Content moving in PageViewController tutorial slides - ios

I'm using StoryBoards and have a PageViewController for my app tutorial screens.
All viewcontroller's on the storyboard are basically the same, except for a different image of course. When it's running... the first view shows the image anchored to the bottom instead of centering in the view.
As soon as I start sliding to the left, it jumps up to where it should be. All other subsequent views are working great. The second screen grab shows what happens after I start sliding to the next screen.
I'm stumped, I've never seen this before.
Any ideas?

Please check automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets is set to false in your container.


Swift: Setting View on top of SceneView not working

I'm trying to set up a layout where a Map is placed on top of the SceneView. When the app builds, the set up flashes for a second, and then the SceneView takes up the whole screen, completely hiding the other two views.
After moving the SceneView on the left hand menu and moving it back, the text started appearing but not the black background.
(I've got constraints set for the Scene View to take up the whole screen, and some constraints (right and bottom) on the Map too.
Why is it not working?
EDIT: It started working after I deleted the view and added it back in, but not sure why. #El Tomato says SceneViews always overlaps other views. Is this true (i.e. by accidentally getting it to work, am I utilizing a bug)?
It is doable. I'm doing it currently with an app I am using, but the difference is that I didn't set up the ARSceneView in the Interface builder, but I added it to fit the whole screen programmatically. I have some buttons that were added through the interface builder, and I added a label with a background now just to make sure it works similarly to how you want it.
I will post some images:
Here i simply have the view controller with some (bad looking buttons) in the stack View as well as the label with a red background. The ARSceneView is added in the my ViewDidAppear function and takes up the whole frame.
This picture is from the screen while the app is executing (Debugging the UI). As you can see, the Label with the background as well as the buttons I've added all show.
I also have 2 buttons that are showing as well (the white and red circle) and these were added programmatically and were brought to the front.
My suggestion is to try and add the ARSceneView programmatically, maybe it doesn't work otherwise. Or you can try to outlet all your views and bring the Map View and the Label to the front using bringSubviewToFront.

Views resize after pushing a view controller

I'm having a really strange behaviour. When my app starts everything is fine: the size of the views on screen are exactly the one specified in the storyboard. But just as I try to push a view controller its contents are scaled, so when I pop back the view is messed up.
Any clues?
First learn about Autolayout. Here is a good way to go
Second I am giving you a trick which may work.
Click on viewController
If you don't want your views to extend their edges to bottom or to the top deselect Under top bars and Under Bottom bars

iPad UITableView top right corner covered with white box in landscape popover

I am attempting to create a custom popover for an iPad application in landscape orientation. I created a new UITableViewController with static cells on my storyboard and set the size setting to "free form". I then set the size of the UITableView to my desired size. I connected a Modal segue from the parent controller to the new popover.
Then in the parent UIViewController I created a method that performs the segue through a custom presenter. After working through a bug in Apple's orientation handling routines, I got the popover to show at the correct location.
When I run the app, I then discovered that in the top right hand corner of the UITableView a white box is displayed that covers whatever I place in the UITableViewCell. The more cells I place in the table the longer this white box appears. So I believe it has something to do with the UITableViewCell not orienting properly although I have not figured out what yet.
I cannot seem to find what this box is, nor have I had any luck getting rid of it. Has anyone seen something like this? Any help to get this white box remove (or whatever is needed to get the cells working correctly again), will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
For anyone who is interested, I was able to work around this problem. It turns out that there is a bug in the modal segue logic that does not handle landscape orientation. So I created a XIB and presented that as my modal view. I still need to adjust things since it is landscape but the view displays correctly.
From what I understand this storyboard bug should be fixed soon.

Portion of iPad simulator screen responsive to swipes, but not button clicks

I have a UICollectionViewController in a container. On a specific portion of the screen (bottom right area in Landscape), it will register swipes, but the sections of buttons in that area are non-responsive.
The buttons are the top items in the view, so nothing overlays them. Only a portion of the button is non-responsive, and only when it is in that area of the screen. It is consistently the same area in every collectionView that is in a container.
Has anybody encountered this issue? Any potential causes or fixes?
Figured it out. I was using "freeform" viewControllers, and they were messing with my superview size. So, as rdelmar pointed out, my problem was that the buttons were outside the superview.
I solved the problem by deselecting "Resizes View From NIB" in my freeform viewControllers.

UINavigationController scrolls down on back button click

I'm working on an iPhone / iPad app with several navigation controllers. When I click a back button of a view while the device is in landscape mode, the previous view scrolls vertically into the screen, instead of scrolling horizontally as usual.
Push animations always work horizontally, as it should be.
What could be causing this weird problem?
Are you sure the view controller, you're getting back to, is set to deal with rotation properly ?
I had a similar issue using MonoTouch.Dialog until I added Autorotate = true; to every (non-leaf) DialogViewController inside my application.
