitely running and is available via localhost:3000 but not via my internal IP.
I have run the network utility port scanner and it shows that localhost exposes port 3000 but my IP doesn't. Other machines on the network that have yet to upgrade (10.7.5 and 10.9.5) are not having this issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: According to the security and privacy pane of the system preferences, the Yosemite firewall is currently off - so that isn't causing the problem.
By default, rails server will only accept connections from localhost. You can check this by looking at the console output:
Listening on localhost:3000, CTRL+C to stop
To listen on all addresses, which will allow you to connect from other machines on the local network, you must explicitly bind to a more permissive address. Try this:
rails server --binding=
You should now see:
Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
Now you can connect to your Rails app from elsewhere on your local network, by browsing to e.g.

Error when testing app from mobile device - ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

After upgrading to OSX Yosemite, I can no longer test my app on a mobile device by using my development machine's (MacBook Pro) IP address. For example, I used to be able to view a Rails app on a phone by going to, but now I get the following error:
I get the same error when testing an AngularJS app using the grunt server running at
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
It could help to bind the server to your local IP, like
rails s -p9000 -b192.168.0.4
to start your rails app
Consider giving a try to Pow. Its pretty simple to install, and a great solution to share a local development across multiple devices.
Like it explains in their homepage, you can install it with just :
curl | sh. To prevent any errors, install in Terminal app outside a Tmux session.
And just symlink your app :
cd ~/.pow
ln -s /path/to/myapp
You can access your app at, and at http://myapp.[your ip address] from another device.
Not a direct response to your issue, but an alternative to setting yourself a configuration in your preferences.
Turn IPv6 off. It Prevented me from connecting to my localhost from other computers on my LAN. And, with the newer versions of OSX there is no way to turn it off in the Network Preferences Panel so you have to do it from terminal.
Open Terminal and enter to turn it off:
networksetup -setv6off Wi-Fi
And this to turn it back on:
networksetup -setv6LinkLocal Wi-Fi
If you are connected via Ethernet or something else just run this command to list the available options:
networksetup -listallnetworkservices
and replace "Wi-Fi" with the appropriate device.
I don't have a mac, but that seems to be the server not accepting connections, if that is the case, it's only accepting localhost connections, try binding de server to accept all connections or bind it to ip
Can you access that IP from Browser? are you sure your IP is in the same range with It is your mobile device connected on the same network? Maybe you used internet sharing before update to Yosemite and now is off?
I think your IP address changed. Telnet from console(terminal) your I.P. port. If is your real Ip then maybe add(as root or via sudo) an entry in /etc/host file an entry as Restart network or reboot. Also you can try nmap ( on ip to see open ports). Nmap has been ported to OSX just google for installer.

How do I make my ruby on rails app respond to external requests (visible to the public on the internet)?

My rails app (on my local machine) only responds to requests sent from the same machine to localhost,, or my internal ip address. When I try to hit it using my internet ip or from any other machine, inside or outside of my network, it just times out. I'm on Mac OS 10.9.1, ruby 1.9.3, rails 4.0.0.
I've done a lot of searching but all I can find is problems where people didn't forward their ports or bind the right ip.
Here are the areas I've investigated:
Ports -
I've tried several different ports. I configured my router to forward every port I tried but got the same result. I thought maybe there was a problem with the router so I built a simple server in Java and bound all the same ports I was binding with my rails app. Sure enough, when I hit the Java app using my internet ip it worked just fine so the router/firewall/port forwarding isn't the problem. Also, I run an apache server on port 80 and that has never had any problems. I turned apache off and tried port 80 for my rails app but that didn't fix the problem.
Rails Server -
I started with WEBrick and I thought that perhaps there was some setting inside that blocked external requests. I searched google extensively and found nothing on that matter. Just to be safe I installed Thin and got the exact same result I did with WEBrick. One interesting thing is that when the rails server is started, the external request takes a long time to time-out, but the server console displays no output at all. However if I try to send the same request w/out starting the server at all it fails immediately.
User Permissions -
I started the server with root (i'm starting to just shoot in the dark here) and it had no effect.
Environment -
I was starting in development environment originally because I'm developing but just for fun I tried starting in production and it also made no difference.
I installed the app on my Ubuntu machine and it doesn't have this problem! So that suggests the problem may have something to do with Mac OS.
It turns out that in the System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Firewall in Mac OS, it was somehow set to block incoming connections to Ruby 1.9.3. I must have accidentally set that some time ago.
The problem is you are probably trying to request the page from your local machine (or any computer on your local network, behind your firewall) to your public IP expecting a result... not unless you setup routes through your firewall for this (and not usually available on a consumer level router... linksys, dlink, etc)
So forward port 80 if you are using something like pow, or 3000 for web bricks default port to your local machine
Then have someone outside your local lan request your external (public) IP
This may be related: Rails 3.1 on Ubuntu 11.10 under VirtualBox very slow
Your mention of slowness combined with the use of webrick makes me think you've got some reverse-DNS lookup awfulness going on. A quick first step is hacking /etc/hosts to bypass this lookup.
The situation I dealt with on Ubuntu was solved in the short-term by hacking /etc/hosts. You could do this quick hack in order to see if it is indeed just webrick's reverse-DNS lookup. Edit /etc/hosts and add a line for the external user's IP address, something like this: TestPerson
Replace the IP address with the tester's IP address. Since you said you can get the external request to hit an Apache server on port 80, you can grab their IP address from the Apache access logs if necessary, otherwise just ask the person testing.
You could also try a different web server, such as unicorn, which may help out. Add "gem unicorn-rails" to your Gemfile, run bundle install, and then (according to their docs), rails server will just use unicorn directly.
With any local server, you'll need to correctly configure port forwarding on your firewall. Like said by CaptChrisD, tests must be done by an external IP/browser (if you own a server, ssh on it, then w3m to test).
I already had same symptom (server started => timeout, server stopped => fail) and the origin was an issue with firewall configuration. I think it is your problem.
With MacOS, Pow is really awesome: installation is easy, no configuration required (no /etc/hosts…). Moreover, they give you a hook for external access to your virtualhosts (but you still need port forwarding on your firewall).
Otherwise, there is other solutions like Forward to do it without firewall configuration (30-days free trial).
Hope this helps!

Access Rails Development Server From A Different Computer

I'm using webrick to develop my rails app on Mac OS X Lion. I'm trying to access the site from another computer (for testing). The internal IP of my computer is
Accessing displays the page served by the apache server running on my computer.
Accessing times out, both from my computer and from another computer on the same network. I can ping From my computer, loaclhost:3000 displays the app.
Is there are firewall I need to open up on Mac OS X or some other setting that needs to be applied?
While starting the webrick server specify the IP on which your rails application will run ( in your case) using -b option, it binds Rails to the specified IP.
rails server -b -p 3000

Can't view Rails app on Windows7 via mac local address

My app runs on localhost:3000 on my mac
My mac has its own local address eee.local
Other computers in the office, including other windows machines
can connect to eee.local:3000 and use the the rails app.
However we had once case where one person's windows7 machine
could not connect. I brought a brand new windows7 machine for
IE testing purposes and it doesn't connect either.
I tried turning of the firewall and that doesn't work.
I tried using the ip instead eg. but that doesn't work.
I'm not really sure how else to check, or search for this problem
Anything Im overlooking?
Another thing to try is to install iTunes. Sounds silly at first but installing iTunes gives your Windows machine Bonjour service discovery (enabled by default on Macs and Ubuntu desktops) which would let you resolve .local addresses.
Accessing via the IP really should have worked but if you've already turned off firewalls and the machines are on the same network then enabling Bonjour (by installing iTunes) is worth a shot.
Is the other Windows machine on a different subnet? That could cause the issue.
You need to tell the web server to listen on all interfaces like so:
