Where can I get the BNF-style Java 1.8 grammar that JavaParser is actually using to parse Java code?
There's a java_1_8.jj file in JavaParser's codebase automatically generated by javacc, but no sight of the grammar file used to generate this .jj file.
There's a java_1_8.jj file in JavaParser's codebase automatically generated by javacc, but no sight of the grammar file used to generate this .jj file.
java_1_8.jjis the grammar file, while it is not in the BNF style you expected. It is not generated, but it is used to generate the parser java files.
I have generated Model code and parser from my Grammar but I can't modify model to generated code in python.
My EBNF grammar is a script code like "C" syntax for translate file in XML or ANSI X12.
It's a language specific and I would like to generate Python code from this script with Tatsu.
I parse script but I can't success to use Parser or Model to generated Python source code.... Where i must to save Model or modify parser to generated python code ... I see tools.py ... can I copy the code to build a new code model...
Can you help me ... I start learn python and i must to implement this solution on web site with upload script and download python code.
TatSu is a parser generator. I doesn't have any provisions for generating running code from text parsed by an arbitrary grammar.
You have to write your own code generator (walk thes AST after a parse, and generate the corresponding code).
I am trying to use the ANTLR4 plug-in for IntelliJ to create a simple expression analyzer.
I have seen a few websites and questions but I don't seem to be able to get it running.
I have watched this video but I still get an error
Can't load hello as lexer or parser
Does anyone have a way of using ANTLR to create a grammar and then using standard input or a text file input to test the grammar and print out.
I am trying to take an infix expression and convert it to a postfix expression.
Also is there a way to use ONLY intellij to write, compile and run the program rather than swapping to the command line?
Thank you.
I ran into the same problem. I installed the ANTLR plugin for IntelliJ 15. I created an Java project called Antlr, and created the example Hello.g4 text file by right-clicking on the src directory node and selecting New->File. Once the grammar was typed into Hello.g4, I compiled it by right-clicking on the Hello.g4 tab and selecting Compile "Hello.g4", which created the template files in directory "gen".
I wasn't able to figure out how to run the grun example in the Antlr4 reference, where "hello parrt" was parsed and analyzed. Instead, it turns out that if you right click on the rule ('r') in Hello.g4, there is an option called "Test Rule r". Select that, and you get a couple of small windows at the bottom of the IDE. You can either type in "hello parrt" and it will parse it; or create a new text file by right clicking on the src directory node and selecting New->File, add "hello parrt" to the file, compile that file which will put it in the production/Antlr directory, and then right click on the rule ('r') again to select "Test Rule r'. Then you'll see the parse tree to the right.
In the Atom text editor, when two language packages define syntax and snippets for files with the same file extension, what determines the precedence?
For example, both language-ruby and language-ruby-on-rails are available by default, as they are included in the so-called Core Package set, and the two packages share the .rb file extension.
How can I make sure that Atom will by default treat .rb file as, say, source.ruby.rails instead of source.ruby files in my projects?
In your config.cson file you can specify filename regexes and a related grammars, like so:
".rb?$": "source.ruby.rails"
This question concerns Antlr, the parser/lexer generator (Which is pretty awesome IMO). Specifically, the version in question is Antlr4. Currently I'm playing around trying to create a parser/lexer combo in separate files, which worked well at first.
However, when I tried to modularize the different components, for organization's sake, I discovered an issue. The two tools I'm using to modularize, package declarations in headers and setting the parser's token vocab, work perfectly separately, but I cannot seem to get them to play nice together.
I've put together a very short example that illustrates my issue.
First, I've defined my lexer:
lexer grammar UsefulLexer;
package org.useful.lexer;
USEFUL_TOKEN:'I\'m useful, I promise!';
Second I've defined my parser.
parser grammar UsefulParser;
package org.useful.parser;
But when I build, I get the useful error:
cannot find tokens file /Users/me/Desktop/Workspace/Project_Name/src-gen/org/useful/parser/UsefulLexer.tokens
All the rules together work perfectly together in a combined grammar, or even separately, provided they are in the same package. However, for how I'm using Antlr, with multiple parsers sharing the same lexer, having all the components in the same package defeats the purpose of using packages in the first place.
I've consulted the docs, especially the section on grammar structure, and I can't find an official source for how to fix this. I've also tried the obvious solution, changing tokenVocab=UsefulLexer to tokenVocab=org.useful.lexer.UsefulLexer, but that doesn't even parse. (Which I find somewhat ironic.)
What is the syntax I am missing? Or is this just something that there isn't syntax for?
Have to build both the lexer and parser. Here is a simple test rig builder:
#echo off
rem Execute the Antlr compiler/generator tool
rem put grammar files in "D:/DevFiles/Java/src/test/parser"
set files=../UsefulLexer.g4 ../UsefulParser.g4
set CLASSPATH=D:/DevFiles/Java/lib/antlr-4.5-complete.jar
set tool=org.antlr.v4.Tool
set cmd="C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/java.exe"
set opts=-visitor
cd /d D:/DevFiles/Java/src/test/parser/gen
%cmd% %tool% %opts% %files%
rem timeout 5
To solve this, I had to modify my ANTLR build command for both the lexer and the parser, adding the -lib & -package options. Once I pointed -lib at the package of my lexer in my parser buildscript, and moved my package declarations to the build commands in both, it was smooth sailing.
Hope this helps someone else!
Do anybody know how to generate the rsc file of jdt's parser .I mean how to serialization the rule of parser .and where can i find the detail about the rule.
I have import jdt to my code ,and try to learn the rule of the parsr.
But the serialization rule confuse .Then i can easier to learn the rule if i find the code which is used to serialization the rule to rsc file.
i think i hava found the answer.